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Morning all,

Rene, I'm so glad that you are home and amazed that you could post to us on the same day :eek: Anxiously waiting for details.

At exactly the time you posted yesterday.... at 6pm I was attending my first support group meeting. My doctors office has support meetings twice a week but the first Monday of the month is just for Lapband folks. The gal across from me has been the most successful with a weightloss of 189lbs! And her surgery was 6/04. I didn't talk to anyone that I really clicked with but, the moderator there was very insightful and I wouldn't mind attending again. I was a bit nervous leaving the boys alone for 2 1/2 hours and I won't feel comfortable doing this every week, I'll aim for a once a month visit. My heart is with my gang here at LBT. As for insurance, my surgeons office was begging to let me through and were told NO. Hey, I'm OK with it. It just means I can focus on my job alittle bit more, relax with the boys over the presidents holiday and gather more stuff for my big day (lets see.... heating pad, Isopure & vitamins). When I get my date I will take out that small loan that I got approved for and rent the recliner and call my Mom to babysit me. It's all good! Well, thats all folks..... Hey, did Pat just say she got a new CAR! A NEW CAR ! How'd that happen -- Luv, ya!

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Good morning everyone!

Beanie!!!! I'm so glad you're home and resting. I finally sent your Protein powder out yesterday morning. Sorry about the delay... I was sending a package anyways, so I just had to get a little banding present to put in there. :biggrin1:

Pat, congrats on the new car! What kind did you get? My "kinda new" car is in the shop. DH was hotdogging it on the dirt roads and now it shakes every time you hit 60. It's great for getting the kids to fall asleep, but otherwise pretty annoying. Can't wait to hear the office gossip. I hope it doesn't involve extortion this time!

I've been battling the dreaded reflux for the last couple days (did you know reflux is French for "burping pukes"?). It's horrible! I didn't sleep at all yesterday, but I did get in a few hours last night. I'm afraid I'm going to end up with pneumonia if I aspirate too much. So, I'm off to the doc yet again tomorrow. I hate driving into Detroit (French for "scary city"). He's probably going to want to try an unfill.

So, get this! Not only do I have to see the boob doctor next week because of my abnormal breast exam, I got the call that I had an abnormal pap too! SO, for yor you ladies who were putting off your gyno exam, get your butts (and your other parts) to the doctor!!!!! Now I have to follow up for some cervical biopsy. WTH? I'm feeling better than I have in a decade, and now everything is breaking down. I can tell that I'm not sick. I'm not sick!! What's the French word for denial?

Cindy, congrats on getting the scale to move! I'll bet the superbowl weight will come back off quickly. Unless you ate 12,000 extra calories to gain 3 lbs it's probably Water weight. Sorry about the speeding ticket! In MI, if you're not going 10 over people start running you off the road. Is Defensive Driving a class you can take to avoid fines and points?

Hi Betty! A morning walk sounds great. We're stuck back in a deep freeze up here and I'm starting to get Spring fever.

Eilene, how are you? I just know you're going to get your fill this time. Third time's the charm, right? I agree with demanding fluro if they have to poke you more than once or twice. Try the crunch thing that Zan suggested too... my doctor has me bring up my shoulders and crunch my abs and it really does make the port pop up.

Patty, I loved your post with all the emoticons! Too cute... It was like reading a MadLib. I guess I didn't read back far enough, but from some of the other responses I'm gathering that you're having problems with your insurance coverage? Boy, it wouldn't be a lap band surgery if there weren't 30 roadblocks along the way. You'll get there though!

Sunsett, that's great news about the insurance approval. How is Lucy today? I'd love a puppy - they're so darn cute. Maybe someday...

Sherry, I hope you're not going too crazy at work this week!

Zan, have you recovered from your weekend with the nieces yet, lol? I'd send my kids back to bed for an hour if they tried to wake up at 6:30 on a weekend. :eek:

Have a great day everybody!

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Good Morning Y'all!

