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Hello Everyone,

I'm another that has been behind the scenes in the Internet forums, You Tube,etc., watching the progress of those that have been banded for a couple of years! I started my journey April of this year, after the 3rd seminar I attended I decided to go for it. Luckily I had documentation of previous Weight Loss Programs from Curves, Weight Watchers, my YMCA membership, etc. So I didn't have complete the insurance program requirements for Weight Loss programs (they accepted what I had done). I have to work with a Nutritionist, Exercise Therapist. I completed a sleep Study and had to have an Endoscopy. I had everything completed by July and got my approval from BCBSIL in early August..Yeah!!! My surgeon is backlogged with patients therefore my surgery isn't scheduled until October 4.

I'm sooo looking forward to it and yes to be honest I'm a bit "anxious" about the changes in how I eat, socialize, etc. I'm employed, I'm a widow and since my husband died in 2003, I haven't had a lot of opportunities to date. I socialize with girlfriends, play Bingo, go out dining & movies alone, travel to see my children & grandchildren, etc. I was told by my one of my sons, Ma are you ready for this? You're all ready "pretty" now you are going to be getting a whole different type of attention from men after your body changes.

That kind of bothered me and I stated, I'd be a bit offended if a (man) that has seen me on a regular basis, would want to "date" me because my body changed?? Is that a normal feeling? I would think if they looked at me overall, they could have looked past the "weight" issue. I'm doing this to be the "best" I can be health wise, feel better about me, but are others really going to look at me differently??

Being a more "seasoned" woman, I'd like to hear from others that have been "Banded" in their lives at a later age and how it affected you mentally, socially, etc.

I also would like to hear from those that were "Pop/Soda" addicts and how they have been able to transition none in their lives after the Lap Band... I'm not a smoker or drinker and I always told people "Pepsi" was my drug of choice. I have significantly cut it down, over the last year, however at least once a week I will have about 20 ounces of one. I've read NO carbonated drinks after one is banded.. Does having the band take away "cravings" for that type of issue, what about my one cup of coffee a day with "cream & sugar" is that something that will be gone forever as well?

I know this is a pretty lengthy "introduction" it's probably just a drop in the bucket of all the feelings & issues I'm going through as I proceed.. Just jump in with any advice you may have and I say in advance "Thank you"

I'll be around for awhile, as I Journey into the life of a "Bandster"

As Ever,


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Welcome! Let me see if I can help with some of your questions. I am 55 and married for almost 4 years after being widowed in 1999.

1) yes men and women will look at you different. that can be good or it can be bad. Some men don't mind overweight women, some do...having said that..some also want a woman that is willing to take care of themselves..so sometimes its not the "looks" but the care that makes them change. And women will be jealous...natural.

2) I was addicted to diet coke...while I don't drink diet cokes now I do drink diet big red...regular sodas were never a problem for me because I have been drinking diet for so long it was natural. My dr has no problem with carbonated beverages.

3) I can't speak very much about the coffee and Creamer but imagine you will want a sugar substitute. Remember..this isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle change...so you can always have whatever you want...you just need to be aware of the consequences.

4) As far as eating out and social events. I still eat out. I just make wiser choices and usually eat off either the senior citizens menu or appetizers...But when I order a regular meal, it will sometimes last me 2 or 3 meals...I just get a to go box at the beginning of the meal and put what I don't want to eat in it.

5) They don't want us snacking but if you choose healthy Snacks..ie..carrots, etc...then you should be ok.

6) since you have a while...practice..eating slower, not drinking with your meals and changing the things you know you will need to change.

Here's wishing you lots of luck in your new journey.

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Hello Everyone,

I'm another that has been behind the scenes in the Internet forums, You Tube,etc., watching the progress of those that have been banded for a couple of years! I started my journey April of this year, after the 3rd seminar I attended I decided to go for it. Luckily I had documentation of previous Weight Loss Programs from Curves, Weight Watchers, my YMCA membership, etc. So I didn't have complete the insurance program requirements for Weight Loss programs (they accepted what I had done). I have to work with a Nutritionist, Exercise Therapist. I completed a sleep Study and had to have an Endoscopy. I had everything completed by July and got my approval from BCBSIL in early August..Yeah!!! My surgeon is backlogged with patients therefore my surgery isn't scheduled until October 4.

