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February's Chat

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Good Afternoon Y'all!

I have been a busy beaver today getting all my work (typing) done. Gosh, I am getting a numb butt!:biggrin1:

A couple of great gals that use to be members here came back today and I am happy about that! Give them a warm welcome if you would, they are Rebecca and Darcy! You couldn't ask for two nicer people. :P:) :Banane20:

Dianne - I am happy your surgery is over and you are doing good! I sent you a big group hug, hope ya got it!:biggrin1:

Eileen - Sorry to hear about your Uncle, sending my thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

Cindy - I saw your post, it was a good one! Hopefully things will be back to normal soon and all the fighting will stop again for a long time.

Kelly - Welcome! I still laugh when most people here is from another state! We just all got drawn in by Miss Sweet Eileen!:clap2:

Sherry - Hope your first day back isn't too bad! Take it a little easy too!

Ann - How's it going today?

Tammy - Hope you are doing better today!

Pat - I wish we lived closer, I sure come for that visit to your place! Of course your town would probably never be the same afterwards!:huggie:

Patty - How is the job going?

Well, going to run, I want to finish up this job and take it to get turned in.


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Hey Y'All...

Another exotic and exciting day in mortgage lending has passed... only 3 more to go until the weekend!!

Cindy - how's that new hair? I haven't had new hair in so long I can't imagine anything different than long and curly... I think I will cling to my "big" hair for a while longer. Maybe if I get REALLY thin I will try something new and exotic - but then again, maybe not. It took SO many years to grow it out the first time... :mullet: And slow is ok by me. I am pretty sure that I could be happy at 150... but then, I am only 5'5". I will still be plenty curvy and soft at 150. I hope your stress level is a little lower today. Big hugs! When do the urchins take their tests?

Patty - thanks for the info on 12th Night. I guess we'll have to try that one out next year... I always love being queen for a day! :moony: I hope you and the boys are well. Hugs!

Betty - no numb butt!! You had better get up and jog around the house... Hope your day was a good one! Sorry bout your boy Jeff. :[ But hey, the US pulled a Silver medal in Ice Dancing... that's something, at least! :]

Kelly - the party is always on in NJ - even though most of us are from other places!! We are actually getting pretty spread out. Cali, Texas, Michigan, New York... and Jersey, of course! Yep, Eileen & Ira are gracious hosts. There's always hugs for one more.... :mad: I expect all that "stuff" out there will settle down, eventually. Until then, it's just ok to hang out here.

Sherry - I hope your first day back to work wasn't too rough. I'm thinking good thoughts for you.

Eileen - I caved in to the chocolate craving yesterday, too. *&(%^ hershey's kisses! Must have been something in the air. Big hugs for you and your whole family. I hope Uncle Joe's passing was peaceful.

Kim - thanks for posting us on Dianne. We weren't nearly as worried as she was!! I am glad that all is well. Stop by any time!

Dianne - HUGS, BABY!! We knew it would all come out all right. Hope you feel better and can post with us soon.

Well, my dears - not much going on for me. I went to the docs for my two week post-op - and I have lost not one once... Of course, I have not exercised, I have been less than diligent on my Water and I have eaten things I probably shouldn't eat... so I guess I can't complain. I am going to have to get off my duff and get back to the gym... The good news is that my incisions are healing and the doc told me to uncover them this weekend. I have been keeping them well sealed up so that they will scar less. I think I am going to have to PM Nana to see what the heck she put on her scars. I mean Geez - you can't even see them in the bikini shot - and that is what I want. Not that I will probably ever put on a bikini without plastic surgery - but I still don't wan't the scars. I mean, who knows? It might suddenly be come fashionable for old fat ladies to wear crop tops!! LOL!

Anyway - Love Youse Guys!! (best jersey accent)


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Hi everyone!

Eileen, I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle. Hugs and prayers for you and your family.

Dianne's recovering from surgery!! That was so nice of Kim to let us know.

Kelly girl, welcome to the NJ chat from one Michigander to another! I butted in a few months ago because it's the best thread on this board!

Cindy, I'd love to see a pic of the new hair! I've had long blonde hair for years. I went brunette a few months ago. Now I'm thinking about going short and blonde because I'm losing my hair (sob!). I started Biotin supplements yesterday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. DH used two bottles of Drano on the shower yesterday, LOL!

Betty, I hope your butt has recovered from your long day of typing. :mad:

Sherry, how did it go back at work? I hope it wasn't too tiring for you.

Irene, I'm sorry that you haven't lost any weight since your surgery. It's hard when you can't exercise. When is your doctor giving you your first fill?

Well, I meant to just say a quick hello. I have to put the chickadees to bed - DH is back in CA for the week so I get some nice alone time once they're asleep.

Hugs to everyone that I missed. Have a great night!

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hey Anne -

first fill is ok after my 1 month follow up on the 7th of March. Doc gave me the green light for fills after that visit.

Eh-hem... uh, "can't" exercise might not be entirely accurate. Not having gotten up off my lazy @$$ might be the correct term...

