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Nykee's after fill food log

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Plus it looks like we were banded around the same time too...

I prolly wont eat much as I am going out this weekend..

But the calories in the alcohal is sure to make up for it.

I feel like weighing in sooner.. its hard to wait till tuesday!

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I hadn't even noticed that we were banded about the same time. That's pretty cool! I thought I was pretty much a loner. I haven't attempted alcohol yet. I'm afraid I'd end up hurling! Plus my better half had to quit drinking for his job about 10 years ago (he's on call 24-7-365). Have fun!

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I went shopping last night at midnight. It was on a whim.

I decided to do something cuz I HAVE TO keep trying..

I cant think of anything new..

I can only try again and if I fluck it all up than forgive myself.

I didnt want to buy a bunch of things for me only, for me to use to try to eat better and lower my calories... Cuz everytime I do, I dont use the foods, I end up eating what I want and buying what I want anyway.

It ends up being a big waste and its not cool..

BUt,, I MUST DO something.

So, I bought these things.


Reduced fat wheat thins

Organic tomatoe Soup

sugar free grape koolaid

vanilla slim fast

chocolate slim fast

chicken tenderloins

Diet root beer

Lite vanilla icecream

diet lemonaid

sugar free rasberry Syrup

lime sherbert

orange sherbert

baked layes

baked bbq lays

baked doreto's

honeydew mellon


southbeach peanutbutter Cookies

100 calories packs nutter butter

100 calorie pack

sugar free oreo's

Sugar free carmels.

Chex mix

I am starting monday.

The idea is to replace the resses candy and Cookies with the 100 calorie packs and lite cookies and carmel.

To replace the crunchy of chips and cheetos witht he baked layes and chex mix.

To replace the milk and juice with slim fast and lite grape aid.

To eat tuna and crackers instead of nachos and cheese

To have sherbert for nighttime desire for sugar and milk or cold

To have some fruit in between meals

.. well see

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Sweetheart, I think you are taking a step in a better direction in trying to find some healthier substitutions for some of the things you like eating and drinking! Sugarfree grape koolaid is NOT grape juice, but it is still pretty darn tasty. That switch alone will save you hundreds of calories and cut down on the sugar! I have told you before that I would NEVER criticize your choices...you are just too brave in being so honest in posting them...and this is YOUR battle. However, I am happy to see you trying to make better choices. I hope you make your 340 goal, but if you dont it wont be far away!!!

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Sweetheart, I think you are taking a step in a better direction in trying to find some healthier substitutions for some of the things you like eating and drinking!

>>>>>>>>yes I am. Thank you for noticing and awknowleging that. Its nice to have your support.

I have took steps in a better direction more times than I can count, many times HUGE steps... I have tried every healthier substitution that exists.

Just last month I bought all low carb foods and made this huge batch of low fat, no potaote vegtable chicken Soup. I mashed the veggies to use in place of KFC potatoes and such and so on.. The soup had to be frozen as I did not utilize it and I dont think I did even ONe day that was low carb.

Now I am doing this thing. I made this chart last night. I made it for four days. MOn-thu. .. I made checks for the number of cups of milk and juice and other things I can have.. Once the checks are gone they are gone and it all added up to 1500 calories a day on average plus I gave my self 300 more calories a day in food I may eat but didnt plan on. It took me forever to decide what to do. I just dont trust anything anymore. Doesnt mean Stop trying.

I been upset. I didnt eat much at all yesterday.

Sugarfree grape koolaid is NOT grape juice, but it is still pretty darn tasty.

>>>>It taste like crap. lol, But it is the only sugar free drink I can tolerate. I have crystal lite on the go, cases of bottled Water, cases of flavored water and the Sunrise orange drink, plus diet tea mix in the house almost at all times. (my kids live on this stuff, THANK goodness)

That switch alone will save you hundreds of calories and cut down on the sugar!

>>>>I will be trying to drink it as much as possible in place of the milk and juice. I know that if I simply switched to sugar free drinks I would cut my calories in half easy. I have tried hundreds of times. I once didnt drink any milk for almost a month. The sugarfree drinks, no matter how pleasant they taste, make me feel deprived, condemmed and violated. The juice makes me feel alive and euphoric and the milk makes me feel safe and well.. its been hard to let go of that. I am not cutting them out, just trying to have less.