I just got home from my interview, hopefully I made a big hit with them!:heh: I better make a hit with someone soon!:grouphug: Now, I have to compose yet another letter!

Eileen - Good luck with your fill tomorrow. My doc has me lift my head up and push my stomach out then he marks it. He has always hit my spot on the first try.

Pat - You are spoiled girl! Don't you just love it? You new car sounds fantastic! I have caught myself doing the lol too! Crazy huh?

Beanie - I hope you are feeling good today! Don't do too much too quick now! Remember all that good advice you gave to everyone else????? Now, that pertains to you!:pray2: :D :D

Anne - Sorry to hear you are having so many things hit you at once. I am sure everything is fine, but I am sending you hugs and prayers! Please keep us posted. Also if you are a little too tight he might just take a small amount out and it will help you. I had .2 removed from mine and it was magic!:clap2:

Patty - I love your whole attitude about the waiting! Good things come to those who wait too!:eek:

Cindy- Congrats on the seat belt. I know that just made your day!

Dianne - I'm glad to hear your insurance is covering your surgery. Hopefully you will get it done soon so you can get on with your weight loss!:biggrin1:

Zan and Sherry - Good morning to ya! Hope you have a great day!

Well, going to check on the rest of the board and get my letter done!

Everyone have a good one!:D

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Good afternoon!

I'm still swimming in all kinds of "catch up" projects, but I have been reading some of the new posts...boy that one about why people eat around and through their bands touched off some controversy. I didn't post this on that thread (I wisely decided not to touch it!) but something that I wonder about - just generally, not about anyone specifically - is if the tendency to take EVERYTHING personally is one of the traits that leads to eating as "stuffing your emotions" and might be worth looking into, if you happen to be one of those people who take everything personally. I trust you guys to know I am not attacking anyone by the mere mention of this possibility. Maybe I'll write about this in my journal. It's an interesting, and frustrating thread to read. And it is up to 5 pages!

Betty - I hope your interview was a big success!

Eileen - I'm still mad at your doctor for that horrible fill experience! In Texas we don't have points, but I know what you are talking about because a friend of mine in Colorado has those...here in Texas, you just pay your fine and move on, or contest the ticket and go to court, or take Defensive or Driver Safety courses, which wipes the ticket off your driving record, and doesn't raise your insurance.

Irene, hope you are feeling better! Sounds like you are doing really well!

Patty - glad you liked your support group...remember, you are in a support group here with us, too!

Pat - I'm so happy to see you again! You got some great Valentine's gifts from your secret cupid! I kinda wondered if you were going to like your new (old) car...glad you are getting what you want!

Zan - glad to hear from you, as always! You are busy in that big city, girl!

Anne - OMG! What is happening in the ol' body? I hope everything will be okay, and I will be praying for a good report. Keep up informed!

Love you guys! Cindy

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Gosh, Betty...I don't know. I'll check into it. I was probably foolish enough to think I wouldn't get another ticket, and just ignored all those articles! LOL! Thanks for the "heads-up"!

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Eileen- I'm saying a prayer that your fill goes well today. Let us know.

Rene-How are you feeling? Watching any good old movies? Nothing better than a blanket and a good movie to sleep through.

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Good Wednesday to all!

Our thread seems a bit quiet today. Hows our Beanie this bonnie morning. Hope that all is well for our newest bandster.

Eileen: Another try for your much desired fill? I will pray really hard that it works on the first try - Love ya.


Here's whats new on the insurance horizon. Yesterday I got an official looking letter from my provider. It says that I need a Psych Evaluation and 2 follow-ups and a Dietician consult and 2 follow-ups. This is better news for me! Last friday they told me Psych eval + 3 followups AND

Dietician + 2 followups. Removing anything from this list greatly helps. So, as a good girl I made my phone calls to the PCP and asked nicely for some major faxing to be done and I will have answers by this Friday -- all is good with the world.

Today is minimum day so I get my freedom abit earlier.... maybe I'll get my haircut.... maybe I'll meet prince charming this weekend.... and maybe I won't. I'm in a silly mood :bored Have a great day everybody!

