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Hi all.

I am going to share and then back to bed. I hope I am not hijacking your thread.

Sick Friday night (told you all that)

Felt horrible all day sat. not pbing or anything.

Sunday felt better. liquidy oatmal for Breakfast. yogurt for lunch. tried to eat mushed up steak and mash taters...... NOT. spent 2 hours pbing. slept for awhile.

Spoke to Dr. and fellow banster. I have a lot of restriction. It is rare, but I am one of the few that my band is very tight 6 weeeks out.


liquids for 48 hours

mushies for 2 weeks.

Thanks for listening. going back to bed and hoping for a better day tomorrow.... I have an interview at 6 pm so I need to be on the ball.


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Hi everyone,

Donna, I'm sorry that you're not feeling well! It's no fun going back to liquids and mushies, but you'll be glad you gave your tummy a break. Maybe your restriction level means you'll be one of the lucky few who never need a fill.

Eilene, so glad to hear that your MIL is doing well! Your family has had a rough couple of weeks. (((HUGS)))

Betty, you poor thing - how are your ears feeling? Earaches are the worst. I hope your $185 medicine does the trick. :)

Cindy, it sounds like you had a fun weekend! I'd love to take a gun class. I've never been around guns and DH isn't a hunter. I agree that it's good to know how to handle one.

Patty, glad to hear that you had some alone time this weekend! It sounds like you made the most of it and found some great bargains.

Kelly, I'm sending positive thoughts that your DH will get hired in at Wallymart soon. Hopefully it won't take long to get in since he's willing to work midnights.

Pat, have you recovered from your time with the grandkids? So, your DIL is a size 2 and now has DD boobs... I'm officially jealous. I've talked about getting a boob job when I get my Tummy Tuck (in future dreamland) but I have a twin sister so it would probably be a little obvious, eh? LOL

I had some great news - the gynecologist told me that I would definitely need to have the LEEP procedure (where they remove the tip of the cervix) but the biopsy came back and now she's saying it probably won't be necessary. WOO HOO!! They're going to take another look in 6 months and decide then.

Time to get to bed. Goodnight everyone!

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Good Morning,

Dang boss came in today ............... FUDGE !!!

Anne, what wonderful news !!! I'm so glad you don't have to have that procedure, yikes that sounds painful... :)

Donna, hang in there !!!

Nothing much happening today.. just work... boring *yawn*

I planned on playing on the pc but can't b/c someONE showed up..dang gum it.

Whats happening with you all today?

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Happy Monday Everyone! Okay Mondays aren't all that happy but I am trying to boost the day sorta speak.

Mousecrazy ~ I am going to school to be a Nurse, I also just took on Radiology, I am thinking I might just stick to Radiology, I am not one to clean up stinky gross stuff LOL

Betty ~ How are your ears doing? I really hope they are getting better. I have a big problem with wax build up in my ear and that hurts a lot, so I somewhat know how you feel. And Yes they still say 3 hours of Studies per hour you are in class.... I study a lot more then that.. and it still doesn't help lol Share some of that rain with us your neighbors LOL it is so dry here in NM its crazy!!! and Its hot outside like Spring... I have a feeling I am going to dread this summer.

Rene ~ Awwwww You wavied!!!! I just knew it!!!! Thanks Hunny! How is your home project going? I cant wait to get a house to do home projects... hahahaha I say that now huh..... BTW I LOVE tacos! and my hubby cooks all the time too.. he wishes he was a chef.. he tries new things and is always on the grill. Im so lucky

Eileen ~ I hate when i write down wrong dates... yes I do it often! LOL I hope I didn't write down my fill in the wrong date.. I am already booking my hotels LOL

SherryW ~ Its werid when I go to Walmart alone because I hate being there for to long, but if I go with DH then I like to walk around and look at everything... That's until he gets a little whinny LOL I hope you start to feeling better soon! Ohhhhhh I just love the snow!

Patty ~ I love going to Yard Sales... you can always find really good deals. So what movie did you watch? I love movies!

Wow going through the posts I see I got a bit behind!! lol opps sorry guys, and sorry if I missed anything! I have that Mid-Term tomorrow and I dont think I am going to do well.. but I will try my best!

