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Thanks for the reassurance everyone. I'm really not worried about it - she said that it's no worse than what I had done yesterday, and that wasn't too bad. They want to wait a month for the biopsy site to heal up. I can do it under anesthesia in the hospital or with a local in her office. I LOVED the doctor that I saw, so I'm going to have her do it in her office. No biggie - but I WILL make DH pamper me for a day or two. :)

Patty, what a nice surprise from your principal! A good boss can sure make a big difference. Well ladies, I have to get off my butt and clean this place up. Happy Friday!!

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Hi...again! I am debuting my new ticker. I started this one at my highest weight recorded at my dr.'s office...286. The goal weight I chose was 180. It measure in pounds lost, so that's why it says 1 - 106...didn't want you to think I'd lost my mind and picked 106 as a goal weight...like THAT would ever happen! LOL!

I know the tickers cause anxiety in a handful of people, but it serves a purpose to me, and I intend to continue using it. I am very sorry if this is painful for anyone.:ohwell: (No one on this thread has said anything about it, but when I am mindless enough to wander off this track and read others, I've seen it mentioned).

Glad we're friends...I'd hate to come here and argue every day...but I guess some people like that, huh?:lalala:

Later, Cindy

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Hey everyone, Sorry I haven't been around. Yesterday was not a good day :hurt and I have to thank Eileen :hug: for helping me along. I didn't want to post it all here because I didn't want to seem like a :Cry: cry baby but, man I was hurting and feeling pretty low. Eileen told me you folks would understand and that you all also helped her. I had no idea that anesthia could cause some of that down feeling until she told me. Lets just say a combination of the surgery, coming off anesthia, getting my period and not taking my pain meds took it's toll. But between Eileen's email back to me and my best friends phone call I took my pain meds and began to feel much better. Hell the surgery isn't as drastic as some but, it was still surgery and my body took quite a hit. It will get better and until it is I need to stay on the drugs lol. Thanks again Eileen!

Cindy - I like your new tickler. Mine is the same as yours in that it just shows what I need to lose not my weight. I really don't see why someone would have a problem with that but, alot of the times I don't pay attention to those threads when people complain about stuff like that. They really need to get busy with other things :) I hope you're feeling a bit better and a :) goes out to you. I can't imagine the pain you still have in your heart regarding losing your mom. It certainly made me think and I'm glad I wrote my mom a letter before my surgery. You're sharing your feelings here will help us all realize to appreciate our moms while we have them and I thank you for that.

Ann - Good luck with your upcoming operation. I have to tell you I'd be such a wreck and I admire your attitude about it all. You are truly positive thinking and that will definately help you in the long run with anything that comes your way.

Betty - I'm doing ok..today anyway lol. The liquids I'm allowed to have cannot have any lumps in them. I can't go to mushies until I see my surgeon again on 3/1. What's going on on the job front? What the heck is taking them so long to know you're perfect for it :love:

Patty - Sounds like your :angel: in diguise came through. What a wonderful thing to do :) You're truly blessed with that. No plans here for the weekend except healing up some more before I have to go back to work on Tuesday.

Pat - ;) Ohhh to fly like an Eagle. That must of been a great site! My hubby and I love eagles and all other birds. We have 6 feeders for the birds outside. We love to see which birds we can attact. During the spring and summer we have an additional 2 feeders for the humming birds. They are so much fun to watch and what pictures we've been able to take. We also have 2 squirrel feeders ;) They are funny to watch. Now that we have our dog though...they won't come on the deck so we had to move them to the back.

Diane - Hows the foot? Hope it's feeling better.

Irene - Sounds like you're doing much better than me on the healing side. Faster anyway. My friend had lap-band surgery on the 6th and she's just now starting to feel herself she said. So I guess it takes almost 2 weeks to feel better. This dang "womanly thing" has set me back a bit. I get enough pain from that regularly never mind adding it to the healing of the surgery. Good to know you're doing well :clap2:

Eileen - :yo: thank you so much for your help this week. Ohhh to have the boss gone for a few days must be heaven :banana . I know I enjoy it when the account manager is off for a few days. I'm hoping he takes some time off when I get back so I can get caught back up hahaha.

