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February 2006 bandsters unite!!

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Just dropping by for a sec... this week is hopping! I'll catch up with everyone later.

Pat: PB = Productive Burp. There's a thread that Jessibear started with descriptions of it:


We're doing ok... the scale finally moved for Mikey, woohooo! Poor thing was hanging in there, but it was really tough, since everyone says he should be beating me & he wasn't. Then, in one fell swoop, he jumped ahead of me by 5 pounds!! Brat! :P

Back soon with more time to spend (I hope). Gotta get the challenge written up!

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I''m still at about the same as I was a month ago. My scale isn't moving even though I started walking twice a day..I'm up to about a mile (1/2 a m ile each time) and will continue to increase it. I have had a few NSVs, one of which is being able to walk that distance at all, but I really want to see that scale move, too. Could use a little encouragement/reinforcement/whatever!!


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Hi Emily...

I'm not sure if this will be applicable to you or not, but I found it to be very weird/interesting.

As Janet mentioned, my scale finally moved again - and it's a bit bizarre. I just got my 2nd fill last Tuesday (the 18th), and I had expected that the scale would be quite a bit lower for me. We don't own a scale, so the only time I can weigh is at the doc's office.

Not only had it not gone down, it had gone up - like 5 pounds! That was a bit discouraging for me... actually, that was very discouraging. I really expected it to be lower - I'd been keeping up (reasonably well) with my diet and exercise plan. I had felt a noticeable difference in how easy I've been moving, and how differently my clothes felt, and Janet has been gushing about the difference in the way that I look. (Yes, she's my wife, and she's supposed to say that stuff, but I do think she really meant it.)

When the scale showed that I'd actually gained, I got kinda down.

Fast forward to yesterday (the 27th). Just over a week since my fill, and we went in for our group session - and we weighed. In those 9 days, I had lost 13 pounds!!

I didn't cut my calories in half, or double my exercise or anything like that... It was like the scale finally caught up to me. So I'm back on track - just about 3 pounds per week - just from keeping on my program.

I don't know if there's anything scientifically provable about this - but I have seen it before... if we stick to our guns, the scale has no choice but to eventually catch up with us. It just makes sense, right? If I eat x number of calories, and I burn y number of calories, as long as x + y is less than what I need to maintain my weight, then my weight eventually will go down. Sometimes there's a lag between the body and the scale, but I think you'll see a serious difference before long.

That exercise should really jump-start your metabolism... hang in there!

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You are very encouraging Mikey!! So...if I actually start excercsing you think i will lose more?!?!?! LOL! I need to start doing it on a regular basis, I would lose so much more!

Ok guys, I got that Cscan done yesterday. I had to get an IV and everything. My doc did not prepare me for that. I really got freaked out. I thought they were just gonna put me in some machine and it would take pics of my abdomen...ohno...I had to drink 16 oz of this crap, and then they hooked me up to an iv and put some stuff through me that made me feel hot all through my veins. It was very weird and I don't really care to have that done ever again!!!!!!!!!!

I won't get results til probably Monday or so. Can't wait til they figure out whats wrong...if they ever do.

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Banded 2/3/06

Dr. Del La Garza Monterrey, Mx

First fill 3/25/06 2.5cc in 5cc Inamed band

-32 lbs

Tammy in Tx :eek:

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Welcome Tamryn! Congrats on the good weightloss! We are a good group here....ya just have to keep up cause sometimes we chat alot!

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May Challenge for the Febsters!

Ok, the point of this challenge is to kick our booties into gear. We've been at this for a couple of months now & things are getting old. Some of us have stalled on the weight loss... or we're waiting to get to the correct restriction... or we're tired of chewing... or we're just tired. So these things are aimed at focusing us on the right steps to get back in the groove. If you find any part of the challenge to not be helpful, please ignore it!

We're going to track 1 week at a time, so we'll have a weekly winner and an overall winner. If you're out of town this week, say at Disney, heh, no worries, jump in when you get home! You can win one of the other weeks! And if you kick it with Water & exercise you could even win overall, even coming from behind!

The first week starts tomorrow, Monday, May 1st. I will post a scorecard. Everyone needs to copy / paste it into a post of their own. Each day come back in & edit your scorecard (you may want to bookmark the page with your card on it). That way we'll have daily running totals for all of us. At the end of each week I'll announce a winner for the week & the running totals for the month. You'll know if you need to start kicking it into high gear!