I'm sooo looking forward to it and yes to be honest I'm a bit "anxious" about the changes in how I eat, socialize, etc. I'm employed, I'm a widow and since my husband died in 2003, I haven't had a lot of opportunities to date. I socialize with girlfriends, play Bingo, go out dining & movies alone, travel to see my children & grandchildren, etc. I was told by my one of my sons, Ma are you ready for this? You're all ready "pretty" now you are going to be getting a whole different type of attention from men after your body changes.

That kind of bothered me and I stated, I'd be a bit offended if a (man) that has seen me on a regular basis, would want to "date" me because my body changed?? Is that a normal feeling? I would think if they looked at me overall, they could have looked past the "weight" issue. I'm doing this to be the "best" I can be health wise, feel better about me, but are others really going to look at me differently??

Being a more "seasoned" woman, I'd like to hear from others that have been "Banded" in their lives at a later age and how it affected you mentally, socially, etc.

I also would like to hear from those that were "Pop/Soda" addicts and how they have been able to transition none in their lives after the Lap Band... I'm not a smoker or drinker and I always told people "Pepsi" was my drug of choice. I have significantly cut it down, over the last year, however at least once a week I will have about 20 ounces of one. I've read NO carbonated drinks after one is banded.. Does having the band take away "cravings" for that type of issue, what about my one cup of coffee a day with "cream & sugar" is that something that will be gone forever as well?

I know this is a pretty lengthy "introduction" it's probably just a drop in the bucket of all the feelings & issues I'm going through as I proceed.. Just jump in with any advice you may have and I say in advance "Thank you"

I'll be around for awhile, as I Journey into the life of a "Bandster"

As Ever,


Hi, and welcome to our group. I am 54 and hoping for surgery sometime in October or November. I still have a few pounds to get down to my surgery pre-op weight but I have been successful in my high Protein. low carb diet that I was put on after my pre-op consult with the surgeon and dietician. I need one more nutrition visit and to lose the pounds before my case can go to my insurance for approval. I have several co-morbities so I am hoping that I won't have a hassle with that. If you have a choice, I recommend that you choose a center of excellence. Google it if it is unfamiliar. I do second all that sweetpea has said above. If you can conquer smaller portions. allowing more time to eat and learn to sip a lot of Water, I feel that you will do better.

I can't answer your dating questions as I have been married for several years. But I can suggest that it is critical to have a good support network of family and friends available before your surgery. I have told a lot of my friends but I have not told my sisters who live in different states as I do not expect that I would have much support. They are the "gut it up and just do it" type. If I do ever get to see them again, I would like to surprise them. Some of the folks here do not tell many people pre-op but I feel that is a personal decision for all.

If you can get some kind of exercise routine going, it would be beneficial. Start with trying to take stairs and park farther out in a parking lot. Try walking short distances and gradually working up. They say that walking is the best exercise and I believe it. My life can be very sedentary and walking is about the only outdoor thing I can safely do. I do have a membership at a gym and frequent it two to three times a week for low impact stuff. I have been riding a stationary bike for several years now due to bilateral knee replacements and I am gradually increasing the miles and resistance on it. I have begun walking on a treadmill for short distances.

I wish you all the best and hope that you will drop in often. Keep us posted on your pre-op progress.


I was a diet coke addict and gave it up about three years ago when it went over $4.99 a twelve pack. I went cold turkey and just started drinking lots of ice Water. I did not have much of a headache which I know is not the norm. The carbonation will stretch your stomach, thus allowing you to eat more. Many report that they lose the taste for it post op. I do have the one cup of coffee and realize I need to give it up soon. I hear tea is better especially decaffienated ones. Perhaps you can use sugar substitutes and skim milk? Lots of good luck....it will be worth it!

