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Where is everyone..no post last night or today yet?

Where are you JanetC? I miss you guys!

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Is everyone ok? I have been sliming all evening. I don't know what I was thinking... I drank an icee really fast....and there it started. I wasn't thinking how much carbonation are in those. I didn't even think about that til I got half way through and noticed I had the golf ball in my throat...oh it has been horrible..NOTE TO SELF....NO ICEES!

Hope everyone is having a good night. Chat soon!

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Hi Everybody-

I'm here but have just been busy. My daughter had her kindergarten spring concert tonight and it was so cute. She looked so proud and happy up on the stage.

Pat: That is a huge accomplishment to stop eating when it tastes so good. I have been working on it too but it's hard.

Stacey: Hope you're feeling better. Can you believe that I haven't slimed anything at all yet? I am so nervous for it to happen. I figure it's because I don't have a fill yet.

Today I walked for an hour and it felt great. My scale seems to be stuck but I feel my clothes fitting better so I'll take it. :(

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I'm right there with ya right now Stacey. Waited to long to eat dinner took two bites to close together and right now I'm hurting on Turkey w/gravy UGH. PACE PACE PACE...JUMP...PACE, SWALLOW, PACE, JUMP SWALLOW LOL

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** Crawls out of her hole. **

Hey guys! Sorry we've been MIA. Easter was... amazingly long! And then I got sick. Stupid flu. And I gave it to Mikey, poor thing. We're AWFUL patients! I've missed you guys!

Let's see... news for us. We got our 2nd fills on Tues. Mikey now has 6 in his 9cc band. (Not sure why his is 9cc and not 10cc, but there ya go.) And he feels it!!!! Woohooo! I have 1.6 in mine... but it doesn't seem as "full" as my first one was. Oh well. I'm still learning to eat slowly, so I'm ok with not having more restriction.

Oh, the nutritionist snagged me on the nachos, lol. She asked how long I was eating for. "An hour and a half, more or less." "WHAT!?!?!?! Ok, Janet, I need you to cut that back to 30 minutes, heh. If you're still hungry an hour later, then you can eat again, but for no more then 30 minutes!" **sigh* Yeah, you guessed it, that cuts my portions down a LOT, heh. Evidentally I was giving the food time to drop into the lower stomach by eating so long. :mad: Go me!

And now to catch up with ya'll. (Sorry these are so old, lol, that'll teach me to disappear!

Stacey: Heh, I'm glad you're addicted to the ice cream cones & not the Blasts! :)

Michelle: I'm so with you on the head hungries! And the fighting myself to allow myself to eat less. Twisted! :) But we're going to win!! On your band... there's 2 possibilities. You could have the 10cm band, which holds 4cc OR the 10cc band. The 10cc band is the Vanguard. All told there's 4 different sizes, I think:

* 9.75 cm (4cc capacity)

* 10 cm (4cc capacity)

* 11 cm (9cc capacity)

* Vanguard (10cc)

I believe the most used band is the 4cc, 10cm band. Some doctors use ONLY the Vanguard... so it really just depends. With 1.6, if you have any restriction, you probably have the 4cc band. At least I know Mikey & Tammy didn't feel that little in their big bands.

Becky: Have you thought about having your metabolism checked? I just read about your growling stomach. It's possible that with all your working out that you're eating too little. It's also possible that you're not, heh, but you can't really know unless you get tested. I haven't had mine tested, but I want to! I'll do some research online & see if I can find locations to have it tested. Since you belong to a gym, it's possible that they'll do the testing for you.

Pat: Wow, congrats on your fill AND the weight loss! 8 pounds? That's awesome!! My "full" feeling lasted about a week with my first fill, heh. I'm hoping it's longer with my 2nd.

Julie: Awesome!! Someone else not eating chocolate! The more the merrier! There's strength in numbers! With the personal fitday, it saves a file with your profile. You can download the program itself multiple times (I downloaded it to both Mikey's & my PC), but if I want to see his stats, I have to get a copy of his profile... or go to his PC. If you travel a lot & like to access your info via the web, the PC version might not be for you. For me, it's perfect... I only do my food analyzing at my desk... always the same spot.

DonnaB: Nice post! Heh (the one with all the quotes). You were RIGHT on the nail with the nachos! I appear to enjoy the numb feeling they bring. I'm fighting to really live life & not just exist from numb-to-numb. :cool:

Stacey: Congrats on being chocolate free on Easter!! Way to be!!