A couple of these are subjective, so be honest with yourself! This challenge is for YOU, make it work! If you fall down one meal or one day, get up & get going! You'll have to run, but you can catch up! :o

Challenge 1: Drinking water -- Give yourself 1 point for every 8 oz you drink. Get in your 64 oz for the day, get 8 points! Need to make up some points? Start drinking!

Challenge 2: Exercise -- Give yourself 1 point for every 5 minutes of exercise. We're starting with 5 this month... next month's challenge will be higher! (Example: I exercised 45 min today = I get 9 points for today) -- This is a great way to earn extra points!

Challenge 3: Eating protein -- Give yourself 1 point for meeting your Protein goal for the day.

Challenge 4: Multi-vitamins -- Give yourself 1 point for taking your Multi-Vitamin

Challenge 5: Calcium -- Give yourself 1 point for taking your Calcium supplement

Challenge 6: food journaling -- Give yourself 1 point for writing down everything that enters your mouth!

Challenge 7: Good food choices -- This is subjective. Give yourself 1 point for each meal that you made good choices (up to 3 / day).

Challenge 8: Living more active -- If you did something TODAY that made you more active (took the stairs, parked further, walked when you could have driven, etc), give yourself a point for each thing you did. Keep it up! You're changing! (Extra points are screaming to be made here!!)

Challenge 9: Personal objectives -- List your daily objectives that aren't covered in other areas here. If you complete your list daily, give yourself 1 point!

Example!! Janet's personal daily objectives:

1. Read my daily affirmations 3 times

2. Do one homework for therapy daily (it's a sheet we have to fill out, I hate doing them)

3. No sugar in my diet

4. Get fewer then 20g carbs daily

5. Stop taking naps so my nightly sleep is better

If I do everything on the list, I get 1 point for the day. This way we can tailor the challenge to our personal needs.

Challenge 10: weight lost -- Give yourself 1 point for every HALF pound lost (2 points per pound).

Challenge 11: inches lost -- Give yourself 1 point for every HALF inch lost (2 points per inch). Remember, muscle weighs more but takes up less space, so measuring rocks! I personally add up all my measurements & watch the overall number go down. Sometimes 1 spot will go up (especially if it's a muscle). But overall I go down, so I still win! HINT: The more places you measure, the more you have to lose from! (I measure EVERYTHING... so I can lose from everywhere!) If you want a list of what I measure, let me know!

Challenge 12: fat percentage -- If you have a scale or doctor that does fat %, give yourself 1 point for every percentage lost.

Challenge 13: Bonus points -- Give yourself 1 bonus point for each perfect week of challenges 1-9. For the water, we're defining "perfect" to be at least 64 oz / day. So if you drank 64 oz+ every day for a week, give yourself 1 bonus point. Ate your protein every day for a week? Get another bonus point! Exercise at least 5 minutes every day? There's another point for you! Go for the gusto! Get a perfect week in every area!! (Total of 9 bonus points per week are possible.)

HINT: You can earn extra points for extra water or exercise or active lifestyle! So you CAN come from behind! And weight/inches/fat percentage aren't the deciding factor... if you're not losing enough to keep up with someone else, do some extra exercise! (Which should help with the other part anyway!!)

See you on the winner's podium!! :first:

NOTE: On the scorecards, only boring fonts keep stuff in line... courier, fixedsys, etc. Sorry! Downside of a bulletin board. :eekB:

(Disclaimer: If you don't want to list your inches or weight, we'll trust you to keep track of them on your own. :) Void where prohibited & prohibited where void. No animals were harmed in the making of this post.)

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Febster May Challenge Scorecard!

