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Had a pretty bad night with the pain and gas. Guess the day after surgery is worse than the day of. Had surgery on monday morning. This morning, after drinking my shake, i felt very woozy while washing dishes (light work)......wondering what the dizzyness is coming from? pain meds? hunger?

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Good luck to all of us going into surgery tomorrow! Getting nervous, but definitely ready to move on to this stage of my life!

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Had a pretty bad night with the pain and gas. Guess the day after surgery is worse than the day of. Had surgery on monday morning. This morning, after drinking my shake, i felt very woozy while washing dishes (light work)......wondering what the dizzyness is coming from? pain meds? hunger?

Sorry you had a bad night! The first night after I had surgery I had gas pains so bad I had to get up in the middle of the night and walk around the nurses station to make them go away. I would think the dizzyness might be from the meds. I know the liquid lortab they gave me said it can cause dizzyness. I hope you are taking it easy. Make sure you get plenty of rest so you can heal :). Take care!


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I am having surgery Sept. 29!!! Starting the pre op diet tomorrow. I have to admit I am getting really nervous. Not too much about surgery itself but about failing. I am afraid of failing like I have failed other diets. I am assuming this is normal, but man does the brain play games. This group has been wonderful and I hope we continue supporting and checking in with one another. Erika

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I am having surgery Sept. 29!!! Starting the pre op diet tomorrow. I have to admit I am getting really nervous. Not too much about surgery itself but about failing. I am afraid of failing like I have failed other diets. I am assuming this is normal, but man does the brain play games. This group has been wonderful and I hope we continue supporting and checking in with one another. Erika

Hi Erika,

Same day as me! Yay for us! Don't be nervous. You will NOT fail at this. I have been on so many diets throughout my adult life, and I could usually lose easily enough, but then the weight gradually piles on again. I'm doing this so I have a good tool to help me control how much I eat. I need this so very much, that I know I'll make good choices with food, too. You'll do the same. Have confidence in yourself. It's going to work. Good luck next Thursday. Do you have an overnight stay in the hospital? I do. Talk to you later. Peg

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My day has come!! Getting banded tomorrow!! Today is full Clear Liquids and all I can hear and feel is my tummy groooooowwwwwwlin. Lol.

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Yes I had the plication too.

Here is mlapband day story.

I got up at 6:45 am and my hubby followed me to the dealership to drop off the car for an oil change. I've decided to make the best of a late scheduled surgery (1:15pm) and get a few errands done since I can't eat or drink. Then on to my primary care doctor who won't refill prescriptions until he gets my bloodwork. It was a crowded Monday morning (which is why I usually never go on Monday!). While there, I got a call from the surgery center saying the doctor was running ahead and could I come in by 12:00 instead of 1:15pm - sure thing!

I got to the surgery center at 11:45 - chronically early. To my surpirse I'm down even more than my scales says 199.4 so that means that I am down over 13.5 lbs on the preop diet and then all liquids over the weekend.

They take me back at 1pm and I change clothes. They start antibiotics (only 1 try and they got the vein! hurrah and then a shot of heparin in the stomache - again no pain) and now I'm just waiting for the anesthesiologist and the doctor. I remember going into the surgery room and the anesthesiologist asks me something. Then I am in post op. My left breast is killing me. I remember they said shoulder pain would be likely - I did have a larger hernia - but they didn't say my boobs would hurt too! I told her several times that my breast was hurting, she gave me something more in the IV and it just barely took the edge off. I started dry heaving for a few minutes from the nauseau and she came back with a patch. She put it behind my left ear and told me to leave it on for 48 hours. When I remove it, I am to wash my hands thoroughly so that I don't get what's on the patch in my eyes. After a few minutes the nausea settled down a little. Then she went and got my husband to help get me out the door and on the way home. It was 5:30pm. I told her flat out she was just trying to dump me out the door instead of making sure I was alright before I left. She said the best place for me was at home because she couldn't do anything more for me! Maybe the surgery center wasn't the great idea I thought it was after all.

