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Hi Everyone,

Been resting today mostly...getting there slowly but surely.

I too have noticed some of the boards are a bit out there. I have a tendency just to not participate in those. I enjoy this one and show support where I can in others. Half the time the fights are over and erased before I see them and that's fine with me :) I think people need to THINK before they post some stuff. I mean truly do we need to know about someones private parts if it has nothing to do with the band? lol Oh well...what do I know I"m a newbie lol.

I'll just stick with my friends here and pick and choose the threads I read ;) I think some in the other threads just like to see their name on the boards and see that they are highest in postings :)

hope everyone here is doing ok. And ya know.....I think everyone should put whatever they want in their signature line when it comes from their heart :rolleyes: and isn't purposely hurting anyone.

Hugs to all

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Eilene, I didn't post on the XXX thread issue because I was afraid my opinion would be misconstrued (not that that would ever happen!!)....

I actually think that having an XXX forum would encourage more XXX threads, kinda like there are now a bazillion complications to be found on the complication thread. If I were a newbie here and I saw an XXX forum I think I'd get the wrong idea about this site. Just my 2 cents - I'm totally on board with what you're trying to accomplish, I just can't think of a better solution than clear "ADULT CONTENT" labeling on the thread name.

Anywho, I can think of several members who would make it their mission to start a new XXX thread every day if they had their own forum. Not that there's anything wrong with that! (LOL - sorry - I love Seinfeld).

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Good Morning :confused:

Its 18 degrees with blue skys.... burrrrrrrr. Yesterday I didn't do much, my arthritis was hurting like a bugger. I can do fine in about 40 degrees, maybe 30 but when it hits the teens and 20's boy does my body hurt. From my ankles to my hips. I'm feeling better today or is it I'm getting used to the pain ROFL !!!!

Confession: I ate lots of pepperoni and garlic crackers last night, was it good, heck yes. Do I feel guilty.... OH YEAH!!! I threw away the left overs so I wouldn't have it today.

Well DD needs a bath so thats where I'm heading after my coffee.< /p>

How is everyone today ?????

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Doing pretty good today. I wish I knew what this pulling was in my tummy cause it scares me. Its not the port cause thats lower....wondering if its where the band is place and attached cause they cut into some extra skin or whatever in order to attach it so the band isn't directly around my stomach? Oh well....right now it feels like a little man in there tuggin on the port tubing when I bend funny lol.

It's zero degrees here this morning burrrrrrrrr. My hubby says if you go outside your boogers freeze hahaha. (Old Calvin and Hobbes cartoon I love)

I think one of my friends is coming by to visit me. She said I'm her guineapig for this procedure. She's seriously thinking of having this done. I pointed her to this website and OH to look around. I just hope I'm going to be a good example like some of the people here :confused:

Well....off to check some of the threads and then hit the shower and try to look presentable instead of looking like I got hit by a Mack Truck lol.


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Ira babe, your doing wonderful with your weight loss... who did your fills? please tell me it was Scott

Yes, he is really good.

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Ira good, I'm glad its Scott. Dr. B. tried with me one day and can you say pin cushion? ouch and never again lolol. How are you feeling today?

Sherry, I remember that pulling feeling. Since I am all belly, it was my fat weighing down and pulling on the incisions, feels like there are weights in there right? It went away after a few weeks. If you feel like something is wrong, call your doctor right away, only you know your body so don't take a chance if you think something is wrong. I'm sure your gonna be a good example for your friend. Its funny b/c I only told a few people and they are all heavy. They are excited for me and keep asking questions, how am I doing, how did this feel, how did that feel, what can you eat lolol. I guess I'm their guinea pig too lol oink.


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Hello Y'all!

It's a yucky day, started out at 24 degrees with freezing rain here! Yup, it got my flowers too! %#@*&%$@ My fault for not going out and covering them all up again!

Ivan - Sorry to hear about your fill! I have heard of some evaporating, but not the whole fill. I'm glad you got a new one!

Eileen - I think we all eat things we shouldn't eat at times. That is just a part of life. If we want to live like regular people, we eat like them at times. I don't want to live the rest of my life not eating somethings that I dearly love. I don't eat them all the time, just once in a while. I guess you are just human!:confused: :cake: :cake:

Sherry - Sorry to hear you are hurting a little bit. I could be a stitch that is pulling a little bit. Hope it feels better soon!

Cindy - You are too funny! Love you girl!

Beanie - I am getting worried about you, what is it you are doing or am I not supposed to ask?:biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1:

Where's the rest of you girls at today? Hello to each of you!:biggrin1:

We went to the neighbors for dinner last night, it felt good not to have to cook and clean up for a change. We had some steak, potatoes, asparagus, and a nice salad that had pink grapefruit in it. It was yummy! Also fresh bread, blackberry pie with ice cream. (Yup, I ate the crust off the bread and I ate a small piece of pie w/ice cream. )mmmmmmm! I only had a bite of the potatoes though!:biggrin1:

Today is the Nascar race at Datona! YeaH!!!!!!!! I hope my guy, Jeff Gordon, wins! I have a pot of fresh green Beans cooking and they smell so good right now! I am going to put a roast in the oven too. My other neighbor is fixing some Mexican Soup today and he is supposed to bring some to us too! I hope he brings it for lunch not supper! :biggrin1: He is a good cook, and I'll eat it at either meal!


