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Hi everyone! I hope you all dont mind me jumping in....... Its great to know true friends are around the corner!

Kelly I hope everything works out for you.. after I got off the phone with you I said a prayer for you and your family! And thank you so much for the wonderful talk and laughs that we had. You are a blessing to me!

Okay now who wants to help me study for my Anatomy Mid-Term.. and My Microbiology exam????? Ahhhh I know you all just love this stuff LOL

Im pulling out my hair here... I think I am getting to old for school... when will it end??? LOL

Take Care (((((((((hugs)))))))) to you all!!!!

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Hang in there, Kelly...sounds like you've got the "Jane! Stop this crazy thing!" syndrome (anyone else remember that line from The Jetsons?) I find the older I get, the less I enjoy change like that. I will say prayers for your DH and you...God is leading you, so something will work out.

TrishS...good luck on those tests! I would gladly help you study if you were around here...I'm not good at those subjects, but I can drill and kill with the best of them!

Patty, sorry about the sick kid...there's so much of that going around.

Betty, I know we have lots of Nawlins people here in our area, but had no idea how that had affected the job market...my dad volunteers at a food bank, and says they are still seeing the Katrina people in there. I hope you soon find the job perfect for you!

It's quiet now, but it's also time to go! Cindy

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I'll help you study if you come organize all my 2005 tax stuff to get it ready for the CPA. I've been working on it for two days, I happen to be rather anal about the way it's organized, along with a printout for each property, with all the expenses and income, bla bla bla. After I finish my personals, then I start on personals for each one of my sons, just wait until they get my bill, retroactive I might add, LOL.

Kelly, poor Don, I hope he gets the job with Wal-Mart, that 40 mile travel is rough on the car and the family $$$ (gas).

Elaine, sorry to hear about the funeral, but on the brighter side, you get to catch up on all the family. I have/had over 50 cousins on one side of the family, even though the loss is sad, we have a great ol gab time after the funerals.

Cindy, as for my lil pooper, I told him if he didn't stop poopn in his pants he wasn't going to be able to get in Nana's pool, he just points to the cover and says, "pool gone", like she's not fooling me, LOL.

Betty, the newest gbaby's mom got a boob job today, the baby is 8 weeks old, she's a size 0-2 in jeans, got D-DD boobs. My son called when he was driving her home, I asked him if she could see, he said yeah, she was awake, I said, I mean OVER the boobs, LMAO. She's 5'2, she's gonna be walking tilted forward.

Anne, Diane, Sherry, Bean, ev1 else, top of the day to ya.

PS, I'm really aggravated, Jan 29th I ordered BigBellyKellie a gift because she never got her Christmas gift, would you believe she still hasn't gotten it. Poor girl just can't get a gift. The seller I bought it from on Ebay.AU, gave me the tracking number, but she should track it not me. :angry , ok, I feel better now.

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Hi Everyone,

Kelly hang in there girlie, better things will come :couch2: Your not whinning, everyone needs some one to talk to.

DOC !!! I'm glad your back...now sit, have a cup of tea and relax, but put your feet up first :)

Patty sorry the little guy isn't feeling well. Hope he shakes it fast. I don't blame you for not wanting to leave him... SMOOCH.

TRISH !! man, what a great day to see you all. I'm so glad your back. How are you feeling? I know you were going thru some rough times not long ago.

Betty, hope you had a good day today. BTW, how goes the job hunting? anything worth nibbling at?

G'ma Pat, oh do enjoy the grand babies, poopie diapers or not. I remember my DD hiding when she had to go ROFLMFAO..she needed her privacy. Oh lordddday!!! that stinkin scale can make us nuts can't it. I'm afraid of it myself. I believe the reason you can eat a ton of veggies and salad is because its not as dense as the chicken. Its the same with Pasta, I can only eat a little bit but I can eat alot of light fluffy bread. Guess thats why the chips and doodles go down easier too. Density !!

Cindyloooooo have fun making your aussie hat. Sounds like a fun day in school. Is it my imagination or do kids have more fun these days in school than when we were kids. I mean we didn't do anything fun, no parties, no special days...just art class and maybe library. They even get Snacks in school these days ;)

Beanie, you know you got my prayers that they do not lay you off at work. They had better not mess with my Texas buddy. How are you feeling????

