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Hello everyone! I'm new to this online forum stuff, never done it before so please be nice lol :)

I'm 27 and I live in the SF/Bay area. I just recently decided to take on this journey with the Lap Band, I went to my consultation about 3 weeks ago and I'm just about done with all my testing for insurance approval.

I'm having so many mixed feeling about this whole thing and I don't know who to turn too, given my experience has involved everyone I could talk to and so far has not been what I was expecting.

Let me explain...

My original consultation was very strange and akward, not to mention the huge stack of paper work I had to fill out twice which is totally understandable but may I add that EVERYTIME I'v come in for anything I'v had to sign the same stack of paper work over again. I felt like the whole process was rushed, the doctor that spoke with me during the consultation didn't really have much to say and pretty much had the same answer to every question I asked. And honestly didn't give me much, I found more answers to any questions I had myself by researching online.

I spoke to a nurse, doctor, psychologist, nutritionist and a "consultant" all in about 20-30 min. The nutritionist could barely speak any english and just the same gave me blank answers to any concerns I had regarding the pre opt diet. My experience with the pschycologist was over the phone for about 5 min to which I was asked a few questions and then told to tell my consultant that I was "cleared". My consultant (lets call her Lisa) then booked me for my Endoscopy/Ultrasound etc. All of this done while being recorded by a camera. Very strange to me.

I had to request the time off for my appointment that lisa told me was ONLY available on weekends (I'm off during the week which I though would have worked out perfect) Negative. Also my appointment was going to take place 1 hour away from where I live so since I was going to have to travel and request off from work to do this, I decided to do everything in one day ie. my sleep Apnea test also. Lisa then told me under no circumstances should I speak to anyone regarding canceling or rescheduling my appointments, to ALWAYS speak to her directly.

Within the two days prior to my appointment I received 7 different appointment confirmation calls from 7 different people, the first coming from lisa. After the fourth call I called her back to notify her that I was receiving non stop calls and she apologized saying they weren't suppose to be calling me, and to not worry about it she would confirm my appointment for me. Why not do this after our first call?? Then of course I ended up receiving 3 more additional calls the last one being on the morning of my appointment day confirming that I was comming in at 12noon (my appointment was scheduled for 3pm). I told the lady that my appointment had been set for 3pm checking in at 2pm but she rudely insisted that lisa had scheduled me for 12 noon check in at 11am. I told her there must be some kind of mistake that I would call lisa. I call lisa to find out she changed my appointment and didn't even bother calling to let me know, or at that if I was even available that early REALLY?? I told her I wasn't free and I wouldn't be able to come in that early, not to mention the drive alone was 1 hour. She said it was fine and she would see me at 2pm.

I arrive for my appointment at 2pm (filled out same stack of paperwork) and was called in to begin. Complete deja vu from my consultation, akward, uncomfortable and rushed.

The doctor enters the room asks me a series of questions, explains the procedure (endoscopy) and walks out, never giving me the opportunity to say anything whatsoever. A nurse then comes in asks me the same exact questions and as she attempts to draw blood she mentions to me how unfortunate it is that I wasn't able to arrive any earlier, that they had many cancellations that day and that I was the last appointment for the day. And because of the late hour that I had arrived, the doctor was going to miss his flight going home to LA. But they were going to try their best to finish up with me as soon as possible. In my opinion completely uncalled for and unprofessional on her part, something you definetely do not say to a patient. She then leaves the room after her attempts to draw blood where unsuccessful. The nurse then comes back with the anesthesiologist who then asks me the SAME EXACT questions again and also attempts to draw blood, with no success he eventually moves down to my hand numbs it and attempts a few more times. After digging with the needle for about 5 min he's finally successful and leaves the room. All of this also being recorded by a camera, why???

I'm changed and preped and ready for the endoscopy procedure, a surgical nurse then enters the room and YES ASKS ME THE SAME SERIES OF QUESTIONS and explains what is about to happen. The time comes and as I'm being rolled into the OR I hear the anesthesiologist say to the doctor "theres no point in rushing now your definitely going to miss your flight" Are you kidding me???

