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I'm still here my friends...I'll catch up tomorrow promise :couch2:

Glad you're feeling good Rene and happy to hear ya got ya fill today NJ :clap:

Miss you all...work has been nuts and I've been working WAY too much to try to accomplish something so I can POSSIBLY enjoy my week off. (yea right lol)

Sweet dreams all....I will catch ya tomorrow :)

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Good Morning Y'all!

It's a little brisk here this morning, but not nearly as cold as it's going to get the next couple of days! It sure looks like me are going to get that freeze that I was hoping not to get. Dang, I have so many new flowers coming up and roses that are about to bloom!

Eileen - You crack me up! Pop your cherry! It's funny, I never heard that noise when they did my fill! So, how much fill did they give to you? How is your restriction now?

Beanie - Hey girl, it sounds like you are doing great! I gained 8 pounds from the surgery too! The nurse laughed and said you thought you were here to lose weight and we put it on you!

Cindy - Have you got rested up from the trip yet?

Zan - Wow! Take a big breath and let it out slowly! You need a break, not just a cup of coffee!

Patty - Don't give up, keep doing what they ask for and your day will come!:couch2:

Sherry - Hope things get better for you!

Dianne - Did you get a date yet?

Pat - You must be out breaking in that new car! Pictures please!

Well, got to get busy and get this order out!

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Good Morning,

Zan you nut !! since your younger your a Jr. Mom ;) Have a safe trip to GA and I hope you get to do some site seeing (ohhhhhhh warm weather...luck you). Feel better !!!

Beanie, glad your feeling better. I slept in my recliner for 3 or 4 nights, there was no way I could lay flat. Just you wait, tomorrow you'll be feeling even better. I went shopping on the 5 day (light shopping of course, for maybe 1/2 hr.). Be careful w/what your eating, remember you don't want to irritate yourself...heal baby heal ;) How's the pain ?

Betty, the doc last week that couldn't poke the port (lol) wanted to give me .5 cc. This doc, the cute one that needs a hair cut gave me 1 cc :D :D :D He said NO food until Monday. So thats 5 days on Clear liquids...CLEAR!!! UHH... well I'm going to do 3 clear and 2 thick because usually folks only have to do 3 days liquids... I guess I'm special :D

Sherry.... whats shakin toots?

Well my little nibblets, I must get back to work. Nothing exciting is happening here except my broth, and peeing alot.

Oh .... did I tell you I lied to the doctor. He asked me if I was exercising... I said yes, treadmill.. he said how often... I paniced and said every day BAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wonder if my nose grew when I said that. More like 2 times in the past month LOLOL!!!! I don't know why I lied?? it just came out. Oh well.... lol There's my confession for the year.

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Just caught up on all the posts, and you guys are cracking me up today!

Eilene, I'm so glad to hear that you've finally given up your special flower and become a woman, LMAO! Congrats on getting your fill BTW. Don't you just hate when a lie pops out of your mouth? My sister asked me to watch her kids, and instead of just saying no I made up a lie (which I was totally busted on later). Fortunately, she laughed about it. I probably woulda lied to the doctor too, or at least padded my workouts. I hate getting lectured! Oh, and don't worry about my coochie and boobie exams . I have my follow up appointments next week, and probably won't have any results until the following week. So, I plan on ignoring the whole thing until then!

Geesh, I was reading my last post and I sound like a total hypochondriac! My reflux is totally gone after 4 days of liquids - yeah! I think Beatrix (my band) just needed a little rest. I used the sleep deprivation as an excuse to blow off the exercise, so I need to get back on track with that.

Anyone see Dr. Phil yesterday? He was talking to a man who weighed 1000 lbs. VERY sad. I didn't really get the impression that he was ready to make a change, but I sure hope I'm wrong. Our struggles can always be worse, eh?

Betty, I hope you don't get that freeze! Try putting sheets or plastic buckets on your roses at night if you think it's going to drop below freezing... I did that with my mums when they started to come up early one year and they survived.

Beanie, I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. I gained 11 lbs after my surgery. I was fuming mad when I got on my scale, lol. Of course it's just all of the Fluid they fill you with during surgery, but that doesn't make it any easier. It falls off really fast though!

