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February 2006 bandsters unite!!

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Sunta, I am with you! I just had my first fill yesterday. It didn't hurt at all. I was rather dissappointed that he only put in 1.5cc (in a 10cc band), but I've gathered from others that Dr. Spivak is pretty conservative about his fills. Since I had not had anything but milk all day, I was starving at 2pm when I got out of his office. :hungry::hungry::hungry: I bought some deviled eggs at a deli and was only able to eat 1 (half egg) before I felt full. That was encouraging, however, when I got home from work last night around 7pm I was VERY hungry again. :hungry::hungry: I had about 1/2 cup of mashed pinto Beans with cheese. I was still hungry! :hungry::hungry:I ate the insides of a bean burrito from Taco Bell (with a liitle bit of tortilla) and I was STILL hungry! :hungry::hungry: SO, I drank a cup of buttermilk. That seemed to satisfy me FINALLY.......but I was really puzzled that it took so much to make me feel full. What's going on with that??? :)

Then I had my first PB! :tape: :yuck: NOW I know what it is! Out of the blue with no warning, I burped, but it wasn't just air! I was okay after it happened and it didn't happen again.

I'm curious what I'll feel like today. Anyway, y'all have a great weekend!

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I could eat everything I wanted until after my 3rd fill. My first 2 fills did not do much, and after my 3rd fill, it was alot better. I still can eat a little more than I should...but I know after this next fill next week...I should be just right. Ya'll hang in there...it will get better. Keep trying to smile.

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Hi Everyone-

I had a bad eating afternoon/evening yesterday too. I couldn't seem to stop and I think it's because I "could" do it. I am so sick of these head games I play with myself!! Anyway, I dusted myself off and today has been better. We are going to Boston for the weekend though to my in-laws and they a house full of junk food so it's going to be challenging.

My surgeon also said that carbonation is fine as long as you don't overdo it. My fear is that I was addicted to diet coke and I don't know if I could drink just a little bit.... I may just continue to stay away though I really do love it.

Stacey: Thanks for the encouragement about the 3rd fill being the charm. I won't get my first fill until May but I will try to remember what you said b/c it seems to be the norm.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Oh yeah, what is everyone doing for exercise? I am trying to walk right now about 3-4 times per week.

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I am a Valentine's bandster fairly new to the site!

2/14/06 by Dr. Rehnke in St. Pete, FL.

51 lbs lost so far


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Hello dear friends,

Every doctor is different, but after seeing so much (on this website) about it being okay to drink carbonated drinks, I called my doctor's office. The nurse I talked to, who is also a bandster, read a recent quote from the American Institute of Bariatric Surgery on the subject. It stated that carbonated beverages CAN enlarge or stretch the stoma (pouch) because of the gases created. This holds true for overeating (large quantites) even if you can tolerate it. I think I'm going to be very cautious about either. I paid too much $$ and went through too much pain to sabotage my efforts. Brenda (nurse) said this is true for either Lapband or RNY patients.

I asked her when you know you need another fill. She said you take measurements weekly of your weight, and body. When you go 3-4 weeks with no change, it is time for another fill. She said that whether or not you "feel" restricted is NOT a determining factor. Just passing on the info. Take it or leave it. Have a great weekend!

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Welcome Prennie!

Well...ok I just survived the HUGE HAIL storm of my lifetime. I am talking 3" hail. My yard looks like it snowed....Tornadoes are rapid through our area right now. We are all in the family room ready to do our escape plan...I have eaten like the devil today...I ate a honey bun and some oreos...that is so unlike me...but I think I am just going crazy with this crazy weather...plus stressed over all the damage done to the cars and house. UGH...will keep ya updated!

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Hmmm, I've been thinking. Didn't our monthly visitor all hit us about the same time last month? I know I'm expecting mine in about a week. So maybe we're all having problems with food right now for a reason?! Just a thought...

Man I hear you with the lack of fill, Becky! I'm ashamed at what I ate yesterday. I know it's about a third of what I used to eat, but still!! I'm in binge mode & really need to get it under control!

