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February 2006 bandsters unite!!

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Ok can someone plug-in what I had to eat today and give me my total calorie count?? I am wondering now if I can eat the rest of the week

:hungry: :faint:

And I still havent eaten that cookie, it is still in my desk drawer, but I hear it calling my name, and the funny thing about it is, I am SOOO NOT HUNGRY. Its just the fact that I know it is there.

Ok confession time.....When there is something good (as in dougnuts, or cake, chocolate anything) in the house to eat I will actually get up easier and earlier. How freaking bad it that?? Please tell me I am not the only one who is like this.

I left a message with the office to talk someone about the foods I am eating. UGHHHHHHHH

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No tammy, you are not the only one. I have eaten my fair share of donuts this past weekend. Its all my mother-in-laws fault for bringing them to my house.....but anyway....its my fault for putting them in my mouth. I am right there with ya!

I had another fill today. So now I am at 3.4cc Heres to hoping that it gives me restriction longer. My next appointment is in 4 weeks. How is everyone else doing with weight loss and eating?

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Glad you got some more fill, Stacey! Hope it does the trick for you!

Tammy, I put the food you listed into fitday... but this is just a rough estimate (they have all sorts of options & I'm making up your answers). But the list you had (pork, fried (4oz); sweet & sour chicken (1C), broccoli with garlic sauce (1C), egg roll) is about 900 calories. So not as awful as you thought! :D You made a great choice, leaving the rice out -- my nutritionist would say that rice is empty carbs that she doesn't care if we ever eat again. (Wish I lived by that, lol!)

I had a victory yesterday, lol. I went the ENTIRE day without a single golf-ball, slime or PB, woohoooo!!! First time in over a week!

And I've got to brag on Mikey. We just increased our DDR time by FIVE MINUTES!!! It HURT! But he hung in there the entire 25 minutes like a champ! He may not be walking today, lol, but it was worth it!

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OHHHH that isnt as bad as I thought. I did join the fitday. So I can track my food and start counting my calories.

Ok what is DDR? Darlin Dining Room? Delicious Darlin Rolls? Delicious Dang Rabbits? Oh I could go on..but someone stop me!

OHHH my dear darlin Janet.......I so wanted a reese cup yesterday but did i eat one........nooooooooooo!!!!!!! WOOO HOOO for me , I fought the chocolate demon and won!!

Last night around 10:30 I was hungry, or I might should say my mind was hungry, cause my belly was no growling. I thought about what I had in the kitchen that I might could easily eat with no cooking required. Then I thought to myself, this will pass, so I didnt eat. Now my tummy hasnt growled yet this morning but I did eat some canned beef stew, yeah I know not the best in the world but my mind was still hungry. Does that seem weird? I dont think my body was hungry, heck it could live off the fat of the land for awhile, but I needed to eat. Oh and that freaking cookie left over from lunch yesterday won the fight this morning.

Do you guys ever think the way we feel about food and our habits we have developed over the years will ever change? Or is it like other addictions, we will have to fight the fight the rest of our lives.

Happy Hump Day My Friends.

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Oh Tammy, lol, were your ears burning last night? :D Cuz I was swearing at you!! Heh, j/k, but MAN!! I wanted chocolate! I owe you a debt I can't repay! When I lose weight this week, it will be because of you, so thanks!

DDR = dance dance revolution... a video game (PS2 or Xbox). Basically you have "dance pads", big ol' pads that you stand on that have forward, back, left & right arrows. You "dance" in the direction they tell you & it keeps score. Mikey HAS to beat me, pft! It keeps us moving... and was easier for us to start then walking (we started with 1 song -- 2 min).

Our psychologist says that breaking an alchohol or drug addiction takes about 18 months, cold turkey. food is tougher, because you still have to eat. But he hopes to have our behaviors changed within 2 years. I'm crossing my fingers! Every time I cheat I reinforce the old habits... it takes time to build up a new habit to combat that. Man I'm impatient!

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Hi everyone!I was banded February 20,2006,by Dr Kuri in Mexico.I started at 255.Lost 30 pounds before my first fill on April 4th.Was filled with 1.8cc by Dr Kuri.Since the fill I've only lost 2 pounds and before the fill I was stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks,So from how I figure it I've been at this same weight for a month.Give or take 2 pounds! I'm so frustrated,and starving.This fill did NOTHING for me at all.I'm able to eat exactly the same way as before the fill.My Dr is another one who move SO slowly with fills,and he'll only fill a person once every 4 weeks.I beleive the next fills are only going to be .5 each time!I've read other people have more aggresive fills out here is the US,where can I find one of these DR's?I live in Riverside,Ca.

