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February's Chat

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Good Morning and Happy February :kiss2:

I'll be back in a little while, I must get some stuff done here (at work) and then I can play a bit.

How is everyone today ?

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Good Morning!

I forgot this was February and I posted it on January, so I just copied it over here.:) :xena_banana: :Banane03:

I was so busy yesterday, I read a few times but didn't get around to posting on here. I didn't have to sit at the computer all day long (gosh that felt good) so I did some cleaning in the house, then I went out and did some yard work. It was so beautiful outside that I just didn't want to come back in. I got some of my flower beds raked and cleaned up so I am a head start on that job!

I haven't heard anything on the jobs yet, but it hasn't been enough time yet.

Beanie - Wow, I can't believe you time is almost here! Are you ready? Did you go get those last few things? I think I am getting anxious for you myself!

Sherry - Congrats on the good news! Seems like there is always an a$$hole at every job. Sure hope things get better for you. I am glad your boss can see right through him!

Cindy - Hey girl, how are you feeling? Sure hope you start healing up soon!

Eileen - I bet you are really looking forward to that first fill. I hope you get a good one.

Jan - I hope things aren't too bad with your DM. Don't be too nervous about the fill, it is really simple and don't hurt at all. My first fill was 1.5cc and I only felt a little restriction for a few days and then it was gone.

Zan - I need to get into that exercise routine, good for you! Glad to hear your mom is better.

Patty - Awww, how sad it is to hear about another child getting abused. I just can't understand how people can do that to a small child. Thank goodness that you could step in and help her before it was too late.

Dianne - You have such a positive attitude that I know things will work out for you! Hang tight!

Pat - You are working too hard, when you can't stop in here, then you are working too hard! I miss your daily posts!

Anne - Hello! Miss your posts too!

Well, I am going to go check some of the other threads and then get busy. I don't have any work on the computer again today so it gives me a chance to do other things and I want to take advantage of it while I can.

Surgery/Oct. 18, 2004

-92 pounds, 8 to go!

I believe there are Angels among us!

"Life is about creating yourself."

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Happy February!! I am in a much better mood today. I still haven't heard fromt he insurance company, but I am really now thinking that I should hold off a few weeks and enjy the visit with my grandmother. After all I would hate to be on liquids and mushies while she's here. She makes great meals..lol at 97...I don't know thats just how I'm thinking this second. I really appreciate all the suport that you all are giving me.

I put out a thread yesterday just asking if anyone had ever heard of a band leak and I only got 1 reply. She said her Dr. told her about it and that after 200 bands he had 1 with the leak. So I am special huh..lol.. I think when I get my date I will then post it so others can know that there is a slim chance, but it happens.

Ira- Happy Birthday to you!!!

Zan-Glad your mom is better. I bet you enjoyed those 60 degree days!

Patty-Any word on the little girl? How are you doing with all this.

Jan-You much be so relieved that you are not going to have medical problems due to weight! So srry to hear about your mom having such trouble. Do you think she'd consider the band? She really isn't to old.

Eileen-Great hearing from you. I will pray that you fill goes well on Friday.

Beanie-Whats your date? Maybe mine will be the same day!!

Who else is having surgery this month, I have a pretty fried brain lately, sorry.

Cindy-How are you feeling.

Just got a call from my girl friend. They submitted her paper work on Friday and she got appoved today. She is changing her mind on the band and wants to see if they'll do the bypass. She has always wanted that anyway.

Ok I really need to go sell some ads!!! Have a good day.

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:) :xena_banana: Happy Birthday Ira :Banane03: :Banane20:

Thanks everyone for your support, work went well yesterday, I meant to post again but was drained. Here's what happened once I left work on Monday: Child protective services and police met with the parents and it was determined that they could go home with their child. I was relieved that it was thus far resolved -- don't know if parenting classes were ordered or any requirements need to be fulfilled, just that foster care wasn't requested. My job was complete. So, yesterday at 11am just like usual, guess who walks into to my office looking for an inhaler :dance: I didn't get a hug but I do have some new artwork on a notepad! Then 30 minutes later, back into the vice principals office for throwing rocks. Kids don't always just bounce back, and this kindergarter doesn't have the words to express how awful they feel. Time will tell - pray.

