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You're SO the Mom, lol. Thanks sweetie for the kind words. I wasn't hiding from you guys.... just needed to pull the covers over my head. The boys are having Breakfast now and I'm feeling content again. I just love listening to Lewis sing.... it's whatever is in his heart and I think he's pretty happy this morning (woke up dry for once!) We have a fish tank to clean and loads of dishes. We will be plenty busy today, and I have that 3pm dr visit. Heart Hugs,

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Good afternoon!

Patty, sorry about all the bumps...Eileen's right. Everything will smooth out and it will get better. I think you're harder on yourself than anyone else is on you...duh, right? You know that already, but thought I'd mention it...cut yourself some slack.

Eileen, are you losing weight? Pardon my asking, I just didn't see a ticker in your signature so if I wanna know, I have to ask. I go in and out of that impatient feeling...about the time I feel impatient enough to get another fill, I start having trouble with stuff...no PBs, just golfballs...sorry if you've read that a million times, but I forget which thread I've said that in. I can eat more than you'd think, but what I've been trying to do lately is to eat "Zone" like...1/2 apple, 1oz cheese around 7AM, a Zone Perfect bar at 10:00, salad at 1:30, Zone Perfect bar around 4PM, then dinner, around 7. That's pretty much a normal day...when I started eating in the Zone, I started losing weight again. I ordered a few books from Amazon by Dr. Sears (the Zone guy) so I can learn more about it. Anyone else using this?

Zan, total bummer that you have to work when there's all that nice snow around!

Sherry, I'm sure your home by now, and I hope you are doing fine. Rest and sip...that's the bandster mantra.

Gotta run, more later if possible, hugs, Cindy

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Patty, I'm glad that you're feeling better and having a quiet day at home. It sounds like you're on the right track to straightening everything out. Sometimes taking a mental break can be healthy. Your Disney passes sure do come in handy! :cool: (((HUGS)))

Pat, I'm sorry that I missed your pager message this morning. I didn't even get the notification until this afternoon. I think I must have left my computer on while I was getting the kids ready for the day. Your new car is beautiful BTW! Very classy. :)

Speaking of cars, guess what I did this morning? I have Molly Maid clean every other week because I can't vacuum and DH can't keep up with cleaning and work (the one benefit to a bad back! - I'll take it!!!). Anyways, their car was parked at the end of my driveway. I was backing out of the driveway in my Mountaineer, and *WACK* I smacked right into their car. I knocked it 6 feet forward into my yard. I have a back-up sensor that was beeping away, but I was in my own little world. Fortunately, there was no damage to either vehicle at all. Oops!

Eilene, that's a shame about your fill. I have read about people not feeling anything for 2 or 3 weeks, so maybe it's just taking it's time kicking in. Betty's right though - it's better to sneak up on it or you'll just end up going in for an unfill. It's like hearing that you should eat your veggies... you know they're good for you but you'd still rather have dessert.

Cindy, that's so funny that you brought up the Zone!! I was talking to DH last night and he's really down about his weight. He's 6'2 and 295. He's never been this heavy before. My brother and his wife just started it a week ago, so I was thinking of buying the book and doing it with him to be supportive. From what I've heard, it's really similar to the diet I SHOULD be following as a bandster anyways. There is a 2 week phase at the beginning that I think is NO carb. Sounds scary, but I bet the weight loss is great.

Sherry, I hope you're resting and recovering from surgery. Keep the drugs flowing!

Hugs Betty, Zan, & Beanie (hope I didn't forget anyone!).

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Gosh you guys! Work was so busy that I didn't have any time to visit here, today... But I promised pictures, so here they are:

Anne's Gift:

Just call me "pretty in pink"

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Yes, Friends - those are my parents in the photo near the flowers. Just fyi.

Well, I don't even have time to read all of this post today, much less read all the negative stuff. Bummer about that. Glad I missed it!