Anyone I missed - I hope you're doing well!

Thanks everyone for listening....Thanks for being there..the support here is awesome. I've grown to love and appreciate you all.



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Hi all,

Well my foot is just sprained and feels a lot better today. I took Tylenol with codene and threw up 5 times yesterday. NOT GOOD. Once that garbage was out of my system everything felt better.

Yesterday my GM came and she is amazing! She is 97 yrs old. She was here 2 yrs ago. EVERYTHING new hat I got since she was here last she said Oh that's new I don't remember you having that last time I was here! Then we went out to dinner tonight with my In-laws and when we got home Mommom (GM) emptied my dw!!! She is really something!

I saw the anesthesiologist today for blood and stuff and I asked the nurse if any of them had a personality or were they ALL cold fish she laughed and said there were a few that had personalities at that point the Dr walked in and she said this is Dr.-- and he has a personality. We laughed for the rest of the time. He will not be doing my surgery but he said the Dr that is does have one. So you better believe I'm going to tell him when I meet him that I heard hes got one!

DH tells me that he got a call from his boss today and his boss is flying up on Monday to meet with him..holy CRAP! to discuss $$. DH asked if he needed to worry and he said no. I know I have to give it to God and it will be ok but CRAP! Now I have this to think about all weekend too!!! I have never met this guy but DH likes him a lot so I'm going to have a bottle of Champagne and a bottle of lemon juice and ask him what kind of day are we going to have!

Anne, I'm so glad the boobs are A OK. What a bummer that your going through all this stuff ((hugs)) to you. And DON:DON'T LIFT the little one!!!

Patty, That is great that your principle is backing you up and on your side. I am so glad for you. How sweet a surprise for you from your Angels is disguise!!!

Cindy, I know how hard anniversary time can be. My dad has been gone now for 19yrs and the Anniversary time is always hard even this many yrs later although it is a little better every yr. But the first few yrs are not easy. ((Hugs)))

Betty, I would have gotten upset also about those people. You know now I want to tell everyone that's fat about this gift of ours. Today I had to go for my pre surg anestesiolist appointment and there were 2 women who were real big. I so badly wanted to ask them if they were having WLS but I didn't want to intrude.

Eileen what a nice way to end the week with out bosses! How nice that you had such a nice time with the other bandster. AND HOW ABOUT GOING TO YOUR OB BEFORE SPRING!!!

Pat, How is your time alone? I d hope we can get together in NC sometime, that would be fun. We have a real nice group of girls here from LBT. We meet once a month. Tomorrow morning we are meeting and we're all having Soup because on of the girls just got a fill today.

Sherry, I feel so bad for you. Take the drugs. What a bummer about Clifford coming right now. Oh that really stinks. ((hugs))

I'm going to take Lucy out and GTB have a good night..love ya

Oh I forgot to tell you I went to a new nutritionist today. She was WONDERFUL!! I can't believe all the stuff I learned from her. I am almost looking forward to my liquid and mushie stages!

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Good Morning,

Finally its SATURDAY !!! WWOOOF!

Sherry, you sound 10000 times better, I'm so happy for you. Hang tight, it gets MORE better :) I'm glad I could help, anytime (that goes for everyone).

Patty, your boss sounds so nice... a keeper for sure.

Dianne, your G'ma sounds darling. I'm sorry you had a bout w/the drugs...egads girl. Take it easy on the foot, they say a sprain is worse than a break as far as pain goes...but wtf do I know. I did break my foot when I was 16...long story. LOL. Feel better.

Cindy I love seeing other peoples tickers.... I just got depressed looking at my own at that same number for so long. So I took it off my siggy. Seeing other people succeed is keeping me going. Donka Shane or in New Jersey we say Donkey Chains ;)

My house is in some serious need of cleaning....any volunteers? I wish we had 3 days off instead of two b/c saturdays I'm so tired, sundays I pep up and get more energy, mondays I'm like a bullet from getting rest, so thats why my house never gets a full cleaning and looks just as bad on a monday as it does on a friday.... oh well.