I could exercise after about the first week... Oh Well... I will get motivated soon, I know!

Kelly - how's the Mederma workin on your son? I have been seeing an add for a kids scar solution on TV - but I forget the name. Hope it's working well!! But of course, for boys, scars are "cool" when they get older.

Well, I have to run. Tomorrow is another day....


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Ya'll are so welcome - (my southern accent coming through.) :mad:

I will let her know that you all wish her a speedy recovery. I did talk to her and she is doing good. She said it seems a little rougher this time, I think it's because she knows what to expect this time. She is such a trooper.

Hope ya'll don't mind me jumping in....this thread is like home for me. Us NC girls like sticking together also. It's great to keep up w/ everyone. Maybe I will join in once or twice....hope you don't mind. :car:

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Howdy Folks,

Kim of course you can post here, the more the merrier :mad: this board isn't ours, its everyones.

I've tried 3 times to post here today and got rudely interupted by my co-workers HAAAAAA !! shesh the nerve of them.

This morning I have to run off site and do some errands for the department, which I don't mind b/c it gets me out of here and I can make pit stops for myself *evil grin*

I got on the scale this morning and its still at that same spot.... my fault.

How is everyone today.

Sorry I can't say...gotta go run and do some shopping... *don't hate me now* ROFLMFAO !!!!


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Hey All,

Sorry to be MIA but, the Holiday, the Kids and the job.....

I see there are some new faces to this board, but not new to me. Hello, Kelly! I'm Soooooo, glad that you decided to join our sinister group :bandit How's Walmart?

Lets continue the saga of the mysterious BLOOD PRESSURE TEST.

We last left Patty crying her eyes out at work in the Principals office(for those who don't know I work at a school). Sometime in Janurary the fabulous Sweet P. was honored with the dream job of a lifetime -- School Nurse at a national blue ribbon school-- whoo hoo! Unfortunately for her, getting the interview was nothing compared to passing the medical exam required for employment. While at the clinic they attempted to take a blood pressure over a shirt, on the incorrect arm with a regulation sized cuff. To our amazement the reading was sky high and employment was denied! Flashback to yesterday; I was told to go to another contracted medical clinic and walk in to have another reading done. When I got there they #1 didn't know what my purpose was #2 want me to fill out a pile of papers #3 take my insurance card and license so that I can pay for this blood pressure fiasco. When I got to work my manager asked if I had gone to the clinic and she got mad and on the phone at once! Still wondering if I will ever be hired. Of course since this is clouding my life and I still have to play mommy to my four boys I haven't had a moment to futher my Lapband journey by making psych appt's(I get no answer when I call). Hey, here's something funny.... Dr. Phil says anger is really hurt, fear or frustration. I'm neither hurt nor fearful..... yep, I'm FRUSTRATED. At the end of the day I am just drained. Being single doesn't help. Otherwise, my job is just dreamy and some of the kids I meet -- just a hoot.... they have some of the best one-liners I have ever heard, need to write those down! Hey loving ya all to bits..... I will try to greet individuals this afternoon-- Heart Hugs,

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No testing in my room today...tomorrow I do, but not today. So, it's a normal "abnormal" day in alternative school world.

Boy, you should hear my tummy growl! It is sooooo loud, but kids just think I am too poor to eat or something, and they are offering me all kinds of Snacks. They are so sweet...I had an apple and an ounce of 2% fat cheese for Breakfast, and I guess it's time for a Zone Perfect bar...confession: I had ice cream last night, AND chex mix! I am noticing that I go through 2 week spells of being hungry a lot...then a couple of weeks where it is easy to portion-control. Interesting. It is not PMS, because I had a hysterectomy a couple of years ago...although the ovaries are still intact. Menopause wouldn't cause that type of hormonal eating, would it? Sheesh, ya'll are too young to help me out with that!

Betty, are you out walking in the rain?

Beanie, you are healing from surgery. Don't beat up on yourself for not working out. You will start losing...I know it's hard not to be impatient. Eileen, you are the model of patience...can you help out Beanie here?! LOL!

Dianne, how's it going today?

Sherry, how are you?

Patty, what's up?

Pat, any eagle sightings lately?

Everyone else, have a great day!


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Wow, everybody is so busy! I am no different. I should have left for home 45 minutes ago - but I wanted to stop by and give a shout out to all my favorite guys and gals.

Nothing terribly exciting going on, here. Oh, just a few lay-offs at my office (EEEEK!!) but it's kind of expected after the last month or two. We have been overstaffed for a while - and attrition wasn't working fast enough. I have survived this set - but being in the higher salary range and having a somewhat "miscelaneous" job title, I am worried that there might be more. Everybody think good thoughts - or Betty and I will be interviewing together!

I am not too worried. I figure I have about a 90 day window before they do anything else - and lots can happen in 90 days. So, what we need here are no natural disasters (anywhere) and lots of refinancing and purchasing in the next 90 days. I know you guys can do it for me... LOL!

Hope everybody else if having a great day.


