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Happy Saturday !!

Good Morning folks, and how is everyone today. Recon the stores will be packed with people today fearing they will never get to the store again b/c of the storm we're expecting tonight ROFLMFAO!! nin-cow-POOPS!

Zan, are you ready for the snow this weekend? how are you feeling and how's your mom ?

Cindy, I backed away from that thread b/c I have a sneaky feeling that the one poster who's egging people on has a split personality and became two posters on that board... Its just some one who is very bored in life and it seems that they want people to fight on this board. There's alot of love here and support and it seems like this person is trying to break that up. But thats JMHO :) Read the threads, look at the timing of the two estrange posters..... look at the # of posts they posted (they are new) hmmmmmmmmmm !!! I've seen that crap before and I'm not falling for it.

All the admins have to do is check both posters IP address and they'll see and if that doesn't match I can bet its the same person using 2 pc's. Turn the cheek..... I'm not gonna play into that moron's game. Enjoy the pizza buffet today... and yes salad IS good :) especially with eggs in it mmmm.

Dianne, I'm glad you got your date. Well shoot girl, I'd be scared too but you have to leave it in the hands of the Great One in the sky, because we have no control over these things. Keep thinking positive !!!!! and you know you'll be in my prayers.... Awww hug little lucy for me.

Sherry, sorry your 6 folks turned into 50 knowing about your surgery. I sware people just can't keep their mouths shut lolol. I felt the same way as you, I had to have surgery to get some time off of work lolol. Thats why I took every day I could :D oh yeah.

Beanie, I'm glad you got the flowers :bananajump: hope they are as lovely as the photo looked lolol. I'm glad your feeling better, it does get easier doesn't it. Do you feel like you'll be up to going to work Monday?

I'm gonna surf and be back.... have a lovely day everyone.

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Zan, you make some thoughtful points...I agree with you that I WISH we didn't have to watch every word carefully, but know that we do. I do still think that the recipient of the alledged offense has some responsibility to react in an adult manner, also. So, yes, I would prefer that people be careful of what they say, but they should be able to express their opinion, and people should consider that there is more than one way to view the world. Both sides just need to chill! I think I'm just going to read the threads I know, answer the introductions with a welcome, and move on.

Eileen, VERRRRY INTERESTING. I had never though about the split personality thing, but hey, I think it's definitely a possibility. I've got to hand it to you: you would make a very effective private detective. The more I think about it, my gut tells me you are right. How weird. There's so many things to do in the world, what a shame that one person turns into two and both of them do nothing but cause trouble. Sigh. Urrrgh.

I'm not as good at writing sounds as you are!

Sherry, one day at a time. Get read as best you can, and then give it up to the Lord. You are going to be fine, better than fine.

Beanie, I have never been to IKEA, but I have the catalogue, and I love the stuff. I hear you on "clutter". We have way too many books, and it is hard to give them away...do you know anywhere who will welcome used books?

Well, DH is on the way to the store for lobster and eggs...lobster omelets for breakfast! Yummy! I guess the weather makes him feel like he's in Maine!

To my Nor'easter friends: stay warm. If you want to make us Southern girls happy, post pictures of snow. I guess that only applies to the Texas girls who have never lived up north - the rest of us are happy not to have snow!

Have a good day, everyone...Cindy

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Happy Blizzard Day here in NY/NJ!

Eileen – thanks for asking about Mom, she is much better. Hmmm you might have something there about the split personalities. Oh well we won’t let them get us down. I thought about going to grocery store but your right the lines will be crazy I’ll make do with what I have. I have my Netflix movies, coffee and dinner so I’m good! Besides I’m an Olympic fanatic so I get to watch it all this weekend! Will you be taking DD sleigh riding?

Cindy – I meant to also say he had a right to put state his opinion and not get attacked for it because I don’t believe it was meant to be mean, but not everyone would realize that. Oh well…. That’s why I stay mostly on our NJ thread!

