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Another Erosion

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Sorry to hear about your band erosion, Ciera. For those of you that haven't experienced it, don't say "if it happens, it happens" cuz I said that and believe me...when it does, if it's not caught quickly it can be very dangerous. I had a port infection/abscess and had both removed. 2 mos. later the abscess was back..had it removed....2 mos. later it's back again and they find that the band is 70% eroded into my stomach..leaving me with a 3 inch hole in my stomach. It's not any fun. I wish I had never gotten the band to tell you the truth. Oh well....tell Ciera I wish her luck with her recovery.

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You know what I want to know?

WHat happens after erosion? Is your stomach scarred and does it function properly?

Can it be repaired and can infection set in and can death occur?

I want to know what happens AFTER erosion.

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Yeah...I wanna know all those things too. Since my erosion and the hole in my stomach was pretty severe, I wanna know ALL those things too. I'm having tests done here in the US. I went for a CT scan yesterday. Going in Mon. and Tues. for an UGI and a barium swallow under flouroscopy. Will these answer all the questions I have? NO! But hopefully they will all show that everything is okay for now ...no leaks in my stomach to cause another abscess in my abdomen (or worse). If the tests show things aren't good then I'll have to have them fixed. I'm praying it's all good in there cuz I really don't wanna go thru another operation. The last one to remove the band and abscess was 5 hrs. Of course I didn't know it cuz I was "out" but it was complicated for the dr. and that's not good for me. Also, my right foot and part of my lower leg has been kind of numb since about 3 days after the surgery. They said it will go away..we'll see. I have asked about my stomach's future and what I was told is there will be scar tissue forevere but the stomach should go back to being just like it was before the hole was sutured. Like when you get a cut on your hand...it gets sewn up and there is a scar, but you don't really notice it's there. The stitches the dr. used will not dissolve. They are there forever. I don't know if that's cuz it was done in Mexico, or if it would be the same here in the US had it been sewn up here. All kinds of fears go thru my head..will the stitches frey? Will they come undone? Was it sewn good or do I have leakage? God has been with me through all of this so far and I keep praying. Hopefully, He will keep listening and seeing me thru this. I know one thing...I will never do anything else to my body unless I absolutely have to. Nite all

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my hopes were not meant to hurt anyone's feelings or wish anyone ill will. I guess I was thinking that the doctors in Mexico use a different method or technique which would explain so many of the erosions from the same doctors down there. Like I said, it was a selfish thought. Basically I was hoping this problem was limited to one or two doctors in Mexico and not a widespread problem. Sorry if it offended anyone. Certainly didnt mean to.

I don't want to sound like a huge jerk, but if we do the math, this is not a WIDESPREAD problem, period. I know it "seems" that way, and it is certainly sucky for those who have gone through this sad and horrible ordeal of erosion, and it's sad for those who may face this in the future. I hate that this has happened to anyone, I'm scared s-less that it could happen to me and anyone else with the band, but I do think it was very hurtful and divisive of you (PhotoNut) to make such a statement. I hate to get off topic here, but this is the kind of harmful statement that a LOT of people have been making on LBT lately about being banded in Mexico. Selfish or not, how is it kind to say something like that? How is it helping? I'm sorry, it's not. Even IF for some insane reason it is TWO docs, and they are BOTH in Mexico that these erosions are happening to, I just think it's bad kharma to say something so hurtful. I know I'm sounding "sensitive" here, and I DID NOT take this as a personal thing, I just wanted to speakup because this comment was so disturbing in general and goes along with a seeming push to discredit/defame MX Drs.

PhotoNut, I know you said this was just you being selfish, and I get that... I just wanted to share my thoughts on how ridiculous it is to wish something like that (even joking, even selfishly) on the MANY MANY people here on LBT who went to Mexico, Europe, or wherever, to get the band. I get that you know that... But I don't get (and this is NOT about you), why so many on LBT recently have felt free reign on those of us who went to MX or who might go to MX. Ugh.

enough of my rambling... thanks for listening.

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I understand your frustrations grrly. I went to MX because I was self-pay, did my research, talked to patients of my dr. and decided it was the right thing to do. I in no way blame my dr. for my erosion. It was my own negligence I believe that caused my band to erode. Or...maybe I'm just one of the lucky 1% no matter how well I had followed the rules. I'll never know. I still believe my dr. is a good surgeon. I just wish I hadn't had it done now that I've had this happen.

