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I had my lap-band surgery one week ago yesterday at Yale New Haven Hospital. The surgery itself went fine. My PAC-U stay was long since I was having severe chest pain (or possibly heart burn for a few hours). The post-op in the hospital was rough. I felt A LOT of pain and nausea - as if I was run over by a truck. No one prepared me for this. They said it would be "uncomfortable" for a few days or weeks. They kept giving me meds that either wouldn't help or that caused an adverse reaction... I was dry heaving and throwing up, even while they took me for my x-ray... (No barium test because it was friday evening by the time I got to my room and everyone was trying to get home before the big hurricane).

To be honest I felt the hospital treatment was very lacking and I would not go back there for any other procedure. It seemed like no one knew what was going on or what they were doing. It took forever to get meds or ice chips or help with getting around. AND -- they actually sent me home with a perccocet liquid med even though I had a red band on saying I was allergic to perccocet!!! I was so out of it that I didn't realize what I was given. As a result, the next 24 hours at home were a nightmare, too. Outside, hurricane Irene was barraging us and trees were collapsing around us; inside, I was experiencing severe chest pain and difficulty breathing in addition the the pain around my incisions and my abdomen. I thought I was having a heart attack or a collapsed lung! It was very scary until I realized it always happened 15-20 minutes after I would take my meds. I have a baby and there was no way we were getting back to the hospital in the middle of the night with a hurricane raging and all. Luckily, my husband is a firefighter and EMT and he was keeping me calm and taking my pulse, and assuring me it wasn't a cardiology issue. The next day I stopped taking the Syrup and called the doctor. Pharmacies were all closed and out of power around here, so it was a lucky thing that I still had my oxycodone that I took after my c-section. The doctor said to crush that and use it until we could get to his office and get something else.

Once I passed that hurdle I started to feel a little better every day, and tomorrow it will be one week since the surgery so I guess that's good. However, I am having a really hard time with my liquid phase, which for me is 2 weeks. Believe it or not, I hate sweets, and they only stuff I'm allowed to have is 6 oz a day or ensure, boost or one of those nasty overly sweet shakes. I can't drink them without feeling nausea. In the first few days I wasn't even hungry, but now I am starving and drinking this stuff out of lack of choice but it's really torture at this point. Yesterday the nurse at the doctor's office said I could have low sodium broth. That's gross and does not feel like anything nourishing... I also found out yesterday for the first time that the dr. expects me to be on basically an Atkins diet until I reach my goal. REALLY??? I didn't have this surgery and go throw this to do the Atkins. I could have done that without this. My intention was to eat a healthy, low fat, balanced diet in small portions. Not to feel like I can't certain things (unless they cause pain, obviously).

So to sum it up, right now I an starving (don't know how I'll go another week without eating anything), doubting my decision to have the surgery, and disappointed with both my doctor's orders and the hospital care. That is my story so far...

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Okay, reality check- YOUR DOCTOR SUCKS!. Oh my goodness, I can only believe how you feel.

I have a whole family of lap banders...my mom received the procedure first in 2008, I received it last year along with my aunt and my uncle, and then another uncle received it 6 months ago..and let me tell you..we follow NO diet.

The whole point of the surgery is to be able to lose weight on your own schedule and time but by doing it slowly and healthily. You have to learn to eat healthier and know how to make healthier decisions about your food. Stop the Atkins diet now! Once you start living with your band and getting your restriction..you are going to need all the calories you can get so your body isn't in starvation mode. Eat what you want and notice how much smaller the portions are that you can handle. You will start to notice that most of the things you used to love to eat, won't even go down anymore.

My mom is very stubborn and HATES to diet, she never did even at her heaviest, and that is why she got this surgery so she wouldn't have to diet. My mom lost 140lbs in 2 years just from the band doing what it does best. She never followed a diet and she definitely never exercised (which i do NOT recommend) and she lost her weight basically learning on her own how to live with the band and how it adjusts your lifestyle.

Do not be miserable with this, be HAPPY! You are doing something positive for your life and I promise you will never have to live again like you have lived being your heaviest. Stop the dieting, thats why you got the surgery, eat healthier and be conscious about your food choices. If you'd like a better Dr. move to IL :) my Dr. and all of the nurses that I see for my appointments are great and never discourage me by that horrible word..diet. :P

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I also am a recent lap bander. I just had my surgery August 22nd. I'm on a full liquid diet. Yeah I am getting sick of it, but I know this is just a temporary situation and I have to push on. Trust me I'm so sick of Protein Drinks right now its ridiculous. You just have to envision the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I know you're reading this and thinking OMG this girl is sickening, and trust me I'm not a positive person all the time. It's just something I have to think to get myself through right now. I'm so sorry your treatment at the hospital was so bad. If it was me I would contact the CEO and report that. That could happen to someone else and a mistake could severely harm someone else.