Starting weight: _________

Starting inches: _________

Starting fat %: __________

Week 1:

__ Monday, 05/01 _ Tuesday, 05/02_ Wednesday, 5/03 Thursday, 05/04 Friday, 05/05 _ Saturday, 05/06 Sunday, 05/07

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

12 Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________ Thurs _________ Fri ___________ Sat ___________ Sun ___________

Mon - Sun total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Week 2:

__ Monday, 05/08 _ Tuesday, 05/09_ Wednesday, 5/10 Thursday, 05/11 Friday, 05/12 _ Saturday, 05/13 Sunday, 05/14

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

12 Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________ Thurs _________ Fri ___________ Sat ___________ Sun ___________

Mon - Sun total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Week 3:

__ Monday, 05/15 _ Tuesday, 05/16_ Wednesday, 5/17 Thursday, 05/18 Friday, 05/19 _ Saturday, 05/20 Sunday, 05/21

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

12 Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________ Thurs _________ Fri ___________ Sat ___________ Sun ___________

Mon - Sun total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Week 4:

__ Monday, 05/22 _ Tuesday, 05/23_ Wednesday, 5/24 Thursday, 05/25 Friday, 05/26 _ Saturday, 05/27 Sunday, 05/28

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

12 Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________ Thurs _________ Fri ___________ Sat ___________ Sun ___________

Mon - Sun total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Week 5:

__ Monday, 05/29 _ Tuesday, 05/30_ Wednesday, 5/31

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

12 Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________

Mon - Wed total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Grand total:

Week 1 points: ____________

Week 2 points: ____________

Week 3 points: ____________

Week 4 points: ____________

Week 5 points: ____________

My total points: __________

Ending weight: ______

Ending inches: ______

Ending fat %: _______

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JanetC's Febster May Challenge Scorecard!

Starting weight: __272____

Starting inches: __537.25_

Week 1:

__ Monday, 05/01 _ Tuesday, 05/02_ Wednesday, 5/03 Thursday, 05/04 Friday, 05/05 _ Saturday, 05/06 Sunday, 05/07

1. Water ____10___ Water ___10____ Water ____12!__ Water ____8____ Water ____10___ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise __4___ Exercise __0___ Exercise __0___ Exercise ____5_ Exercise ___5__ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein ___1___ Protein ___1___ Protein ___1___ Protein ___1___ Protein ___1___ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins __1___ Vitamins __1___ Vitamins __0___ Vitamins ___1__ Vitamins ___0__ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium ___1___ Calcium ___1___ Calcium ___0___ Calcium ___1___ Calcium ___0___ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. food log __1___ Food log __1___ Food log __1___ Food log ___1__ Food log ___1__ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices ___2___ Choices ___3___ Choices ___0___ Choices ___3___ Choices ___1___ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal __0___ Personal __0___ Personal __0___ Personal ___0__ Personal ___0__ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity __0___ Activity __2___ Activity __2___ Activity ___0__ Activity ___0__ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ___0____ Weight 7 - omg! Weight ____0___ Weight ___0____ Weight ___0____ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ___0____ Inches ___0____ Inches ____0___ Inches ___0____ Inches ___0____ Inches ________ Inches ________

Totals Mon___20___ Tues ___26_____ Wed ____16_____ Thurs ___20____ Fri _____18____ Sat ___________ Sun ___________

Mon - Sun total added up: __100__ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Week 2:

__ Monday, 05/08 _ Tuesday, 05/09_ Wednesday, 5/10 Thursday, 05/11 Friday, 05/12 _ Saturday, 05/13 Sunday, 05/14

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________ Thurs _________ Fri ___________ Sat ___________ Sun ___________

Mon - Sun total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Week 3:

__ Monday, 05/15 _ Tuesday, 05/16_ Wednesday, 5/17 Thursday, 05/18 Friday, 05/19 _ Saturday, 05/20 Sunday, 05/21

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________ Thurs _________ Fri ___________ Sat ___________ Sun ___________

Mon - Sun total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Week 4:

__ Monday, 05/22 _ Tuesday, 05/23_ Wednesday, 5/24 Thursday, 05/25 Friday, 05/26 _ Saturday, 05/27 Sunday, 05/28

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________ Thurs _________ Fri ___________ Sat ___________ Sun ___________

Mon - Sun total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Week 5:

__ Monday, 05/29 _ Tuesday, 05/30_ Wednesday, 5/31

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________

Mon - Wed total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Grand total:

Week 1 points: ____________

Week 2 points: ____________

Week 3 points: ____________

Week 4 points: ____________

Week 5 points: ____________

My total points: __________

Ending weight: ______

Ending inches: ______

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Yayyyyy Julie!! Enjoy Disney World! We'll look for you on May 8th or there abouts! We'll miss you! Good luck with your eating! :)

Hey Emily! Congrats on the 1/2 mile twice a day! That's awesome! Keep it up & that ol' scale will finally move, I promise! :D Our body's get used to being fat... it takes them a while to give in & let go of that ol' weight.