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I am also behind the scenes and had my banding in December, 2010. 51 pounds so far, but I have opted to take it slow and easy. However, I think I may need to get a fill here in September. I'm finding that I am beginning to get hungry in between meals. My insurance paid for my surgery with a 1,000 cost. I had to wait six months while supervised by my physician showing that I was trying to make an effort to diet. I am happy with this surgery even though many lose faster with bypass, I am satisfied. My sister had the bypass and I made this choice based on some of my observations with her experience. I'm 43 years old...seasoned enough? I like the changes in my body from size 24 to size 18 fitting loose. I can't wait to get to the size 16...then 14...again I'm willing to take it slower. Don't forget to eat Protein and veggies first. Take your Vitamins. Drink plenty of water! Make good choices, small bites, chew slowly. Don't get too filled too fast that you are not comfortable or it won't be a good experience.

I really stay away from bread (crazy didn't think I could). Soda or pop...not an option, except once I tried it in a frozen icee coke. Just a taste. Really you should not drink soda. I still drink coffee with creamer, sorry just won't give that up and it doesn't hurt me as far as I know. Life does change, some people treat you differently, but your friends and those close will support you. It was the best decision for me. Many things are different...carrying a load of laundry up the stairs, more energy, I can wash my back better in shower, and don't huff and puff when I tie my shoes, love to shop at Old Navy which was not an option before. Good luck and try to remember that you are doing this to improve your health...but it will do so much more. Follow your doctor's rules and you will succeed. Lora (Lorabelle)

Hello Everyone,

I'm another that has been behind the scenes in the Internet forums, You Tube,etc., watching the progress of those that have been banded for a couple of years! I started my journey April of this year, after the 3rd seminar I attended I decided to go for it. Luckily I had documentation of previous Weight Loss Programs from Curves, Weight Watchers, my YMCA membership, etc. So I didn't have complete the insurance program requirements for Weight Loss programs (they accepted what I had done). I have to work with a Nutritionist, Exercise Therapist. I completed a sleep Study and had to have an Endoscopy. I had everything completed by July and got my approval from BCBSIL in early August..Yeah!!! My surgeon is backlogged with patients therefore my surgery isn't scheduled until October 4.

I'm sooo looking forward to it and yes to be honest I'm a bit "anxious" about the changes in how I eat, socialize, etc. I'm employed, I'm a widow and since my husband died in 2003, I haven't had a lot of opportunities to date. I socialize with girlfriends, play Bingo, go out dining & movies alone, travel to see my children & grandchildren, etc. I was told by my one of my sons, Ma are you ready for this? You're all ready "pretty" now you are going to be getting a whole different type of attention from men after your body changes.

That kind of bothered me and I stated, I'd be a bit offended if a (man) that has seen me on a regular basis, would want to "date" me because my body changed?? Is that a normal feeling? I would think if they looked at me overall, they could have looked past the "weight" issue. I'm doing this to be the "best" I can be health wise, feel better about me, but are others really going to look at me differently??

Being a more "seasoned" woman, I'd like to hear from others that have been "Banded" in their lives at a later age and how it affected you mentally, socially, etc.

I also would like to hear from those that were "Pop/Soda" addicts and how they have been able to transition none in their lives after the Lap Band... I'm not a smoker or drinker and I always told people "Pepsi" was my drug of choice. I have significantly cut it down, over the last year, however at least once a week I will have about 20 ounces of one. I've read NO carbonated drinks after one is banded.. Does having the band take away "cravings" for that type of issue, what about my one cup of coffee a day with "cream & sugar" is that something that will be gone forever as well?

I know this is a pretty lengthy "introduction" it's probably just a drop in the bucket of all the feelings & issues I'm going through as I proceed.. Just jump in with any advice you may have and I say in advance "Thank you"

I'll be around for awhile, as I Journey into the life of a "Bandster"

As Ever,


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Welcome to the journey!