Time for breakfast.... I'd like an omlet w/cheese, bacon and mushrooms, rye toast and hashbrowns done extra crispy please......... okay I can dream.... I'll have a slice of WW toast instead *boring* lolol.

Watcha all doing today?

Zan, Beanie, Anne, Pat, Betty, Ira, Grizgirl.......... Wazzzzzzup?

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I'm waiting for the snow, hard to believe it was 71 yesterday, and today they're calling for snow. I ordered some new furniture type accessories for my home office, so I spent hours putting that chit together, sometimes it just doesn't pay to be a tight a$$, but with the help of my Craftsman 1800 volt power drill, I gotter done!

Clifford, LMAO, I thought somebody got a big red dog, hehehehe.

My DH got to see the Eagle this am, and I am talking about the big bird, :);) . He landed in the same tree again, and before I could get my camera he was gone. My DH said I wonder what they eat, I said pretty much what ever they want. I'm gonna get a picture yet :heh: . We have 10 bird feeders out back, he keeps them full of thistle seed, squirrels don't like thistle seed, so I told him it looked like he was gonna have to get a BIGGER bird feeder.

Diane glad your foot's better. This spring I'm just gonna plan a LB party at the beach, Nags Head and anybody within distance..(Eileen, NJ's not that far), plan on meeting me there. As for the time alone, he's back, he only stays a day or two at a time, :angry . I needed a full week of "get-away" time.

Sherry I'm sorry you're such a wussss, JUST KIDDING, I know it's slow go at first. I love it when everyone says don't over do it, but WALK, LOL. Hope you're feeling much better today, after day 3 every day's a major improvement :sick . Big Hugs girl! A milkshake with a little Protein, (although, I never added the protein) will perk you right up.

Cindy, when you go on vacation this summer, I think you should leave a few days early and stop off here in VA and hang out here, bring Betty with ya.

Betty, you know if you'd posted that info about the 500 lb couple anywhere else but here, you'd have been catching hell, LOL. It's great we can come here and have our own opinions and not be judged for posting them. :cry .

Anne, are they gonna do that other test that also checks the uterus, I think it's kind of a new test. I may be confused again.

Has anyone checked out Kelly's new site, LB family?

Ok I've bla bla blad enough, but I'll be back.

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My DH got to see the Eagle this am, and I am talking about the big bird, ;):)

Oh sure... the bird ROFLMFAO hehehehehehe :)

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Good Morning Y'all!

Dang you Cindy, I know you ordered all this cold weather! I don't mind a little bit, but this is awful! Burrrrrrr! Going to be 25 tonight!

Now, be nice and order some warmer weather for me!:biggrin1:

I'm waiting for the snow, hard to believe it was 71 yesterday, and today they're calling for snow. I ordered some new furniture type accessories for my home office, so I spent hours putting that chit together, sometimes it just doesn't pay to be a tight a$$, but with the help of my Craftsman 1800 volt power drill, I gotter done!

Pat you crack me up! We did the same thing at my last office! This one gal striped all the screws putting a chair together, we all laughed and nobody except her would sit in it. Needless to say she had a lot of screws left over too! I hope you get a picture of that Eagle! They are so neat! We have 4 bird feeders in our yard too, I just love feeding the birds. We stick corn on the cobs on a nail on the fence and the squirrels love it. I have to admit though they steel the whole cob once in a while.:biggrin1: We have about 6 hummingbird feeders all over the house and garden. They are absolutely my favorite. I even have one on my bedroom window and I love waking up seeing them feeding in the morning.

Yeah, I am glad I don't have to worry about what I say on here to y'all. I really wasn't putting down anyone who weighed that much, I just got very upset when they had

to ride the scooter instead of walk, while they had a donut in each hand. Then yesterday I saw a woman who could barely walk that had an arm load of marked down Valentines candy in her arms. It just makes me upset! I don't put down anyone for their weight, but I do when they can't walk and are eating donuts and chocolate candy. I just wish they would realize they are hurting themselves so much by doing this.