Anyway, I hope everyone is well. I am doing great - and it only hurts when I cough or sneeze - so I am healing up well.

I will find more time tomorrow. Love you guys!!

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Good Morning,

Sorry I can't play today... I have an all day computer class *boring*

Cindy, nope I'm not losing weight and looking at my ticker was getting me depressed...so I took it off. I am really trying, I eat tons of veggies but over all I'm eating to much / to many calories to lose. I can't go above 1400 or I won't lose...so I must be up there. I've tracked on fitday but foooie... Wish I felt like I did after banding...that was the best, I ate so little, didn't care much about food and was losing weight. I'm right where I was before banding :D Yeah I know, it takes time... I'm hanging in there. It just seems others fly by ya know.


Have a great day everyone.... good to see you all ;)

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Anne, how in the heck did you knock the car that far and not do damage, my luck, I would have totaled their vehicle and had to buy them a new one, LOL.

My son's getting ready to give MM a try. Don't apologize for having maid service, when the kids were at home, I had a girl that came every Tues and Friday, now it's just Friday. I always run around an clean before she gets here, get the laundry done, beds stripped, toilets wiped off, my DH laughs and says for me to keep going I could save $$$ every week.

Love those Zone bars, although, don't do well with the morning bar, after 12, no problem. Wal-mart seems to have the best price on those, although Sams and costco sells them too.

Zan your snow looks so pretty on tv here, Central Park, WOW.

Eileen, if you don't get restriction soon, get some more fill and make sure he takes out what he's put in to be sure it's still there. That's very odd not to have any restr with the first fill. Although, my doctor missed my port with my first fill. Here I was taking these itty bitty bites, being really careful, then I went to a support group meeting, (that's another whole story) and he told me he did a fill after mine and that he could feel the needle go into the port, so I had to schedule for a real fill. As for the "support" meeting, it was all bypass people. Eileen, eat more Protein instead of veggies, that may help.

Have a great day, gotta get the skunk stripes out of my hair today, maybe I should go red, for Valentines, LOL.

Beanie, I like the Bracelet, and your ring looks like mine, I think you can see it on the pic with the gson.

Oh Betty where are you, are you hiding with Cindy?


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Happy Valentine's Day

Thank you my friends for all the kind words, yes I am feeling much better. I had my appt with my PCP for a blood pressure check and guess what.... I'm normal! Yesterday's reading was 120/78. I have a note that I paid $15 dollars for to give to the medical agency so that they release my documents to my employer. Maybe today will be my hire date.... that would be kinda nice.

Today is National National CHD AWARNESS DAY -- A day for hearts. I will be passing out stickers at work and Lewis my darling heart child will be giving them to his class. I'm sure later tonight his surgeon will be on the nightly news being interviewed as he is every year about babies and heart surgery. Did I ever mention that Dr. Starnes is Gov. Arnold Schwartzeneggers Dr too? Arnold has a CHD and had a heart repair a few years before Lewis did. I let Lewie watch a Teminator film and told him that they both share a Dr.... he was quite impressed with that fact. Anyway, I gotta get the kids up and my hair curled. Bye,

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Good Morning everyone.

I am going out for an Italian Buffet for lunch..lol...talk about no restriction Eileen! Boy I have zero. I am looking forward to feeling the way I did after surgery....kind of...My GF is having the RYN on the 1st she starts her 2 week preop tomorrow so of course were going out to EAT!!!! In an hour I gotta hurry....

Pat- That baby is so cute!! hoe old is he? and whats his name? Nice car too.

Betty- anything new with the Job?

Beanie- how are you feeling? Nice flowers and very pretty Bracelet is that a Brighton? We have a Brighton store near us..dangerous place when I'm in a spending mood!

Zan- I do miss the big snow storms. We have a hot tub and when we lived in High Bridge we would go in the HT and get real hot then jump out and sled down the hill in the back. We would stay warm but on the way back up the hill we would freeze. Of course some drinking was involved for me to have the guts to do this, but it sure brought a lot of laughs.