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The Doc popped my Port Cherry



Good morning, well this other doctor got it in and did a good job. He asked me about the numbing stuff and I said NOPE! don't need another needle thank you very much :tired NOW !!! I feel like a bandster :guess Thanks for the good lucks everyone.

Pat, I'm glad you got the car you like. I live in mine so why not get something your comfortable in. Needles don't bother me per say but when the doc wiggled the thing inside it made me sick to my stomach lol. No more am I allowing the one doctor to do it...ut uh.

Cindy, I think your comment about people eating b/c they feel things are geared towards them is right. Not all folks but I'm sure some do have issues with it. Everyone is different. However I don't think thats why I over eat... I'm more your depressed, hold in feelings, bored, tired, happy, emotional type of eater and plus I just love to eat... I'm addicted.

Betty, the doc did make me lift my legs (good thing I didn't fart, I was nervous) and do a crunch and he got the port... pop ! the sound was gross.

ANNE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF is going on girlie? I'm sorry to hear about the boobie and coochie tests... What are they saying...when do you get answers? My gosh, I'm so worried for you (its my job, I'm the Mom here lol, ask Beanie)... And your reflux problems OY!!! Feel better sweet lady and please let us know what the doc says.

Patty I'm glad you went to the meeting, they can be informative and they can be a total bust. I find that once a month would be okay because I have a big support group here and I feel closer to you all than anyone I meet at the meetings (jmho). Hang in there, things will happen.

BEANIE !!!!!!!! how ya feeling girl ?

Dianne, good luck with the insurance company, I'll cross my everything for you. How's lucy ? lol

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Hey, Eileen

Congrats on finally getting that fill .... we seem to posting close together today! The fill you had made a "sound" -- thats grossing me out and now I'm really scared.... say it aint so!

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Patty... don't let my incoherent babbling scare you lol, yes when the needle went thru the membrane of the port it made a little sound but it didn't hurt. Please don't let this scare you.... When I walked out of the office I felt like I was on cloud 9 b/c I felt the hope I had when I first had the surgery done.... "CONTROL" I'll be back in control for now. Best feeling ever !!! (well you know what I mean :D ).

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Eileen! You are hilarious! I'm still giggling about the port cherry! Seriously, I am so glad you have your fill, FINALLY! Take it easy as you start eating new foods...and if you get that golfball feeling, stop!

Dianne...glad you got your surgery date, sorry I forgot to mention it yesterday!

Beanie, hey girl! How's the life of leisure going? I am soooo sorry I haven't called you YET! I go running around after school, taking DH here and there, and then I lay down to go to sleep, and POP! OMG! I didn't call Beanie! Well, it's 10 o'clock, and that is just not a proper time to call someone, so...maybe this afternoon. I'm glad to hear you're doing well.

Patty, don't be scared! Just do one step at a time. No use worrying about stuff that's way ahead of you....I'm glad to hear that your "to-do" list is getting shorter!

I'm swarmed with kids right now...Urgghhh!

Love ya, Cindy

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You are telling a worry-wart NOT to worry! It's my lifes ambition to worry about everything! You guys know me well enough to know that I'm not a scardy-cat.... heck I had twins 3 hrs apart- one vag, one c-section..... bahhhh, needles don't bother me. Just messing with ya girl, my time will come and some healthy fear along with it.

PS had a weird day at work.... not ready to share yet.

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Hey Guys

I thought I had better check in and let you know how I am... I am doing well, all things considered. My pain is better today - It's just the port incision that still hurts - which makes sense - since something is still in there and the muscles have to heal around it.

I have spent the last day or so sleeping a lot - drugged up and dozing.

I have already cheated on the diet a little - I blended some refried Beans with enchilada sauce to make them nice and liquidy and I ate some. Of course, a couple of spoonfuls was enough - and it tasted like ambrosia. I can see my grocery bill being dramatically reduced if this is all the food that I can eat...