Even though my hubby drives like a maniac, he actually managed to miss all the potholes and I got home without any incident. He went and filled prescriptions while I tried to settle in to the recliner. The pain in my breast is coming and going and the nurse told him I could apply a heating pad and that would help. She also told him to buy some benedryl liquid because that would help with the nausea as well. I did notice that the pain had subsided somewhat in my chest. I do get up and walk once around the kitchen and family room to try to get things moving.

When he got home with the pain meds, it was time to take them. I took the dose of liquid lortab (nasty, nasty) and followed it with the benadryl. Then out. When 5 hours was up, I took another dose, the fog from the anesthesia was starting to lift. I slept in the recliner for the night. I noticed I only have 3 bandages. He did as much as possible thru my belly button so that is a huge bandage and two smaller ones out to the side. I'm told the port isunder the belly button. interesting.

The next day calls from the doctor and the surgery center - everything is ok no real issues. When they asked how I liked the surgery center I told them about getting "dumped" out the door like they were on a schedule I was coming along fine.

Today is wednesday and I'm supposed to go to full liquids after 5pm today. I'm just now getting down beef broth so I'll probably be holding off on shakes until in the morning.

By the way, I did weigh on the scale and the surgery put me up 5lbs which is coming back off as I release the gas. (Today - day 3 - the gas is really starting to move and I'm so glad I listened and bought the gasx.)

Walking around more and more to get mobility going and this is the first time I've been on the computer for too long.

I've had dry heaves several times over the last couple of days but nothing really major. I'm starting to really try to get down some fluids as the other fluids are released so that I can stay hydrated.

All in all not too bad an experience.

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Sorry you had a bad night! The first night after I had surgery I had gas pains so bad I had to get up in the middle of the night and walk around the nurses station to make them go away. I would think the dizzyness might be from the meds. I know the liquid lortab they gave me said it can cause dizzyness. I hope you are taking it easy. Make sure you get plenty of rest so you can heal :). Take care!



I decided not to take the lortab till tonight when i go to sleep. My kids will be coming home from school and i need to be of good sorts to spend the time with them. I'll deal with the ET Tylenol till i have to go to bed. Yes, did take it easier today. Thanks!

My problem now is my stomach growling. I'm supposed to have 3 shakes a day and IF i'm hungry, i can go to full liquids (soup, yogurt, pudding). It's hard to tell what the noises are in my stomach.........hunger? gas? I do feel weak....just had a cup of pudding and am feeling a bit nauseous. This all just very confusing to me.

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Tomorrow is my day too and I am on clear as well. My stomach is not liking it at all and is really growling too!!! To funny!

I do have to vent though. I contacted my doctors office to see about pushing my post op appointment back in the day. (Set for Thursday next week at 11am) NOT VERY FLEXABLE! The appointment was set for me without my input on times that would work etc. Then the "nurse" got upset when she learned I only took 4 days off.... which I had approved with them when I was in the office before. I explained my work sitation and her solution was not to move it to after 3 or Tuesday or Thursday it was well I'll just have to call you and review it since you cant leave work. Very belittling... I think I will for sure be mentioning that to my doc tomorrow! Not to mention I have called twice to request zofran ODT since I know that phenergan KNOCKS me out. Boy if I acted like that to a patient I would be in some hot water! Oh well... maybe she hates her job! LOL!!!

My day has come!! Getting banded tomorrow!! Today is full clear liquids and all I can hear and feel is my tummy groooooowwwwwwlin. Lol.

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My day has come!! Getting banded tomorrow!! Today is full clear liquids and all I can hear and feel is my tummy groooooowwwwwwlin. Lol.

Try sipping broth throughout the day and chewing gum. That's what got me through.

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Winifred76, did the booby pain go away?? Any idea what caused it? What a shame they practically pushed you out the door like that! I understand schedules and all that but holy moly, I would think they would want to be sure you are good to go before they release you. Glad to hear you are home resting now. :)

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Tomorrow is my day too and I am on clear as well. My stomach is not liking it at all and is really growling too!!! To funny!