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Thank you so much for this post! I am sitting at home starving and feeling alone in this new phase of my life... I was starting to like I made a huge mistake with the surgery... I feel misinformed and betrayed by my health care providers right now so I think that's making it worse. I appreciate your "reality check" and that you shared your family's story. That was exactly why I choose to have Lap-band and not bypass sugery or do Atkins on my own again -- I want to be able to eat healthy but have help with Portion Control. I already was eating healthy before and I exercise (even a week out from surgery). My body just would not loose the weight or does it so slowly that it provided no motivation to continue so I would yo-yo. I wish I could move to IL... I might try to find another doctor in New Haven area, though. Thanks again for your advice!


Okay, reality check- YOUR DOCTOR SUCKS!. Oh my goodness, I can only believe how you feel.

I have a whole family of lap banders...my mom received the procedure first in 2008, I received it last year along with my aunt and my uncle, and then another uncle received it 6 months ago..and let me tell you..we follow NO diet.

The whole point of the surgery is to be able to lose weight on your own schedule and time but by doing it slowly and healthily. You have to learn to eat healthier and know how to make healthier decisions about your food. Stop the Atkins diet now! Once you start living with your band and getting your restriction..you are going to need all the calories you can get so your body isn't in starvation mode. Eat what you want and notice how much smaller the portions are that you can handle. You will start to notice that most of the things you used to love to eat, won't even go down anymore.

My mom is very stubborn and HATES to diet, she never did even at her heaviest, and that is why she got this surgery so she wouldn't have to diet. My mom lost 140lbs in 2 years just from the band doing what it does best. She never followed a diet and she definitely never exercised (which i do NOT recommend) and she lost her weight basically learning on her own how to live with the band and how it adjusts your lifestyle.

Do not be miserable with this, be HAPPY! You are doing something positive for your life and I promise you will never have to live again like you have lived being your heaviest. Stop the dieting, thats why you got the surgery, eat healthier and be conscious about your food choices. If you'd like a better Dr. move to IL :) my Dr. and all of the nurses that I see for my appointments are great and never discourage me by that horrible word..diet. :P

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Hi Lisa,

Thanks for replying!

Yeah, this phase has turned out to be much harder than I thought. I wouldn't mind the all liquid thing as much if I could have some non-sweet stuff other than low sodium broth. I just hate sweets so I'm literally gagging every time I drink this stuff, and I can only stomach the vanilla flavor so it's getting old quick and I don't know how I'll be able to do for another week. I'm also confused because it seems other people on here have Dr's who tell them they can have other Soups during this phase, or move past this phase quicker, so I don't know what's the right thing to do anymore. Starve or eat something that other recovering Lap-banders had and were fine? I'm trying to think positive as you said and about the end result, but it's just rough when your stomach is grumbling all the time and the only thing you can eat makes you nauseous.

As for the hospital, I plan on writing all of this stuff on the survey they send post-ops.

I also am a recent lap bander. I just had my surgery August 22nd. I'm on a full liquid diet. Yeah I am getting sick of it, but I know this is just a temporary situation and I have to push on. Trust me I'm so sick of Protein drinks right now its ridiculous. You just have to envision the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I know you're reading this and thinking OMG this girl is sickening, and trust me I'm not a positive person all the time. It's just something I have to think to get myself through right now. I'm so sorry your treatment at the hospital was so bad. If it was me I would contact the CEO and report that. That could happen to someone else and a mistake could severely harm someone else.

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Hi Lisa,

Thanks for replying!

Yeah, this phase has turned out to be much harder than I thought. I wouldn't mind the all liquid thing as much if I could have some non-sweet stuff other than low sodium broth. I just hate sweets so I'm literally gagging every time I drink this stuff, and I can only stomach the vanilla flavor so it's getting old quick and I don't know how I'll be able to do for another week. I'm also confused because it seems other people on here have Dr's who tell them they can have other Soups during this phase, or move past this phase quicker, so I don't know what's the right thing to do anymore. Starve or eat something that other recovering Lap-banders had and were fine? I'm trying to think positive as you said and about the end result, but it's just rough when your stomach is grumbling all the time and the only thing you can eat makes you nauseous.

As for the hospital, I plan on writing all of this stuff on the survey they send post-ops.


I was banded on the 25th and I am very happy so far with my results. I am so sorry you have had such a bad experience. I too was starving until the 29th and when I told my Dr he said I could eat mushies and gradually go to food over the next 3 weeks. I was on Optifast for 2 weeks before my diet and only lost 6 lbs but have lost 3 since surgery last week. My Dr seems to be more liberal with the food than most. I could have applesauce and strained Soup right after surgery. I don't know why their pre and post op diets are so different. I'm no medical professional but if the nurse said you could have broth then maybe try some strained pureed low sodium Soup would be OK. It least it would have a little taste. Someone suggested Won Ton Chinese soup to me too. Hang in there!



