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Horribly disappointed

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Did you have United Healthcare Insurance?

Not what you want to hear............but the three or six months goes very fast while you get the psych appts, pre-op physical etc done.

My insurance pulled the same stunt with me, but not with two other employees with the exact same coverage who had surgery in the past year. The insurance company got really nasty with me. After the 4th nutrition visit, the bariatric office submitted my paperwork and it was approved!

The time with the nutritionist was not wasted........I learned a ton to help me be successful.

One trick I did use, was scheduling the appointments as close together as I could--even some 21 days apart.....and when they didn't have appointments, I asked the receptionist to call me with cancellations on certain days when I knew I could run in.

I was in the same boat as you when I finally decided to go forward....................went to the seminar 4/29, and was banded 8/4 using insurance that required a 6 month diet---you figure it out!

Have faith, gather hope, keep moving! It's worth it!

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We all want to get started NOW once we've decided and its very human to be so disappointed at the news that you're going to have to wait. I would feel exactly the same. And you're right, its beyond stupid to require people who have patently failed the unassisted diet and exercise thing before to do it yet again, just to prove some stupid non existent point. I mean, your very physical condition proves that over your lifetime, you've been unable to control your weight and health, doesnt it? What does some stupid 6 month supervised diet prove?

But, nonetheless, them's the rules obviously. Look at the bright side. At a BMI of 47, if you DO lose weight on this diet, you're not going to quickly become too light for a lapband. It'd be a great start for you, and if you truly choose to look at it this way - it IS the start of the new you. The band just comes further on down the track. My advice would be to put your heart and soul into it and do the best you can to start changing and getting heatlhier right away. You've probably done so for short periods of time before, like most of us. Only this time, with a band to help you later on, you're not goign to pile it all on again and then some.

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I am so horribly disappointed right now. I cried all the way home from an informational seminar for the doctor I want to use -- a 45 minute drive.

Seminar was fine, I didn't have questions that could be answered right then (mostly for the nutritionist, etc. rather than the doctor as I've been researching this and reading all your stories, advice, good times, bad times), but afterwards the gal that handles some of the insurance tells me that UHC will require 6 months of supervised dieting or 3 months if I have a supervised diet, pay for an exercise person, and something else I can't remember because I was in shock. UHC never mentioned the supervised diet to me when I called them to find out whether I was covered and what I needed to qualify. My BMI is 47.whatever the ticker says, and I have sleep apnea and severe hypertension. Perfect candidate for weight loss surgery!!!! The doctor even quoted statistics that people 100 lbs. or more overweight are not successful with diet and exercise alone with keeping it off (don't yell -- I know there will always be exceptions to that, but in general...).

I've been so excited about the whole banding thing and finally being able to get the full feeling sooner so I can stick to the life food change (ie diet). This was a huge blow to me and now I have to try to not let myself sink into a bad depression.

I was a chunky kid and somewhere between 18-20 years old my weight took off, quickly ballooning up. I'm 46 and have been morbidly obese for the last 20 years. I've tried diets, feel like I'm starving and then fall off the wagon once I hit a plateau that goes on and on (4 months was the longest I waited out a plateau before giving up). Since I've been on a new BP med that is finally keeping the blood pressure down from stroke level I've gained 10 pounds -- my fault with, I truly believe, an assist from the meds. I'm not going to be on this supervised diet and suddenly get a different result. When I did Weight Watchers -- that was supervised and I lost weight, felt miserably hungry all the time and then hit the 4 month plateau). I'll do it because I'm desperate for the help the band can offer as I work to eat right and exercise.

Now I can add to my worry that by open enrollment time at work they'll change the insurance and banding won't be covered. Plus the fact that I've way more than met my deductible of $800 for the year already with tests I've had done to make sure I wasn't having any major heart issues, plus the new CPAP to replace the one that was quickly dying. Which also meant I was closer to my maximum out of pocket for the year and would have been able to save money on the 20% I have to pay for the surgery. Then there is the fact that my primary care does not have office hours conducive to those of us who work from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday -- any guess as to what her office hours are??? So now I have to take sick time and vacation to go see her for the supervised diet, plus pay the office visit copay, etc.