I do have to vent though. I contacted my doctors office to see about pushing my post op appointment back in the day. (Set for Thursday next week at 11am) NOT VERY FLEXABLE! The appointment was set for me without my input on times that would work etc. Then the "nurse" got upset when she learned I only took 4 days off.... which I had approved with them when I was in the office before. I explained my work sitation and her solution was not to move it to after 3 or Tuesday or Thursday it was well I'll just have to call you and review it since you cant leave work. Very belittling... I think I will for sure be mentioning that to my doc tomorrow! Not to mention I have called twice to request zofran ODT since I know that phenergan KNOCKS me out. Boy if I acted like that to a patient I would be in some hot water! Oh well... maybe she hates her job! LOL!!!

I got the zofran prescription when I left the surgery center. I also asked for a scopolamine patch before surgery, and they were very willing to give it to me. I only wound up using 1 of the zofran tablets they gave me, the second night after surgery!

Sorry the office staff is not more flexibile. I've been pretty fortunate in that regard, and am super pleased with my surgeon. When I asked which band and port I was going to have, he told me it would be the larger band and port. When I asked him if you'd be able to see it through clothes he said I hope so! I must of looked at him like he was crazed, because he immediately said that you wouldn't see it until I got down to a size 8, so I guess I agreed with him. He then added that there were things we can do if that happens, but should not worry about that now - so I'm not!

Good luck to you and all others getting banded tomorrow!! It feels great to be on the other side...

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Thank you for the encouragement! wow that must have been so hard for you to go thru!! Glad you made it thru and are doing so well! I am going forward with the surgery tomorrow for myself and for my son and I know it will make me a stonger, healthier person! 1 more day!!!

You're welcomed! I'll be honest, I had so many thoughts of backing out of the surgery up until the last day. I don't know why but I think it is a bad habit I have had of relying on myself to do it own my own. So it was a first step for me to break this bad habit!! I wanted a PARADIGM shift in my lift....If I keep doing what I'm doing I'll keep getting what I got. NO MORE!!! I say congrats to you for daring to have a better healthier life for yourself and your son.

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Had a pretty bad night with the pain and gas. Guess the day after surgery is worse than the day of. Had surgery on monday morning. This morning, after drinking my shake, i felt very woozy while washing dishes (light work)......wondering what the dizzyness is coming from? pain meds? hunger?

Did you have surgery and go home the same day? My surgery wasn't until 4 pm and I got to my hospital room at 8pm last Tuesday, went home on Thursday at 4pm. I was so dizzy and nauseated with Zofran in my IV and a patch behind my ear. I knew I had to walk so I could go home, but every time I was sea sick. Every time I moved I screamed in pain....even last night when I turned in bed I woke my hubby up screaming in pain. The meds will make you dizzy for sure because you don't have any food in your stomach. Maybe you can ask your doctor for the patch for nausea to put behind your ear? Then if you are still sick, take the Zofran - mine is dissolved on my tongue. Hope this helps! But you are a real trooper to be up and moving like that.

:) Marebeth

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Did you have surgery and go home the same day? My surgery wasn't until 4 pm and I got to my hospital room at 8pm last Tuesday, went home on Thursday at 4pm. I was so dizzy and nauseated with Zofran in my IV and a patch behind my ear. I knew I had to walk so I could go home, but every time I was sea sick. Every time I moved I screamed in pain....even last night when I turned in bed I woke my hubby up screaming in pain. The meds will make you dizzy for sure because you don't have any food in your stomach. Maybe you can ask your doctor for the patch for nausea to put behind your ear? Then if you are still sick, take the Zofran - mine is dissolved on my tongue. Hope this helps! But you are a real trooper to be up and moving like that.

:) Marebeth

Yes, had the surgery at 8:30am and was discharged at 5pm. My surgeon does all the band surgeries during the first part of the day because they are all same day discharges.

I was only nauseous in the recovery room and they put something in the iv for me. Once i got to ambulatory to sit for another 3 hours while sipping Water, i was able to walk around....especially to the bathroom cuz in recovery, i hated having to ask the nurse for the bedpan and hope she put it in the right place so i don't pee myself!!!!

I stopped taking the lortab today so that i wouldn't have that terrible dizzy spell again! I seem to be ok. Maybe i'll just take tylenol before going to bed and see how i do with that.

Thanks Marabeth!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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