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Greetings All,

I caught up on reading threads but with all 4 kiddos home & a holiday weekend. Can't chat much. I took the kids to a Christian coffee house Friday night -- had a blast. Yesteday we had a Double-Feature in the comfort of our livingroom and today we are writing a term paper on "Twelfth Night" some long lost holiday that we no longer Celebrate today, well, I have never celebrated it.... maybe some of you have? It's rainy here in So Cal but cozy. I'll try to come back later :kiss2:

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lol you're bad Pat. My hubby is sitting ansiously awaiting the start of the race just so he can fall asleep. Grrrrr told him I wanted to get out of this house today and walk some. Wanted to go to a store because it's just too dang cold out there to walk. I'd be tightening up my tummy so much from the shivers I'd be in pain all night lol. Rather walk where it's warm but, nooooo the race is starting in 15 min can't do that grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I said well ya gonna fall asleep anyway so take me and then fall asleep. No go UGH. Funny if it were the other way around I'd of gotten up off that couch and taken him but, I suppose that a woman's nurturing ways. If there is reincarnation I wanna come back as a male dog lol A lean one of course hahaha

Oh well guess I have to wait for my warm walk and then I'll make sure it's extra long! Hmmmm, honey should I buy the super pads or the slim ones?

Can you please get me those tampons? Oh which blush do you think would look best? Oh and I need new panties and then after that I need some new scrapbooking stuff. (heh heh devil in me lol) He's ok I'll keep em, after all who else will make me cream of wheat at the butt crack of dawn lol.

hmmm you gals might be right about the stitch pullin. Oh lucky me just another reason to get rid of this excess FAT lol I still think it's a MAN in there pull on the tubin heh heh. Gotta be a man cause a woman would be rubbin the owey away lol. I've had some people tell me their doc gave them some kind of gurdle band type thing to wear after surgery. Did any of you have that?

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Again, The Phantom appears...

Hey Y'all...

I was SOOOOO horridly busy at work this week that I couldn't even make it to the boards... and when I got home, it was late and I was tired. I thought of you often and missed you guys the whole time.

Patty - I guess your job was Heaven sent - Angel included. Who could ask for more? I hope that all the stupid stuff gets sorted out soon. I don't know if anybody has celebrated 12th night in the US ever. It's an old, old holiday. Shakespeare wrote a play about it - but that's most all I know. Have fun researching that. Maybe it's a good one that we should bring back into fashion... :]

Betty - No, I am not doing anything I can't talk about - we were just out running around yesterday. Dang it was COLD. We went to Fry's Electronics in search of a spare cord for my lap-top - but ended up finding it at Radio Shack. And we also hit Walmart for some stuff. DH wanted varnish for the kitchen cart we picked up at Ikea on our last trip and I needed some more low-carb shakes and SF pudding. By the time we got back, I just wanted to veg out.

Ira - hopefully that 2nd fill will do the trick - but if you lose restriction again, you get on back to those docs and make them put some contrast in there and check for leaks. We don't want any back-sliding on your progress due to technical difficulties... You are our favorite LapBand Poster Dude!! Besides - you are SOOOOO close to goal.

Eileenie - I'm Guinea Pig for a couple of folks at my office, too. Happy to do it, too. And I have decided I am going to forego guilt over food from now on. If I want pepperoni crackers, I am going to eat them. So long as I am losing weight, I am not going to "diet" per se. I will just be sure to get my nutrition stuff in and then eat whatever I want in moderation. Oh and anybody who volunteers to clean at Eileenies is welcome to come here, too. DH is a fab cook - but a lousy housekeeper. Fortunately his other skills compensate for the housekeeping... (is that tmi?!?) Oh, and Eileen - you are failing in your duties as a Mom if you don't get your @$$ into the docs for your Girlie exam. No excuses - JUST DO IT. Even I, the worst person ever about going to the docs, has had a recent girlie exam!

Sherry - (you know, I always want to call you Sherry Baby - but I am betting you have had your fill of that in your lifetime...) - I had that pulling thing too. It was awful and it caused pain I could do without. It was just the infamous panni pulling on everything. I solved the problem by pulling on my comfiest girdle and keeping it on. It's not really tight - it just keeps everything from moving around too much. I have been wearing a girdle 24/7 since surgery - to keep those panni pains at bay AND to give my skin a fighting chance of shrinking with the weightloss. I have been wearing a sports bra when I am not wearing the regular one... Bestform makes a nice comfy one for big girls that slips on over your head - no tags and nice cotton/spandex. I told my DH that I am a superhero, fighting the evils of gravity. I hope you feel much better, soon. I hate the thought of you having to go back to work feeling so poorly. Get lots of rest. xo.