I come out from my anesthesia and immediately taken for my ultrasound. After the ultrasound I'm directed to a room were another female doctor comes in and begins asking me a different series of question in which she never at any point let me finish answering before moving on to the next. At this point I was extremly annoyed and couldn't wait to leave that office. When we were done we made our way back to the lobby to find the entire office empy, everyone had left. I had my sleep study scheduled later that evening so I left the facility to have dinner before returning. I completed my sleep study with amazingly no issues whatsoever and departed early the next morning.

I got a call back a few days later with the results of my sleep study to find out that I would have to do it for a second time. The guy I spoke to explains the procedures for the 2nd sleep study and proceeds to book an appointment for me. I then find out from him that I could have gone to a office that is 10 min away from my house to have my previous procedures done! AND that availability is open ALL WEEK including weekends!! I was livid! I was able to book my 2nd sleep study on my day off which will take place this tuesday.

If your still with me at this point lol these are my questions:

Have any of you been thru this? Or is this just my luck?

Am I able to get another consultant?

Are they assigned to you thru out the whole process or only during the approval process?

If so who would I call to request another consultant?

There hasn't been a single person I'v spoken to more than once except for lisa, and I'v seen many faces so far thru this process. I need some kind of stability, assurance, something. I feel like lisa either has to much on her plate or just doesn't care, I haven't been able to express my feeling or concerns about anything with anyone. I have so many questions regarding the post and pre opt diet but who do I call? The lady who can't speak english?? There's so many people involved yet I'm feeling hopeless and alone, is this really as good as it gets? I'm praying to god the whole surgery experience doesn't turn out the same. I'm terrified about this whole thing and to feel like I'm just another "sale" doesn't make me feel any better. My experience so far has given me such a negative perspective that it's making me reconsider even doing it at all. I'm open to anything anyone has to say please :(

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Well personally I dont like being told to wait and all that, but I'm impatient and dont require much care or questions. I've researched all I could about the lapband before I even began my journey. Some people need more involvement with the staff and etc, I dont really. I'm like yeah, yeah lets get this done. If you feel uncomfortable with the office you are going thru then you need to let them know in a tactful way. If nothing is done then change doctors. There are plenty available to work with your schedule and everything.

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demand answers, starting with why you were filmed and how that film will be used. Refuse to leave the room until you get answers. This is your body and you have rights. And if nothing changes, find a new dr.

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If you are having these 'issues' now' you're not going to be any happier after your lap band surgery when you might need it the most. I say find somewhere else! What area do you live in? You might look into True Results. I'm in Texas and had good luck with them.

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After all you've been through, I hate to say it, but I think I'd look for a new doctor. I started at my regular family doctor, he referred me to the bariatric surgeon in the same Hospital. I experienced NOTHING like you did. And what the HELL is with the cameras? I'd have to find that out.

It is a long process, but it is very worth it. Keep us posted and Good Luck!

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All I have to say is omg, and wow! that is insane. I personally would have went off at the fact that i was called 7 times to confirm. that is absolute BS that they made you feel bad about the doctor having to miss his flight. not your fault the moron booked his flight before his appts were done. that is so unethical it is not even funny. I would have reported each and every one of the medical "professionals", and i am using the word "professionals" loosely here, to their appropriate boards to be investigated. If you are uncomfortable with the people you are working with, and it sounds as if you are, then i would switch doctors. You are not going to be happy when you do get your band and it sounds like to me you will not be able to call them in an emergency, sounds like they are herding people in and out like cattle.

I did not feel comfortable with my first doctor and staff when i had my consultation, so i went to someone else. and i am glad that i did, cause he is awesome and one of the most premier, experienced lapband surgeon's in the country. he is down to earth and i call him Mr. Zen! his staff is great too. you can call them anytime for any emergency.

I do hope you get your situation figured out soon. wishing you luck :)

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Find another doctor. This is a lifelong committment between you, the lapband and the doctor. If they are treating you like that now, how is the surgery and the follow-up care going to be? I complain sometimes that my doctors are too involved and it is taking too long to get my surgery clearance. But I know I am forging a lifetime commitment between all of us.

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Hon, I agree with everyone who has posted. FIND a new doctor. Try to find a center of excellence in your community or nearby. They are held to extremely high standards. My experience has been nothing like this.

Please keep us posted. Welcome to our forum.