I have to go get ready... DH and I have a conference with my son's kindergarden teacher to find out if he should move on to first grade next year or go to "senior" kindergarden. He's a young 5 (birthday was in September) so he's borderline.

I hope everyone is having a great day!

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Anne I didn't become just a "woman" ........

I'm a ;)'BANDED-WOMAN' :Banane20:whoohooo and all that jazz.

No, sorry I didn't get to see Dr. Phil (who by the way looks like a penis in a suit to me)... but that is heart breaking about the 1000 lb man. I can't help but think, WTF is the person doing who is feeding the big person, I mean they can barely move so they have to eat what you give them. They didn't start out at 1000 so why contribute to it? I don't understand (I'm not pointing a finger) I just don't get it.

Back to work........uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh frig...

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Eilene, way to shake your booty, LOL! Indeed, this guy (who was only 34) had a mother who was also severely overweight, though still mobile. She was embarrassed to take him out as a child because he was heavy, so she used to bribe him to stay home... with FOOD!!! Yeah, she was an idiot. She's the reason I question his ability to lose weight. Dr. Phil told her that she needs to get on the same program as her son, and she had a "who, me?!" look on her face.

Thanks for the visual on Dr. Phil. How am I ever supposed to look at him again without seeing a 6 foot penis?! I may just have a nightmare... ;)

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Hi friends!

Zan, you are making me tired with that schedule! I bet you're brilliant and motivated, and will whip out a presentation in no time, AND it will be better than anyone else's! Do try to relax a little, even if it's for a little while. If you can't, go get another cup of coffee!

Beanie, I left you a message last night...Cindy from LBT...I was at church, so I felt weird saying "This is mousecrazy, your band buddy," out loud! LOL! YOu are doing fine, it sounds like, and you'll get better every day! I guess watching the food Channel is out of the question? LOL!

Eileen, you're so crazy! Your description of Dr. Phil is hilarious! I like his question, "Soooo, how's THAT working for you?" I use it at school all the time. I never watch the show, though, because, well, I'm here at work.

Betty, dig out the sweaters! I know my DH will be covering the plants (and we have bunches...he likes to garden and dig in the dirt, thank God, because I don't). But, as you know, I love the cold weather, so I'm looking forward to it.

Sherry, you are getting closer to your big day? Are you all ready?

Patty, I can be a worry-wart, too...but we want to save our worrying for things that are worth it, right? Like anything WE think is something that should be worried about! Did that make sense?

Apparently there's a sign on my door that says "class closed" because no one's been in here since I got back from lunch....not complaining.

Pat, gee, I miss you! Get out of that car and take a break!

Have a good afternoon/evening, everyone!


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Bene glad to hear your doing well. I can't believe how long a post you were able to write! I'm not on drugs and I can't remember all that stuff!

Eileen- You crack me up!

Hello everyone else, I'm feeling dizzy headache and tired today! I have bible study to night which I hate to miss, but I think I'm going to stay home. One of the girls is going to India in a few weeks to get her daughter! Her name is the same as hers. We are sll so excited for her and her DH DH is the youth pastor at our church, so we have all been praying for this for a long time. So that is the only reason why I would go, but I guess that would be selfish on my part wouldn't it. I'll see what the nap does.

Ok so hear is the scoop....February 21st 7:30 AM....yup just found out this afternoon.

OK so smack me now pls because I actually have gotten this new fear..are you ready...my fear is that for some stupid reason he will not be able to put the band back in! I'm I nuts or what! So in the past 2 days I have found out that 2 of my friends are having the by-pass, so what does my head start thing...yup...that I should tell the dr, that if he can't do it to just do the by-pass. I mentioned it to the nurse today and I know she thought I was nuts. She said there is no reason why he won't be able to do it.

Oh so here is the other thing. My Grandmother (what is the letters for that one) she is coming on the 16th. So she will be here for the surgery. I am a bit nervous about doing everything before she comes.

I'm also worried, (another stupid worry) that Lucy, the puppy, will get table food and move backwards in her potty training while I'm recouping.