Anne - I agree - and entire forum for XXX would cause a plethora of threads to appear. I guess I just want to see this site be mostly about the band - but since our thread runs wildly in many directions, I really I can't... :]. Of course, our thread stays largely in the area of support - if not just for the band, it is still support - so maybe I can get away with saying that this site should be about supporting each other in all areas with emphasis on the band. In the mean time, I guess I will just read what I have time for (which isn't much, these days) and respond to whatever I feel I can contribute to... A little ribald fun is one thing - but sometimes it does venture into the Gross and Tasteless...

Cindy - Big Hugs!! I hope you get through all the testing and stuff without a breakdown. You cry, and vent and do anything else that you need to do here. That's all that is keeping us sane. And that Heart of Gold shines through - even when you are being a smart ass. :] And how tall are you? I am thinking maybe my goal of 150 is too low. I know that the last time I was down around 200 I looked pretty good. Hmmm. I am going to have to ponder that mystery. Of course, at 150, I think the charts will still show me as Obese - by like a pound or something. Geesh! Oh, and Cindy - STOP IT!!! I moved here to get AWY from the cold!! I can hibernate even if it's warm outside... and so can you!! :]

Pat - I must confess, I still don't have all the stuff that we bought at Ikea put together yet... At least two bookcases remain in boxes... And Eagles are awesome. We were at the Oregon coast one year - parked on a lookout pointed out to the ocean - and a huge eagle rode a cliff current up right in front of us. It was really cool. Of course, we didn't have a camera or anything - but it was great to see. Of course, we don't feed birds at my house. Luring innocent birds into a cat's yard is not exactly acceptable, in my book. We still get a ton of birds though. Thankfully, my cats have no front claws and the birds are pretty sharp. We have only found one feathery carcass, so far. I don't want to hear one word about how de-clawed cats are defenseless. I have seen my cats catch both mice and birds with no front claws. I have had my share of scratches from playing with them and they can still put up a respectable fight against the neighbor's cat who has recently decided that he likes OUR food dish better than his own. Anyway, I hope you get a picture of your eagle. I would like to see it.

Dianne - Codeine is clearly not your friend!! I hope you get rid of that medication! I am glad you had a good time with GMA. Keep your chin up about DH's meeting with the boss. Maybe he is going to get a raise or something. Maybe an increase in bonus? Hopefully it will all be for the good. I love the Personality thing. So funny. I guess they can't teach that bedside manner stuff. It's nice that you and the nurse hit it off, though. The docs are important - but it's the nurses who will be there after the deed is done.

Zan - I hope you are having a great time. Check in when you get a minute.

You know, Even when I don't have the time to come visit, it comforts me to know that there are folks out there thinking good thoughts about me. I hope all of you know that I am thinking good thoughts about you - even when I am not checking in.

Love & Hugs


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Happy *cold* Sunday afternoon to all!

We're just hanging out around here...I've already done the ironing, and am sitting here with hair dye on my head, then I'll highligh it. I just can't graciously move to gray hair...I won't! Maybe when I'm 70 or something, but with an 8 year old, I don't want to be called "grandma" when I'm with her!

Beanie, I'm 5'7" (and a half)...I look at those charts, and I believe them, but I just don't know if I can be happy at 150...I guess we'll see when I get closer to it...right now, I'm patiently waiting for the 230 mark. I know I'm slow, but it's okay with me. I've started reading the Zone Perfect books and learning about nutrition/health, and trying to work this knowledge into what I actually eat. I like all the info I'm learning.

Ira, I am glad you educated us on the fill/osmosis thing...it makes sense to me, and I'm always interested in facts like that! Thanks for checking in.

Eileen, OMG! You're human after all?! I guess we could call this thread "News from the Land of Imperfect Bandsters"! I'm just joshing ya...I know you are worried about the future with your band, and changing your habits and all that, and I relate so much. I just don't want you to be so hard on yourself. Do you get another fill pretty soon, from your stingy doctor? Love you!

Sherry, good luck going back to work. You will feel better each day...try to rest when you can, and take it easy on what you make your stomach try to process.

Gotta run, it's time to rinse this color out!

Hugs to all, Cindy

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:nervous Here's everything you didn't want to know about the Holiday

Twelfth Night

12th Night occurrs on January 6th(or Jan 5th depending on the source) and is the 12th night following Dec. 25th.

This midwinter feast is also called "3 Kings Day" when the 3 Kings visit the Christ child. It also commemorates the day Jesus was baptized. Clearly this is a Christian Holiday.

Shakespeare wrote the play to be preformed during this particular holiday. Holiday Plays and masquerades became very popular with King Henry the 8th.

George & Martha Washington were married on Jan 6, 1759 Williamsburg.

There are traditional foods and drinks associated with this holiday; Twelfth Night cake is a buttery/fruit laden bread with a coin/bean/figurine baked within. The winner of said treasure becomes crowned "King or Queen" of the holiday. Wassail is also a traditional beverage for this celebration.

Twelfth Night signals the beginning of Carnival which leads into Madi Gras and lent.

Feasts, Festivals & Celebrations are common activities during wintertime to overcome the boredom and drugery of cold weather.

Twelfth Night is celebrated by the English(who brought it to the colonies), French and Spanish.

This holiday was more popular than Christmas. We have not determined when this holiday became less popular through the centuries. TBA :confused:

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