Well the funeral this morning lasted 3+ hours. There was a service at the funeral parlour, then a full catholic mass at the church and then the cemetary. I was good during the funeral, didn't cry until at the very end when the Military guys there were folding his flag and they played tapps. OMG I lost it, I thought I wasn't going to catch my breath. That bugle song hits your head and tells you, its really the end. Very very sad.

After that I picked up DD and we went to the mall. We went to build a bear and she got her unicorn "Sparkles" and I even got myself one... I couldn't resist. Now I do not Celebrate St. Patricks day nor do I collect anything related to it...but dang... I couldn't pass up this little guy... I named it "clover" ..... original eh ~ ROFL snort.

Oh well folks, I'll chat with you tomorrow...back to Mr. Grumpy and his saddle sores.

LOVE YOU !!! (and I mean that)


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Awwwww little Clover is just to cute! everytime I think of St. Patricks Day I think of my grandmother that we lost over 20 years ago... Her birthday was on St. Patricks so I guess that is why I think of here

Eileen~ I am doing better now... and I am going in for a fill on March 10th and this time I am going to make sure I get the restriction I need. and thanks for letting me pop in a gabble with you all

Pat ~ I would love to go help you organize! Im so good at it too... my house might be a mess.. but my books and all my papers are so in order its not funny. Plus I think I would just love to hang out with you and chat!

Cindy ~ I could use a good drill of something to get these bones, muscles stuck in my head.... who of thought of naming every little hole, bump and depression in our bones..... yeah the name Humerous was just not enough...

I will let you all know how I do on my test next week hehehe

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Ok Trish, I lied! I'd rather do the taxes than even think I had to study anything, ROFLMAO. You know the old saying, if ya don't use it ya lose it, welllll, I'm here to tell ya all my study skills are gone!

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OOHH... a wee touch of the irish !!!! Donna O'Connor here, Me mom is Mary Sheehan, me son is sheehan patrick O'Connor...

St Patricks Day to me is better then Christms!!!!!

No Irish Soda bread for me this year, but on the positive side, There will be less of me LOL

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Good Morning :)

Mr. Grumpy is coming in late yahooooooooooooo.... oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah :couch2:

Trish, March 10th I'm going for my 2nd fill.... I'll be thinking of you, maybe this is the one for the both of us.

Pat... yes, if you don't use it you lose it. When I went back to school after 18 years, my brain just could not absorbe what I wanted it to. I took Gerontology (study of old farts) and it was soooooooooooooooo hard. I got an A+ but I cried every night doing my home work and studying for a test. Having ADHD doesn't help either ROFLMFAO!!! .. okay so now you all know why my posts jump from one subject to another........ so anyway thats why my favorite color is blue... (haaaaaaaa snort ~).

Donna, I look Irish and I even have an Irish name but there ain't a speck of irish in dem bones... at least I don't think so. I am heinz 57... mut.... you name it, I'm it but no Irish. Heck my house is already decorated for Easter.... What phase will you be at on St. Pat's day? (eating) maybe you can mash up some cornbeef & taters if your on mushies.

Nothing much is happening today or this weekend for that matter. Last night I thought I was coming down with a bug b/c lets just say I spent alot of time in the bathroom. But today I'm feeling better.

Whatcha all got planned for the weekend?

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Hi everyone! How are you all doing?

Eileen ~ I glad you are feeling better... I hate having to spen time in the bathroom LOL Hey its cool we are getting a fill the same day, I will also be thinking of you! (imaging two needles tapping saying cheers) what a thought huh LOL

Nothing much planned for this weekend, Saturdays hubby and I go and visit my mom which is nice. We have lunch with her and help her with things she needs done around the house. Then we just come home and watch a movie or something... I am trying to save my money for my trip to Colorado (for my fill) Ugh I cant wait. Other then that I will probably be studying... Oh these classes for me are so hard and I have to study so much to even get a decent grade. I wish I was younger and smarter again LOL

Well I hope everyone had a Wonderful Day, and a fun great weekend!

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Morning all.....