My spirometer exercises are progressing - I am only a click below where my nurse said I should be. I can't say enough good things about the Surgery Center of Richardson. That same nurse called me the next day to be sure I was ok. Nothing like the personal touch.

I hopped on the scale, just for giggles, today. The scale says I have gained 8 lbs since Monday. It's such a liar. I expect that I am still bloated from surgery - which is ok, since I can't swear that I am getting enough Clear liquids in yet. I really have been mostly sleeping. Doze, walk, doze, sip, doze breathing exercise, doze walk... Yesterday evening was the first I have been conscious for any extended time.

Dianne - so glad the insurance company finally managed to get you an answer. I have been watching BAD old movies. Who would have ever thought that AMC would be playing Smoky and the Bandit? Could I feel any older?

Zan - I am doing great, thanks! Hope you are doing well! Stop by and say hello. We love to hear from you!

Sherry - Thanks! Where are you? What's up with you these days? Check in. We miss you!

Pat - Ooooo a new car! Such fun. Sorry to hear you have more work drama. That sucks. Hope it gets better soon. I hate drama. I have been doing lots of beef consume and chicken broth. I knew I was starting to feel better when I thought about 1) getting up to make my own and 2) putting an egg in it for texture.

Eileen - burping is pretty much a constant - and every time I sleep for a while, I have to burp some more. I guess that's good. No shoulder pain, no gas issues at all, so far. So glad you finally got your fill. Back to liquids for you, girlie girl!

Patty - definitely rent the recliner. I should have. I don't own one - but I really wished I did for the last three days. It never occurred to me to rent one. Glad to hear they are shaving a couple of requirements off. Truly, except for the fact that nobody pays for the psych exam and they tend to be a little pricey - the rest of that stuff shouldn't bee too hard. Hope the work thing isn't too bad. We are waiting to hear all about it.

Anne - No sweat on the delay. I have some stuff I have been using here and I will probably always use the Protein powder for my Breakfast shakes. Present? I love presents! Thank you!! I can't wait for it to come! I will be thinking good thoughts about your girl health. It's probably nothing - but best to find out right away.

Betty - Goodness, I hope somebody hires you soon! You will have to start copying from the old letters...and slow is my middle name...

Cindy - I can't remember whether the point system started or not. Let me know when you find out. I am sort of a chronic speeder. And don't sweat the phone call. We are usually on-line and it's hard to get through. I have been checking my messages, though!

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Hi Everyone,

I’ve been reading but have not had time to post much lately. Work is crazy for me I’m in the middle of reviews for my staff which I hate doing. It’s so easy to find the good things to say but the tough conversations are not much fun! Plus we have this 25 page document that we need to fill out for each person… it takes me hours for one person! I leave Sunday night for a leadership conference for 2 days and then fly to Atlanta on Wednesday for a conference that I have to give a presentation at. Do you think I’ve even started the presentation? Of course not! I’ve been trying to get to the gym but its tough and to top it all off I think I’m getting a cold….. Okay now that I whined a bit and got that off my chest!......

Beanie – I remember the drug induced 18 hour sleep fest! Ahhhh the memories! You are so right about the food bills. Since I’ve been banded I cannot believe how much money I’ve been saving. Another bonus of the band!

Eileen – So glad the fill worked! Take it easy the next few days. How much did they fill? Glad that the crunch thing worked…

Pat – Congratulations on the new car! I say you just keep trading in every few months!

Patty – now I’m curious about your weird day at work! I have days when I’m in a silly mood at work too. Like today where I found myself rambling in my boss’s office, finally he just looked at me and said “go get some coffee you are making no sense” Good thing we get along really well!

Betty – I hope you hear back soon from your interview. Keep writing those letters!

Anne – Yup Eileen is the Mom here! I’m almost afraid to ask what roles the rest of us


Cindy – or should I say Lead Foot Cindy?! How is everything with you?

Hope everyone else is doing well…. I’m off to catch up on my tv shows!

Have a good night!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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