Wow, I can't believe that its February already and so many of my friends have surgery dates looming.

Dianne: Have a second helping of grandmothers food....yummm!

Sherry: I'm still thinking about your work place. Keep a level head and think liquids and mushys.

Leenie: I hope you get your fill.... if not you can devour a sub sandwich and a box of Krispy Kremes lol :kiss2:

Anne: Where are you?

Hey, I gotta run.... need to glue and tape my hair together.... really need a dye job, maybe this afternoon!

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Hey Betty, we keep bumping into each other ROFL !!! SMOOOCH !!! Have a wonderful day. :Banane20:

I noticed that too! I guess great minds just think alike!:) :xena_banana: :Banane03:

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Good morning!

Happy Birthday, Ira!

Well, it's February...we've been chatting for months now!

I am getting better...still coughing like crazy, but I think it's on its way down.

Patty, I hear you. Some of the stories I have would break your heart. I'm glad everything got checked out. Working with kids puts you in a very important position...so many things you can have a big effect on...and then there are some situations where you have no influence. Like the serenity prayer says..."the wisdom to know the difference."

Eileen, thanks for starting the Feb. thread!

Beanie - I know you're getting ready for your big day! I'll call you!

Betty, I'm jealous you got to do some outside work yesterday...it was really nice out there!

If I don't check in for a few days, it's because I'm at a conference in San Antonio...I leave work tomorrow around 11, and will return Sat. afternoon. I am taking my laptop, since the Omni has free wifi...so I'll get to figure that out...I just don't know how much surfing time I'll have! I'm looking forward to going, but I never like leaving my little family. They do fine, but I miss them as much as I like getting away once in a while. I bet you moms understand what I mean!

See ya later, Cindy

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I noticed that too! I guess great minds just think alike!:bananapowerslide: :bananapartyhat: :youcandothis:

Great minds ya call it :)

Cindy, glad your on the mends. Enjoy your trip, how many days are you going for ? I don't like leaving my family either, actually I hate it. I'm not with DD all day and then to leave her just breaks my heart. I was a reck leaving her when I went for surgery....stupid I know but the feelings were real.

Patty, I'm so glad things are okay with that little girl, I can't imagine being in your shoes when you found out. Your a good soul and I'm so glad your here chatting with us. Hey, whats the scoop at your doctors...can you call your insurance to move things along or to find out whats happening? I was on my insurance companys' butt like white on rice. They really got sick of hearing me crying LOL !!!! :nervous

Okay kiddies, I wanna stay here all day but I have to get back to work. Love you all !!!!

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OK - a little more sane around here today...

Zan - great job on the exercise... I am just being good because I don't want ANY chance of my doc having trouble shoving my liver out of the way. And it must be working - because my face seems to think I am 14 right now, instead of 41!! All the fat cells in my body are trying to escape through the pores on my chin... ICK!!

Jan - hope your day is less hectic, today. Hows your son? Feeling any better? Hope Mom is ok. I know what you mean about seeing your future in your Mom. I had the same problem. I had a vision of knee replacement surgery at 45... not so good. If you search for Ticker or Tracker, you should find instructions to help you with that. You need to go into User CP and edit your signature. Once you paste the ticker in there, it will show up on every post.

Betty - I envy you the head start on the flower beds... I need to get started on mine. It's almost that time - but I learned my lesson after last year - I prep the beds FIRST and then buy the plants. I have several dessicated plant skeletons on my deck... Surprisingly enough, a few of them survived. Maybe I will say that if it can't survive a whole winter on the deck, it can't go into my landscape! lol...

:woot:And LOOK at YOU!!! Only 8 lbs from goal. Kick A$$!!! :bananapartyhat:

Eileen - Mornin'. How's by you? Hope you are having a great day. Hey, for you it's almost over! How cool is that?


:) :youcandothis: :happybday: :happybday: :bananajump: :bananapowerslide:

Hope you are having a great day!!

Dianne - you just do whatever is right for you on that surgery. Who knows when the insurance company will get round to approving you, anyway... Besides, Grandma food is not to be missed! lol.