I also got a medical id Bracelet but it is way to small for me, I dont even want it.. but I paid so much for it I dont know what to do...

I am having a lot of pain lately on my port area.. like I did 1,000 sit ups while someone punched me.... wow yeah that bad... maybe I pulled that muscle or just moved wrong to make it sore..

Well I better go study for a while...Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning all.

I feel better this morning. No "unplanned" visits to the bathroom since last night. Yahoooo! It is sunny and cool 70 here today so no beach for me. I have an interview at 6 pm for a church administrator position. If you knew me, you would fall over laughing... as my "old" boss did. I go where life leads and they seem to WANT ME!!! lOL

To all those that sent PMs... thank you. Your words and support mean a lot to me.

Kelly: You keep going girl. You are doing great! Being able to handle all those things that happen in our day to day is what makes us strong. I remember having a daycare provider quit on a friday and I was starting a new job on Monday. It all works out!!!

Trish... wow midterms. Good for you! I am always impressed by people in school young and old. It was never for me ... I am more the self teach type, hands on learning. I hope you are able to get some rest and do great on the tests

Anne: wooohoooo... that is great news! Thanks for the words of support. I will "hang" in there. Not that I want to lose weight this way, but I can't be gaining if I'm losing all my food! I HATE TO PB...

Betty: Ouch! Ear aches are so painful. $185 for meds... that is crazy. I don't understand it! I hope you feel better : - ) Good luck on the interview.. what are you interviewing for ? I hate the process, but I know it is necessary. Just hard to be yourself when you are selling yourself to someone.... you know?

Eileen: I am so glad your MIL is doing better. It is so stressful and you feel so powerless when someone you love is sick. I will continue to pray for you all.

Pat: wow! DD on a size 2... hmmmm. I have DD but unfortunately they are down to my knees...... LOL Everyone around me is thin, my stepdaughters and my sons girlfriends. They eat and eat, but I gain the weight! LOL

Bene: Taco's ... Yum! I may not be able to eat anything else, but I can eat mexican! I heat up some FF refried Beans, Tomato, ff cheese, some ground beef ... and top it with ff sourcream and salsa. I could eat it three meals a day! HAY... I WONDER IF BEING ABLE TO EAT MEXICAN HAS ANYTING TO DO WITH BEING BANDED IN MEXICO!!!! LOL I'll have to tell my surgeon about that one...

Dutchgirl... Cleaning is a good way for me to work off anything... frustration, moods, husband... it works and looks great afterwards. Plus nice nails... way to go!

Ok,,,, I have clothes in the washer, have to clean the floors from the grandkids yesterday...

Have a sparkling day all!


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I'm baaaack, no I haven't been busy with gkids, I was trying to get my personal challange badge on POGO, LMAO. Dang thing took me all day yesterday and half the day Saturday, but I was bound and determined I was getting that badge.

Patty, I printed the card off of the Inamed (sp) site. I used it at the Golden Corral, my receipt said, "stomach stapling", whatever, long as I saved 5 bucks. After I printed the card and filled it out, I took scotch tape and laminated the card. It doesn't ask for the doctor's signature, just name, address and phone number.

Eileen, hope the MIL is better today. LMAO, I know that's what my girls say when I show up, only a lot stronger language. A hot-dog with the bun, OMG, I could not imagine a hot-dog alone, much less a bun!!!! Oh yeah, I hate hot-dogs, when I was little, errr I mean younger, I was never little, I would always order the hot-dog all the way, without the hot-dog.

Trish, good luck on the midterms tomorrow.

Anne, and Donna, I told my DH I wanted to have mine reduced, AGAIN, and lifted. He said, "At your age, what's the point?", I said well that's just it, the point(s) are not where I would prefer to have them, ROFLMAO.

Betty, you've got to get those ears checked again, you should be better by now. When you go, ask them if there's anything yet for buzzzing. I get that at night. I swear I think there's something in my house (electronics) causing it.

Cindy, you've been mighty quiet, you ok?

Sherry have you tried buying the Crystal Lite and sprinkling a little in your Water, cheaper and tastes really good.

