Sandra S 3 Posted August 17, 2011 Has anyone had a dull pain in the upper left side of the midriff area? Is it connected to lap band surgery? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
success150 12 Posted August 18, 2011 Has anyone had a dull pain in the upper left side of the midriff area? Is it connected to lap band surgery? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Allison0927 329 Posted August 18, 2011 I was banded july 5 - on aug. 5 or thereabouts (just prior to my first fill) i experienced an odd pain i'd never felt before. It was a dull pain that persisted for about 4 days. the best i can describe it is if you drew a square around my upper chest. the pain seemed to move from one side to another - sometimes sharper sometimes very dim. but it was there for the 4 days. I went for the first fill and told surgeon about it - we were both perplexed - i am otherwise in perfect health. he opted to do the first fill under flouroscopy (with a little nudging from me). he was convinced it was not the band but to appease me he wanted to rule it out., we did the flouroscopy the next day and everything looked normal - and he did the first fill of 3ccs. that day i still had the pain - dull and dim but there. After that day i've never experienced the pain since. very, very strange. i'm convinced it had to do with the band - even if nothing "looked" out of place/wrong. I was going to follow up with my primary care dr. but since it went away i haven't. best of luck to you - if you haven't had a fill yet or have another planned soon - insist on flourscopy - it was quick and painless - and BONUS you get to see your own band as the dr. fills it (LOL) BEST OF LUCK! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
success150 12 Posted August 18, 2011 Hey Sandra, I am five weeks post opt. I can't answer your question as to whether or not your pain is related to the surgery, but i can tell you that i feel your pain. i am having pain, feeling like knots in my stomach in the lower left quadrant of my stomach too. for me its not related to my surgery because i was having these same kinds of pains before i had the surgery. I can't explain what it is and I 've asked my doctor about but he says that its from him doing so much work and that it might be my nerves and muscle tissue coming back to life. I don't know what it is but I be glad when it goes away. Good luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites