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Hi everybody!


I'm sorry that I don't have time to check in with everyone personally tonight, but I wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you guys. I was laying on the table getting a boob ultrasound yesterday and I started laughing... The doc asked what was funny and I just mumbled something, but the truth is I was thinking about how I had to be sure to report in to Mom (Eilene) and let her know that everything is okay. I had a mammogram too, and everything looks fine. Woo hoo! False alarm I guess.

Ugh... I just read that back and it sounds disjointed, but I'm too tired to fix it. DH and I are going away for a long weekend without the kids. I'll try to check in tomorrow but it may be next week before I get back here. (((HUGS))) to everyone - I'm hitting the hay. :)

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:cell: Hey Anne.... here's a phone call telling you CONGRATS on the ultrasound & doctor visit. I'm super happy for you.

:roll: Dianne, did you hear about the fall I took last December? OHHHH, man..... that hurt! There was nothing to break my fall except my open palm. Took out both knees and a toenail. Please baby yourself for a couple of days.... we need you around here :kiss2:

Thanks for all the warm wishes, my troubles have been never ending. When I got to work Wednesday morning I went straight to the principals office and told her the whole sordid tale. She immediately jumped into action and said that I wasn't allowed to quit, and she was keeping me around for the next 10 years or so. Someone was going to answer for such unprofessional behavior, etc. I was being sent back to my office and the problem was no longer mine -- whew! To have my boss go to bat for me was wonderful. I really do love my job and hopefully today my hire date will be in effect.

On, a brighter note..... we had a runner in my office yesterday. A kindergartener smashed his finger in a gate and he didn't speak any english. When I introduced an Ice pack he thought I was gonna give him a SHOT :faint: . He bolted from the office and took off running down the street. 3 moms and our janitor in his truck had to chase him down the street. I heard it all on walkie talkie conversations. The boy almost made it to our busiest intersection(which is why we were so scared), but they got him just in time. Hayden school, never a dull moment! Have a great day,

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Eileen, I love your laundry smilie! If I'm not at work, that's probably what you'd find me doing! LOL! Thanks for being a good sport about my most likely unwanted advice to slow down...or calm down. I live with a drama queen (DD)--of course, it's not me!--and we all need to take a breath now and then...I love you, girl!

Pat, I figured you were teasing me...love the play on words! Like my drooly baby thing I wrote about your car and gbaby...

Sherry, sorry about the fall...I hope you are okay. Rest your ankle, and if it's not better, have it checked out.

Betty, keep looking for that perfect pair of jeans! And remember, your body type may be different from the women you saw, so there's no harm in just putting some on...I found a brand called Jeanstar, I think at Foley's, and I love how they fit...They are a little low (below the waist), but not all-the-way-down-to-Christmas low!

ON a more serious note, if I am smarty-pants, sarcastic, or seem short in my answers, I apologize. I have just been stressed out, and am not finding a good way to de-stress. Our big state test is next week, and you wouldn't believe how much pressure is put on the kids, and thus the teachers, to perform on that test. I think I've written about this before, so I won't go into detail and will spare you the agony. Also, it was this time last year that we were all in Houston, with Mom, who was getting ready to have her aortic aneurysm/replacement surgery...her surgery took place exactly a year ago tomorrow---and the feelings of realizing it's been a whole year since I really saw "my mom", as she was, are washing over me and causing great sadness. She didn't die until July, but she was never again the mom I knew. I miss her sooooo much. AND, I know this is not over yet, because these feelings will be even stronger when July rolls around this year...I know it will get better, but it's hard to really believe it, and (Eileen!) being the impatient sort of person I am isn't actually helping in this process. Thanks for listening, and for all the encouraging and kind words you've all given me...your help is very important to me, and very appreciated.

Hope I don't bite someone's head off in here (classroom!)...no patience whatsoever!

Eileen, oh yeah, CONGRATULATIONS! When the cat's away, the mice will play!

Hugs to all of you, Cindy

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HELLO !!!!!!!!!!

Oh how I love each and every one of you :huggie:

Anne, I'm glad I can make you laugh even when I'm not there. YEAH!! on the results :)

Patty, I'm sooooo glad your boss is behind you with all that nonsense... I hope she takes a ruler to that other ninnies hand WACK~ :fish: Oh that poor little kid, I can't imagine what went thru his mind when he ran. The only thing that makes me run is to many veggies, and thats usually to the bathroom :guess

Dianne good golly, you are lucky you didn't break your teeth or worse. How are you feeling today?

Cindy how are you feeling today, you sounded bummed out yesterday.

Beanie check out this Zena banana :) hehehe, think we'll ever look like her yowzers. How are you feeling today, watcha been eating besides apple sauce. Maybe not your next visit up here but I bet by this time next year... we're not going to the Saloon for dinner, we're gonna go dancing.