Sunsett, sorry about the itching, did you see Grays Anatomy last night, poor woman had poison ivy on her parts, talk about itching.

Ok, I hope I'm caught up now, if I missed ya, I'll catch ya next time..Hugs!

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Pat omg I love POGO too... It takes me forever to get some of them badges and I dont always get them.. The rated game badges I really stay away from... sometimes my DH will hop on the other computer and help me by letting me win LOL what a cheat huh hehehe

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Hello Y'all!

Just got back from the interview, it went pretty well I think. They gave me tons of tests and she said I scored very high, better than most people do and better than a lot that have been hired. She said it was very impressive. (So, just hire me then) She is sending it on over to the place and hopefully I will get called. I am sick of interviews! :biggrin1: I am definately not the suit/heel person!:eek:

Pat - I am a little bit better, it really does take me a while to get back to normal. I have terrible ears when I get Water in them. They are ringing and I can barely hear, but the thobbing pain is gone for now anyway! You sound like me, I told DH I wanted to get a breast reduction and he said "they sure would have to do a lot of cutting!. (DDD) I still would like to put them back where they belong though!:P:D :D

Trish - My SIL is a nurse, I know how much studying you are doing, and I feel for you! It will definately be worth it in the long run, they sure do make the money!:clap2: If I had it to do over, I think I would have been a nurse too.

Eileen - Sorry you have to do some work today!:biggrin1: Glad to hear you MIL is doing better. My Aunt just had that same kind of surgery done. She was in really bad shape though, they almost lost her several times. She is in rehab now learning how to walk again. I hope she doesn't have another backset.

Donna - I'm glad to hear you are doing better. Boy, I love Mexican food too! I think I could eat it for every meal. Good Luck with the interview tonight. I do lots of things, accounting, billing, secretarial, payroll etc. Heck I don't care what it is right now as long as it's a good job!:heh: :heh: :heh:

Anne - Wow, that is good news! I am so happy to hear that!

Kelly - Hey girl, you need a break! Forget the housework and take it easy for a day. Things will get back to normal soon!

Sherry - It sounds like you have a lot of restriction! When you eat pureed foods, just take some smaller sips and let it have time to go through. My problem is they go through too fast!:D

Well, got to run, errands to get done and I sure would like to get a walk in yet today, I don't know if I will get to or not.


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Happy Monday, everyone!

Hey, Pat! What's POGO? I play some of the games on MSN, and get badges...like I NEED another website to be addicted to??? LOL!

I had a busy weekend where I couldn't play on the puter, which is th eonly reason I'd not be typing all over the place! I've tried to post once a day, anyway...just not so good on the personals. Your story about the breast reduction is so funny! LOL!

Anne - I'm so happy to hear your good news! It's something to keep an eye on, but having an unnecessary procedure would be terrible. How are you doing, otherwise?

Betty - what's going on with your ears? Are you doing better?

Doc - thanks for you PM's!

Eileen, get through the day as good as possible...I wish you had one of those "hands off" bosses! Pat, I'm sure you're not one of the meanie bosses!

Kelly, one day at a time, right? You're gonna make it, and it will smooth out.

Beautiful day here, just breezy. Trying to make it to Spring Break!~

Hugs, Cindy

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Hi All!!

Donna - Oh, honey. Sorry about that whole PB thing. I haven't tried anything like salad or raw vegetables, yet. Scary! Of course, restriction is a GOOD thing - really, it is. I just wish I had some! I have been able to eat anything and everything... But then, I haven't lost any weight, either. I hope you are feeling better. I love the Mexican food, too. That and Chinese. Love the stir-fry... LOVE it.

Dianne - I am so glad that you are all ok. Relax and stuff (oh, and walk! lol). Sorry about the itching. The adhesive on the bandaides left a perfect ring around each incision for me... I get this rash from the glue. YUCK. Sounds like you are having a drug reaction, to me... Hope you get over it soon.

Eileen - Thinking good thoughts for Edna...I am so glad she made it through ok. My next visit to Doc Fox is on March 7th. After that, I can get a fill. Of course, the next week, I fly to NY - so I think I will hold off on that fill until after I come back. If I set up my fill for when I get back, then I will have three more weeks before I have to fly out again. I will be in my NY office for the weeks of 3/13 & 4/10 - but I don't know if I will be able to make special arrangements for the extra day - so we will have to do dinner...