Patty - I'm glad that things are bearable - I don't remember ever getting the belt when I was 6... and acting out is certainly a sign that something is wrong at home. :[ I hope it all turns out ok. Maybe the state will require some counselling. That couldn't hurt.

Cindy - Yep - for a short trip, it's great to get away - but for too long, it's a drag. Hope you feel better and have a great time in San Antonio. You'll get the hang of the wireless thing - it's pretty easy - just be sure you connect to the correct network... We will be waiting to hear all about it.

Well, I have to get back to work, too. Hope everyone is having the best possible day.


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Afternoon All,

I'm sitting here reading posts and waiting for my hair to finish processing. Ughhh, sometimes it's not fun being a girl :think

Eileen: Here's whats supposed to be happening with surgery. A bariatric referral was faxed on January 13th. I was told 10-20 day wait. If we are counting business days that makes today day #13. Day 20 would be Friday Feb 10th. Now, whom should I bug to get the approval even faster? Educate me people! I was really hoping that this was gonna be my month, I'm taking it just one day at a time.

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Good Morning,

Patty, call your insurance company as ask the status of your claim. They should be able to tell you where it stands. Hang in there.... good things are worth waiting for.

Beanie..... whats shakin toots?

Betty its great when your so busy you don't have time for the PC... the summer will be like that for me (I'm hoping lol). We've been having pretty good weather for being smack dab right in the middle of winter, so I'm not going to say a word lol.

Cindy, have a wonderful safe trip... ENJOY !!!

Dianne, thats wonderful your going to see G'ma... yes, see her and enjoy her cooking... I would !!!

Well boss man is here today so I can't play to much... :)

We're almost at the weekend folks... hang tight !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any good plans?

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Thanks Eileen, I didn't know it would be that simple to just call my insurance company. I might just try that later on.

Not much going on here, I haven't had B-fast yet. Morning routine went well.... not too much whining from the youngest. It's just very chilly here and my hands and feet are ice. I have the boys with me this coming weekend and we are supposed to meet with friends at Disneyland Friday night. My girlfriend moved about an hours drive away and the kids don't get to see one another anymore. So, if we can get together we can let the kids loose and we can talk. Disneyland, the ultimate playground... who'da thunk! On Saturday there are a couple of garage sales I wanted to hit. Last week I found the mother lode in old classic videos. Everybody is throwing out VHS tapes and I scoop them up for like 50cents. Stuff like: West Side Story, Crocodile Dundee and Young Frankenstein. The kids can't wait for our afternoon matinee's, complete with popcorn and candy... entertainment on a dime -- love it! Enough of my rambling, gotta work now -- bye :)

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Well you won't believe what I did yesterday afternoon. I think that instead of a new band I need new brain!

I brought home a 6 wk old PUPPY! Check her picture out under general...She is adorable and has no name yet so we need help with that! Kids and I like Zoe, but DH isn't so hot on that. Sandy our lab is adjusting great and Poose our cat is being pretty cool.

The puppy is sleeping a lot which is great. I put her in a crate on a low table next to my bed last night and she was a real good girl.

I guess I've been feeling sorry for my self lately so she is taking my mind off things. I can't wait to hear your suggestions. She does look like a furby, or one of those gizmos, what was the name of that movie where the cute little creature turned into a monster?

I have heard nothing from the insurance company. I'm trying to let it go. But Patty if I were in your shoes I would call he insurance company and ask them where they are at and how much longer before you get approved.

Beanie-WOW only a few more days!! I painted a mural the Saturday before. It helped a lot. I think I may do another on e this next time.

Cindy- My kids are 20 and 22(on Saturday) they live at home and go to cccollege for now. I still worry and have a little panic when I'm traveling. 3 months after we moved here I went back to NJ for my friends 50th BD party. That was September 9th, well on September 11th I freaked out not being near them. I went to Walmart to by shes in case I would have to WALK back to NC. Of course I had been reading the Left Behind series so I was ready for anything. Try to enjoy.

Well I have done no work today! What a putz I can be. Bye for now,

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

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