So…. I think I burned the candles at both ends… I’m sick as a dog with a major cold and swollen glands. I had to cancel the weekend with my nieces since I can’t risk getting them sick. I also cancelled attending my training conference. But I’m still going to Atlanta for my presentation on Wednesday. I’m counting on being better by then because I will need the warm weather after the snow this weekend. Help - Does anyone know what type of cold medicine is okay to take? My doctor did not return my phone call (pissed me off!) and now I’m afraid I’m taking the wrong stuff.

Beanie – step away from the IKEA!!! I love the place too but geez… did you not just have surgery? Milk it for everything its worth and rest up, lay on the couch and have DH treat you like the Queen you are!

Patty – did you get the new hair cut? How are the boys?

Anne – I saw the Dr Phil show (love my DVR!). I though both the mothers on that show were did not take any responsibility at all. Very sad.

Dianne - relax, the band will go back in! You have been so positive throughout this I think that is amazing. I think I would have gone nuts! Thanks for the Clifford analogy, now when I read to my nieces I’ll have that in my head!

Sherry – the countdown is almost over to your big day! Very exciting! Any great plans this weekend? Sorry about the bigmouths not keeping it to themselves.

So I’m tucking in and getting ready for the snow! What does everyone have planned for the weekend?

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Zan, can you get some liquid Tylenol Sore Throat, or Cough medicine? It's liquid, so no problem. I hate to think of you getting out in this weather, but maybe there are stores that deliver?

I just got over my cold/sinus infection, but it took antibiotics to do it...hopefully, you can snuggle up and watch the Olympics...I love the Olympics, too. Watching Sweden and Russia in womens hockey right now!

Hope you feel better, Cindy

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Good Morning!

Sorry I didn't get here yesterday, I was so busy. Then to top it off, DH came home for a few hours because he wasn't feeling well, and that put an end to my work and my play as the computer is so near the bedroom that it would bother him hearing all the clicking! At least that is what he said!:heh:

I did get a bunch of my flowers covered up but not everything. I don't have enough stuff to use to cover it all up, but I did cover most of my favorites up. My DH ask me if we had any towels or sheets left in the house!:bananajump: I am glad I spent the time doing it bacause it did freeze and it is supposed to be even colder by Sunday morning. I am freezing all the time! I guess losing some of that "fat" insulation on my body has made a big difference. I think I live on hot tea or coffee all the time! Last night I got so cold watching tv that I got the heating pad and laid it on me!:heh: :heh: I know, y'all think I am crazy! But the dang thing worked! I only wish I could have taken it to bed with me! I would have except I was afraid it would burn my A$$ and that wouldn't be too good!:)

Beanie - You sound like you are healing up pretty fast, good for you! I could use a bunch of those bookshelves too, I have a lot of books too. One of these days I will have to make a trip there. Don't work too much, remember you still need to heal up!

Eileen - I remember when I lived up north, if you didn't get to the store early to get something you actually needed it would all be gone. I can't believe people think they are going to run out of everything in just a few days! I got snowed in once for a week, and the only thing I ran out of was bread and milk. We lived out in the country and one of the farmers brought us some milk. I had two small boys at the time, so that helped a lot. So, how is the restriction from your fill?

Zan - Glad to hear your mom is doing better. I think you can take most anything that is liquid as long as you flush it out well with Water after taking it. Just don't let it sit in your pouch alone. Hope you feel better soon!:D :D

Cindy - Now, if I remember right you ordered all this dang cold weather! I sure would appreciate it now if you would order a little more heat to go with it!:D :D I have to say that I missed the whole post you were talking about, and when it got brought to my attention it had already been deleted! I wish I had gotten to read it though. I always miss the good stuff!:)

Sherry - Hey girl, I bet you are getting just a little nervous about now huh? It won't be long till you will be in bandland! We'll all be thinking about you, so don't forget to let us know how you are doing. I swear, sometimes I think even taking a day off work isn't worth all you have to do ahead of time or afterwards. What would they do if we didn't come back? Good luck!

Dianne - Don't worry, they will be able to do the band again. I have heard the second time isn't as bad as the first one either, so I'll keep my fingers crossed that you will have the easier time.

