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:hug: Dearest Irene,

Happy Hugs before you leave. I know you thought this day would never come and here it is. God Bless, I will be sending up all my prayers for you today :pray:

Have you done all the laundry :clock: and packed your suitcase.... don't forget your toothbrush :brushteeth: and maybe an ipod :music: to calm any jitters. We here on LBT are sending a collective :) group hug and :wave: wave. When you are feeling up to it please send us a message :ranger: to let us know that you are safe at home. While you're away we will keep the :gossip: gossip to a minimum, we promise. Well, enough :blah: blabbing. Heart hugs again.

Good Luck :gluck: and much Love, :lol: signed,

the Drama queen :drama:.... I want my :cup: and I want it now!

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Oh Yeah, I am feelin' the love....

You guys are really the best! I am so lucky to have such a great group of Band Buddies to play with.

Today is the last glorious day before surgery. It's all about laundry and liquid!!

My goal for the day is to drink at least a gallon of delicious wonderful Water... I can't have any food or drink after midnight - but my doc's office instructed me to get LOTS of hydration today.

I am supposed to arrive at the Surgery Center of Richardson tomorrow morning at 7am so they can gown me and make me all pretty for the surgery, which is scheduled for 8am.

No overnight stay for me!! Once I wake up and can start walking around, the doc will give me the infamous barium swallow - and then I can leave.

After that it's off to a fabulous fun-filled vacation at the Chez Rusty Spa... Where I will be watered and brothed and fussed over in the comfort of my own couch. I will check in, if I am fully functional. (yes, mom.)

Cindy - HUGS!! Hope you are having a great time. So, did you get any good Blackmail stories on the principal? I will be expecting your call...

Eileen - yep - I am about out of my skin. I so hope today passes quickly. I just want this surgery business over with so I can get on to the whole losing weight thing. (yeah, I know - not til after my first fill...) I will take that fab pre-op photo, too. I just look STUNNING in a big floppy gown without any support garments... Hugs back at ya - and give Miss G a big squeeze for me, too.

Ira - I hear you on taking the picture of that adorable boy of yours off the web. I wouldn't take any chances with such a cutie!! Thanks for the well wishes. Hopefully, we can hook up for that cup of coffee in March. :]

Patty - Try to stay focused on the new job... even with the band stuff flying around your head. I almost think that waiting was good for me. I mean, I have lots less anxiety about the surgery than some folks have talked about. I am just so darned glad to finally be getting it! I know that it will work out for you the way it did for me. And DO call and cry and scream. Demand the Band. Keep on demanding it until you get it.

Sherry - you crack me up! You really should have known that NONE of us could be quiet for so long... :] I am thinking good thoughts for your review. None of that "3% raise" stuff. We want to see some BIG BUCKS!! :]

Betty - I just KNOW that you are going to get a great job. Try to keep your chin up. It felt like I was never going to get a band, either... It just sucks that we keep having to go through these Character Building exercises at our age, doesn't it? I mean, I thought all this patience crap was supposed to be learned when I was younger!! :]

Well My Dears... I have almost finished the first half-gallon of Water for the day, and I have to go whip up a lovely Protein shake... mmmmmmmm

I will check back tomorrow, if not sooner!


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Hi Everyone!

Beanie - Sending good thoughts you way for your big day tomorrow! As soon as you are up to it let us know how you are doing (and how good the drugs are!).

Eileen - Agh! I'm sorry you had a bad fill (or lack of) experience. My dr has be lay on my back and then lift my legs (like abdominal crunches) my port practically pops out of my skin and makes it easy to find - maybe that will help you?

Okay - I'm exhausted after spending the weekend with my nieces. They just love to wake me up really early in the morning to play. Being single with no kids I' used to sleeping late on weekends so a 6:30 wake up call is pretty painful even if its 2 angels doing it!

Hope everyone has a good night and enjoys the rest of the Super Bowl.

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Good Almost Afternoon

BEANIE !!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK !!!!

Zan thanks for the advice, I can't wait (joy joy) to see the other doctor and see what the *F* he tells me to do LOLOL !! the guy I had said he usually doesn't do them... Well then, you'd THINK he'd tell me instead of practicing...sheeeeeeesh lousie LOL. SMOOCH !!!