Stacey, I'm glad your ultrasound was normal, but man that's frustrating, not knowing! Oh my word! That cscan test sounds terrifying!! I hope you hear soon & that they can fix whatever's causing the pain easily & QUICKLY!!

:eekB::clap2: Welcome Tamyrn!! :clap2::) 32 pounds, awesome!! We're glad you found us! Jump in & start chatting! The water's warm! :o

Sorry in advance for the next few pages being cluttered with scorecards. Once we all get ours in, things should back to normal. :D I'm excited about the challenge... I'm really competitive, so I'm already thinking of ways I can earn those extra points! (Drink that Water, move that bod, change that lifestyle!) Better hit the ground at full speed!! :DYOU have control of how many points you get, so start earning! :D

((( Hugs ))) everyone!!! Happy last day of April!

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Mikey's May Challenge Scorecard!

Starting weight: __486____

Starting inches: __570.25_

Starting fat %: I won't ever know this :eekB:

Week 1:

__ Monday, 05/01 _ Tuesday, 05/02_ Wednesday, 5/03 Thursday, 05/04 Friday, 05/05 _ Saturday, 05/06 Sunday, 05/07

1. Water __18_____ Water ___16____ Water ___16____ Water ____12___ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise _5____ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ___5__ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein __1____ Protein __1____ Protein ___1___ Protein ___1____ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins _1____ Vitamins __1___ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium ___1___ Calcium __1____ Calcium _______ Calcium ___1___ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. food log __1___ Food log __1___ Food log __1___ Food log ___1__ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices __2____ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity __2___ Activity ___1__ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

12 Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________

Totals Mon___29___ Tues ____21____ Wed ____19_____ Thurs ___20____ Fri ___________ Sat ___________ Sun ___________

Mon - Sun total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Week 2:

__ Monday, 05/08 _ Tuesday, 05/09_ Wednesday, 5/10 Thursday, 05/11 Friday, 05/12 _ Saturday, 05/13 Sunday, 05/14

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

12 Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________ Thurs _________ Fri ___________ Sat ___________ Sun ___________

Mon - Sun total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Week 3:

__ Monday, 05/15 _ Tuesday, 05/16_ Wednesday, 5/17 Thursday, 05/18 Friday, 05/19 _ Saturday, 05/20 Sunday, 05/21

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

12 Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________ Thurs _________ Fri ___________ Sat ___________ Sun ___________

Mon - Sun total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Week 4:

__ Monday, 05/22 _ Tuesday, 05/23_ Wednesday, 5/24 Thursday, 05/25 Friday, 05/26 _ Saturday, 05/27 Sunday, 05/28

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

12 Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________ Thurs _________ Fri ___________ Sat ___________ Sun ___________

Mon - Sun total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Week 5:

__ Monday, 05/29 _ Tuesday, 05/30_ Wednesday, 5/31

1. Water _________ Water _________ Water _________

2. Exercise ______ Exercise ______ Exercise ______

3. Protein _______ Protein _______ Protein _______

4. Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______ Vitamins ______

5. Calcium _______ Calcium _______ Calcium _______

6. Food log ______ Food log ______ Food log ______

7. Choices _______ Choices _______ Choices _______

8. Personal ______ Personal ______ Personal ______

9. Activity ______ Activity ______ Activity ______

10 Weight ________ Weight ________ Weight ________

11 Inches ________ Inches ________ Inches ________

12 Fat % _________ Fat % _________ Fat % _________

Totals Mon________ Tues __________ Wed ___________

Mon - Wed total added up: _______ + bonus points: _________ = weekly total: __________

Grand total:

Week 1 points: ____________

Week 2 points: ____________

Week 3 points: ____________

Week 4 points: ____________

Week 5 points: ____________

My total points: __________

Ending weight: ______

Ending inches: ______

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Add me. Great idea and just what I need. Can't wait to get started in the morning.


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I am planning my second fill for early June, I haven't had the big drop in weight I expected after my first fill. I did get pretty good restriction...honesty time: I just started exersicing this week and I am SO battling my desire for sweets, I don't always win. What are you all thinking? Next fill in June or wait?

The thing is my surgeon is in Monterrey and I have to plan my trips about 6 wks before.


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    • BetterLeah

      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Congrats on the surgery!

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      I’m 6 days post op as of today. I had the gastric bypass 
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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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