Just got back from the gym. Doing Water aerobics 4 times a week! Feeling good mentatlly and physcially. No food issues for a whole week yahoooo!

Trish ... Good luck on your tests!!!

NJchick: Ha, ha.... Everyone is irish on St. Patricks day! If they want of course! I have my Irish stuff out year round... I always tell my husband that I'm not Irish once a year... I'm Irish ALL YEAR so he has to put up with it!! LOL

Pat: isn't it great being a grandma? I love it... I love spending time with them and then sending them home! My stepdaughter asks why we give the Cookies in the monring and we said... "because we can".... LOL

dylansmom: I am sorry about all your stress! I will pray that everything works out. for me it usually works out, but not the way I planned it.

Harlyhana: you sound mike my husband... good luck the the tax stuff. my husband does H&R block so I don't even pay attention to that stuff. He does the taxes for all 5 kids... envelopes arrive daily....

Betty... Good luck with the job? I missed it, what kind of job are you looking for? I am not looking but one knocked at my door last week. DARN. I haven't worked since moving to Florida, but I have to follow gods will, so if it works out I will be the new church administrator for a church in Boca Raton. We'll see how it plays out.

ILOVEHARLEYS and MOUSECRZY... thank you for the warm welcome back! I do feel safe here. I was so stressed out on the big LBT BOARD. It is amazing. But, I have learned where to poke my nose in and where not to. This is the first board I have ever gone to so live and learn....

Ok, hate to say this but got to go work on my TAN. It is 83 and absolutely gorgeous out there....

See ya, love ya'll.


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Happy blessed Friday, everyone!

Gosh, I love coming here and reading everyone's posts! They just perk me up, and make me feel like I've actually sat down and talked with everybody.

Doc, I wondered about your screen name, but I see now! I do think I have a smidgen of the Irish, myself...just a little. I always make corned beef, cabbage, potatoes (the boiled dinner thing) and I've EVEN made Irish Soda bread a couple of times...I bet you could eat a little if you really want it.

Trish, your test sounds grueling! What are you studying for, or to be? Anatomy makes me think medicine, but I guess it could be physical therapy also...good luck! I think maybe I should just help Pat on her taxes....

Eileen, well, at least it's Friday. I hate that you have a meanie boss. Mine is just sorta stubborn. But, remember...after my trip to San Antonio, I DO have some blackmail on him, so he kinda has to be nice to me.

He's letting me leave a little early today, because I feel pukey...woke up at 3:30 with a Migraine (haven't had one in a LONG time), and my medicine works for about 30 minutes, then the dang thing comes back. On the good side, DD is spending the night with my dad tonight, so there will be some peace and quiet this evening.

Did I tell ya'll this? Hope it doesn't freak people out...tomorrow DH and I are taking a 10 hour gun course...I want to learn to shoot. Also, the way things are going, I thought it would be nice to be competent with a gun, in case I ever need to know how to unload one, or use one....DH is knowledgeable, but we are taking the course together so we can get a conceal carry license. Hope this doesn't upset anyone...it's definitely something I would not have done even 10 years ago. I'll add it to my list of "Things I Said I'd Never Do That I am Doing Now"!

Everyone, have a great day...I'll check in later and see what's up!


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Hi Y'all~

What a day! I have been having trouble with my ears for a few weeks, had some meds took them for a while, then just thought it would take it's course. Last night they kept me up most of the night! Well a few years ago I went to a specialist over in Irving but I couldn't remember his name. He was really good, so I thought I would just drive over there and see him. Well, he moved or closed or something. So, I came back home, looked in the phone book saw a place here in town so I drove up there, only to find them closed up too! So, I ended up going up to Care now, and sat for 2 hours. I usually avoid them because of the price they charge, but I ended up only paying $35.00~ I thought why didn't I do this earlier. Well, he gave me two prescriptions, so I took them to the drug store, told them I wanted to wait for them. I went to get them when they were done and with my insurance it was $185.00! I almost fell over! All that and it took me 6 hours to get it done! UGH! It has to get better right?:biggrin1:

Eileen - I went to college 17 years after graduating, so I know what you mean! I carried a full 8 hour day and it was the toughest thing I ever did! Everything had changed, I had to go get some books to understand the language terms!