Betty I agree, those low riding pants only look good on certain people. and yes, it makes their butts look bigger... I thought it was my imagination. I haven't seen anyone that looks really good in them except 15 year old little skinny girls LOL!!!

Pat whats going on in your world? How's the new grandbaby? Enjoying the car ;)

:boink: Sherry, how ya feeling? what type of diet did your doctor put you on after surgery? Dr. Frankenstein made me do alot of clear liquid which pissed me off but I gotta say it did help with the weight loss.

Nothing much happening here today.... Yes I am bossless :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh:

I had 1/2 a bagel for Breakfast then the other half around 10 am. I'm gonna pass on lunch b/c I'm supposed to meet GrizGirl (Sally) who posts here for dinner. She is visiting NJ this week. :woot:

:ranger: <---- this is me all day today, enjoying the pc and my cofee.

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Hey Cindy,

Oh heck, I don't think your a smarty-pants or sarcastic, you have a heart of gold and thats what drew me to you. Everyone gets in a funk and its totally understandable, just hang in there.

I'm sorry this time of year bums you out but I can surely relate. Losing some one is never ever easy, and I can never believe that time heals all wounds. What I do believe (and know) is that time makes it more bearable but there is that forever hole in the heart where that person once was, a reminder. We're here for you. Keep smiling and remember your Mom the way she would have wanted you to remember her. HUGS !!!

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Thanks, Eileen! How can someone thousands of miles away understand me so well? I really don't like to come here with all my cares and woes, but since I felt that I was being a big gripey gut, I thought I'd better explain. Thanks for seeing my heart of gold, too! Kisses! Cindy

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Hi Y'all!

I have been out running around, walking around some too, just getting out of this house for a while. It is so beautiful here today, in the 80's people are in shorts, but tomorrow we will be in sweats because it is dropping into the low 40's! Yucky PooPoo!

Cindy - Please don't ever feel like you are a burden or anything else. I lost my Mom and Dad 10 days apart from each other, and it was the hardest thing I have ever went through in my life. Not a day goes by that I don't think about them, and yes, I still get tears in my eyes. I was so close to my parents, and I would give anything to have one more day with them. Heck, I talk to the all the time!:) Eileen is right, you will always have an empty hole in your heart that can't be filled up. Things will get easier, it took me about 3-4 years for things to get a little easier for me, but like I said, it never really goes away. People if your parents are alive today, please spend some valuable time with them, you won't regret it one bit! Gosh you even have the school testing to be on your mind too, honey get yourself a massage or a long hot bubble bath, you need to have some me time. Hugs to you sweet one!

Dianne - Sure hope you aren't too sore! Gosh you need to be well for that surgery and being able to walk!

Anne - I am so happy all your tests came back good. That is a scary thing to go through, and usually it does come back negative, but we always think the worst.

Beanie - You are such a sweetie! So, what ya eating and how it is going?

Pat - Where are you girl? Are you still going in to the office as much? I have been meaning to ask you if you still have the ladies club going?

Patty - Glad to hear the boss took over for you, now sit back and relax. Good thing they got that boy, I bet he was so scared!

Eileen - Glad you have a relaxing day! I haven't seen anyone look good in those pants either unless they are about a size 10 or less. I just looked at those women and saw the big butts, and then the roll of fat hanging over the band and put them right back on the shelf!

Sherry - Hey girl, how is the liquids going? Hope you are feeling better today. Hang in there!

I was so upset today, I went up to Walmart's and saw these two people both on the riding carts. They were married, about in their late 50-60's and both of them weighed at least 500 pounds. When I first saw them, I said how sad, they have to ride instead of walking. But when I got closer to them, they were both sitting on the carts eating donuts! YES, DOUNUTS! Then I got upset, I just couldn't feel too sorry for them then. Everyone was looking at them and shaking their heads. How very sad!

Anyway, hope you are all having a good day!

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Betty, (((hugs))). Thank you! Maybe I'm not losing my mind after all, well, at least not in an unexplained way. I feel I owe you all, at the least, an explanation for any weirdness I might be showing in my responses. Sometimes they are too long, and sometimes I don't include everyone, etc. I am really sorry for what you had to go through...I can't imagine. 10 days apart. (((hugs)))

Anne, soooo happy to hear your good test news! I was expecting that you would be fine; glad you are!

love ya, Cindy

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Cindy, please don't stop being a smarty, we need you wise ass to keep us unedgimicated peoples strate, LMAO. This is not going to make you feel any better, but my dad died 6 yrs ago come April 13, and I miss him as much today as the day he left.

I love full moons, I always look up and blow a kiss and say hey Daddy. I know that sounds corny, but I know he's up there hiding behind that moon.

Hugs...all the way around...group hug, well that's Feb Chat group hug.