Michelle: It sounds like you may have a large band (10cc). Either that or your fill hasn't kicked in yet. I know for some it takes a few days. How are you feeling now? Any more restricted?

Tammy: Congrats on restriction!!!!!! That's awesome news! And thanks for the prayers of clouds! We did SO much better then we did at Christmas! The little weight we've lost & all the exercise is paying off, woohoo!! We still couldn't walk on Monday, but we recovered WAY faster then in Dec. And I avoided chocolate like the plague! :cool: So no fish for me!! Weeeee!!! :cool:

Nanster: I'm so glad you're feeling restriction now! Sounds like you're all set for some major life changing! :cool:

Stacey: Thanks for the numbers from your doc! Ours isn't big on rules, so I've been having problems knowing exactly what we should be eating. Our nutritionist keeps pointing at a plate & saying, "Eat that." Pft!

Michelle! Yay!!! Since I'm so late catching up, I'm getting your "no fill feeling" and "yes fill feeling" in the same post, heh. Glad to hear you're doing better!

Diane: Wow, great results with no fill! How'd your doctor appointment go? Heh, my results are less then yours & I've had 2 fills. :Banane56: You rock!!

Sherry: Congrats on the 6 pounds!!! Wooohoooo!!!

Julie: You go with the exercise! Great job!! How's the 12 day challenge going? Can you still walk? :cool: It sounds like you're learning good eating habits... I'm feeling guilty there, lol.

Stacey: How's your bladder infection doing? I hope you got some meds for it! I know what you mean about eating from feeling poorly. I've been eating my head off all week! :cool:

Welcome Christi!!! We're glad you're here!

We're having a DFW get together tomorrow, if you're in that area. If you're down Houston way, they're having a get together in May that Mikey & I are going to try to drive down for. Check out the Texas forum: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=64

Tammy: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! on the 5 pounds! Wooohooo!!! Now get to moving that bod! Even just 2 min of walking up & down the hall. Start small & work up!

Michelle: Wow, sounds like you're really learning some great stuff! How's the not drinking with meals going? I fight that one too. :eek: And congrats on fitday... and welcome to the club of fitday addicts! :)

Stacey: LOL, I know this is wrong on many levels, but I have Mikey put the wrappers from new stuff on my office chair. So when I come in I have a stack of cans, boxes, paper, jars, you name it, lol. If I want to sit down comfortably & quit smelling weird smells, I have to put them into fitday, FAST! :) It seems to do the trick. At least once it's in it's in for good... and we do seem to do food in trends, thank goodness! On the side pain... I've had side & back pain with a bladder infection before. Has it gotten any better with the meds? I suppose it could be gall bladder? I'm not sure where that is, lol. Hope they find what's up!

Pat: Wow. You spoke the words I've been thinking every meal. "I don't wanna stop eating!!!" I'm proud of you for stopping when you didn't want to! Hope I can learn from you! :)

Stacey: OMG!! Are you ok? I didn't know Icees have carbonation! Evil!! Hope you're doing better today!

Julie: Congrats on the clothes fitting better!! Woohooo!! Keep up the walking! Got pics of the spring concert? :)

Sherry: You better to? Sounds like last night was hard on the Febsters! :) Hope you got through it without sliming or PBing!

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They've been changing some settings on the forum & right now we can't edit posts after 24 hours. So... I can't edit the front page! I'm thinking that maybe we should have a new Feb thread every month. That way the stats will be at most 4 weeks old, heh. I'll post updates throughout the thread & then update it totally once a month. Sound ok? Anyone have any better ideas? (I've been wracking my brain.)

Jan 24

Gentlespirit (Emily), Dr. O'Brien, Sioux Falls, SD (? pre-op) (-27), Fills: 3/7

Jan 31

Xann77, Dr. Rumbaut, (-0 pre-op) (-14.5), fills: 3/17 (1.33), 3/27 (only .5 in band - evaporation. Now at 1.7cc), 3/31 fill ok!! (2cc)

Feb 1

sky56, Dr Sasse, Reno, NV (? pre-op)

pthrlisa, Dr Stephen Marshal, Peoria Surgical Group, IL (? pre-op) (-8)

Feb 2

pugmum (Kelli), Dr. John Feng, San Francisco (? pre-op)

msks Dr Malley, Overland Park, KS (Kansas City Metro) (? pre-op) (-12)

Skinnyagain? (Tonya), Dr Rumbaut, Monterrey, MX (? pre-op) (-15)

tinainfortunaca (Tina), Dr John Feng, Laparoscopic Associates of San Francisco (2/1 223, 2/8 215) (? pre-op) (-25)