Ms Vicki! Your first PB! ((Hugs!!)) Freaky, isn't it! ;)

Stacey, thanks for being the voice of experience for us!! I cannot wait to get restriction! ;) You've been so patient, and now we all get to learn from you! ;)

Hey Julie! Good luck in Boston! Enjoy the flowers & avoid the junk food! ;) We're doing "Dance Dance Revolution" (DDR) for exercise. It's a video game (PS2 or X-box)... basically dancing on mats with arrows, following the steps they give you. We've worked up from 2 min (1 song)... we're at 22 now! ;) Sounds like you're doing great with the walking! Keep it up! :clap2:

:) Welcome Prinnie!! We're glad you're here!! :)

Feel free to jump in & chat & let us know how you're doing! We don't bite... much. ;)

Ouch, Ms Vicki! Guess I need to rope myself back in, especially on the volume. Thanks for the cautionary words!

Oh Stacey, I saw Nashville on the news last night! Did you weather the tornado ok? The devestation was awful!! I'm praying you & yours are safe!!!! Hope you have power & can check back in soon!

My commitments / results for 07-APR:

Vitamins — check! ;)

Water — check! 80oz! ;)

Protein — check! ;)

Exercise — no check :tired

Food journal — check! ;)

Good choices — um, what's worse then no check? ;)

Calorie difference 1000+ — no check :speechles

Daily affirmations 3 times — check ;)

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Good morning all!

Well, my scale FINALLY moved...only 1.2 pounds, but at least it was in the downward direction! I've been getting frustrated and wondering if I needed another fill..that's the first loss in almost a month!!

For me, a Wendy's side ceasar salad is a full lunch. (minus their dressing...use my own) Sometimes I add some boiled shrimp on top...YUMMY! I actually think the boost of Protein may be what moved the scale. (We just got 50# of shrimp so I've had some every day.)

Ms Vicki: How do you like Dr. Spivak and his staff? I have been less than impressed in all honesty. I haven't seen Dr. Spivak since surgery and only for a moment on that day. I've called his office on three occassions and none of the three did they return my call. When I had my first fill, noone even identified themself as the Nurse, PA or whatever, so I don't even know who it was that did my fill, although it was totally easy. They gave me the "fill criteria" as 1) wanting to eat everything in sight, 2) loss of less than 5# in a month. Otherwise, said they never need to see me again. (that's real friendly, huh?)

skbishop: third time's a charm, huh??? I have only had one- hope I don't have two to go. With what I'm eating right now (and how the chest feels when I eat) I'd be a little nervous about getting another fill right now, even though I'm not losing hardly any. SIGH...guess I'll hang in another couple of weeks before deciding.

Julie: I'm a coca-cola junkie too. My RNY friend says "yeah, I'm not supposed to, but I drink at meals and I drink diet coke all day long" but I've decided that I'm not going to have any coke for now. I don't miss it THAT bad and I look at it this way...either I won't be able to tolerate it, then I'll feel deprived OR I will be able to tolerate it and I'd probably overdo it...so either way, leaving it alone AS IF it's off limits serves me better. I'm sure at some time I'll try a swig, but until it's just really "CALLING" to me, I'm gonna consider it an "OFF LIMITS" item...very black & white...makes it easier for me to resist in my mind.

prinnie: WELCOME to the best thread on LBT. We have plenty of support for you!!!

JanetC: I think you're right...we all PMS and/or are prone to binges at roughly the same time each month. Harder to have a "voice of reason" available, but easier to have "pity parties" together!!!!

I don't want to take any chances at stretching my pouch or "causing" conditions right for slippage, erosion, etc. so I'm trying to stick to the rules as closely as possible. For me, if I give myself an inch, I'll be eating the entire pantry!!! I know me, and it's not PRETTY!!!

That's why I've chosen to keep portions down to 1 cup or less...no carbonated beverages...no Snacks between meals (unless a Protein Shake or yogurt if feeling poorly)...trying to up my activity...no bread...I want to TRY to help the band do it's job as much as it can. Like all of you...WAY too much money, WAY too much post-op misery and WAY too much pressure from those who know about the surgery to let it NOT be a success. I'm just trying to measure my success by the doctor's standard, not by the by-passers or the people at work, etc. who don't understand that the band works differently. That's the only way I don't feel overwhelmed by the task at hand and just crumble!