Anne - I hope your tests next week come back great! I read an article that said everyone goes through that at least once if not more. It sure scares the heck out of us though and the waiting is the worse part. I know things will be fine! :D

Well, going to check out a few threads and finish my work. I don't have any plans except to stay warm! I like to look at the snow, but I don't want to touch it!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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You guys are all great! I love coming here and of course NC. I hardly go look at the other threads because of all the negative stuff. SOME people really need to relax...need I say more!!

Sherry-How ya doin? Have you made your trip to Walmart yet? I have to always do that when ever I'm going anywhere. You better believe I will be there this week! I just gave away a bath rob I had gotten for the hospital. I got rid of it right before I found out I needed it agian. So I guess it's to Walmart again to get another. The exciting thing this time is that is will be a lot smaller!

My husband told people! I still won't let him live it down. I refuse to EVER tell him how much I weigh again! Telephone, telegraph, telehubby.....

How is the snow?It has been cold and rainy hear all day.

I have to tell you all that Lucy is the best thing for me right now. She is just making me laugh and smile all the time! She chases the cat it is the cutiest thing to watch. I am so glad I got her when I did. You knwo I never carry cash, and that day I had cash. She was $60 and I had it!! Must have been a God thing, because she just has made all of us smile a lot, Except Sandy!

Now for Clifford! I just heard that one a few months ago from one of the teens in my small group bible study. I thought I was going to die laughing! What a perfect name for it!!!

OK I'm off to bed.

Sherry are you staying over night?

I am still planning on going to NJ the weekend of March 17th. I will be in Clinton. Not sure if I'm flying or driving yet. The drive would be by myself, and I just don't think I want to do that in the winter.

sleep tight gang.

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Good Morning :)

Boy is it snowing, we got 15" (approx) so far. My dog is about 60 lbs, shepard mix and when she stands outside in the snow all you see is the top of her back and her head ROFL...looks like she is swimming. But that old bag loves the snow and acts like a puppy in it. DD and DH are outside already having fun. We are expecting approx. 4 more inches before it ends OY! There's about 5 feet of snow at the end of my driveway from the snow plow and they only went by once LOLOL !!!

How is everyone today. I'm gonna stay in my jamies and do some cooking today. Some chicken and meat balls :(

How about you all ?

SHERRY !!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK TOMORROW !!! Please let us know how you are when your feeling up to it... HUGS and KISSES !!!!! :clap2:

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Good morning my friends,

Ohhh Diane I didn't make it to Walmart and now there is so much snow out there I won't be going anywhere lol. I did make it to the pharmacy yesterday though and asked about my high blood pressure meds. The pharmacist was great when I told her what I was about to have done. She said alot of folks are switching to the band instead of RNY because of the adverse affects etc. She told me I could split my pills no problem except my SloFe. She recommended the liquid Iron suppliment which I had no clue exhisted. I asked her about liquid Tylenol and she brought me right to the adult version. Like I knew there was a difference lol I thought I'd have to swig a whole bottle of liquid baby Tylenol lol. She was great! She told me to please feel free to come and ask her any questions with anything after my banding and then wished me luck. She made my day. I picked up all of that as well as some chapstick and Listerine citrus tabs that were recommended by my friend Jenn who was banded last Monday. I do have a housecoat thing that will work for the hospital and a isotoner slippers I can bring so I should be all set. Yeap I'm staying overnight per the doc. They don't let anyone go home the same day.

I started my "day before surgery" recommended diet which is basically small portions and then full liquids for dinner then only Clear Liquids after 7 nothing after midnight. Ohhh my this is really happening isn't it. Hard to beleive sometimes.

Eileen you're getting what we're getting weather wise....burrrrrrrrrrrrrr it's cold and windy. We've have about 10 inches on the ground right now but then again it's hard to measure because the wind has been something else. Hubby is out there using the snowthrower right now. My dog is absolutely LOVIN the snow. She came in with a white beard hahaha. Golden's definately like Water in any form don't they lol.