Doc - I am part Irish! I usually fix the corn beef on St. Pat's too! Glad you are feeling so much better about the boards! Hugs!

Cindy - Hope you are feeling a little better! By the way I don't walk in the rain, I would melt!:confused:

Kelly - Glad you are feeling better today! I hate those bad days!

Trish - Hey girl, I know how hard that studying is! When I went back they believed you had to have at least 3 hours of homework in each subject!

Pat - We have a gal that goes with the boy across the street. She is a tiny thing too, she just had a boob job done and she went to a D, I thought she would look all out of porportion but she doesn't. She showed me them and look fantastic! Oh to be that young again! She is a sweetheart! Most of the ones I have seen looked like they had a boob job, but hers you can't even tell! Taxes, I still have to do ours!

Hello to y'all that haven't posted, I have to go get some of that gold put in my ears!:heh: :heh: :heh:

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Hey Guys,

Another busy day - Thank goodness this month is almost over - and I am sooo looking forward to the weekend.

I love coming to here - this thread always gives me a smile or a chuckle.

I don't have time for LOTS of stuff - but I will say

HI DOC!! My Irish doesn't show much - I look much more like the traces of scandinavian that I have on my father's side - but Mom is Irish/Injun mix - mostly Irish. I love the Big Day - and of course, that I love soda bread goes without saying... :]

HI TRISH!! Hey Trish, I never did make it out to Burbank - but I waived when we went to Tucson to visit my, Mom... didja see me? I waived, I swear.

It's great to see both of you ladies joining us again. We missed you.

My weekend plans are very minimal:

1) no leaving the house except for gym priviledges.

2) get the last of the stuff we got at IKEA put together and in place.

I can't recall who said they had a 6 month timeline on any home project - but I swear, I am coming up on that with getting the bookshelves put up and the books put away. It's just so much more fun to play my game or pet a cat, or hang out with the DH. Discipline is something I tend leave at work! *sigh*

Well, my dears - I am off to the grocery store and then to home. I have to grab some staples for the weekend and then DH is making Tacos...

MMMMM. Homemade salsa, spicy meat and some lovely corn tortillas... (my concession to being banded - corn instead of flour. Oh, yeah. I have the VG band...)

I will try to check in over the weekend and do some personals.

Hugs All Round!!

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Spoke to soon.....

I went to dinner the DH and it went really well, AT FIRST! Yes, you can probably see where this is going. It was a salad and Soup bar. I have had salad once and I didn't do very well. So I took some cucumber, beats, squash, zuchinni(?), carots and cut them all really small. Put ranch dressing on it and ate slow. It was real good and I was thrilled to eat salad. I then ate 1/2 cut of soup.

At the end of the meal I started not to feel good. Took a walk while my husband payed the check. Well I barely made it to the car and I burped real hard and all this slime came up.... all over the DH new car! Oh yes, I was sooooo sick! It poored rain on the way home so I was getting sick in a portable coffee cup my DH had in the car.... Got sick for 1/2 hour! I kept telling him how sorry I was and he was just worried about me. (sweet man)

So, here is the questions:

1) Since I am 6 weeks out and everyone says and I keep reading that I won't have restriction until until my first fill? How come I feel so much restriction

and can't eat to much or I get sick? Which has been once a week!

2) I didn't think I ate to much. How do I know? I didn't feel sick until afterwards.:confused:

I am doing ok with it, but a little frustrated.

Thanks, I feel good I have somewhere to post this. I wouldn't do it out there in LBT land.... just here in jersey land :confused:

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Hi gang, Honey I'm home...I said that to Lucy when I got home. She has grown!!!

Second time around is much harder. The surgery was 2 1/2 hours and he had to do a lot more than last time so that's why it was much hard. I had some oxygen problems nothing major just had to have abuterol treatments every 6 hours and use the oxygen all of Tuesday and Wednesday. Then I got some kind of an allergic reaction to something. Not sure what that was but they took me off morphine and onto demurral. Gave me some benydrl and the bumps left for a while. Came back in the morning so more benadryl and more sleep.< /span>

I am heading to bed will try to NC'rs will join us all.

Time for drugs and sleep.

night night, Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

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