Anne, my DH and I are having a week get away, he's at the beach house ..getting away from me, LMAO, I'm here just loving life, while he's in NC.

Betty, I resigned the Red Hat society, that bunch of ol women, I mean they were old, not only in age, but just old. I was looking for a group of ladies like we got here on NJ chat, girls that just wanna have fun.

Beanie and Sherry how ya'll doing?

Eileen, they're calling for snow here this weekend, we missed it last weekend, I'm ready for it, I've got to start organizing my tax stuff for the CPA, it takes me days to get it done. We not only have our business, which is a corp and does it's own taxes, but we have rental property and omg, I'm getting tired just thinking about digging into all those folders. Plus, I organize the stuff for my two sons personal taxes for the CPA, what am I thinking?? I told them three years ago that was my last year!

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Hello all,

Cindy, I don't quite know what to say about your mom so I'm just going to give you a big ((((HUG)))). I'm sorry that you're going through such a tough time right now. That state exam sounds like a big nightmare too, so I'm sure that isn't helping matters.

Pat, I'm glad you're enjoying your own "getaway" :) Unfortunately, we had to cancel our trip because of a big ice storm up North. We're going to reschedule for March. DH and I got the tax thing out of the way early (for once) and met with a new accountant. Our last one was a sweetheart, but she filed for an extension on our very simple return and never told us, so I sat and sat waiting for a $4000 return check. I wish I had that problem this year - we owe $$. :)

I had my colposcopy today (that's the coochie follow up test). The short story is that they did a biopsy and there are pre-cancerous cells on my cervix. In a month I have to undergo a minor operation where they slice off the tip of the cervix. I'm sure glad I got in for my annual when I did (I was at least a year overdue). Because they did a biopsy today I'm not supposed to lift for two weeks or do anything strenuous. Yeah, right! Don't they know I have a 2 year old? It's always nice to have an excuse to avoid the treadmill though. :huggie:

Betty, I'm glad you enjoyed a day in the sun today! Did all of your flowers survive the cold spell? Your 80 degree weather makes me long for the Spring! I know just what you are saying about those folks at Walmart. I feel so much compassion for them because I know how close I came to that point, but I also want to shake em and take them to a lapband seminar, lol.

Patty, that is wonderful news about your boss! She sounds like a great lady, and it sure sounds like you've impressed her. Good to know you won't have to go on medication to treat your raging hypertension (ha ha).

Dianne, I hope your ankle is feeling better! I myself am a huge klutz. I once pointed out to DH that the name Anne means "grace". He just snorted and said "yeah, right". Keep that baby elevated!

Eilene, glad you got some much deserved down time while boss was away!

Sherry & Bean, I hope you're both recovering smoothly. The liquid phase can be a long road. DH was ready to divorce me because I was whining so much. :boink:

Alright, I'm heading off to bed... :bored G'night everyone!

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Good Morning, what a dreary day, looks like the bottom's gonna fall right out of the sky.

I spotted an Eagle this AM, I was so excited, I had my binoculars out, watched him fly and perch up in a tree, it was awesome. I saw him yesterday too, but just swooping by, today I got a good long look.

Anne, no lifting with a 2yr old, oh ok, LOL. I hope they're doing that snip as an outpatient, why are they waiting a month?

Cindy, hope you're having a better day.

Eileen, get to work, LMAO

Betty, I was thinking of you yesterday, it was 70 here, I thought now if I were a REAL Harley rider like Betty, I'd yank that bike out of that garage and ride into work, nah, I didn't. I do wish I'd thought about taking the Corvette while DH is out of town, I could have put the top down and been profiling.

Zan, Ivan, where are you guys?

Patty, I doubt your BP is getting better with all the aggravation they're giving you. Tell them it's their fault it's acting up, no pun intended.

Sherry, Beanie, ready for a good ol milkshake yet, yummmmm, you're healing remember, hehe.

Diane, how's the ankle today? I sprained mine one time, OMG, that was a lot of a$$ landing on this poor little ankle, can't believe I didn't break it.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

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Good Morning,

Nice to see you all today :)

I have to tell you all that I met another banster from the boards yesterday. She lives out on the west coast and was here visiting her FIL. We had a lovely dinner yesterday. I sware, I felt like I knew her for years, what an awsome lady. Some of you might know her Grizgirl. Anyway I told her to come here and post b/c you ladies are THE BEST!!!! Her DD and my DD got along so well that by the time we left the place where we ate, they were holding hands...very cute.

Anne, gee I'm sorry about the results but boy am I glad you caught it...scary, I know. I need to make my obgyn appt soon. I haven't seen her in DON'T KILL ME!!!! almost 5 years. Since my DD was born...yikes, I know. I promise I will go this year, soon.