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go to lapband.com and register. there you can find all kinds of recipes for all the stages. different ways to make the broth taste good. i know it sucks, that is why the first 2 weeks are banders hell. once you get to the mushy stage, so much better.

in a way, it is kind of is the adkins diet, meaning you can't have white bread, at least you shouldn't as it is like a cork and will come back up. i don't eat chips or any kind white breads as they don't go down well and it hurts. i can eat whole wheat in small bites. yes it sucks not eating deep dish pizza, but hey it is not good for me anyways, so i deal with it. you learn to eat with the band and what it will allow you to eat. it is a tool and won't do all the work for you.

hope things get better for you soon.

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I can have blended fat free cream Soups, apple sauce, and yogurt.. Trust me my Protein Drink are starting to make me gag. My stomach also grumbles a lot too. And I also feel hungry a lot. I can't wait till the next diet stage. I am looking forward to pretzels lol.

Hi Lisa,

Thanks for replying!

Yeah, this phase has turned out to be much harder than I thought. I wouldn't mind the all liquid thing as much if I could have some non-sweet stuff other than low sodium broth. I just hate sweets so I'm literally gagging every time I drink this stuff, and I can only stomach the vanilla flavor so it's getting old quick and I don't know how I'll be able to do for another week. I'm also confused because it seems other people on here have Dr's who tell them they can have other soups during this phase, or move past this phase quicker, so I don't know what's the right thing to do anymore. Starve or eat something that other recovering Lap-banders had and were fine? I'm trying to think positive as you said and about the end result, but it's just rough when your stomach is grumbling all the time and the only thing you can eat makes you nauseous.

As for the hospital, I plan on writing all of this stuff on the survey they send post-ops.

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I saw you complaining that you're not getting enough replies. I think most people don't really read the introductions board, so if you have a question you might be better off trying to post it in post-surgery questions.

That being said, I'm really concerned that you had been given no information whatsoever about your post-op/banded "diet" before you had the surgery. You were never told what kinds and amounts of food you'd be expected to stick to once you were banded? If so, I wonder what else they didn't tell you.

Yes, most banded people are told to stick to a high Protein, low-carb diet. It's probably similar to Atkins, but not the same. Personally, I try to stick to 80 or more g of Protein a day, and under 100g of carbs a day.

As for post-op I had 1 week Clear liquids, then 1 week "full" liquids. So that was pretty much anything I could drink, no lumps. Nothing that could be chewed. I'd put whatever Soup I wanted in the blender and mix it up, then drink it down.

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Thanks, Rachel! I tried posting in different places and got no responses so then I posted in the intro, thinking most people go there... I'll try your suggestion, though! I'm just feeling very alone and confused (and hungry) right now and this is my main support system until I go to my dr's office support session next week. That meets once a month and I can see now that I'll need it.

I too am very concerned and upset that this diet wasn't shared with me before. My insurance only required me to have one meeting with a nutritionist, and they went over a low fat, high Protein diet with me, but never said no carbs... It's not like I want to pig out on carbs. I just chose this surgery as opposed to continuing to yo yo diet or having the bypass because I thought I could eat basically anything in moderation/small portions. And I planned to eat healthy and exercise too. My neighbor had the surgery 8 years ago, lost 100lbs and eats small portions of whatever she wants, mostly (I know some things get stuck).

As for the diet, I'm only allowed clear broth and those nasty ensure, boost and those types of shakes. I hate sweets (plus everything is tasting overly sweet right now anyway) so I literally gag when I drink the shakes, which I'm only allowed 6oz a day of. I don't see how I can not be hungry on clear broth, Water, and 6 oz a day of shakes. I asked the nurse at my first visit if I could have other Soups and purred stuff and she said no. I'm reluctant to go again her orders, but at the same time, I'm reading about so many different post-op instructions/options that I feel like my doctor's maybe a bit too strict. I'm torn about what to do...

I saw you complaining that you're not getting enough replies. I think most people don't really read the introductions board, so if you have a question you might be better off trying to post it in post-surgery questions.

That being said, I'm really concerned that you had been given no information whatsoever about your post-op/banded "diet" before you had the surgery. You were never told what kinds and amounts of food you'd be expected to stick to once you were banded? If so, I wonder what else they didn't tell you.

Yes, most banded people are told to stick to a high Protein, low-carb diet. It's probably similar to Atkins, but not the same. Personally, I try to stick to 80 or more g of protein a day, and under 100g of carbs a day.

As for post-op I had 1 week Clear Liquids, then 1 week "full" liquids. So that was pretty much anything I could drink, no lumps. Nothing that could be chewed. I'd put whatever Soup I wanted in the blender and mix it up, then drink it down.

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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