Eileen - Pass the hasbrowns this way please, and put a little bit of sausage gravy on them please! MMMMMMM I have been working on this contract stuff, so my house needs some serious cleaning too. I mopped my floors on Thursday so I wouldn't have to do it today, then yesterday I dropped a whole glass full of stuff all over the floor! So, yesterday I re-mopped it again!

Dianne - Your GM sounds like the perfect GM. I bet she is a real sweety! I'm glad you get to spend some time with her. Glad to hear you are doing better, and Eileen is right, sprains are worse than breaks! Soak it in some hot epsen salts!

Sherry - Use the drugs as long as you need them. Everyone responds to surgery differently. Make yourself comfortable! And, if you come on here acting like you are high, we'll all understand! :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1:

Nothing new on the job front, it is so hard here to find something. I really think a lot of it has to do with all the Katrina folks here and they got a lot of the jobs. The waiting is the worse part, then if they don't even bother to let you know one way or the other, that is bad too! Thanks for asking!

Anne - By all means let DH pamper you! Take all you can get!:clap2: :clap2:

Beanie - You are not allowed so much time away from LBT! Now, get thee back here on the double!:)

Patty - Hope everything is going great for you today!

We got invited to the neighbors house for dinner tonight, so no cooking!:clap2

Well, back to the grind, I have a ton of work to get out the door!

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Betty I know you weren't putting those people down.... if anything I bet it just broke your heart. What bothers me about seeing people like that is, I know I can become just like them, so its scary to me.

I love birds but the town begs us not to feed them b/c the seeds attact bear. Yes believe it, we get bears and lots of them. NJ had a so many that they allowed folks to hunt them at one time ((poor things)).

Oh well, let me get back to cleaning or I'll start more trouble on here today hehehehe !!!

WHO ME????????

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I wasn't expecting this:

My weight loss has really slowed down over the past 2 months, and I noticed that I have been able and wanting to eat more and more.

So I asked for a fill yesterday and guess what... There was nothing in the band! Of course the first thing I thought of was that there was a leak, but it turns out that it is not uncommon for osmosis to occur or for the saline to evaporate primarily with a first fill. GO FIGURE!

I have good restriction now, but I thought this was worth sharing in case I wasn't the only one who didn't know this could happen.

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Hi everyone!

We visited my sister in Missouri a few years back and saw soooooo many beautiful birds at the feeders on her deck. So, of course we were inspired to put up a feeder ourselves. Ya know what we got? A bunch of big fat brown birds gorging on our seeds and pooping all over my deck!!! That was at our old house... We actually have a new feeder and seed sitting in the dining room right now. For some reason they haven't come inside to get any - ROFL!! We have a six month turnaround time on any project at my house. We decide to buy a bird feeder... we buy one... we throw it in the dining room, and 6 short months later my DH brushes off the dust and puts it up.

Pat, I'm confused about all these tests I've been having too, lol! The boobs looked good, the uterus looked good, but the cervix looks bad. In a month they're doing some sort of procedure where they slice off the tip of the cervix.

I completely agree about it being nice to calmly discuss those people at Walmart. We all knew just what Betty meant, and nobody ripped her a new one. Now that's refreshing!! :biggrin1: And Eilene, I also cringe a little because I could see myself getting that heavy at one point. There but for the grace of God, eh?

Pat, can I come to NC too?! Of course, I'd have to bring my 2 year old and 5 year old, but they're ANGELS!!! I'll drop them off on a Friday and be back to pick them up Monday. ROFLMAO! Sigh... this was supposed to be our weekend away from the little dears so I think I'm a little short on patience today. Just caught DD trying to apply her own diaper ointment OVER her diaper.

Dianne, your GM sounds sharp as a tack! That's really cool. I wonder what her secret is. I'm sorry that you got sick on the drugs yesterday. ;)

Eilene, when is Sunday Breakfast? Cause I can be there by 9am! I'll bring the coffeecake. :hungry: I know this is blasphemous, but don't you ever wish you could deflate your band for an occasional meal? Just once a month would do it for me. I know, I know... bad Anne.