I was banded (age 61) in April and have lost 50 pounds since then (20 to go!!). I've started to look good (not the fattest person in the room by far), and my health readings are fantastic (off blood pressure and cholesterol meds). I was a diet coke person and haven't had one since before the surgery, but don't miss it at all. I've traded it for Crystal Light peach mango. Since you can't drink for 30 min. before or 30 min. after eating, the soda has become less important. I survive between meals on Crystal Light, Water, or coffee. I've had one fill (2cc) in June, but my doctor refused to fill again since I lost 15 pounds in the 2 months between office visits. I feel no restriction at all, and am loosing TOTALLY on willpower alone. So far so good, but I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up. Best of luck to you with the surgery and after. biggrin.gif

Hello Everyone,

I'm another that has been behind the scenes in the Internet forums, You Tube,etc., watching the progress of those that have been banded for a couple of years! I started my journey April of this year, after the 3rd seminar I attended I decided to go for it. Luckily I had documentation of previous Weight Loss Programs from Curves, Weight Watchers, my YMCA membership, etc. So I didn't have complete the insurance program requirements for Weight Loss programs (they accepted what I had done). I have to work with a Nutritionist, Exercise Therapist. I completed a sleep Study and had to have an Endoscopy. I had everything completed by July and got my approval from BCBSIL in early August..Yeah!!! My surgeon is backlogged with patients therefore my surgery isn't scheduled until October 4.

I'm sooo looking forward to it and yes to be honest I'm a bit "anxious" about the changes in how I eat, socialize, etc. I'm employed, I'm a widow and since my husband died in 2003, I haven't had a lot of opportunities to date. I socialize with girlfriends, play Bingo, go out dining & movies alone, travel to see my children & grandchildren, etc. I was told by my one of my sons, Ma are you ready for this? You're all ready "pretty" now you are going to be getting a whole different type of attention from men after your body changes.

That kind of bothered me and I stated, I'd be a bit offended if a (man) that has seen me on a regular basis, would want to "date" me because my body changed?? Is that a normal feeling? I would think if they looked at me overall, they could have looked past the "weight" issue. I'm doing this to be the "best" I can be health wise, feel better about me, but are others really going to look at me differently??

Being a more "seasoned" woman, I'd like to hear from others that have been "Banded" in their lives at a later age and how it affected you mentally, socially, etc.

I also would like to hear from those that were "Pop/Soda" addicts and how they have been able to transition none in their lives after the Lap Band... I'm not a smoker or drinker and I always told people "Pepsi" was my drug of choice. I have significantly cut it down, over the last year, however at least once a week I will have about 20 ounces of one. I've read NO carbonated drinks after one is banded.. Does having the band take away "cravings" for that type of issue, what about my one cup of coffee a day with "cream & sugar" is that something that will be gone forever as well?

I know this is a pretty lengthy "introduction" it's probably just a drop in the bucket of all the feelings & issues I'm going through as I proceed.. Just jump in with any advice you may have and I say in advance "Thank you"

I'll be around for awhile, as I Journey into the life of a "Bandster"

As Ever,


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Hello Everyone,

I'm another that has been behind the scenes in the Internet forums, You Tube,etc., watching the progress of those that have been banded for a couple of years! I started my journey April of this year, after the 3rd seminar I attended I decided to go for it. Luckily I had documentation of previous Weight Loss Programs from Curves, Weight Watchers, my YMCA membership, etc. So I didn't have complete the insurance program requirements for Weight Loss programs (they accepted what I had done). I have to work with a Nutritionist, Exercise Therapist. I completed a sleep Study and had to have an Endoscopy. I had everything completed by July and got my approval from BCBSIL in early August..Yeah!!! My surgeon is backlogged with patients therefore my surgery isn't scheduled until October 4.

I'm sooo looking forward to it and yes to be honest I'm a bit "anxious" about the changes in how I eat, socialize, etc. I'm employed, I'm a widow and since my husband died in 2003, I haven't had a lot of opportunities to date. I socialize with girlfriends, play Bingo, go out dining & movies alone, travel to see my children & grandchildren, etc. I was told by my one of my sons, Ma are you ready for this? You're all ready "pretty" now you are going to be getting a whole different type of attention from men after your body changes.

That kind of bothered me and I stated, I'd be a bit offended if a (man) that has seen me on a regular basis, would want to "date" me because my body changed?? Is that a normal feeling? I would think if they looked at me overall, they could have looked past the "weight" issue. I'm doing this to be the "best" I can be health wise, feel better about me, but are others really going to look at me differently??

Being a more "seasoned" woman, I'd like to hear from others that have been "Banded" in their lives at a later age and how it affected you mentally, socially, etc.