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OMG I'm blown away by the support, you guys are awesome!! (Kinda teared up a bit) I know, I know I'm a wuss lol...Thank you so much for the advice. I sooo did not know I had the option of switching doctors or offices. I will definitely look into this ASAP. @ screeden That's exactly what it felt like! Being herded like cattle, not the best when I was already so nervous. Again thank you guys so much, I think I finally found the support system I was looking for :) I will definitely keep eveyone posted.

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I can't even finish reading your post...I had to stop reading so I could tell you to RUN!!! Not just RUN but RUN FAST!!

Now...I will continue to read your post.

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So, I just finished reading your post and all I can say is WOW!! My PCP warned me about doctors out there like this and I thought he was full of it and just trying to get me to go to one of his doctor friends. WOW!!

Listen, this is a LIFE decision and there is a reason that you saw all of these RED flags prior to surgery. I just can not let myself think of all the things that could happen if you let them perform surgery on you.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE find you a Center of Excellence to go to. There is a reason they are recording and we dont want to know them!!


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This is quite strange. I had separate appointments with each of these people for an hour each. I also would suggest you look for a center of excellence. The difference is night and day from what you've gone through. You're going to need these people for years to come, so you want someone you'll be comfortable with.

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Hello everyone! I'm new to this online forum stuff, never done it before so please be nice lol :)

I'm 27 and I live in the SF/Bay area. I just recently decided to take on this journey with the Lap Band, I went to my consultation about 3 weeks ago and I'm just about done with all my testing for insurance approval.

I'm having so many mixed feeling about this whole thing and I don't know who to turn too, given my experience has involved everyone I could talk to and so far has not been what I was expecting.

Let me explain...

My original consultation was very strange and akward, not to mention the huge stack of paper work I had to fill out twice which is totally understandable but may I add that EVERYTIME I'v come in for anything I'v had to sign the same stack of paper work over again. I felt like the whole process was rushed, the doctor that spoke with me during the consultation didn't really have much to say and pretty much had the same answer to every question I asked. And honestly didn't give me much, I found more answers to any questions I had myself by researching online.

I spoke to a nurse, doctor, psychologist, nutritionist and a "consultant" all in about 20-30 min. The nutritionist could barely speak any english and just the same gave me blank answers to any concerns I had regarding the pre opt diet. My experience with the pschycologist was over the phone for about 5 min to which I was asked a few questions and then told to tell my consultant that I was "cleared". My consultant (lets call her Lisa) then booked me for my Endoscopy/Ultrasound etc. All of this done while being recorded by a camera. Very strange to me.

I had to request the time off for my appointment that lisa told me was ONLY available on weekends (I'm off during the week which I though would have worked out perfect) Negative. Also my appointment was going to take place 1 hour away from where I live so since I was going to have to travel and request off from work to do this, I decided to do everything in one day ie. my sleep Apnea test also. Lisa then told me under no circumstances should I speak to anyone regarding canceling or rescheduling my appointments, to ALWAYS speak to her directly.

Within the two days prior to my appointment I received 7 different appointment confirmation calls from 7 different people, the first coming from lisa. After the fourth call I called her back to notify her that I was receiving non stop calls and she apologized saying they weren't suppose to be calling me, and to not worry about it she would confirm my appointment for me. Why not do this after our first call?? Then of course I ended up receiving 3 more additional calls the last one being on the morning of my appointment day confirming that I was comming in at 12noon (my appointment was scheduled for 3pm). I told the lady that my appointment had been set for 3pm checking in at 2pm but she rudely insisted that lisa had scheduled me for 12 noon check in at 11am. I told her there must be some kind of mistake that I would call lisa. I call lisa to find out she changed my appointment and didn't even bother calling to let me know, or at that if I was even available that early REALLY?? I told her I wasn't free and I wouldn't be able to come in that early, not to mention the drive alone was 1 hour. She said it was fine and she would see me at 2pm.

I arrive for my appointment at 2pm (filled out same stack of paperwork) and was called in to begin. Complete deja vu from my consultation, akward, uncomfortable and rushed.