Pat, I love to watch birds, I don't think I've ever seen an eagle in the wild. We get tons of hawks and turkey vultures but thats about it. The hawks are beautiful to watch. I love animals period!! Oh I can see you struttin around town in your corvette...hot stuff !!! It was 65 degrees here yesterday.

Zan you back from GA yet?

We're expecting 50 MPH winds today, between 10 am and 6 pm with rains...fun !!!

Well kids back to work for me.....I'll be surfing later.

Have a wonderful FRIDAY !!! WHOOT !!!

Watcha all doing this weekend?

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:bandit Hello Everybody,

Hey, when I got to work yesteday I found a note and a grocery giftcard on my desk... I think from my principal. It was very unexpected. The note said "today will be a better day". Angels in disguise.

Sunny California is very cold today, looking for my parka. The boys are with me this weekend and we have 3 days to goof off. Any special plans for the group?

Eileen: Tell Grizgirl to come speak with us.... did you say she was a Cali girl? Need to meet her!

Anne; Your girlie surgery sounds uncomfortable. And no hospital stay? Let hubby baby you lots.... worth a try!

Beanie; Tell me you get to eat more than applesauce..... mushie stage is suppose to be wonderful!

Sherry; Are we better today? I'd tell ya a joke but that will only make you laugh and then you'll pop a stitch and then you'll be mad :biggrin1: Hugs and happiness.

Dianne; Have you been getting the royal treatment yet? By next week dance lessons begin.

Betty; That Walmart story just killed me. If I ever become that heavy and am riding around in a cart, you have my permission to shoot me. Eating donuts..... crazy!

Well, gotta do a bank run and "heigh, ho.... heigh ho, its off to work I go!" :);):):P:);) ;)

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Good Morning Y'all!

Talk about a difference in temps! I am freezing today! I had to run an errand, and get some gas and I thought my ears would fall off! Dang it is cold! I think I will stay in the house the rest of the weekend! We're supposed to get some cold weather!

Pat - Now yesterday would have been the day for me to go Harley riding, but instead I went running errands and did a little shopping. I honestly thought about going though, and even DH told me I should go but I didn't. I did put the top on the car down though and it was pure heaven. I'm glad I got a little in yesterday, because I sure can't today!:cry Aren't eagles neat? They just had an article in our paper saying they aren't so extinct anymore.

Patty - How sweet of the principal to do that! Something like that makes your day go nice all day.

Eileen - Glad you got a chance to meet another banster. I love meeting the people I chat with on the board.

Anne - I had a niece that had to have that done and she was surprised it was so easy. So, don't worry too much about it, let us know how it goes. I hope you have as easy a time as she did. Yes, I saved all my flowers, but we are getting more freezes this weekend with the possibility of freezing rain, and I just know it will get them. But, I have decided not to go out and cover up everything again. It took me hours to do it last time, and then we got 85 degrees and it all had to be taken off. Now here it comes again, so I am just going to hold my breath and hope for the best.

Cindy - I hope you are feeling better today! Just remember you Mom is an angel that is with you all the time now!:biggrin1:

Beanie - I miss you here, I hope you get back to posting more! Tell them you just can't work that hard all the time!:biggrin1:

Zan - Hope your trip is going good!

Sherry - How are you feeling now? What kind of liquids are you on?

Dianne - How is the foot doing?

I have to get back to work! I have a big orde to get out, and since it is so cold I can work more!:);):)

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Good afternoon, friends!

Yes, Betty...here's some more cold weather, that I just love! Am I weird or what?! I'm actually looking forward to being stuck in the house due to icy roads! My DD has some activities in Denton this weekend, but I am a big wuss when it comes to slick roads, due the inability of others to drive like they have any sense!

Anne, the procedure is relatively painless and quick and doesn't require much except time and minipads to recover. At least, that was the way it was a couple of decades ago when I had it done. Here's hoping for the best!

Patty, your principal is awesome! Ours wouldn't even notice we were having a hard time. I had to straight out tell mine that I was struggling with everything, and he was very understanding, but wouldn't notice on his own! You're lucky there!

Pat, you crack me up! And thanks for the laugh! I've always been a Smarty Pants, but over the years (and I'm a slow learner, I'll give you that) I have learned some bit of diplomacy, and usually use it. Not all the time, as you have seen here and there.

Eileen, how fun to meet another band buddy! Children are so sweet (when they're like that, holding hands). With me it's all, "I love you, Mommy" and then the next minute, it's rolling eyes and stomping around. Poor DD, with 2 teachers for parents...we see it all the time, so it probably loses something with us. God knows what he's doing when he chooses parents for the little angels!

Pat, oh yeah, the EAGLE! I've only ever seen one, at Lake Buchanan in Texas...I love bird-watching, or any animal, really...I get excited if there is a cardinal in my yard...much less an eagle!

To everyone, have a great Friday!

Thanks for taking care of me, long distance!

Hugs, Cindy

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