Feb 3

wannabelean, Dr. Huacuz, Tijuana, Mexico (? pre-op) (-5) Fills: 1st absorbed, 3/28

Feb 6

Gadgetlady (Elisa), Dr. Brian Quebbemann, CA (10.6 pre-op) (-20.6)

Gloria37 (Gloria), Dr Fielding, New York City, NY (19 pre-op) (-29)

ReneBean, Dr. Louis Fox, Surgery Center of Richardson TX (36 pre-op)(-4) Fills: 3/21

Feb 7

Northernsun, (12 pre-op) (-45.5) Fills: 3/10

pj robinson, Dr Irani, Bakersfiled, CA (pre-op -14)(post-op -16)(total -30) Fills: 3/31

Feb 8

cashley, Dr Lusco, Louisville, KY (pre-op -5) (post-op -11)(-16) Fills: 3/21 (2.7/4)

Jerseytammy, Dr Gritsus, Wayne, NJ (0 pre-op) (-45) Fills: 3/24 (3.5/10), 4/13 (6cc/10)

Feb 9

Dancer, Dr. Stephen Hamn (0 pre-op) (-23.5) Fills: 4/14 (1.6/4)

Feb 10

SkyeBlu (Skye) (Reno, NV), Dr Billy, Truckee CA (? pre-op) (-34)

Feb 11

StinaNYC (stina), Dr. Fielding, NYC (-7 pre-op) (-22) Fills: 3/22 (1cc)

Feb 13

Gwendolyn, Dr Wetherille (2nd banding due to slippage at 1 week) (-17 pre-op) (-37)

Mikey, Dr Sewell, Southlake, TX (-13 pre-op) (-16) Fills: 3/21 (4.5/9), 4/18 (6cc/9cc)

mommy2xp, Dr Christopher Edwards, Springfield, MO (-14 pre-op) (-5)

PinkARinTX (Jessi), Dr Stephen Hamn (? pre-op)

SherryW, Dr Jones, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA (? pre-op) (-31) Fills: 4/12 (1.25/4)

Feb 14

April10 (April), Dr Schmitt, Goodwater, AL (? pre-op) (-21)

Kathybirdseye (Kathy), Dr Laura Machado, San Juan Mercy Hospital, Sacramento, CA. (? pre-op)(-27) Fills: 3/21 (1cc/4)

prinnie, Dr Rehnke, St Pete, FL (? pre-op) (-55.5)

sourflower, Dr Artuso, New Image Weight Loss Center, Dobbs Ferry, NY (? pre-op) (-15)

Feb 15

dcmoore (Diane), Dr. Simpson, Phoenix, AZ (+2 pre-op) (-26, -22 inches!) Fills: none yet

denog3 (Debra), Dr Carter, Arlington, TX (? pre-op) (-16)

Janet, Dr Sewell, Southlake, TX (-2 pre-op) (-25) Fills: 3/21 (1.2/4), 4/18 (1.6/4)

LBdancer (Lou), Dr. Schuster, Louisville, KY (3 pre-op) (-12) Fills: 4/7

Feb 16

ricanlady, Dr Patel, Atlantic City, NJ (10 pre-op) (-14)

Rockman, Dr Svein Holsaeter, St Anthony's Hospital, Oklahoma City, OK (-16 pre-op) (-51) Fills:

Feb 17

angiepUK (Angie), Dr Dillemans, Belgium, Heliogast band (? pre-op) (-12)

Feb 18th

asbrown (Anita), Dr. Rudolfo Sanchez, Monterrey Mexico (? pre-op)

Feb 20

lisanjason (Lisa), Dr Kuri, Mexico (Home: Riverside, CA) (? pre-op)(-35) Fills: 4/4 (1.8)

skbishop78 (Stacey) (-18 pre-op) (-32!!!) Fills: 3/7 (2.0/9.5), 3/14 (+.08 = 2.8/9.5), 3/28 (+.4 = 3.2/9.5), 4/11 (+.2 = 3.4/9.5)

Feb 21

Jersey Gurl (Shirley), Dr Spivak, Houston (? pre-op) (-6)

Julie*, Dr Patrick Forgione, Burlington, VT (-10 pre-op) (-24)

kaobspm2 (Kayo), Dr. Pinnar, Reston, VA (-8 pre-op) (-8)

Sunta, Dr Peters, Christiana Hospital, Delaware (-4 pre-op) (-22) Fills: 4/5 (1/4)