The doctor enters the room asks me a series of questions, explains the procedure (endoscopy) and walks out, never giving me the opportunity to say anything whatsoever. A nurse then comes in asks me the same exact questions and as she attempts to draw blood she mentions to me how unfortunate it is that I wasn't able to arrive any earlier, that they had many cancellations that day and that I was the last appointment for the day. And because of the late hour that I had arrived, the doctor was going to miss his flight going home to LA. But they were going to try their best to finish up with me as soon as possible. In my opinion completely uncalled for and unprofessional on her part, something you definetely do not say to a patient. She then leaves the room after her attempts to draw blood where unsuccessful. The nurse then comes back with the anesthesiologist who then asks me the SAME EXACT questions again and also attempts to draw blood, with no success he eventually moves down to my hand numbs it and attempts a few more times. After digging with the needle for about 5 min he's finally successful and leaves the room. All of this also being recorded by a camera, why???

I'm changed and preped and ready for the endoscopy procedure, a surgical nurse then enters the room and YES ASKS ME THE SAME SERIES OF QUESTIONS and explains what is about to happen. The time comes and as I'm being rolled into the OR I hear the anesthesiologist say to the doctor "theres no point in rushing now your definitely going to miss your flight" Are you kidding me???

I come out from my anesthesia and immediately taken for my ultrasound. After the ultrasound I'm directed to a room were another female doctor comes in and begins asking me a different series of question in which she never at any point let me finish answering before moving on to the next. At this point I was extremly annoyed and couldn't wait to leave that office. When we were done we made our way back to the lobby to find the entire office empy, everyone had left. I had my sleep study scheduled later that evening so I left the facility to have dinner before returning. I completed my sleep study with amazingly no issues whatsoever and departed early the next morning.

I got a call back a few days later with the results of my sleep study to find out that I would have to do it for a second time. The guy I spoke to explains the procedures for the 2nd sleep study and proceeds to book an appointment for me. I then find out from him that I could have gone to a office that is 10 min away from my house to have my previous procedures done! AND that availability is open ALL WEEK including weekends!! I was livid! I was able to book my 2nd sleep study on my day off which will take place this tuesday.

If your still with me at this point lol these are my questions:

Have any of you been thru this? Or is this just my luck?

Am I able to get another consultant?

Are they assigned to you thru out the whole process or only during the approval process?

If so who would I call to request another consultant?

There hasn't been a single person I'v spoken to more than once except for lisa, and I'v seen many faces so far thru this process. I need some kind of stability, assurance, something. I feel like lisa either has to much on her plate or just doesn't care, I haven't been able to express my feeling or concerns about anything with anyone. I have so many questions regarding the post and pre opt diet but who do I call? The lady who can't speak english?? There's so many people involved yet I'm feeling hopeless and alone, is this really as good as it gets? I'm praying to god the whole surgery experience doesn't turn out the same. I'm terrified about this whole thing and to feel like I'm just another "sale" doesn't make me feel any better. My experience so far has given me such a negative perspective that it's making me reconsider even doing it at all. I'm open to anything anyone has to say please :(

Monica run like hell!! I wouldn't let these people touch me with a ten feet pole!!!!! Don't ever become so desperate where you r willing to accept anything and if there crap is not togather now!!! mmmmm it will not be togather later!!! It like a dam meat market!!! keep looking ok!!!!!! Anyway be bless on your journey

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I totally agree with the above posts. You need a surgeon you can trust and ask anything and who has time for you. He is providing a service that you are playing for. I would have got up and left. (I probably would have cried all the way home). You have to stand up for yourself. Find a new Doctor there are plenty of good caring Drs out there. I had my surgeon's cell phone number that he answered 24/7. I called him twice and he was so nice and said he would meet me at his office even though it was after hours.

Now about the camera no way. If they are worried about being accused of something they can send a nurse in to witness anything that is done. But no cameras. I think you will be happier if you have your records sent to another Dr with a better track record. Oh and be sure and tell them why you are getting a new Doctor. It is so worth waiting for but you sound like me and would like to be treated like a human being. ( Really I like being treated like the scared person I was about the whole process). My surgeon did ALL my fills himself everytime I went in. Find a new dr even if you have to repeat some test. It is worth the wait if you have. You will be losing your best friend . . .food . . . you need some who understand that, it makes the whole process easier.


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I agree with everyone else. I would not ever let that doctor perform surgery on me. The whole setup is not professional and the cameras make me think that they have been accused or sued for some improper behavior. The doctor you choose will be helping you on a regular basis to determine your fill level etc. You will need a professional and trusting relationship with him/her. You mentioned that you live in the SF/Bay area and so you should have several options available.

Good luck and keep us informed.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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