I'm trying to figure out where the heck I'm going to come up with the money for all of that.

If anyone is still reading... sorry, just needed to vent and see if I could stop crying.

I know that if this surgery is what I'm supposed to have then it will work out somehow but I feel like somebody sucker punched me right now.

Thanks for listening. Sorry for any typos, etc.

Hugs to all.

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We all want to get started NOW once we've decided and its very human to be so disappointed at the news that you're going to have to wait. I would feel exactly the same. And you're right, its beyond stupid to require people who have patently failed the unassisted diet and exercise thing before to do it yet again, just to prove some stupid non existent point. I mean, your very physical condition proves that over your lifetime, you've been unable to control your weight and health, doesnt it? What does some stupid 6 month supervised diet prove?

But, nonetheless, them's the rules obviously. Look at the bright side. At a BMI of 47, if you DO lose weight on this diet, you're not going to quickly become too light for a lapband. It'd be a great start for you, and if you truly choose to look at it this way - it IS the start of the new you. The band just comes further on down the track. My advice would be to put your heart and soul into it and do the best you can to start changing and getting heatlhier right away. You've probably done so for short periods of time before, like most of us. Only this time, with a band to help you later on, you're not goign to pile it all on again and then some.

NOW, NOW, NOW!!!! :lol:

Yeah, was having a pity party for myself, but in my heart knew I would go through with it anyway. It's just the thought of 6 months of wanting to chew my arm off is a little daunting, and I hope I don't get too cranky either. I figured with my BMI that I could lose some and still qualify under the 40, even though I still qualify if I was 35-40 BMI due to my co-morbidities. Again, the stupid voice in my head was bringing up how hungry I always felt dieting. Everyone always has told me "it will pass in a couple of weeks". Uhhhh...I was working the WW plan for a year (my first attempt at WW plan) and all I could think of was food and how empty and hungry I felt. Stomach (not intestines) rumbling like I hadn't eaten anything for weeks. I like the WW plan (don't know about the newly revised one) and would probably talk to the nutritionist to see how we could alter the plan to work for me when banded.

I've already started trying out Protein drinks. Love the powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chocolate splendor (yummy), trying the vanilla right now -- good but I prefer the chocolate. Tried the chicken Soup tonight and didn't care for the first taste, tried to force myself to get used to it (I've never been a fan of instant Soups and this reminded me of that) -- by the time I got to sip 3 I almost vomited so I poured it down the drain and promptly made the vanilla. I should say that I bought the sampler package from Unjury - 2 single serve packets of the chocolate, vanilla, strawberry (don't know if I'll try as I used to break out in hives when I was a kid if I had strawberries), unflavored and the chicken Soup. Plus a Rubbermaid shaker container and a small meat thermometer (chicken soup liquid should not be heated above 130°F as it will affect the Protein powder).

Even if for some reason (although I can't imagine why) I get denied by the insurance in the end I have already decided to replace my morning egg mcmuffin or sausage with egg mcmuffin with a Protein Drink. I had tried the chocolate the other morning on the way to work around 7am, wanted to eat around 9am and decided it was my brain/mind saying I was hungry and ignored it, was truly hungry by 10am and had a choibani greek yogurt and was good until lunch time rolled around. I'll get the protein I need to stay alert but not the associated fat and calories that I normally would be inhaling.

I'm also moving the treadmill into my room and will begin walking on it. I hate just walking on it and even listening to music is boring -- I can watch TV while I'm walking and that will make the time fly. I'm not ready for a cardio workout yet -- I am mostly inactive and then had the problem during a stress test where my BP top number went over 200. It happened when I had to really get the heart rate up and had to work hard to even stay on the treadmill. If I had that reaction, maybe that's why I always feel horrible after exercising -- not great and energized like other people say they are. So if I take it slow and work into it I can add time but wait to get faster as I lose weight (and presumably start bringing my BP down). Hopefully it won't make me feel so crappy and this will be something I can definitely stick with.

This change HAS to happen for me. I can't afford health-wise or $ wise to get any heavier and I don't want to stay where I'm at. I don't want to be one of the old super obese women in a scooter with an oxygen tank -- no offense meant to those who may be in that unfortunate position, but it scares the you know what out of me and I want to be able to enjoy my life. I may be 46 but I'm still young by today's standards. I want to go on a trip and go hiking to view waterfalls and right now that is an impossibility.