Betty - Mom's kin were South Dakota Sioux... I don't know if I have any distant cousins on the res or not... Mom is an only child and we never had any dealings with her Mom. (It's a long story). The DH that cooks is both a blessing and a curse... when the food is so good, it's hard to say "no"! I hope you're feeling a little better today. After taking the Platinum pills, I would hope so! Hope these folks put their money where their mouths are on the fab testing... It's high time you got back to getting paid regularly!!

Sherry - the port pain is the last to go... It was well over two weeks before I could roll over in bed without pain... but it does go away, eventually. I am going to have to get one of those ID bracelets... My incisions are healing and it won't be too awfully long until it isn't painfully obvious that I have had bariatric surgery.

Patty - what did you watch? I love a good chick-flick! And I am so jealous of the Gnome pajama top!! I want one! The WLS Card came in my packet from INAMED. They include one with every band. It just says that you have had surgery and you can only eat small portions. Mine hasn't even made it into my wallet yet - but I guess I had better get it in there.

Cindy - Gunslinger with a heart of gold... sounds like a spaghetti western in the making! I am getting the visual: Cindy doing that gun-walk down main street... facing off against a giant slice of pepperoni pizza! Snap to the smoking gun - and then the pizza lying in the dirt, oozing sauce... so was your skating party on ice, or wheels?

Anne - at least everyone would be able to tell you and your sis apart if you got siliconized... Personally, I can't get behind the size 2 girl with the big girl boobies - to me it just seems tacky. It isn't one of those things that if a little is good, more is better. lol! A little bit of silicone goes a long way. Congrats on the benign biopsy. That must be a relief!

Trish - Pain is bad... I am sure your studies have taught you that pain is your body's way of telling your that something is wrong. Maybe it's something big - maybe it's something small - but you should probably call your doc if you didn't do 1000 sit-ups while someone punched you in the port... My home project - uh, yeah. Hmmm. Uhhh. Ummm. Yeah. 6 mos. That's the ticket!

Kelly - Don't forget to breathe!! Gosh you have a lot going on. I hope you were able to make it to the last half of your class. Sounds like you needed a little kicking and screaming... :] (do they yell in Tae Kwon Do?)

Pat - POGO? What is Pogo? I guess I probably don't really want to know. I have a hard enough time doing what I should with the games I already play.

Well, My Dears... DH is using the leftover roast chicken from last night's dinner to make a modified version of Bubble & Squeak for dinner. Points for you, if you know what that is... MMMMM. Can't wait! Even when I do have a snack in the afternoon, I am still PLENTY hungry at dinner time - and pretty much any time anybody mentions food...or I happen to think of food... well, you get the idea.

I can't eat QUITE as much as I did before (we won't talk about how crappy I felt after I got all crazed and ate a third taco...but that might have been more gas than anything) but I can still eat plenty. I am ready for that fill - but the timing of my trip is unfortunate. I have this vision of being incapacitated in Orangeburg... it isn't anywhere I want to be. So, I will just waste another week and eat nice food while I am away. This whole fill thing is so difficult! I know I want to lose weight - but I am SPOILED and I want to be able to eat anything... *sigh*.

Anyway, it's off to dinner and another trip to the gym. I hit 23 minutes in my battle with the Evil Eliptical on Saturday. Yee Haw!! My ultimate goal is a good steady 40 minutes without the machine going into Pause mode and without my heart rate kicking over 154... (that is ten beats over the "cardio" rate). Right now, I am working on time. Later, I will work on keeping the machine from pausing while I work out.

Well, if I don't get the heck out of Dodge, I won't make it to the gym. Gotta Fly!!



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I can't read much today just wanted to fill ya'll in. Went to the Dr. and he couldn't believe how bad the rashes were. He gave me perdisone which I tried 4 drugs stores with me luck. I am ging out of my MIND! He said it wouldn't be the glue because the other insisions have nothing by them. So I'm doubling up on the benadryl..which doesn't do a bit of good so far, and taking zanax and pain meds. So hopefully I will get the steriods early tomorrow. Please pray that I get relief SOON!!!

thanks, night night

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Hello Miss Beanie!