Help.I am so discouraged right now!


255 started/ 222 now/ want to be 120

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Oh Stacey I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee doughnuts, Krispy Kreme is my all time favorite, but heres the thing, If I buy a dozen I eat a dozen, and you think I am kidding, I am not. Ok I might not be able to eat the whole dozen at one time but I can do 6 at one time with no problem and then the other 6 later that day. So girlfriend I feel for ya this past weekend, dang ole mother-in-laws! I think I have actually had a doughnut fly up out the box before in my mouth. LOL hang in there if I can get over kk and icing doughnut should be a breeze.

JanetC- were your ears burning yesterday too??? Allow me to tell you how bad it was for me, I came home from work tried and plopped down in the chair. Now I had just sat in traffic, so I am irritated. I need something to make me feel good, what comes to mind........CHOCOLATE. I guess maybe that is emotional eating but then maybe it is just habit too, but anyways I was trying to think about what I had in the house that was chocolate. Then OMG it hit me like a ton of bricks!!! No more chocolate:faint: . Ok I have to be honest, I thought she would never know (thats the little devil talking on my shoulder talking) but then I thought I would know and I cant do this to her or to me. So not chocolate for me. :D

Lisa- Oh if you got back and read through this thread you will see where I was here just a few short weeks ago complaining of the same thing. I actually gained 10lbs for my first fill. After my first fill I could eat a foot long sub, so hang in there, I think we have all been there. I am going for my second fill Friday, I have a 10 cc band and my first fill was 3.5. I am counting on restriction this fill but something tells telling me becareful what you ask for. Good luck and welcome to Feb bandsters!

My Company has taken Good Friday away as a paid hoilday and I used all my days when I had my surgery so guess who has to work Friday?


LMBO Janet....I can see me buying that and sitting there watching it. Have you ever turn on exercise TV and watched?? **laughing** I have and had someone walk in on me watching and say " You know watching doesnt work, you actually have to get up"! I am taking baby steps, not parking as close as I can get, gettin up to get things rather than ask my kids to get em, and trying to stand while doing things more at work.:clap2:

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I thought I was the only one that made her kids get EVERYTHING for me. I've been known to call them out of another room, just to get me a glass of Water that is just a few steps away. Itoo, have noticed that I am making myself get up and get things instead of using my poor kids....(okay they deserve worse for some of the things they've made us go through, but I absolutely adore them and dare anyone (except me) to say a word against them :boxing:).

I've found a LOT of my BAD habits are changing, AND I am feeling much better about myself.

I park farther away from my destination without getting angry.

I don't try to "sneak" food when family leaves the house.

I've been walking during my lunch break.

And the very biggest one......(drum roll): I've initiated SEX! My husband nearly had a heart attack, before and after, but it was FUN!

My band is definitely becoming my best friend. I'm still waiting for suggestions on what to call "her".

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Hmmmm you seem to call it a "her" so a name for her......Belly band Betty? or short Ms BB or something like...Ms Nomore.....I could see myself sitting at the table and saying Ms Nomore said no more that's enough.

Ok not my greatest work but all i could come up with off the top of my head.

Yes Ms Vickie I have had my children come from another room to get me something from the same room I am in. I have started a saving account and I am determend that after this weight is gone I am taking my 3 girls on a much needed vacation! They have worked for years, they deserve it!

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Ms Vicki.....hmmm I have been trying to think of a name for your band. Mine is called Lucy...b/c I want my pants to become Loose(y)!! Sounds gay, but it works for me. My friends have all started calling me skinny bitch...I think that is so funny! I am so far from being skinny!!!!

Tammy...the donuts call me name everytime I go to the grocery store. I literally go the other way so I don't have to see them. Tey are my absolute fav!!

JanetC: Thanks for being concerned about the storms over TN. I appreciate it! I am an insurance agent...so i have been slammed with claims this week...yuck....but it keeps my mind off of eating!

Feeling pretty good after the fill. Chat later!

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Dr. Powell will fill Mex. Banded Patients and he is in Cardiff, California (just past Legoland). I live in Yorba Linda and it takes me about 50 minutes to get to his office. I am really pleased with him. You can get his phone and address from the Fill Centers USA website. Good luck.. I hope you have a great experience. To the rest of you... thanks for providing some great reading material. I am still waiting for the weight to fall off.

Sunta... I can relate to your experience. I can't eat without pbing or sliming, and yet I am not losing... My portions are DRASTICALLY smaller and yet... no weight loss. HOW LONG WILL I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL I LOVE MY BAND ENOUGH TO GIVE IT A NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :faint: Have a great day!