I also would like to hear from those that were "Pop/Soda" addicts and how they have been able to transition none in their lives after the Lap Band... I'm not a smoker or drinker and I always told people "Pepsi" was my drug of choice. I have significantly cut it down, over the last year, however at least once a week I will have about 20 ounces of one. I've read NO carbonated drinks after one is banded.. Does having the band take away "cravings" for that type of issue, what about my one cup of coffee a day with "cream & sugar" is that something that will be gone forever as well?

I know this is a pretty lengthy "introduction" it's probably just a drop in the bucket of all the feelings & issues I'm going through as I proceed.. Just jump in with any advice you may have and I say in advance "Thank you"

I'll be around for awhile, as I Journey into the life of a "Bandster"

As Ever,


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click on a ticker you like and it will take you to where you need to go

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Where do I go to find the ticker?

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Welcome! Let me see if I can help with some of your questions. I am 55 and married for almost 4 years after being widowed in 1999.

1) yes men and women will look at you different. that can be good or it can be bad. Some men don't mind overweight women, some do...having said that..some also want a woman that is willing to take care of themselves..so sometimes its not the "looks" but the care that makes them change. And women will be jealous...natural.

2) I was addicted to diet coke...while I don't drink diet cokes now I do drink diet big red...regular sodas were never a problem for me because I have been drinking diet for so long it was natural. My dr has no problem with carbonated beverages.

3) I can't speak very much about the coffee and creamer but imagine you will want a sugar substitute. Remember..this isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle change...so you can always have whatever you want...you just need to be aware of the consequences.

4) As far as eating out and social events. I still eat out. I just make wiser choices and usually eat off either the senior citizens menu or appetizers...But when I order a regular meal, it will sometimes last me 2 or 3 meals...I just get a to go box at the beginning of the meal and put what I don't want to eat in it.

5) They don't want us snacking but if you choose healthy Snacks..ie..carrots, etc...then you should be ok.

6) since you have a while...practice..eating slower, not drinking with your meals and changing the things you know you will need to change.

Here's wishing you lots of luck in your new journey.

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Thank you Sweet Pea for taking the time to respond I'm trying to figure out how to post replies to each person, if it doesn't work hopefully everyone will get this reply as well. I got a lot out of every reply and it appears the journey is different with each person. I'm glad to know the band will help with some cravings.. As one person stated her doctor said the same as mine "carbonated drinks" will stretch the stoma so stay away from them. Someone mentioned to use a center for "Excellence" the hospital I'm getting my surgery is Vista, in Waukegan IL and they were just added to the Centers for Excellence for Bariatric Surgeries.

I'm walking for exercise now and I will start trying to develop the habit of drinking 30 minutes after meals, that is going to be tough, but since I'm looking forward to being a sucessful Bandster, I have to make the changes. It also seems like it going to be learning what I will and will not be able to tolerate through trial & error. That's a little scary but the advice shared here is so helpful.. I'll keep listening to those that have proceeded before me. Looking forward to more exchanges..

To all that took the time to reply, I'm truly grateful..


Welcome! Let me see if I can help with some of your questions. I am 55 and married for almost 4 years after being widowed in 1999.

1) yes men and women will look at you different. that can be good or it can be bad. Some men don't mind overweight women, some do...having said that..some also want a woman that is willing to take care of themselves..so sometimes its not the "looks" but the care that makes them change. And women will be jealous...natural.

2) I was addicted to diet coke...while I don't drink diet cokes now I do drink diet big red...regular sodas were never a problem for me because I have been drinking diet for so long it was natural. My dr has no problem with carbonated beverages.

3) I can't speak very much about the coffee and creamer but imagine you will want a sugar substitute. Remember..this isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle change...so you can always have whatever you want...you just need to be aware of the consequences.

4) As far as eating out and social events. I still eat out. I just make wiser choices and usually eat off either the senior citizens menu or appetizers...But when I order a regular meal, it will sometimes last me 2 or 3 meals...I just get a to go box at the beginning of the meal and put what I don't want to eat in it.

5) They don't want us snacking but if you choose healthy Snacks..ie..carrots, etc...then you should be ok.

6) since you have a while...practice..eating slower, not drinking with your meals and changing the things you know you will need to change.

Here's wishing you lots of luck in your new journey.

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