BBL.. lunch TIME...growl

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Beanie, I've been thinking about you all weekend. My prayers are with you. Can't wait to have you home and back on here.

Eleen, That stinks, and I know the feeling! When I had mine done in the office I got stuck a least 6 times. And then when I went for fluo it as at least 3. My abnd and port just don't know how to cooperate! I will pray that Wednesday goes better.

Betty, your little ones sound so sweet.

Patty, I can't believe they didn't tell you all that stuff. I thought that was all normal pre-op stuff. Hang in there!

Well I have been having the BEST time with LUCY!! We didn't name her till Saturday night. I wanted Zoloft, Prozac, Xanax or Lexapro...lol...but I was told no way. I really think Zoloft would have been cute! But she is a Lucy She is so sweet and good. Right now she is sleeping under my desk between my legs...ahhh I can't stand it!!!

I'm getting frustrated with not hearing anything about my surgery!! I did send a private message to Dr. Ortiz the other day when he posted that thread about erosion. I told him about my leak and asked him if he has had many band leaks. He said NEVER! He seemed suprised and said that the manufactures test them really well before hand. My Dr. told me mine was also tested in the OR. I also posted a thread not saying that I had one but asking if anyone ever heard of it or had one. I had 1 reply and it was from someone whose Dr. told her before having the surgery that he had done 200 lapbands and had 1 band leak. So I guess I really am 1 in a WHAT!!!!

Part of me is afraid to call the insurance company.

OK sorry enough blabbing.

Time to love on Lucy

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Good Afternoon!

It's pretty here, a little brisk and windy but sunny. I just went for a walk and it was nice.

Beanie - Girl I have had you on my mind all weekend! I bet you are safely home and snug in bed right now resting. Take care and remember to walk some and sip that liquid!

Dianne - I sure hope you hear something soon. I know it is tough not knowing when and sitting and thinking about it all the time. I think I would give them a call.

Patty - Too bad they won't grandfather you in on some of that stuff. Heck, I would keep bugging them every day!

Eileen - I hope that your fill goes better this time. If not, I would sure say a few things about it! Too many punctures and you are at risk for a leak! If they can't get it right make them do it unde floro.

Cindy - How's it going? I bet you are tired from your trip! Hope you had a great time!

Zan - Hope you are getting some rest. Little ones can be exhausting at times.

Sherry - Hope the job is going better for you this week!

Ann - Hello!

Well, I am working on another letter I have to submit for the work force. It seems like all I ever do is compose letters lately. I hate doing that too! I have gotten bad about just jotting down a few things and calling it a sentence since I am on here and post so much that when I have to get serious I have to really think! :) Proper english, proper spelling, YIKES!

Going to go, catch you all later!

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Hello all! All I can think about today is Beanie's surgery...I hope you are home, Irene, and sleeping right now. If not, then only sip your drinks, and walk from the couch to the bathroom. The port area will be the most uncomfortable, followed by gas pains. It will pass (no pun intended)...I think I was driving about 4 days later....I really CAN'T remember, if that's any consolation to you. I will give you a call.

I got a little info on the old principal...not enough to insure my future, but enough that I can raise an eyebrow at him if he's not nice!

Betty, you're right...very busy trying to catch up on the time I missed at the conference. Oh, and just for fun, I got a speeding ticket in Denton when I was returning from the airport! To make it worse, I got this ticket in the exact same location I got one last year! You'd think I'd learn....so, I'm going to find out exactly when my last ticket was, and cross your fingers it was at least a year ago, so I can take Defensive Driving again. Oh joy.

A really cool NSV: I could buckle my seat beat on the plane, and had 3 inches or so to spare!!!!!!!! I also lost down to 233 on Sun., but after I weighed I ate all the junk at the Super Bowl party (some party, two grandpa's, my DH and DD!), so I was back to 236 this morning. Still, the scale moved!

Gotta run, it's time to go home...to everyone, keep up the good fight, and keep praying for Beanie! Cindy

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Hi Guys...

All is well in my little corner of BandLand. So far, no pain. And I won't be shy with the hydrocodon. I am a big ol' WUSS when it comes to pain. I have been burping like a bull frog since I got out of surgery - and I guess that's a good thing. If I can burp, I don't have go suffer with pain. I spent the afternoon playing cat in my sunroom. sleep, glorious sleep!