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Good Morning,

Sorry I can't play today, well at least this morning. I have to go to my DH's Uncle's funeral. Then the rest of the day I'm playing hooky from work....neeener neeener neeeener ....

Talk to you later :)


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Nothing to report here, I've been busy playing the G'ma role. It seems I have a new job as BABYSITTER. The 8 week old is not a problem, he eats, wets, sleeps, cries, eats, wets, well you get the picture. Now the 2 yr old, he works my a$$ off, talk about exercise. I can't sit for 5 minutes that he's not into something or hiding..."Nana, I hidn, find me!" then I yell where are you, then he yells, "I hidn right here", too cute. Only problem is after he's been hiding he usually has a poopie to go with it. I keep telling his Mama it's time, but she's not attempting yet.

As for any band update, I'm afraid to get on the scales, I feel like I've gained 5 lbs. Would someone please explain to me how I can eat a large plate of salad with carrots and all sorts of crunchy things, all of it, but then at other times, take a bite of a chicken tender and OMG, spitville. Just when I think or know it's time for a fill, then psychologically, I spend the next day spitting back everything I put in my mouth. Could my band be attached to my brain?

I'm really starting to get disgusted with my lack of weight loss, especially with spring so near. Ok, thanks for letting me vent. Sorry there aren't any personals, but too many to catch up on, so I'll start tomorrow, LOL.

Hugs everyone!

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Good morning Jersey Girls....

I want to thank you all, but especially Betty to invite me back here to post. You were all very supportive when I first signed onto LBT. I had some hurt feelings and newbee confusion recently and signed off LBT. I have licked my wounds...LOL and am here to learn from you in a more "tender" setting how to do this band thing!!! :)

Have a great day:biggrin1:

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:sick :sick :sick Lewis has a temperature today :sick :sick :sick

I have to leave for work and have Taylor babysitting. I'm glad that I only work 3 hrs, but still hate to leave my sick one. I got very little sleep but am feeling good. Our thread has returning friends and there's seems to be alot going on.

Eileen; prayers for your uncles service today.

Donna; welcome back

Rene and sherry; I really want a report on how the band feels.

Gotta run...... Oh the fun never ends!

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Doc! Great to see you! I can understand how you can get confused; you're in safe hands now.

Pat...funny story about hiding and poopin'. Can you try to steer him to the toilet, or does that step on the mom's toes? As for your fill, it IS a hard decision...you know I have gone back and forth on this decision myself. I think the difference in the salad and the chicken is that the salad has dressing on it. Does the chicken have sauce on it? Chicken trips me up lots of time, but if it has barbecue sauce, Heinz 57 or something, I do much better with it....I bet you've tried that already, but just in case...anyway, you've done great with your weight loss, and you are probably just allowing your body to adjust for a while. I think that's probably a good thing in the long-run.

Eileen, I hope the end part of your day is relaxing; sorry about the funeral. It sure seems like there are too many of those these days.

Betty, how goes it? Any word on any of the positions you have interviewed for? Thanks for asking Doc to come hang out with us...she's a great gal.

DD's teacher called and put me on the job to get the materials and pattern for Austrian hats...DD's school has an International Week, where each grade studies a different country, then sets up a display. This year they are studying Austria. I'm gonna look online for something simple...felt and glue.

Gotta go, the natives are getting restless....


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Good Afternoon Y'all!

Doc - Glad to see you here! Relax, you are among friends here, nobody will attack you here! It's a shame that anyone has to go thought that, especially the new people. Hugs to you!

Pat - You and I sound alike, I have gotten to the point that I can eat a lot more, (and sometimes I do) and every time I even think about going for a tiny fill it seems like the next day I can't eat much again! Maybe that is the trick, threating to get the old girl tighter! Anyway, I don't want to go through being too tight again, so I am going to back off for a while. I have found though that the boneless chicken thighs go down much easier than any other piece does. I get big packs of them at Sam's and freeze them. Now, maybe you will start to lose with all that running and stuff with the Gkids. Aren't they cute? Especially when you can hand them back!:(:D :D

Cindy - No news on the jobs, they were interviewing hundreds of people though, so I might not even get considered anymore. Darn, you would think after two interviews they would at least send you a letter letting you know though. I did get a call today to go in Monday for a different job though, and I sent out one more application for another one. So many of the jobs went to Katrina victims around here that it is really hard to find stuff anymore.

Eileen - Funerals are hard for me to go to, hope it isn't too bad for you today. At least you will have some time for something else later in the day. :D

Patty - Sorry to hear you son is sick, hopefully he will be better soon.

Kelly - How are you doing with all that exercising? Can you tell a difference yet?

Beanie - Hey girl, if you are going to be looking too we might have to get together and write some really outstanding stuff for each other!:D :D :D I doubt you will get laid off, who would they send out of town to do the dirty work? :biggrin1: I'll be thinking about ya though, sending those good vibes your way!:)

Kim - Glad to see you here! Please come often! The more the merrier!

Anne - How's things going for you?

Sherry - How you doing ?

Dianne - I hope you are feeling better!:(

Well, going to get some work done, everyone have a great day!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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