Glad to see you here today!:biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1:

I don't blame you for waiting for the fill till you get back.

OK, I'll be the first one to bite!

DH is using the leftover roast chicken from last night's dinner to make a modified version of Bubble & Squeak for dinner.< /div>

What the heck is bubble and squeak?

My ears are a little better today, at least I can hear a little bit better too! :biggrin1:

I actually went for my walk this afternoon, gosh it was so pretty out!

I am watching the Mav's game, so far they are ahead, but seem to be losing the lead a little bit more every few minutes!:angry

Dianne - Sure hope that medicine works for you! Itching is miserable!

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Good Morning everyone!

Rene ~ Thanks to you..... I HAD to have tacos last night for dinner!!! Awwww my taco craving is finally gone now LOL.... hmmm im still thinking of this modified version of Bubble & Squeak with chicken (i have no idea what it is) I love anything with chicken in it hehehe

Betty ~ Oh girl I think you got the job too... Very High Score!!! See how smart you are!!!

Dianne ~ Awwww, I really hope you start to feeling better!

Well, today is it my Anatomy Mid Term, it is for the lab so I get to walk around the room looking different bones and he puts a piece of clay on the part he wants you to name.. there are 80 questions and it is worth 60 points.. I stayed up last night studying until about 11:00 and I am going to class early to meet up with a friend to look over things before class... I am just so worried about this class because this is my 2nd time taking it... I dropped it last time because I was failing. Thanks for all the "Good Lucks"

Well I hope you all have a WONDERFUL DAY!!!!!!!

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Morning Jersey...

I know we all aren't from Jersey, but I like saying that..... had a good food day yesterday. liquids all day. Got all my Water in. Looking toward another good day today. I will do this! I can AND will make friends with the band in my body that at the moment has PMS... lol

Diane: I am so sorry about your rashes... that sucks! Yes, I would think if you had to have that or the poison oak on your "you know what" ... you would take what you got! LOL Still doesn't make it easier. ((( hugs )))

Betty: I hope you get that job! I went for my interview. We met at starbucks : - ) It went well. Just don't know what they are looking for. We'll see.

Beanie: Hey there! Once a month around the time of my period I crave chinese. I haven't had it since before I got banded almost 7 weeks ago. Everytime I think I will give in.... I think about it and there is NOTHING I could get through my band at this point except the Soup and that to me would be a BIG tease! Have some extra for me PLEASE....

Pat: haven't seen an explanation for POGO yet. I was hooked on bookworm for awhile. O>M>G> I couldn't stop playing.

Irene: what the heck is Bubble & Squeak? Had to cut and paste... couldn't even rememeber the name to type it LOL

Ok got to go...... Beautiful day here in south florida. may be a beach day by this afternoon.



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Pogo is a game site that is free, although, you can join for like $30.00 a year and you get all these extras, like no commercials, no intermissions, lots of fun stuff. Anyway, there are so many games to chose from, card games, various types of poker, 21, Texas Holdem, plus Gin, Canasta, Hearts, Spades, all interactive with other people. Every Wed a new "challenge" starts. There are two that are set by Pogo, then there's the personal challenge, mine this week was Stellar Sweeps, had to win 100 games without an explosion.

I signed my sons and my mom up for the membership. My mom is almost 75 and she play Pinochle everyday, she loves her some Pogo. May screen names is.......HarleyNana001. I'm addicted, so enter that site at your own risk, LMAO. One of the best $30.00 you'll spend.

Trish, what's your screen name, I'll add you to my friends list, what's your fav game? My fav game is Jungle GIN and Canasta.

I also use Incredimail, ever heard of it? Lots of bells and whistles with this one too.

Betty hope ya get the job, fingers are crossed.

Kelly, enjoy your day off with Dylan.

Doc, what part of Florida, I think you told me once before, my DH wants to visit there next week to look for property, any suggestions, Golf's his game.

Colicky Gbaby is here, I'll be back later.

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