Feb 22

Magic, Dr Vincent Frering, Lyon, France (? pre-op) (-10 kg / 22 lbs)

Feb 24

nanster, Dr Spivak, Houston, TX (Self-pay) (0 pre-op) (-24.2) fills: 3/23 1.1

Sandybells, Dr McCollister, Crosby, MN (pre-op -21) (-36) Fills: 4/4

sizzles, Dr Kurian, NYC (-0 pre-op) (-25). Fills: 3/30

StormGirl (Dana), Dr Ortiz, Obesity Control Center (? pre-op)

Feb 27

coogie36 (Christi), Dr. Daniel Huacuz, Tijuana, Mexico

Ms. Vicki, Dr H. Spivak (pre-op -3) (-26) Fills: 4/6 (1.5cc/10)

RoxanneRoll (Dena), Dr Spivak, Houston, TX (0 pre-op) (-12)

Feb 28

DAA, HUP Philadelphia, PA, Dr. Noel Williams (-30) Fills: none yet

Happy2 (Pat), Dr Scott Steinberg, Atlanta, GA (-0 pre-op)(-28) Fills: 4/14 (1.7cc)

Feb 35 (3/7)

DonnaB (Donna), Dr Roberto Rumbaut, Monterrey, MX (-8 pre-op)(-25) 5'9" Fills: none yet

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Tuesday Feb 28th

HUP Philadelphia, PA

Dr. Noel Williams

30 lbs lost

7 weeks post op - no fills yet

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Welcome DAA!! We're glad you're here! Jump in & join the fun!

I can still edit my post (for 24 hours), so I'll throw your info into the list just above your post. :Banane56:

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Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to check in as I've been busy for awhile. JanectC you are AWESOME. I marvel at how you take such time and care to address everyone in our group. Isn't JanetC awesome you guys? Well, actually, everyone is awesome!

I have had my metabolism tested before and it said I burned 1,600 calories at rest. Since I am largely inactive except for the gym, I figure I burn only a total of about 2,200 calories a day, inlcuding the gym. (How many calories does driving and other daily activites burn? Not much I assume!) So that means to lose two pounds a week, I can only eat 1,200 a day and if I go over I will lose less. I've been really trying to stick to that but sometimes I eat more like 1,500-1,700.

Since my last fill the scale had been crawling slowly. I've lost (depending on the day) at least two pounds and maybe even four (I fluctuate so much and the last few days I've eaten Chinese food which makes me retain lots of water).

I scheduled another fill for May 3rd, which would be four weeks from my last fill. I feel like I can eat too much still. For example, last night for dinner I ate an egg roll, a bowl of hot and sour Soup, and about a cup and a half of Hunan chicken and rice. I think that's about what I would have eaten pre-band! It's too much.

I'm going to post this same question on the "fills" forum, but does anyone think four weeks is too soon for a second fill? Also, I am traveling two days later and am very nervous about something going wrong or being too tight and being far away from my doc. Should I reschedule? What do you guys think???

I've been doing the elliptical machine, you guys, and it HURTS like you would not believe. I am so sore I can hardly walk!!! LOL!

Tammy: Glad to hear you have restrcition finally!!!

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:happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday:

Oh Janet can you guess what I am having tonight!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :cake: :cake: Evil Laugh Mahahhahahaha chocolate CAKE. That was one of the little exception to our little deal, chocolate on the B-days!!!!!!!!!!!

We wont talk about how young I am ....hehehehe

Janetc- you rock girl, how you manage to keep up with all of us is nothing short of amazing. Can we all give Janet I hand.....:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

OMG I am sitting here smiling not because it is b-day but because i get some chocolate tonight and so does Janet if she chooses.

Sunta- yes that restriction finally kicked in and just in time. I was out of control!! I am so thankful no pbing or sliming, I think my fear of doing it causes me to stop eating before bring them on. I dont think I would do a fill then leave town, My momma always said listen to your gut. What does your gut tell you?

DAA- welcome and great weight lost!!!

Sherry- oh honey I hope you stopped hurting fast. I ate a bite of a chicken wrap the other day and without even thinking, cause i was busy fussing with my girls, I gave it a couple of chews and down it went. Oh brother did I regret that, the pain set in and I knew what I had done. I was able to drink a few slips of Water and finally got it to go down. But ya know when I started hurting I started to push on my stomach where it was hurting. I have since thought about that and I dont think that is a good idea.

Lisa- great job on ticker

Stacey- hows things going ? Let us know.