Patty I'm praying for you. Glad you BP is normal! Hugs to you

Sherry- How are you doing. I felt so bad I didn't get on here on Sunday to say all the nice things that I was thinking for you.

Anne- It sounds like you did a Dianne!!! LOL Thankgoodness there was no damage.

Well I'm to the shower and then lunch and some work. Our magazine just went into producton so I pretty much hang low for a few weeks. I do a little work but not the usual amount. Maybe I'll make my Walmart trip today. My GM comes on Thursday so I have been cleaning the closets! lol maybe nesting a little.

By the way Lucy is a panic! I am having such fun with her.

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Hope y'all have a great one and get lots of goodies!:D:o :o

I have to go out and take all the covers off my plants this morning, it is going to be in the 70's today and 80's tomorrow. I gotta give them babies some badly needed sun now!:heh:

Beanie - I love the bracelet! That is so purdy! Hope you are back to par now, you must be sounds like you are bustin your butt again!:D :D

Patty - I'm glad to hear you are back on the hiring line. Good BP results! Go get em girl!:D

Pat - If you go red, make sure you post that picture! We all wanna see!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Anne - I can't believe you didn't do any damage either! I'll bet you were so happy about that one. I did that once, didn't do any damage to the car behind me, but tore the hell out of mine! Nobody ever parked behind me so I just didn't pay any attention, that is until I hit it!;)

Eileen - If after two weeks you don't feel any restriction, call and tell them. I honestly didn't feel anything at all with my first couple of fills.

Cindy - You might try adding more solid Protein to your meals. Are you putting some in your salads at noon? I think a piece of chicken or beef, or fish might make a difference instead of the zone bars too. My doctor won't let me have those bars. If you are gettting the golf ball, I doubt very likely you want to have any more fill. At least I wouldn't want to.

Sherry - Hey girl, I bet you will be here today letting us know how you are doing. I miss your smiling posts, hope you are doing great!

Well, I decided to transplant a couple of my house plants this morning, I just finished one and now I have to find a pot for the other one. What a mess I made! Now, I not only have to sweep my floors again, but mop them too! I have been doing a little mumbling too! $#@*&%$#

Catch you all later today! Have a great one!

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OOOOh! Paperwhites, right, Betty? Maybe they are called narcissus also? Beautiful! Thanks also for the Protein reminder...I try real hard to make sure I have that...There's 1/2 boiled egg and 1 oz turkey, and small amount of cheese in the salad I eat for lunch. The Zone diet isn't just the bars, though...it's a way to eat that is balanced. That's what I'm trying for...I just don't want to leave out any of the food groups! :)

Eileen, cool your jets, girl! I know you are very impatient to get this show on the road! Now, I'm just saying this as someone who is a few yards ahead of you on the path...Betty and Pat have lots more experience. I do remember the beginning of the journey, when I had one fill and thought it was all downhill, then I hit the plateau, or wall....no losing for quite a while...then *poof*...several pounds would disappear. You'll get another fill, and probably think the same thing, all downhill (I did!), but NOOOOO....I still had to work at it, and endure a 6 week plateau. Gosh, all I'm trying to say is keep your chin up, stick with it, and you'll see results! I'm upset for you that it's not going smoother...you'll get all the kinks worked out, I just know you will.

Anne, funny car story! My DH backed into his Head Coach's Trans-Am a few years ago...THAT was embarrassing!

Patty, good BP! Glad that's over!

Dianne - go easy on that Italian buffet! Pasta and bread can be tricky!

Have fun!

Beanie - great bracelet! Eileen is a total sweetie to send you those flowers! Keep getting better!

To EVERYONE: Happy Valentine's Day!

:kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:

Love ya, Cindy

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Happy Valentines Day..

The buffet was just ok. I actually just at the chicken and had a few bites of Pasta and a few bites of creme brulee.

Hope everyone has a nice night.:kiss2:

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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