Betty, isn't it always the way that something gets spilled on the floors right after they're mopped? That's why I just avoid mopping mine altogether. :)

Sherry, Irene, and Cindy - what are you up to this weekend?

Time to clean out the dining room. Oh yeah, the bird feeder's going up today! Or at least it's getting moved a little closer to the deck... :)

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Hi, friends!

I tell you, it's crazy out there on the other threads! I was just so proud of you, Eileen, for starting a little scuffle about the adult threads...you know, I don't mind a little sexual innuendo, teasing, and goofing around of an adult nature, but OMG! Some of this stuff is just plain trashy, and then for THAT to be compared to "religious stuff" was too much for this word warrior, and I had to post on your thread. We'll see what kind of response I get for wondering aloud how XXX topics and religious topics were equal?

I guess I'd get flamed pretty good if I suggested that the lack of spirituality might be leading to some of the psychological issues some people are having? Eileen, don't you dare change your sig. to delete the religious beliefs you proudly claim...I understand the ticker, but I will not be pressured to give up my right to religious expression.

Pat, I could be talked into flying out to your place...if you're serious about the get-together. It would need to be summer, though, when I have time off, or after next December, when I'll be retired! (laughing giddily at the thought!)

I am sooo sorry, Betty! I'll try to get you some warmer weather before the week is over!

Anne, your gm reminds me very much of mine...she was sharp and "with-it" until the end of her life...a true blessing in my life, as yours is to you!

We have sleet/freezing rain off and on here...got up early to take DD to a Girl Scout Thinking Day thingie, only to get there (15 miles) and find a CANCELLED sign on the door! Dang it! NO one from the district council called anyone, either...so, since we were already in Denton, we went to get our hair cut...both of us, DD and I. So, at least we got something done. Then I made Chex Mix (3 hours, stirring every 15 min), paid bills (yuck!), did laundry (whoopee!), and looked at all the treasures DH brought back from the auction he went to this morning.

Please, someone write about their weekend, and let me live vicariously through you! Zan? Dianne? Patty? Beanie?

Oh yeah, Pat? As far as feeding the eagle, just keep your small pets indoors...LOL! Sorry you didn't get quite enough time off...I love my DH like crazy, but I love time on my own, too!

I'm so glad we have our little thread, where we can relax.

Hugs, Cindy

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You all know me, I don't like to start trouble and that was not my intent. This place has a lot of very nice people and it seems we are starting to lose them :) IMHO something had to be brought to Alex's attention, now weather or not a separate room is created for the 'sexual topics' it doesn't matter...what I hope happens is either the mods can move the threads into the lounge or maybe a rating ticker goes on the threads...ahh heck folks... I don't know. But if all our experienced bander's leave that can't be good for future bander's.

Cindy I have no intentions on changing my signature...I believe what I believe.... But I like other Christians am not perfect... yes, I do think some of the naughty threads are funny (some are gross) but hey... nobody's perfect :)

Ira babe, your doing wonderful with your weight loss... who did your fills? please tell me it was Scott b/c Dr. B. told me he doesn't know how to do them.

Anne, wise guy.... I watch the birds go to my neighbors feeders and they get lots of squirrels that try to eat the seed, they hog it so the birds don't have a chance lol. They get lots of gold finches and snow birds, beautiful cardinals and blue jays. One year I saw blue buntings...gosh were they tiny and beautiful. We also get orange oreo's.... no not chocolate ones, shoot, I'd be on the bird feeder if they were there lol, orange and black oreo's...beautiful. Oh and lots of morning doves. We live at the bottom of the mountain and there's lots of woods and a river so we tend to get lots of deer and wild animals... lots of coyote lately.

Oh well back to playing with DD...see you later ;)

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You go, girl! I was just giving you moral support to put whatever you want to put on your sig, that's all! I suppose there are not any perfect Christians, since we wouldn't need redemption if we were perfect. All we can do is try.

I know you don't want to start trouble, but I'm hugging your neck for bringing up this topic. I am bothered by how it seems that some of the more pushy people are running others off the board. I'm just a little stubborn, though, and I am staying.

I got your back, girl.


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