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okay first , don't worry about venting here .. we have all been where you are at .. most of us anyway. Don't worry about the 6 month diet plan ... there IS A LOOP HOLE .. IF you can get your PCP to go for it . I too had to have a " 6 month diet plan " .. this really only consisted of 6 pieces of paper , for each month , that asked me what i was eating and what excerising i was doing that month ! All i had to do was fill them all out and have my PCP sign them !! I didn't wait 6 months .. Its all paper work for the insurance company . So , get the paper work ( your surgeons office will have them ) Fill them out starting 6 months ago with whatever diet you've " been on " and ask your Dr to sign them .

Now .. getting upset about 3 month wait is a entirely different story . I know you read sometimes about people on here that decided want surgery and they have it the following Tuesday . HAH That is not realistic. it will take you ITLEAST 3 months to get in to see all the specialist for the Pre-op testing . I had to wait 4 WEEKS just to get a CONSULT with the sleep Apena Dr ! So start booking those those test now , stay ahead of the game. If you find out later that you don't need that particular test , cancel it . No biggie . But if you happen to do , you already have a appt.


Good luck ! =)

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I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I too have paid cash for mine, so I would not have to go through all the hoops that insurance makes you go through. Insurance companies want you to be fat, they want you to gain weight and get all sort of health problems… they want you to be ill, so you have to depend on their services and they make money while you get sicker. If insurance companies covered Lap band, and Gastric bypass, they would lose money, because healthy people don't have the medical problems that are associated with being obese. They know that obesity is the number one cause of death in our country. When they see those stats, they see dollar signs. Good luck.. and keep up the fight!

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Talk to your PCP. He might be able to bypass that. Just because you need a 6 month diet doesn't mean you have to start now. If you have had the same doctor for any period of time he's already familiar with your struggles and can honestly fill out the necessary paperwork stating that you have met that requirement.

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I completed my 6 month nutritional visits a month ago, and I am being banded in 4 days. Let me tell you that the time really does fly by. If you want this, then 6 months is nothing in terms of time to wait for it. I've waited a lifetime and it is finally here.

The insurance questions are another matter, but hang in there and do your homework. I can tell you that I delayed my first nutritionist visit until January to maximize the benefits I would receive, and then found out that the insurance would not cover ANY of the nutritionist visits, even though they are the ones that required them. I let it bend me out of shape for a while, but now that it is behind me, I am not even thinking about that anymore. It is all just a small price in the bigger picture.

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I am so horribly disappointed right now. I cried all the way home from an informational seminar for the doctor I want to use -- a 45 minute drive.

Seminar was fine, I didn't have questions that could be answered right then (mostly for the nutritionist, etc. rather than the doctor as I've been researching this and reading all your stories, advice, good times, bad times), but afterwards the gal that handles some of the insurance tells me that UHC will require 6 months of supervised dieting or 3 months if I have a supervised diet, pay for an exercise person, and something else I can't remember because I was in shock. UHC never mentioned the supervised diet to me when I called them to find out whether I was covered and what I needed to qualify. My BMI is 47.whatever the ticker says, and I have sleep apnea and severe hypertension. Perfect candidate for weight loss surgery!!!! The doctor even quoted statistics that people 100 lbs. or more overweight are not successful with diet and exercise alone with keeping it off (don't yell -- I know there will always be exceptions to that, but in general...).

I've been so excited about the whole banding thing and finally being able to get the full feeling sooner so I can stick to the life food change (ie diet). This was a huge blow to me and now I have to try to not let myself sink into a bad depression.

I was a chunky kid and somewhere between 18-20 years old my weight took off, quickly ballooning up. I'm 46 and have been morbidly obese for the last 20 years. I've tried diets, feel like I'm starving and then fall off the wagon once I hit a plateau that goes on and on (4 months was the longest I waited out a plateau before giving up). Since I've been on a new BP med that is finally keeping the blood pressure down from stroke level I've gained 10 pounds -- my fault with, I truly believe, an assist from the meds. I'm not going to be on this supervised diet and suddenly get a different result. When I did Weight Watchers -- that was supervised and I lost weight, felt miserably hungry all the time and then hit the 4 month plateau). I'll do it because I'm desperate for the help the band can offer as I work to eat right and exercise.