I went to a dr. over here after my surgery to try to get some tests and his comments/questions were "Why do you people go to MX to get things done and then come back to us to fix what they messed up and did wrong? I can not touch you after another surgeon has touched you. Did they charge you in MX to take out your band? How much?" When I told him yes and how much, he just shook his head and didn't want anything else to do with me. I asked him if he couldn't order some kind of test to at least give me some peace of mind that the hole in my stomach was sutured well and there were no leaks. He said he would order an endoscopy which is something diff. from the band. I came home feeling like I was the biggest sinner in the world. After speaking with my mom and reading up on endoscopy (can cause perforations of the stomach) I decided to go to my GP and ask for tests. He was much more understanding and polite than the surgeon I went to (who was an ass- O). I went in for a CT scan of the abdomen yesterday and go in for UGI and barium swallow tomorrow and Tues. We shall see what the results say. I know...EVERYTHING IS GREAT!

xx(fingers crossed)

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Topsy, didn't they do an Upper GI right after band removal? That was the worst part of having my band removed. I was in no condition to get out of bed, let alone wheeled to elevators and into the x-ray room. I hurled into a bucket during the entire trip, but they still made me stand and drink barium to make sure there were no leaks. They wouldn't let me leave the hospital till I did the Upper GI.

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Nope! I told him before the surgery that I wanted a barium swallow afterward to assure there were no leaks. He said he would ck everything out. Afterward, before I left I said it again and he said he checked everything and it was okay. Well, being somewhat ignorant of such things I assumed he checked out everything... UNTIL I got home and got to worrying and thinking and reading about this. The more I read and thought the more worried I became. Sooooo....these tests are being done here. UGI Monday...BS under fluoro Tuesday (or vice versa). I'll be glad when they're done so I can have some peace of mind. ONE WAY OR THE OTHER, Yanno :)

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I'm a safety girl myself, so I'm glad you're getting the Upper GI. Who knows, maybe some day they'll think anxiety, stress & worry causes erosion! Better safe than sorry :)

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I don't want to sound like a huge jerk, but if we do the math, this is not a WIDESPREAD problem, period. I know it "seems" that way, and it is certainly sucky for those who have gone through this sad and horrible ordeal of erosion, and it's sad for those who may face this in the future. I hate that this has happened to anyone, I'm scared s-less that it could happen to me and anyone else with the band, but I do think it was very hurtful and divisive of you (PhotoNut) to make such a statement.

I realized after I posted it how it might to sound to some, which is why I posted an apology and tried to explain. Had I said this in a group of people they would have heard my voice and known that I was not intending to be hurtful or divisive. I was expressing my own fears and trying to understand what was happening. I just got my band and I'm new to all of this. And suddenly I'm seeing post after post about erosions. It was a frightening thing for me. Since that post I have learned so much more about the histories of the people who have faced erosions and I have taken my concerns to my surgeon and have gotten a lot of information from both which has calmed my fears.

I hate to get off topic here, but this is the kind of harmful statement that a LOT of people have been making on LBT lately about being banded in Mexico. Selfish or not, how is it kind to say something like that? How is it helping? I'm sorry, it's not. Even IF for some insane reason it is TWO docs, and they are BOTH in Mexico that these erosions are happening to, I just think it's bad kharma to say something so hurtful. I know I'm sounding "sensitive" here, and I DID NOT take this as a personal thing, I just wanted to speakup because this comment was so disturbing in general and goes along with a seeming push to discredit/defame MX Drs.

You know, I think the problem here is that those who have chosen to go to Mexico are taking the concerns expressed about the doctors there and turning them into personal attacks on their own intelligence. Noone ever meant that those who went to Mexico were stupid for doing so. Those who have posted about their erosions after getting the band there stated that they did a LOT of research and made thier decisions based on the information they were given, which indicated that these doctors were tops in their field and were extremely qualified and skilled in lapband surgeries.

There is nothing wrong with looking at facts and raising an eyebrow of concern when we see so many problems coming out of one clinic. In fact, we should be doing this. Yes, I realize that there are many who still have their bands in that were put in by these very doctors. I'm sure they are very concerned about this themselves. And it was this group of people that I thought of when I posted the apology. I never meant, in any way, to seem as though I was hoping others were hurt and I wasn't. As I explained, I was only thinking about the different proceedures used in different regions. I was hoping it wasn't going to end up being this fairly new thing (the lapband) that so many of us trusted our medical community enough to rush to get the help they promised this surgery could provide, only to find that they spoke too soon and now MANY of us were going to suffer.