I need to start thinking about what else to pack. We have to head out of here at about 4:30 am with the snow on the ground and I have to check in by 6am surgery is at 7:30.

If I don't come bach to chat later on tonight, which I probably will...kind of addicted lol.....I'll catch up with you when I get back home. Thank you everyone for everything :) Have a great Sunday!!!

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Good Morning Everyone!

It's been a busy week, between the grand kids whooping my a$$ and work, well I did go in a couple of days, and home stuff, where does the time go. When you get my age, time just skips on by.

Sherry, I'm sooo excited for you. I had to be at the hospital at 5:30, so I drove myself and then DH and Mom came just before surgery, which was the way I wanted it and asked them to do.

Zan, I think they must have pulled that thread, I did a search on PDA and nothing turned up, hummm. As for the car trading every 3 weeks, NOT, I lost my A$$ on the last deal. When I bought the smaller one, the GX470, I got a pretty good deal, they threw in the double DVD players, this time it cost me $$$, plus I had to pay for the upgrade NAV, like I need that to go to and from the mall and work, LOL.

I was so disappointed snow 25 miles away and nothing but flurries here AND the sun's out, how weird is that.

Gee Eileen, I can't even imagine who you might be talking about, LMAO, by the way, that's not the first time that person's done that, doubt it will be the last.

Cindy, I hope you're all well now. Now Cindy, as sharp as you are, I know that split personality thing didn't get by YOU, LOL. Cindy, see my comments below in regards to the ugly posts by so many people. I think it's getting way out of hand, where are the moderators, what are they thinking? I know there's freedom of speach, but they should have a special "room" or section....The Bitching Room! Whatta ya think?

Betty take care of those flowers. My mom started an indoor Amarillo bulb about a month ago and now it has 3 huge blooms, she had to prop it up.

Sunsett, that would be a long drive by yourself, flying may be the way to go.

I have to admit I've been spot reading threads here and there, I think I need a break from the amount of time I had been spending on LBT, with the exception of this thread and maybe one other, but after a year and a half of being consumed with it, and the same ol chit from the same ol people, just too much negativity. I have to admit I think I almost became obsessed with this site, so afraid I'd miss something, but there are so many people now and so much of the same stuff, thread after thread, I just got bored with it.

I come here for the support and because of the certain people I have become so very fond of. I just erased a few more comments because I don't want to offend a few of the sweeties that do not come here, but this lil NJ group is da bomb, even if we aren't all from NJ.

I need to go read up on Anne, sounds like you may be stressed out, here's a great big (((((hug))))).

Be back later, gonna go do some catching up.

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WOOOHOOOO!!! 23" of snow in Central Park and its still coming down!! They say its the second biggest blizzard to hit the city since the 1947 and we might beat that record yet! This could not have happened during the week so I can get a free snow day and not go to work?? Snow ball fight anyone?

Sherry - good luck tomorrow!

I'm heading out in the snow for a bit, I won't get very far but I love the city in the snow. It is soooo quiet the only thing you see are kids with sleighs heading to the park. No cars!!

I'll be back in a bit since I will be stuck in the house the rest of the day.

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Good Morning Y'all!

Wow! I just can't get over all the snow y'all are getting! I bet it is just beautiful! I always loved sitting inside and looking out at it after a fresh snow. Heck, I use to love the stuff, couldn't imagine ever living in a place without it, but now, I love not having it at all! I couldn't go back to the cold states ever again, I would just freeze to death.:biggrin1: :biggrin1: :)

Sherry - Hey girl, good luck tomorrow! Are you going to be able to get to the hospital with all that snow? Be careful! Post when you can and let us know how you are! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Eileen - Like you, I am still in my jammies too! I am also doing some cooking, just getting some stuff made up ahead of time. We had a black lab that loved the snow. He would lay out in it and soon he would melt the snow clear to the cement drive. Sometimes I would bring him in the house because I thought it was too cold for him outside and he would last about an hour, then pant so bad and stand my the door till he could go back out and lay in the snow! He use to throw the snow up with his nose and catch it in his mouth. I sure do miss him!:think

Zan - Hope you have a beautiful walk! Stay warm though!