So no wonder why I have chills and a head ache.

Oh OH there is another thing (suprised) Clifford, (The BIG RED DOG) better come sooner than later I do not want that in the hospital, Maybe thats why I feel the way I do right now.

Ok I'm shutting up and taking a nap.

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Howdy LBT friends :) it's 10:19pm...I'm finally sitting down for a bit and decided to catch up with my friends in the "february chat" hahaha.

This week has been the usual BUSY. Trying to settle up some things at work so that I might....get that MIGHT...be able to relax on my week off after banding. Easier said then done and YES I know it will be there when I get back..that's the problem. wahhhhh lol I haven't really let work bother me so much this week...maybe because I'm happy I'm getting banded lol. Something to look forward too. (Hmmm Rene...pretty bad aye? Have to have surgery to get a week off! lol)

So get this....I purposely only told 6 people I was getting banded. Why? Because the last thing I need is everyone watching what I'm eating and checking to see if it's working. I beat myself up enough over my weight and I do a damn good job at it...I don't need help. Hey...are you suppose to eat that? Won't that get stuck? You can only eat that much..I'd starve. UGH UGH UGH. Anywho....I told my son (whos kept it quiet), my husband who I later found out told some associates in his BNI group meeting (who all know me because we host alot of their BNI parties for the group. There are approx 24 members. He said he only told a few...but you know how that goes..they tell one, then that one....), my mom who told my aunt and uncle and her lawyer (who is in my husbands BNI group and wasn't one of the ones told previously) and of all people she told my SISTER! (I didn't want her knowing or my brother..but here we go...my sister will tell my bro who will tell his wife who will then say "Where did she get the money for that is mom paying for it". Long story there!), my friend m who told her husband who said I was nuts and questions me about it all every time he sees me, my friend c who told her mom, father and mutual friend of ours, and last but not least my friend d who I don't think told anyone yet. lol. Soooooo how about that huh? So much for wanting to do this on my own and for myself aye? oh well I'm still doing it lol. If they say something to me...I'm just going to say...my doctor and I know what I can and cannot do thank you very much :)

Betty-It's been really really cold here too. No grass for us let alone flowers lol. Have you heard anything yet from your interviews? Grrr don't ya hate waitin?

Eileen - I have to tell ya you put a smile on my face everytime. Each description or noise or sound you type crackes me up. Port cherry HAHAHAHA. Oh and the lie...I would of done it too just like when they asked me if I exercise at pre-op. Why yes I do, he (pointing to my husband) makes me hahahaha.

Anne - You're not a hypocondriac at all. (Hmm I spelled that wrong, hey it's 10:30 pm lucky I can see lol) Good luck with your follow-up visits. Umm work ..yea it's still nuts for me but, next week won't be hee hee.

Cindy - I'm definately closer....3 full days away and I'm ready to rock and roll onto the table and then into bandland. Did you end up with any students after lunch?

Dianne - Dizzy and headaches...girl are you drinking enough fluids? Good luck with your rebanding as well. Take it easy and get your rest before the surgery!

Pat - Congrats on that new car. That's always fun discovering where all buttons are and what they do hee hee. Hey where is the wipers on this...where are the lights etc. I love it. I'm not really too nervous about the surgery.....more like....it's a feeling of numbness. Is this really going to happen? lol

Patty - That's great you're getting to the support group. Nice that you can go at least once a month. We don't have one to attend in my area. The local hospital stopped having them because the woman leading them had a family problem come up or something. I guess it's been over 6 months since they've had it. I'm not going to want to travel to Boston at night for one either. I'll figure something out I guess. As far as your insurance...mine went back and forth on stuff too...but it will happen. Don't give up no matter what :)

Irene - Bene..bene...bene..How the heck are ya? I have to tell ya reading what you write makes me even more confident that things will go ok for me too. Are you up and moving around more now? Guess I'm going to know soon enough what you've been through :). How long were you told you had to be on liquids? They tell us here we can go on stage III (Mushies) when we go home just to go slow.