Now I can add to my worry that by open enrollment time at work they'll change the insurance and banding won't be covered. Plus the fact that I've way more than met my deductible of $800 for the year already with tests I've had done to make sure I wasn't having any major heart issues, plus the new CPAP to replace the one that was quickly dying. Which also meant I was closer to my maximum out of pocket for the year and would have been able to save money on the 20% I have to pay for the surgery. Then there is the fact that my primary care does not have office hours conducive to those of us who work from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday -- any guess as to what her office hours are??? So now I have to take sick time and vacation to go see her for the supervised diet, plus pay the office visit copay, etc.

I'm trying to figure out where the heck I'm going to come up with the money for all of that.

If anyone is still reading... sorry, just needed to vent and see if I could stop crying.

I know that if this surgery is what I'm supposed to have then it will work out somehow but I feel like somebody sucker punched me right now.

Thanks for listening. Sorry for any typos, etc.

Hugs to all.

Need help getting back on track or you need some support from someone that has had the lapband?? Go ahead and add me on Facebook and see my ongoing journey, I'm a lapbandster myself and i'm going throught this amaizing journey that I dont regret! follow me on www.facebook.com/kfrancolapband

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I have MDIPA federal (United healthcare I think) and I had to go through the 6 months diet plan thing plus the psychological evaluation and blood work, EKG and barium swallow test. I would go once a moth to my pcp to weight in and in my 5th visit I asked for the referral for the barium swallow test (and scheduled it) and on my last visit I also did the EKG and went for the blood work. The only thing I did not foresaw was how long the psychological part woul take..... I only found an appt available for 2 months later, then I had to go to more 3 visits after the initial one (tests) and when it was all said and done, they took 1 month(!!) to mail the report. The authorization from the insurance took only 10 days and two weeks later I had the surgery. It took me Eleven meses since my first weight in woth the pcp, but the delay with the psychologist was a real bummer. If I could tell anything to myself one year ago, I would tell "me" to start the psychological part at the same time I began the weight in with my pcp. GL

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Hi there to all,

I understand the frustration of waiting all too well. I started this journey the end of April, saw the surgeon on May 26th, did all the consults and lab work by the end of July.

My ins (BCBS Fed) requires three months of nutritional counseling, which I know, is very generous when I read about all of you who have to do six months.

I am losing weight slowly after a seven pound gain the first month, which devastated me. But I lost that and have lost five since. I have ten more pounds to lose before

surgery will be scheduled. But the catch that got me when I went for my third visit on Tues is that I have five more pounds before I can be scheduled for "classes" which evidently take

two months. So say I can lose that five pounds this month, which I think will be more like three but I am trying hard and am increasing exercise. It will probably be Oct and Nov for the classes

and I think I will be very lucky to get it scheduled before the first of the year. They do not submit it for approval from BCBS until you have lost your pre-operative weight and begun the classes.

I was really hoping to do it this fall as like you we have met our out of pocket for the year.

What worries me, too, is that the contract with the government is currently being negotiated and with all the budget deficits, I would not be surprised if they pull the

weight loss surgery benefit from the contract. My husband works for the postal service and as many of you probably know, it is about to implode. A huge announcement

will be made this coming Thurs so we will know about the future of his job. He is about eighteen months away from retirement at 30 years of service; which he would like

to complete.

But what will be will be. If it doesn't happen till next yar, I am now ok with that after stewing about it for a couple of days this week. I was never told about the classes but that is

ok. I have learned a lot and I can take that knowledge with me. If the benefit is cancelled, I will join WW again and also use the information I have gained these three months. I am doing

a lot of behavior modification (learning to sip, learning to chew, put fork down etc) Working on the not eating with the tv or computer on or reading while you eat. It all takes time and it is

all good. I am recognizing to stop eating before I get to that full feeling. This clinic does not want me using any Protein shakes yet, they want me to lose with real food.