DH is taking good care of me and making sure I have what I need. We went to the store an got an assortment of broths and Soups. It was good for me to get up and walk, even if I did feel naked without my girdle!

Well, I have had a little hit of Hydrocodon, and it is getting a little chilly in my office, so I am going to crawl into the living room and curl up in a blanket and watch some mindless tv.

Love you guys!!


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Happy Tuesday Everyone,

Cindy, you're such a comedian, "The port area will be the most uncomfortable, followed by gas pains. It will pass (no pun intended)...".

Betty, I too have a terrible time composing letters, I want to do all those short cuts and abbreviations, heck I've even caught myself adding a couple..."LOL"s before. Thank goodness for spell check.

Eileen, what's up with the fills girl, all those extra trys are just more chances of ending up like poor Sunsett.* That is my only gripe with my doctor is that he does not use flouro. I think it should be mandatory in order to prevent punctures in the tube. Oh yeah, I love your sense of humor, you certainly have no problems composing, LMAO.

I missed the thing on Dateline, why'd you have to change your avatar?

*Ms. Sunsett, I addressed your revision in your other post, again, I'm sorry this has happened to you. Any idea how the leak happened? Rather than read all of your posts again, how many fills do you have?

Ms Irene, I'm so thrilled for you, sounds like your surgery was smooth sailing. I could have come home the same day too, but I was my doctor's first lapband patient, so at the time I was glad I stayed. I wish you a speedy recovery. Oh yeah, that egg drop Soup sure helps once the hunger starts, just puree it and it'll go right down. (My doctor said I could have anything that would go through a straw, you wouldn't believe what I could get through a straw, but don't use a straw to eat/drink with).

Sherry are you getting nervous yet, if so, don't, you'll be fine.

Anne, Zan, Ira, Patty, and anyone else I missed have a blessed day.

Gosh catching up takes up so much space, I have new drama at work, I'll catch yall up on that later, and I got another new car, I'm so spoiled.

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Now its a good morning... BEANIEEEE!! its good to see you and know that your doing okay. Just go slow and keep burping...its all you can do lol, but don't lay to long, get up and walk around...its the best thing for you, don't want any clots now.

Cindy congrats on the WL and the seat belt.... bet you were smiling from ear to ear. Oy vey on the ticket LOL.... do you get points on your license? Jersey is wacky with speed traps so one thing you want to do in NJ is drive the speed limit no matter what. They never seem to catch the road raged person only the person who goes a couple of mph over the limit lol...

Pat... whazup? Another new car..you go girl..watcha get a chrystler 300? love those mean looking cars :eek: I have no clue whats up with the port sticking doctor from hell.... all I know is he won't be touching me again, even if he IS my surgeon LOLOL !!! hopefully the cute young doctor who's supposed to be the pro can get it on the first shot. If they mess me up I'll just have to puke all over their procedure room :grouphug: I go tomorrow for round 2.

Dianne, Lucy is my mom's dog and she's a little pistol. The name really fits. Keep up on the docs and insurance, we all know how they can be... PITA'S !!!

Well nothing much is happening today, just work, work work.

And you ?

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Eileen, Dec 31, I bought the Lexus GX 470, but my other car, before the GX was the larger of the two, the LX 470. I had that car for 6 years, so I keep a vehicle a long time, (well usually). I drove that thing for 3 weeks, called my DH while he was in Fla, on a golf trip and said, jokingly, I called Ken at Lexus and told him I wasn't happy with this vehicle and he's looking for LX 470 for me. Waiting to hear all hell break loose, he said, "well if you don't like it, trade it now before you get too many miles on it", so then, I actually did call the salesman, LOL.

Anyhooo he found an LX, pearl white, fully loaded, the nav system and the back up camera, which is really sweet, specially when you're backing into a parking spot or the garage, but he had to order the DVD players for the headsets. Now they're in and I'm good to go for hopefully another 6 years.

If you're squeamish about needles, have your doctor prescribe some of that topical stuff you put on that numbs the belly before you go, that's what I got, makes the fills much easier, not only am I spoiled, I'm such a wusssssss.


How you feeling this am Ms. Irene?

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Good morning.

I got the ok from the insurance company so now I'm waiting on a date.

I'm off to sell more ads this morning..I sure hope! So I'll write back later.

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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