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I bumped up.. is that so wrong?

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Well, I had band placed on August 31, 2011 and according to the papers I was given, I am still supposed to be on "full liquids". I was getting very down and depressed and had the craving to CHEW. I just wanted to chew something, and popsicles, and icee pops were not working. So I bumped myself up to pureed foods. I tried it and it did not cause me any issues, so I have pretty much stayed there.

My 1st post op appointment is on the the 13th of September and I am a little worried that my Doctor is going to be unhappy of what I have done, but my family has said to do what my body will allow... My mom tells me to treat my belly like it is a new baby and starting it on foods for the 1st time. So that is what I have been doing.

I do still use the "full-liquids", as some foods are not very happy for me to eat. (found that out the hard way). I have not thrown-up, but I have had that over full feeling like I ate a HUGE meal (Thanksgiving dinner feeling).

I have all sorts of funky feelings going on inside... but I have just attributed them to normal for being this soon after surgery. I do know, however that getting hunger pangs don't feel good at all. It is not like, "drop me to the floor" ouch.. but they hurt. Also I get cramps from time to time on my left side.. much like the cramps you get when you drink Water and then walk or run.. don't know if that makes sense.. lol I get shoulder pains from time to time as well. Also once in awhile I get pain in my diaphram area. Hurts to breath in... I was told that is from the band. Hope that goes away for good soon.. I do not like that feeling... I would hate to make trips to the ER for fear of a heat attack and it be from the band...

I am really looking forward to being able to get back to using my Wii Fit...

OH there is one other thing.. Why do I always feel like I have to burp? I don't have to.. but my body goes through the motions as if I were going to and then.. nothing.... it does cause some discomfort.

I think that I have hit everything... I think..

I am up for this journey, and I have a long way to go..

pre-op I was 297, I am now 287 post-op, and I want to get to 150. So my path to walk is a long one, but going to do it!!!

Thanks Shell-

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According to my dr, full liquids are anything w/o lumps and with a consistency that it could go through a straw. So as long as your purees are thin enough you should be OK. I hate to tell you this, but all those symptoms you mentioned....left side pain, diaphragm pain, Thanksgiving feeling, feeling like you need to burp etc....for me those are signs that I ate too much!

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Based on my experience, I totally agree with you family. If you felt like you could chew and eat things comfortably then do it. I was banded in August of 2009 and I think I was eating somewhat solid food right out of the gate. I don't quite understand why some docs require you to be on a liquid diet for so long - perhaps to avoid complications. Obviously, I am not saying attempt to eat as you were pre surgery, but this band is a 'tool' (the reference that drove me absolutely out of my mind years ago, but describes it accurately) and during this entire process you will learn to work with this tool. Funny thing is - the directions continue to change along the way and what may have worked early on no longer works. In short, if you are comfortable eating small bites and such - you are not going to hurt anything.

Well, I had band placed on August 31, 2011 and according to the papers I was given, I am still supposed to be on "full liquids". I was getting very down and depressed and had the craving to CHEW. I just wanted to chew something, and popsicles, and icee pops were not working. So I bumped myself up to pureed foods. I tried it and it did not cause me any issues, so I have pretty much stayed there.

My 1st post op appointment is on the the 13th of September and I am a little worried that my Doctor is going to be unhappy of what I have done, but my family has said to do what my body will allow... My mom tells me to treat my belly like it is a new baby and starting it on foods for the 1st time. So that is what I have been doing.

I do still use the "full-liquids", as some foods are not very happy for me to eat. (found that out the hard way). I have not thrown-up, but I have had that over full feeling like I ate a HUGE meal (Thanksgiving dinner feeling).

I have all sorts of funky feelings going on inside... but I have just attributed them to normal for being this soon after surgery. I do know, however that getting hunger pangs don't feel good at all. It is not like, "drop me to the floor" ouch.. but they hurt. Also I get cramps from time to time on my left side.. much like the cramps you get when you drink Water and then walk or run.. don't know if that makes sense.. lol I get shoulder pains from time to time as well. Also once in awhile I get pain in my diaphram area. Hurts to breath in... I was told that is from the band. Hope that goes away for good soon.. I do not like that feeling... I would hate to make trips to the ER for fear of a heat attack and it be from the band...