Michelle- where are you, is she in Walt disney world already?

Ok I guess I better get back to work now, ughhh there ought to be a law about working on your birthday!!!

have a great weekend everyone

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Hey Becky! Wow, 1600 calories at rest. I was hoping for more! :( It sounds like you've got it all under control & know exactly what you're doing!

I had my 2nd fill 4 weeks after my first, so that part is ok. About the travelling... that's a personal thing. For me, I chose to get a tiny fill (.4cc). So it's just a touch more... I don't really feel any difference, except I seem to be getting a bit fuller on less. Nothing huge. Perhaps you could get your doctor just to do a touch-up fill? Just so you don't really have a huge difference in restriction while travelling?

It's really hard to say, though. How long are you going to be gone? Could you get a fill as soon as you get bacK?

Let us know what you decide -- and how long you'll be gone!

:happybday::whoo::hug: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAMMY!!!!:happybday::whoo::hug:

Heh, I think you let the number slip a few posts back, but I won't bring it up if you don't! :cake: Isn't it exciting to think that for your birthday next year you'll be skinnier then this year? It's so thrilling to me to think my 40s are going to be better then my 30s! Woohoo!! :cake:

Enjoy your chocolate cake! Hmmm, I'll have to find some so I can support you with your celebration! :(

Hope everyone's having a great Friday... and a terrific weekend!

Oh, and Michelle, if you're already on the way to Disney, hug Mickey for me! :D

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Hey Gals...It was great to hear from you JanetC...I was worried about ya. You're the life of this thread!!

Everyone: I am feeling better with the bladder infection, but my side still hurts anytime I become active. I don't what the dealio is, but hopefully I will find out more after monday when I have my ultra sound. I ate some spaghetti tonight...ok...I know its alot of carbs....BUT it was sooooooooooooooooo good. yeah...really good! Did I mention it was good? I am sure I will pay on the scales tomorrow!

Happy Birthday Tammy!!! Another year, minus some pounds eh?!?! YOur doing great!

Welcome DAA!!! We love to talk...so put your ears on and get those fingers ready!! HAHA!

OK..I have got to get better and eating better. I have really gotten out of hand the last couple of days. I am thinking about taking out the carbs all together for a while to jump start the weightloss....Anyone in with me?? I need someone else with me!!! PLEase!

OK enough begging....I am going to bed...night all!

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Good Morning-

Well the exercise is paying off because the scale finally moved over one pound! YAY! I feel like I need to break this first barrier of 250 because that was the weight I was at when I got pregnant with my daughter.

Hi JanetC- Yup, no chocolate yet for me. Thankfully it's out of the house now so it's not calling my name. THough I am picky with my chocolate and only like certain kinds. The exercise is going well. I am on day 7 day of exercising every day and have a blister to show for it.

I have to say though since I started exercising I have felt my mood increase tremendously and I take lexapro for anxiety. Hopefully losing the weight and feeling better will help me to continue and not self-sabatoge along the way.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAMMY! Hope it was a great one.

Stacey: Since you love Pasta so much have you tried the whole grain kind in the organic section at your grocery store? It's more expensive but really good for you and has the Fiber you need. It's all I've bought for years now. My nutritionist does not recommend low/no carb diets for any of her weight loss patients. She believes it's unrealistic for too long and then results in binging. Just her opinion but I am starting to agree. My body does not feel good w/o any grains.

Ok, off for a bikini wax and a pedicure. The kids are at my parent's house for the day, DH is at work so I am going to pamper myself and get ready for our trip.

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Color me jealous, Julie! Except for the wax part, heh, I'm too scared to try one! Congrats on the no chocolate & the SEVEN days of exercising! That's awesome! And a pound to show for it too! Woohooo!!

Man, Stacey, I really hope your side ache is something easy to treat! Or that it magically goes away! I'm sending you some white light healing vibe. (I'm not sure exactly what that means, lol, but I'm praying you get better!)

Does anyone think that we hit the same plateaus on the way down that were there on the way up? I mean, I paused in my gaining phase at 225 for a LONG time... several months. So I expect to pause at 225 on the way down too (assuming I ever get that far). Hopefully not for months! Anyone else experience that too? My scale broke, so I'm not sure when/if I paused after 225, heh. Guess I'll just have to play it by ear!

I do find it really interesting that we all seem to hit plateaus about the same time... it may have something to do with post-op healing... or calorie patterns... or monthly cycle... or motivation. I wonder. :( (I'm all about analysis, does it show? :()

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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