I have told you before that I would NEVER criticize your choices...you are just too brave in being so honest in posting them...and this is YOUR battle.

>>>>>Well, you could if you wanted to.. I wouldnt mind. I only posted them to see and be accountable and gain anything I could from it.

It worked. I am all kinds of worked up.

However, I am happy to see you trying to make better choices. I hope you make your 340 goal, but if you dont it wont be far away!!!

>>>>> Thank you.. :)

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I couldnt help but continue to go to fit day.. But I may of left some things out, just a few things.

Feb 10

Cherry limeaid, 1 cup

coconut candies, 10

carmels, 10

brocolii cheddar Soup, 1 cup

oyster crackerrs, 20

chocolate milk, 3 cups

milk, 1 cup

apple juice, 1 cup

potatoes, gravy and chicken strip, half a meal from winco





Feb. 11th

2 cups roasted red pepper soup

4 tbs parm

2 cups milk

1 cup apple juice

2 coconut Cookies

half a serving frtito twists

one bite of corndog





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Thanks, I wasnt trying.. it just happens sometimes.. today too.

feb 12

1 cup roasted red pepper

2 tbs parm

2 cups milk

2 cups apple juice

fat free fudge bar

10 hershey kisses

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Great Shopping Nykee!

I find if I have the correct foods in the house I am more apt to eat something healthy.

Baby steps....

Great Job One Day at a Time!!!!:biggrin1:

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Thank you

I hate to be neggative..

But of course my fear is all the food will sit and sit, as I dont use it and turn to anything else thats NOT on my diet goals..

Each day I will eat some of the food, but cheat on other bad foods.

(its real easy to go to the store) and VICIOUS CYCLE>

Me awknowleging this in NO WAY is an indication of my motivation.

Its a fear, cuz its happened hundreds of times..

THATS why I got the band.. I ALWAYS FAIL.

WE will see..

I spent hours last night figuring out on paper, what I could eat and how much and in what combonations.. in order to not go over..

I CANT IMAGINE I WOULD GO GET A RESES or CHEETOS ... BUT usually thats when it sneaks up on me, when I least think I want it.

MAYBE being here will make a difference.

I am already depressed. Not eating, feeling much guilt and fear..


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Your shopping list makes me so happy. I am so glad you went and got some healthier choices. What an inspiration! You can do it!!!

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i don't go through all the posts so i am not sure if anyone mentioned this before...

For the Am restriction,

It has been said and it is true for me that if i have a 'huge' lunch i will still be restricted at supper and will eat a smaller meal and then will NOT be able to eat at night(even though sometimes i REALLY! want to.

The trick is to not eat at night so that in the next few weeks you are not so swollen in the morning when you first get up.I have 1 coffee and then Water from 6am to 9am.Then eat a normal Breakfast, big lunch,snack at 2-3 (apple w cheese ect) and a small portion of dinner.I do not eat after dinner but drink a ton of water.

It's something that has really worked for me.

Good Luck!:cool:

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Well I went way over.. What NOT a shock. Tomarro I will try again.

Today I freaked out on not having any juice that was cold and no ice... that I kept drinking things to try to get my "thirst" quenched. I need to be sure to have the ice and the grape aid made and available tomarrow.

Then my daughter decides to make a fancy terriakki chicken rice dinner, and THAT was great... Thats what I should be eating more often, It went down perfect. I was surprised.

Then I was up late and my son made a frozen pizza and Suddenly I want some so bad that I am willing to take big bites, chew and taste the flavors and spit it out into dixie cups (affraid to Pb) I felt it alittle .

I DO NOT do this... I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that my brain knew I was on a diet and the day was almost over and it was the last chance to FAIL..

It wasnt the pizza that killed me today, it was all the drinking.

I have definately learned NOT to deprive my self of cold juice or I WILL GO CRAZY and end up drinking more in the end.. (like Sunny D,?? I HATE THE crap)

Feb. 13th


5 rolls smarties (my throat hurt)

2/3 cup chex mix

1 cup apple juice


1 cup tomatoe Soup

2 tbs parm

1 cup milk

15 lite dorettos

1 cup milk


1 cup apple juice

1.5 cup tomatoe soup

2tb parm

1 cup milk


Bowl of rice, broccolli and terriakki chicken

1 cup of sunny delight


1/5 of a pizza. Most all of it chewed up and spit out

2 cups milk

1 cup sunny delight

Calories 2235

fat 47

carb 335

Protein 99

The only candy I had today were the smarties.