Zan - Good luck with the presentation. Oh have you tried that Airborne product that's for colds? I tried it and it worked. I felt a cold coming on so I took it and the symptoms went away. It was invented by a school teacher (see Cindy...theres money to be made with inventions from your teachings!). Give that a shot...a few other people I know used it and it worked for them too.

Well this thing is really huge if it goes through :) Ending it here. Hugs to you all and to all a good night :)

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Hi Everyone :)

TGIFFFFFFFFF !!! WHOOOT !!! <--- that was for Sherry.

I can't stay and play b/c my stankin boss is here and the pecker head expects me to work :yell:

But I'll be back later to read up on all my widdle friends :)

Any plans for the weekend?

Nothing here, we're getting up to 12" of snow Saturday night..whoohoo blech :faint: So I won't be doing much of anything but climbing the walls, cleaning, laundry.

And you ?

I will do personals tomorrow....promise :)

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Just a general post for now...it's raining, gray and getting colder...I love it! Sorry for the NJ friends, who are getting much worse weather! Plans for the weekend: watch opening ceremonies of the Olympics tonight, take DD to grandpa's so they can go see Nanny McPhee, then meet for a pizza buffet (is there ANYTHING worse than that for us bandsters? I guess I'll eat salad). Sunday, church. Pretty simple, huh? Of course, there's the laundry...that's always fun.

Maybe you noticed on my ticker...the scale is going down again, and that just gets me all excited! It's only a little, but I'll take it!

Love you guys! Cindy

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She's ALIVE! Alive, I tell you....

Howdy Friends and Loved Ones! I am enjoying my lovely Tropical LB Vacation here at Chez Rusty Spa. Yesterday, we had a field trip to IKEA. It's much nicer there without the Saturday crowds. DH and I determined that if IKEA had been open when we purchased our house, it would look very different today. We kinda like that place!

I got myself a CD holder so that I can move the CD's off my bookshelf and finish putting away my zillion books. We also picked up more bookshelves... Dang! With them being in boxes for so long, I forgot just how many books I have.... I am going to have to thin the ranks. I have grown used to a house with less clutter.

So, I am reading a lot - I read and give the books away to the goodwill or the Charity du Jour - and playing my PC game "Spellforce". Um - if Eileen is the Mom around here, then I am DEFINITELY one of the kids. I plan to never grow up. I might even be succeeding at my goal to be the most spoiled person in my house - but the cats are always right there neck and neck. Poor Rusty. He gets to be the low man on the spoiled totem pole. Of course, the low man does pretty well around here, too.

I got a lovely box from Anwyn/Anne in the mail yesterday with some Protein powders and a lovely Bracelet. I was going to post pictures - but my home technology is not all sync'd up and I haven't got Internet to my Laptop at home yet... Pictures on Monday, I promise.

Thank you, Anne. The bracelet is beautiful and just the right amount of girly girl sparkle. Love the magnetic clasp! Sadly, the unjury Protein powder is kinda icky. I can see why you didn't use it. If you ever need to do liquids, I recommend Carb Solutions powder or Atkins. Carb Solutions has 20G of Protein, it tastes good and it doesn't smell funny... :] Atkins only has 15g per serving - but again, it tastes good. Both are Meal Replacements - so you get lots of lovely Vitamins, too. I will try the EAS and let you know how that is. Thanks again for sending them. **I also picked up some non-Meal Replacement stuff at Walmart that is nicer than the Unjury - it's called Six Star.

I also got a lovely box of flowers from New Jersey this morning... Thank you Eileen!!! I have that lovely smell in the house that comes from fresh cut flowers. There is nothing else like it! Thanks, Mom!! Again, pictures on Monday.

Zan - I am NEVER coherent until I have had at least a cup of coffee. I do so much better when I have my little protein latte before I go to work. And, I am thinking I might take the $200/mo I had budgeted for lunch at work and put it into a Plastic Surgery fund. I am SO going to need it! I figure a couple of yrs of that and I can at least get my arms done... (I fully expect my insurance company to pay for the Panni...and you know about me and the insurance company!)