I am really looking forward to being able to get back to using my Wii Fit...

OH there is one other thing.. Why do I always feel like I have to burp? I don't have to.. but my body goes through the motions as if I were going to and then.. nothing.... it does cause some discomfort.

I think that I have hit everything... I think..

I am up for this journey, and I have a long way to go..

pre-op I was 297, I am now 287 post-op, and I want to get to 150. So my path to walk is a long one, but going to do it!!!

Thanks Shell-

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I had my band placed on September 1st. I had my postop appt today and explained to the dietician that I am SUPER HUNGRY. She spoke with the doctor and they both agreed to let me add Greek Yogurt to my Protein shakes to thicken them up. They want their patients on the liquid for 2 full weeks. The dietician did mention to me that a previous MD that she worked with allowed puree at 10 days. I don't think you will have any problems if you stay with truly pureed foods and you don't over do it!!

Good luck!


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the only thing I am eating right now that is not "pureed" is my eggs in the morning for Breakfast. I have scrambled eggs(egg substitute) and fruit. I am eating only 4 oz. at any meal I eat. I found out that Pasta is NOT my friend.

My pains are whenever. I have had some afterwards, but others are not even around the time I have eaten. I am not throwing up, so I am good with that. lol

I am having hunger growls again.. Ugh! guess I will eat my Soup...

I have read so many things on this and have so many different stories as to what I can and can not eat.. makes me sorta freaked out.

I have decided that I will never eat bread or rice again. I am not too upset about that.. I have not tried to eat them.. but I do not want to either. I am more scared of getting a blockage than throwing up.

I have seen and read up on people who have had blockages, and I am not looking forward to that AT ALL.

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"Growling" from your stomach is not necessarily hunger pangs. You are eating less and not filling your stomach so it is shrinking. When you get those feelings you should drink Water and wait 10 minutes. If it passes then it wasn't hunger. Make sure you actually "feel" hungry and are not just in a habit of eating every so often, I know I have that problem. =D If you are less than 2 weeks in, I would cut out the eggs and fruit, that could be your problem. You may not be feeling it right after you eat because it is sitting in your upper stomach for a while and when it starts to pass through the band it is having trouble and that may be what's causing the nausea. Good luck!

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Yet another person that has decided to go against their Dr's instructions and then come here looking for approval/validation. What is there to say that hasn't been said before............................................


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Yea, wow is right! so much for a support group! @ StewsHunnyBunny, I was also banded 8/31, I was on liquids for 1 week, and then started the pureed yesterday after my 1 week post op visit with my Dr. i was very excited to have lost 15 lbs so far! I cannot bring myself to stuff food in a blender yet, so im just sticking to yogurt, mashed potatoes, Soups, and shakes. Each Dr. is different with what they want you to do, you are ready for the mushies now, so go ahead and enjoy those eggs! Oh and i feel all those pains and weird things you mentioned too, my Dr. said its normal. Good Luck!

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Well I am a firm believer in following Dr's orders. I was banded August 22nd. I was just released to mushy foods 2 days ago. I'm still pretty much on liquids have tried mashed potatoes that didn't go well. It didn't make me sick just gave me a heavy feeling. I know you get sick of being on the same diet for any amount of time. But I believe your surgeon has your best interest at heart and studies have proven this is really the best way. I understand everyone is different, and I am also hungry a lot, but I just let it pass. I know I have to be stronger than my urges or this will have been a waste of time for me.

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I also have to say I followed my doctors orders. Was I hungry YES. At two weeks I asked the nurse if I could move to mushies 4 days early. Her answer. "Absolutely NOT!". Keep in mind I lost 50 pounds presurgery so it was'nt like she thought I was'nt commited.