Pat - I know what you mean about taking a break! I have to do the same thing at times. I have also been busy so haven't gotten here as much as I usually do and missed several of the posts. One in particular got deleted and I didn't get to see what all the talk was about. Y'all gotta tell me when something is really good!:(:D :D

Anne- Hello, miss your posts!

Cindy and Beanie - good morning ladies! Hope you are having a great one!

I gotta go check my cooking!

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Happy Sunday everyone!

Well, I have to say I'm pretty jealous of all the snow you guys are getting. Not nearly as jealous as DH though - he LOVES snow. It's sunny and cold here. I'm going to head over to Lane Bryant to buy some bras later. I have the boob exam this week, and I'd be really embarrassed to let him see the ones I've been wearing (underwire falling out, rips, etc). :biggrin1:

In regards to the negative threads, I just did something that was probably really stupid. I took everyone to task in a new thread. I should have just kept my thought to myself, but I really feel like a few people are ruining my LBT!!!! And it pisses me off. So, I ranted. Oh well... let the flaming begin, at least I had my say.

Bene, I'm sorry that you didn't like the unjury. I used to mix it in with Carnation Instant Breakfast and milk for a 35 Protein gram drink. I didn't like the taste, but it was nice to get so much Protein out of the way. Glad you liked the bracelet! :)

Pat, it's good to hear from you! I know what you mean about losing money on the car. I've done things like that before. I ease the guilt by saying that I'm the type of person who keeps the economy moving! LOL

Betty, you didn't miss anything with all those negative posts. We seem to have a new group of people who I lovingly refer to as s**t starters.

Sherry, good luck tomorrow! I'll be sending lots of good thoughts your way tomorrow. I'm so excited for you!

Zan, I just read your response to my manners post, and let me tell you - you just made my day. I think I was shaking when I wrote that up. Thanks for your support! :biggrin1: Holy cow - I just read your post. 23 inches of snow?! Hope you have lots of cocoa on hand.

Eilene, I hope you're enjoying your day! Isn't that funny about dogs and snow? Nothing brings out the puppy in my lab like a good snowstorm. And he's 7 years old.

Cindy, are you enjoying the olympics? I love watching the figure skating. They're so beautiful and graceful. Glad to hear that you've recovered from your cold!

Well, I gotta run. I finally have a picture taken of my awesome valentine's day gift, so I gotta post it on the thank you thread. Talk to you all soon! :(

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Wow! Pat's back! I hear you about taking a break...I do that from time to time. I love the people on this thread, and don't want to miss anything going on with us! I suppose Anne and I will just kick a little butt, and then come back here and confess! Sorry you took a beating on the car swap, but I know you are happier. You may need your navigator sometime; you know, when you drive to Texas and let your DH play some golf while we go to a mall! I'd laugh, but I hope it's not THAT funny!

Sherry, most of all, good luck to you tomorrow! You have my prayers for a safe and successful surgery, and an easy recovery. Come here when you are feeling up to it, and get a little love!

Dianne, I'm watching NYC on tv, and thinking of you. I'd do exactly what you're doing...taking a walk. I love that quiet, snow-draped city thing!

Eileen, you've got the big snow, too! I can just picture your dog playing in all that snow! You have a great time, make some hot cocoa...whenever it DOES snow around here, I get the urge to work jigsaw puzzles...do you ever do that?

Betty, I guess I'll PM you whenever there's a crazy thread going on...sorry you missed the PDA one! I am kinda surprised it was deleted...or if it was going to be deleted, why not sooner instead of later? Or, why doesn't a moderator PM the snippy people, and tell them to chill out? I still don't agree that some groups' offenses should be taken more seriously than others...I guess I'm gonna have to run for office or something...except, I don't think I can pass the "I've had a perfect past" test that seems necessary these days! LOL! I like the cold weather, but NOT all the wind! I'm sorry for mentioning it....grin!

Anne, I'm leaving to read your thread now...I'll probably add something to it, to support you!


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