Sherry - Ah, yes. That "work 80 hrs a week for the week before your vacation" phase. Such fun. Girl, I feel GREAT today. I had surgery on Monday, and here it is Friday and I am off pain meds, and fully functional. Just get tired a little sooner than normal. You will do great too!! I am up to puddings and liquidy mush. The liquids are just to allow time for the swelling to go down, anyway. I expect having a PB within the first couple of weeks after surgery would be EXTREMELY bad for the whole process. The diet is designed to avoid any abdominal distress long enough for everything to heal up. Good Luck!

Betty - I surely hope it doesn't freeze - but it seems like it does every year. My little magnolia thinks it is time and starts budding up a storm and then, along comes the last whip of Winter and kills all those glorious flowers before they can bloom. *sigh* Maybe I'll get lucky this year.

Eileen - The pain is all but gone, except for the infamous port incision. I have slept in my bed with extra pillows since day 2. Plus, I haven't had any of the magic hydrocodon since the night before last. *You could turn your lie into the truth and START exercising everyday... Just a thought. :]

Anne - You crack me up with all that special flower business! hahahah. Good luck with the meeting. Just remember - think ahead to the formative middle/high school years... pre-puberty, it is all pretty unimportant - but once they get to middle school and high school, age relative to other classmates and other maturity related stuff will become painfully important.

Cindy - I got your msg - DH was on-line (of course. It seems like one of us always is). Actually, the food network is not a problem, nor is watching DH eat. It's those darned Cheeseburger commercials for Fast food. I still want that danged Cheeseburger. I guess once I get healed up I will have to give it a try. I mean, pre-fill I should be able to eat one, since I have the VG band. However, I am SO not into having a PB, that I am being very good about liquids and such. :] Great work on the moving scale!! I can't wait to see that scale start moving for me!!

Dianne - I cheat! I can't remember all that stuff. Here's my secret. I read through all of it once - and then I "go advanced" for my reply. You can scroll down (way down) and see the last several posts without changing screens. That way, I can scroll down and see what each person said before I type the response to them. Gads, you folks didn't really think I could recall all that stuff, did you? Good news on the surgery date. That will be here before you know it! And **EEEK** just say "no" to bypass! Friends don't let Friends mangle their intestines! It will be fine, Honey. The Doc will be able to put the band back in, I swear. With all of US thinking good thoughts and saying prayers, it's a sure thing.

Well, my Dears... I must get back to reading, playing and the occassional unpacking of books. Besides, I haven't checked out any of the other posts, yet. Some other bandsters might need a hug today, too.

Love you guys!!

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Hey, guys...I just wanna ask you something... has anyone else noticed or felt that some of the other posts are just getting kinda petty and mean-spirited? I try not to get involved in them, but (of course! You know me...) I did have to finally say something on JQPublic's "gay men kissing" thread. What do you think is causing this flaming? I just hate to see this kind of thing happen on LBT. Any feedback? Why do people get all bent out of shape because not everyone agrees with them? Why is it perfectly okay to criticize Christians or men or *endless list*, but if someone says they were embarrassed by a PDA with two men, members start calling each other homophobes, and threaten to leave because they are not wanted....WTH?! Big sigh. What do ya'll think?


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Cindy – you must be reading my mind! I was thinking the same thing about all the negative posts recently, there have been quite a few. I read the PDA thread (I couldn’t find it again tonight??). I think that some people got upset because personal beliefs were also posted that were critical of an alternate lifestyle. And as soon as someone has been offended look out the posts fly at each other! Two specific posts in the beginning of thread come to mind for me.

I understood that the threads main point was how PDA can be obnoxious and I think the thread would have been fine if it was left at that. But I did not feel it was appropriate (my opinion only) to add the comment that it was wrong to be gay (I forget the exact quote but that is how I read it). As soon as I read that comment I knew it was going to get some angry responses. And what for? Was it necessary to make that comment knowing that it might offend people? I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion and I love and respect that right. But I also think that as adults we need to be careful with what we say in a public forum. It’s a fine line and I don’t know if it’s a good thing that we need to watch what we say but I think its reality. People are sensitive and can misinterpret things easily so when in doubt don’t say it or if you do be prepared for backlash, justified or not.

That’s just my opinion and I hope I did offend anyone. But these negative posts and squabbles are bringing me down!

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