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Let's all show a little empathy and kindness, okay? If we were all as perfect as some posters seem to think they are, we would never have needed the surgery.

I say, try to follow your surgeon's directions. But if occasionally you can't, and if you chew slowly and carefully, you will be fine.

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Everyone is different and you have to do what works for you. I was banded on 29 Aug and still am pretty much just eating the liquid part of the whole thing. My doctor told me I have to wait until the 3 week mark to start eating solid. I told him I was craving jalapenos and that I wanted to throw some jalapeno relish in some cottage cheese and he said go ahead. Also, according to my doctor's instructions I shouldn't have started cottage cheese until 3 weeks. I had to have something that was a little bit solid and he told me it was ok to start that early. I agree with shellabee from above, I'm not sure I would be eating eggs and fruit before the solid stage is supposed to start. And the reason we're supposed to be on a liquid diet is to prevent the stomach from having to do too much work so it can heal properly and not take longer to heal. It's like this though, if you can tolerate whatever and it causes no problems, then do what you feel you must. I'm not having any issues eating the jalapenos, so I keep eating them for now. I know, as I'm sure most people on here know, YES, the liquid stage sucks after a few days, but I think it's better in the long run to stick with what your doctor tells you. Alot of the pain you describe was the same for me. It would hurt if I burped, or couched, or sneezed, or if I over ate. And you will have some pain for a bit, they just got done routing around in there so your body needs time to heel. Pretty much all of my pain issues are gone. I started walking the first night of my surgery and every night for the next 8 days (2 to 3 miles each time) and that seemed to help clear the pain and gas really well. Port site is still a bit tender, but that gets better everyday. All I can say is, patience. It will get better.

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Yet another person that has decided to go against their Dr's instructions and then come here looking for approval/validation. What is there to say that hasn't been said before............................................


I want to thank you so much!! You were very helpful and I think we are all just a little bit more educated on these matters with your kind and thoughtful words.

I am so pleased to know that we have people in this group such as yourself, that has such insight to help those who have just begun their journey and are looking for help and guidance.

Thanks again and God Bless


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I just want to thank everyone for their kind and helpful words.

I am sorry of anyone thought that I was looking for approval.. what I was looking for is other peoples stories and to see if I was the only one that "cheated" a little. Ya know it makes ya feel a little bit better knowing that you are NOT the ONLY one. Lord knows I am not a Saint and I am human and make many mistakes.. and I am known to push the envelop from time to time. Like after my surgery I told the nurses that I wanted OFF my pain meds.. I hate pain meds. If I "need" them.. then fine, but dang.. the small amount of pain this caused was nothing... it was less than child birth and I breezed through that too with nothing... I am just what I am.. I do not try to be anything else.

If I offened anyone with my life and choices, I am sorry, but I do what I do.. I do not ask anyone to do it for me... (with the exception of the Lap-Band) and even that is still ME to do.. ya know?


The only (I guess) solid foods I eat, is my egg and fruit in the morning. What I eat is a 1/4 cup of egg substitute scrambled up really small and fresh fruit smashed up on my little saucer. I eat it very slowly with a baby spoon so I do not get "too much" in my mouth to chew up. It goes down fine and I do not have any issues after I eat it. I wait 30 mins and then I drink Water till I am "hungry" again which in about 3 to 4 hours later...

Also.. I missed my lunch yesterday, as I was doing work around the house, took care of my husband (as he is still under heavy pain meds and in a neck collar) and then wanted to go for a walk and then stopped over to visit some new neighbors we met, and so for dinner that night... I had.... a wonderful blueberry and cantaloup with vanilla yogurt smoothie (not a solid). I still had my funky feelings inside and I still had some cramping throughout the day.. but I really am not thinking it was from the eggs I had at 8AM.

Just so ya all know.. I am not mad.. I am not upset (I was at 1st after reading a post). I am just going to keep on my journey and try to do the best that I can, and as I grow with this journey I will extend my hand out to those looking for help that come up behind me and reach out for it.

Thank you all again so much!!

Take care and God Bless


sorry for the novel

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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