When I feel deprived or overwhelmed (which actually I haven't much--which has been the best surprise of the whole surgery!) I allow myself 1-2 M&M's or a fat-free fudgcicle or ice-cream bar as a "SLIP" and drag myself back onto the wagon. (kicking and screaming, but I get on!)

Hope everyone "weathered" the weather in the plains states and everyone up north is enjoying some springtime. Texas is already headed for "HOT"-the main season here!

Talk to you all soon!

Thanks for your support.


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Sunta, I have my first fill Monday, April10 and I'm afraid the same thing will happen to me. After spending all this money and going through the pain, I won't faster results. I plan to tell my doctor to fill that band as tight as he can. I'll be crushed if I don't stop being hungry again. The first two weeks after surgery were heavenly with pounds dropping daily. I'll let everybody know Tuesday how I come out.

Here's a question for everyone...Did you stay on liquids for 3 weeks and mushies for 3 weeks? I didn't. Now I'm worried.


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I was on liquids for 24-48 hours and "full" liquids (including creamy Soups, etc.) for the rest of the first week. Then, mushies for 3 weeks...meaning pretty much anything that was blended into a soupy consistency. When I went for my first fill, they couldn't decide whether or not to do it because I hadn't been on solids yet. When I said I wasn't supposed to (per the directions) they said, yea, but nobody waits that long. They start trying out solid foods usually by week 2 or 3. So apparently it's not a problem as long as you start slowly and try things a little at a time. They seemed rather shocked that I HADN'T had solids by week 4.

Most of us dropped weight the first week or two while on liquids/pureeds. Then, once mushies got "substantial" and/or started solids, we all pretty much backed off much loss for a bit. Seems to be normal as your body heals, adjusts to fewer cals and adjusts when you start solids. Almost noone continued to have the DAILY losses, so don't be discouraged.

My first fill was a total breeze. They didn't even use numbing shot or anything...just a quick saline injection into the port and then a swig of barium liquid to see if I had restriction. No biggy and ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN at all. Then, had to sit and drink a Water to make sure all was fine before leaving. Definitely don't be nervous, but I also wouldn't push them to fill, fill, fill either. A) it can make you more prone to complications (erosion, slippage, stuck, etc.), :) you're going to want to be able to fill more and more over time as you lose weight and your stomach/abdomen shrink, and you have a limited amount of fill available overall in the band, and C) you'll probably restart to lose after you go through the healing-to-solid phase like everyone else has, so just TRY to be as patient as possible. Certainly, if your MD feels it's safe and advises it, go ahead; but otherwise, don't push it too fast too far. JMHO.

Mushies stunk for sure, but following the guidelines as closely as possible gives you the best chances for success in the future and lessens complications, which COULD put you back into liquids/mushies for indefinite periods of time. All in all, mushies serve a good purpose!!! And, it's the ONLY time your doctor will actually say it's fine to have a milkshake!!!:D

skbishop: Only HALF of a Lean Cuisine???? I eat a whole one...it is satisfying (before surgery I probably would still be starving after a whole one!!) but do you get ENOUGH calories in when you can only eat HALF of one??? That's only about 100-150 calories! You're obviously doing GREAT on it. Are you satisfied with only that much or do you have to eat sooner the next meal? I'm mostly eating at 7:30am/12 noon and 5:30 pm--that's it...no snacking, except an evening cup of coffee half hour after eating. Just wondering. I wanna be like YOU!!!

Feb bandsters are really rockin'!!!


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Nanster, Thanks for all the information. Tomorrow I get the fill and will let the doctor decide how tight to make it. I appreciate you clueing me in about not insisting on too large a fill to start with. I'll let everyone know how I came out after the fill.


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Happy2: My posts are just my opinion, but I just try to look at things from a "logical" point of view. It makes sense that you want to keep your band for a lifetime if possible...even as you lose weight and need a tightening to maintain the "same" effect as when you were heavier. Also, to minimize complications at every point that you can...it's just a no-brainer to me. Having said that, it's hard to not want to kick it up a notch when you don't lose as quick as you'd like and/or as quickly as everyone else on LBT does.