PhotoNut, I know you said this was just you being selfish, and I get that... I just wanted to share my thoughts on how ridiculous it is to wish something like that (even joking, even selfishly) on the MANY MANY people here on LBT who went to Mexico, Europe, or wherever, to get the band. I get that you know that... But I don't get (and this is NOT about you), why so many on LBT recently have felt free reign on those of us who went to MX or who might go to MX. Ugh.

enough of my rambling... thanks for listening.

This is exactly what I was trying to address above. This was never meant to be an attack on those who have chosen to go elsewhere. I realize that many don't have the choice because of money restrictions, or they simply have done the research and found the doctor that they feel is right for them. But I don't think it's wrong for others who have gone before and have experienced serious problems to share those with everyone so they can have ALL the facts.. both postive and negative.. before they make their final choice. I speak out when I see people trying to decide between the bypass surgery and the lapband too. I do so because I care and I'm concerned.

If I were driving down a road that I knew many trusted and I came upon a bridge that had collapsed, causing many accidents and injuries already, not only would I want to try and help those who were injured but my thoughts would be on those unsuspecting drivers coming behind me.. I would get out and wave my arms and try to get their attention to warn them before they too were injured.

Does that mean I think the ones who were injured and were sufferning were stupid for driving down that road? Of course not. Would it be wrong to hope that this was an isolated incident and that there weren't going to be more bridges collapsing because of faulty materials or designs that were used? Again, of course not.

And that is the best I can do in trying to explain where I was coming from on this. I am sorry if it hurt anyone's feelings. Like I said, I never meant to hurt anyone. I was merely expressing my fears and hopes that more weren't going to go through the same disappointments as those who have eroded.

Sincerely, Susan

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Susan, I'm not upset by what you said. I think I know what you meant by it, and I really don't think you meant it to be spiteful. I think it would be best to stop apologizing for what you did say. Let it go! Your apologies have been posted and if some can't accept it then they just can't. Go on with other thoughts and posts and let bye gones be bye gones. IMO :puke:

Good Luck with your band but...keep a watchful eye on it. Make demands to assure it is okay. As I said...I had NO symptoms at all that I was eroded..other than a port infection and abscess there was nothing. I do blame my dr. for not doing a barium swallow or UGI at the time he removed the port and abscess to detect for erosion. That would have saved a lot of worries and concerns for me and possibly a much smaller hole at that time. It ate at my stomach for 4 months after that. Shame Shame! Being ignorant isn't such a good thing so make yourself more knowledgeable and keep up with your band.

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Erosion doesn't only happen in Mexico. Dr. Lopez recently came to Vegas to teach Fisher how to remove an eroded US band, and a Florida bandster is currently recovering from band removal due to erosion. These are two that I personally know of, so I'm sure there are many more eroded US bands.

Meanwhile, while US erosions seem lower (FOR NOW) please keep in mind that the Band has only been approved here for a couple years. Before jumping the gun, let's see how things unfold in the next few years before thinking that Mexico is the only problem.

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Thanks Topsy :puke: :D :D

Trust me that was my last apology, and I will be approaching my bandlife with repsonsible and reasonable care. (even if some DO think its obsessive :P )

*big hugs*

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I have to say something here that has been bothering me. If erosion is "rare" as I have been told, why is there so many of this board? Seems it happens more often than "rare"?

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Erosion doesn't only happen in Mexico.

It just seems that way right now since the 8 of us eroders on this board were all banded in MX









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I have to say something here that has been bothering me. If erosion is "rare" as I have been told, why is there so many of this board? Seems it happens more often than "rare"?

That's why everyone is a little freaked out, Eileen. We obviously can't consider this any kind of objective sample, though. There are more than 5000 members of this board, for one thing. People who were banded elsewhere, who don't have local support groups to meet with, and who have had problems are ALL more likely to post online than the general bandster population. I dare say we may be hearing about more in the future--2% of 5000 is 100, and I'd guess eroders would be a lot more likely to speak up when the problem occurs.

If any given surgeon had a higher rate than the 1-3% we keep hearing about, that would be reason to avoid that surgeon. But the "cluster" we see here signifies nothing meaningful to any prebandsters--other than being extremely informative about what it's like to go through.

If you're going to worry about statistics, it's only YOUR doctor's experience that counts.

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