My BMI is between 35 and 40 and like you, I have several co-morbities. I hope that won't be a problem. I am limited to doing low impact exercise because of arthritis and a connective

tissue disorder but I am doing it and also am walking and trying to increase my endurance. I did lose weight several years ago with walking and starvation; which I fully realize is not

an acceptable way to live.

Sorry to write a novel. Hang in there. Use the information you have learned from this website to your advantage. I thank all of you who have time to read this for listening and allowing me to

write down some of my feelings. I wish everyone the very best on your journey to good health.


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Hugs to you Melinda!

I go in for my first follow-up with my primary care on my supervised diet on the 21st. I made the mistake of not weighing myself the day that I went in to talk to her and get started so I have no comparison to what I weighed in the doctor's office. I haven't got on the scale once since then and it will actually be 5 weeks since the first visit.

For quite a while I haven't felt any difference in my pants which had gotten snug -- not exactly tight, but they were a little too big before. The other day I finally believe I noticed a difference in how they fit. I'm back to hiking them up every so often.

I'm dying to see what the scale will reveal on the 21st.

I've been really good and trying to make the right choices in food and trying to eat less. Not entirely sure the appetite suppressant is working but willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. I'll talk to my doctor when I see her.

I did have one lapse where I REALLY wanted some ice cream (we've been buying the lower fat stuff for a while as my sister has gall bladder issues). But instead of having the 1/2 cup serving -- I ate 1-1/4 cups. Was planning on taking 1 cup of it, but there was so little left I lapsed into the past and said to myself "that little bit isn't worth putting it back in the freezer for". It was really good. :lol:

Dutifully entered it into my fitnesspal diary though. I was still under my calories but it didn't help the fat and sodium count. Even if I have a stick of gum (sugar free) I enter it, diet pop gets entered too. Although no fat or calories the pop does contain sodium and I'm tracking that to see where I can reduce more of my sodium intake (hypertension issues). Trying to wean myself off my caffeinated-bad-for-me-diet-pop as I know it will have to go bye-bye once I have the surgery -- but goodness it's harder than the idea of not stuffing myself full of chocolate every day (and I LOVE chocolate).

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I'm glad I have (at least this year, who knows about next) insurance coverage. I actually started seeing things about Lapband 2 to 2-1/2 years ago but had no insurance. Was deeply in debt with no job after being laid off. Still working on paying down those balances. So I didn't look into it seriously because I could never have afforded even to make payments on a plan on my own. Getting the insurance last year was a blessing. My CPAP was on it's last legs and I didn't want to go back to being so tired I could drive all the way to work and not know how I got there -- I'm lucky I never hurt or killed someone. I was ready to have my father drive me to and from work (he was retired).

I'm happy that some of you without insurance (or their insurance wouldn't cover) were able to come up with the money to get the surgery. I wish everyone who has struggled over the year's had the opportunity to make the choice and not have to worry about going bankrupt trying to get healthy.

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Well, I feel your pain about waiting...I did not have to do a 6 month supervise diet though. Talk to your insurance company and then talk to the surgeon. Another option is to find another surgeon in your area. This 6 mo diet thing may be HIS requirement and not your insurance. My doc put me on a diet as I went through the system - Mental eval, Blood work, EKG, Dietician, Personal Trainer. Some of these I was able to do all in one day (saves taking too many days off from work) but the special diet was only 2 weeks long. The whole process took me about 1-2 months. I was banded 7/7/11 and am doing great (down 48 1/2 pounds). Hang in there. Don't get upset and be very proactive. Also, explain to the surgeon that you have a timelimit regarding your insurance - since you said the new plan would not cover it. Doctors want to get paid and they like insurance $$$ - watch how fast he'll move then. I'll keep you in my thoughts and will look forward to hearing how everything turns out for you. I wish you only the best. I am 60 yrs old and I know what you are feeling so hang in there kiddo !:D Melinda in Jacksonville, Fl

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All or mostly all insurances require six months of supervised visits I do not know of any that dont. However six months goes by fast. Just think how we were just celebrating the new year and its August already. Start now and the new year will be a new you

you now know of one, Blue Cross/Blue Shield my approval went so fast it made my head spin. It took less than a month from my meeting with my surgeon to getting my lap band done.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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