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Hi everyone, it's your token March bandster here! I can't help it - I love you guys and I shouldn't be banished just because of timing!

Tammy, LOL, yup - I've sat in front of the TV watching those poor slobs exercise their @sses off! Occasionally I even felt like I should get up and join them. Never really did it though!

As far as the FitDay goes - OMG, how did I ever live without it. I can't shut down my computer or even close the program because I just HAVE to add every little thing - bottle of Water - add it to FitDay; Protein Drink - add it to FitDay; choice between foods - check FitDay to see which one will be best for my diet that day; make a bad choice - RUN DON'T WALK to FitDay to find out what I can plan for the rest of the day that will allow me to finish out my day under my calorie restriction! My poor husband thinks I've lost my mind. Sometimes I do too! I wonder if I'm substituting my food addiction with a FitDay/LBT/computer addiction! *shaking my fist at JanetC for telling me about FitDay* LOL Honestly, I think if I can keep up the commitment to log my food I'm going to be very successful with my weight loss. *Raising my eyes and heart to the heavens, asking for blessings for JanetC for introducing me to FitDay* Tammy, if you haven't done it already, just give them the $20 for the download. The free online version will give you a good idea whether you'll use it or not, but it doesn't store all of your custom information, making it harder to log faithfully. That was the best $20 I ever spent on any diet tool. Right after my band that is!

Janet, I love DDR but my husband doesn't :straight I thought I'd just do it by myself but it's not nearly as much fun alone. Too bad we don't live closer to each other - I'd come and join the dance competition at your house!

Tammy AND Janet - how sweet of you to give up chocolate in support of each other! Seriously, isn't it funny how we can persevere in an undertaking if it's for someone else but we can't seem to do something difficult for ourselves? I hope you can keep it up so I can look up to both of you.

Nanster - nodding my head in agreement - it's as hot as heck in Texas already! I think we're in for a LONG hot summer. In fact, I don't think we really ever shook off LAST summer. Yikes, bugs are going to be atrocious this year.

How do you guys remember everything you want to tell everyone on this thread? I can barely remember my own name half the time. I call it "Halfheimers" but only because it's not "ALL"zheimers yet. I know, it's stops being funny when it starts being you!

See ya next time.

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:D Welcome Lisa!! We're glad you're here!! :clap2:

Krispy Kreme is the Debil!!!! (And we all know how tempting a bad boy is! LOL. I can only eat 3 at a time... they give me a headache, lol, but give me all day, I'll eat that dozen!!

I'm so proud of you Tammy!! Thanks for hanging with me on the no chocolate!! Another evening coming up... drink a ton of Water & do something to take your mind off it!!

We don't have kids yet, so I've had to do the getting myself! *cry* Which pretty much meant that things didn't get got, lol.

For names: I like "Hope" or "Patience"... cuz our bands give us hope & teach us patience. Plus, they have patience with us when we eat the wrong thing, lol. They just keep teaching us the same lesson over & over.

Stacey, lol, I love Lucy! And skinny bitch! Mikey's been calling me Skinny Butt, lol. I call him Tiny Hiney. :D

Hang in there, Michele! Nanster went a month with no loss... make sure you're getting enough calories. If you're sitting at 800 or less, you may be getting too few. (Speaking off the cuff, I don't know your weight or height or other stuff.) If you have access to a nutritionist, make an appt! :D And make super-duper sure that you're drinking your water & moving your bod!

LOL Donna! I'm so glad you're hanging with us! :D And you're welcome for fitday, LOL. I'm choosing to think I blessed you, not cursed you, rofl. Bummer that Mike didn't like DDR! We'll have to plan a DDR event with the DFW Bandsters! :D One of the newer versions has the possibility of playing online... we should look into it, then we could work out together! :D

My secret for catching up with everyone, lol: I keep notepad open & write my message to each person as I read their post. I start with my last post & go to the end. It makes my posts super long, lol, but I try not to miss anyone! I only do it on this thread... I'm a mess on other threads! But you folks are my buds! I count on your support! (( Hugs to the Feb bandsters! And honorary Feb bandsters! :guess))

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Oh, and Donna (and anyone else that wants to), feel free to give up something in support of us! :D The only hitch... you have to tell us you're doing it! Heh! (Sometimes, I'm just evil!!! Mwahahahahaha!!!)

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OMG!!! I went over 3k calories again yesterday!! Make it stop, oh please, make it stop!! (And that was WITHOUT chocolate!)

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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