No Cookies either.

My fat was nice and low

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I been freezing to death... (cold here) and Its hard for me to stand being on the computer when I am cold..

But I have been keeping track on paper... and finally today I am adding it all up..

I must admit.. its not 100%..(like usual) as I slacked alittle. But its close enough to give me an idea.

I will be adding commentarty as I recall it..

feb. 14th

Woke up begging for slurpee at 7-11, drank it all slowly

big hunk white resses hunk (kid from v-day)

1 cup milk

1/2 hard candy (gross, spit out)

lunch as usual:

1 cup roasted red pepper

2 tbs parm

1 cup milk

dinner (leftovers)

chicken and rice terriaki

Thought I was doing real good, untill I felt wide open..and WENT ALL obsessive,...(see below)

2 cups milk with ice in a slurpee cup

3 cups nesquick in same cup with ice (this is old habits.. and it didnt hurt band like, but I was full in the stomach, feeling all engorged and ugh)

2 servings chex mix (wiht the milk)

cal 2163

fat 55

carb 339

Protein 94


12 smarities or so (tight all morning and wanting something, 2 hours time)

Doteros, the light kind,, about 1 servings (still tight, cant drink)


vanilla slimfast,1 (tried it instead of soup.. was filling and tasted good)


lasangue frozen dinner (was so good, I tried to EAT,. not drink.. it worked.

late night

slimfast chocolate.. I was craving chocolate and a drink, so I tried it. It was too soon after the lasangue and made me feel tooooo full (2nd day doing that!)

later night

6 chocolate kisses

2 cups milk (Week, watching tv, kids had some and I pigged out)

night nightnight

2 c cherrylimead (before bed)

cal 1790

fat 38

carb 292

pr 55


This day I was in bed all day and freezing and sleeping and feeling sorry for self...

I ate from a bag of Lite dorettos all day (half a bag)

I had only a few smarties instead of like 10

I tried the nutter butter 100 calories pack Cookies (ate 3cookies and were gross)

I drank half a slim fast and wasnt into it.

I only drank like two dixie cups of milk


cal. 817

fat 11

carb 126

pr 18


10 smarties (a new am habit)

went to town around 4pm to bday shop and erronds

lime pie..half slice

hershey pie.. half slkice

took bites rodeo burger and spit it out (count 1/4 to be safe)

had to feed a kid before a dance and wanted a taste of pie and burger


1/2 can tomatoe Soup made with Water

parm, 4tbs

a slice cheese

1 cup oj


3 south beach Peanut Butter bars (finally trying the diet foods I bought and end up eating 3, although they taste crappy, theres nothing junkier in house.)

3 c milk

Later at night

chex mix 2

1 cup oj

later even

chicken fajita soup

1 cup milk

prolly 3 cups more OJ

cal 3140

fat 84

carb 460

pro 89


I ate a few baked lays around 11am

decided to not eat a bunnch of chips or smarties and I starved but I was kinda mad at self for not using my foods yet, especially my lite drinks.

I sulked in bed. Trying not to eat

6pm or so my first meal:

1 cup split pea soup

20 oyster crackers

2 cup milk

I am thinking I will be good today..!!

Then my little cousin (age7) comes to be babysat and he finds all the crap in the house and we go for it..

I eat carmels, coocnut neoploitan candies (10 or so)

20 smarties

20 almonds

about 3 cups safeway chocloate milk

2 cups regular milk

2 cups juice at leaste





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MY bandversary was the 14th,... I DIDNE EVEN WEIGH myself yet,.

I will soon.. Its in another town and its been COLd and I been lazy.

I want to be 340 pounds at leaste.. I think I am.. Cant wait to know officially,. (thats 75 pounds loss for a year and I can feel OK with that)

I am trying a new thing, using journal, fitday and food log and this place to be accountable and learn from myself and see if I really know what I think I know. I was not happy to learn how many calories I was able to get in with a tight fill. I drink my calories and eat alot of junk.

My average calories are 2500 plus calories, 100 fat, 350 carbs .....

I have lost a good amount of weight but it wont continue if I keep it up.

My goal now would be to never go over 2500 calories..EVER.

My intake has been somewhat lower..


cal 1945

fat 50

carb 260

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