I believe I MAY be ready for another fill myself. I'm able to eat an awful lot more in the last 2 weeks. I AM losing again, actually, so I'll just have to see. I hope to break into the 230's this week...:biggrin1: :biggrin1:

I just say...do what feels right for your situation, your body and your psyche. You're the only YOU you have!! Listen to your doctors and to yourself and you'll do great. Try not to be too nervous about your fill...mine was absolutely NOT a big deal AT ALL, and I feel a little silly for being so nervous about it.

Hang tough...this isn't easy, but it IS do-able! Just stay focused on your goals. And, when you feel weak...read/write to us; when you feel strong, pull us up, because we're likely to need you from time to time too!!


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Hey Guys...

We made it through the tornadoes. We had so much hail...it was awful! We have car damage, our gazebo got ruined, and huge branches and stick clean up buts that it...could be alot...a whole lot worse! So many people lost their homes, and family members. It was very scary! I have attached a pic of the hail we got...hope it comes through ok. and not too big. Remember....it was 75 degrees outside and this hail just started falling from the sky...it looks like so snow there was so much Ice!



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Holy toledo you guys are a talkative group!!! I've been really busy and then I was on a cruise for a week (and, of course, catching up as soon as I returned) but I wanted to check in. Seems like everyone is doing really well!

I'm settling in to banded life and I really love it. I haven't PB'd yet (hopefully never!!) but I have slimed many times. I find I am extremely restricted in the daytime but only slightly restricted in the LATE afternoon (3-4pm or later) and evenings. That actually fits with my normal routine, as I'm not a Breakfast eater. Unfortunately, I don't think it's the best for weight loss to eat everything at night.

The cruise messed up my weight loss because I ate a lot of Desserts. I've been hovering between 15 and 20 lbs lost since I went back on solid foods a few weeks after surgery. I am happy to return from a cruise and only see the scale go up 1 lb!!! But since I got back from the cruise, I've been going down steadily every day -- YAY!!!! I was scheduled to go in for a second fill tomorrow but I've canceled it because I think my restriction is good right now.

Interestingly, the one time I came closest to vomiting was when I had breakfast the last day on the cruise -- cream of wheat, of all things. I think I just need to stick to my Protein Shakes and tons of Water in the mornings from now on.

I am so happy with my band. After warnings from the doctor, I didn't expect to lose any significant weight until 4-6 months after surgery. He told me most people settle in to a good restriction after about that time. So for me to see the scale moving a little every day (and notice the body changes) at this stage post-op is very exciting.

I'm looking forward to getting out of the 230's and into the 220's. Just that much closer to Onederland -- and that's when I start looking like a "normal overweight person" rather than an obese person.

BTW -- a NSV -- for the past few flights I've taken, I've either had to be very uncomfortable with the seat belt or request an extension. On this trip, no extension needed! Woo hoo!

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Hello My Friends.

Ok speaking on "our time" of the month, it is mine and I have been ill as a hornet. So I have just been lying low for a while. I have eaten some chocolate, and speaking of chocolate is there any freaking holiday that we dont have chocolate?

Let's start with New Years.....oh chocolate and strawberries

Valentines's day........need I say more?

St. Pattys day...those gold chocolate coins

Easter........darn those little chocolate rabbits

Birthday.....give me chocolate cake

4th of July....dont forget the choco. ice cream

Thanksgiving....chocolate pecan pie

Christmas.....oh everything chocolate.

And to think my weekness isnt chocolate it is bread!!!! lol

Michelle- hun I am so glad you and your family are ok. I saw those storms on the news, they looked pretty bad. I would have thought those pics were of snow had you not told me it was hail.

Ms Vickie- I gave up all soda several months before my banding when I was told I could not longer have them. I drink 99% Water and about 1% juice now. Thanks for giving me one more reason not to go back to them. By the way do you have any information on CHOCOLATE and bread that might scare me into never eating them again. You would be my hero if you do!

Nanster-Congrats on lossing. You give some great advice and I always enjoy reading your replies. Keep them coming. Heard anything about chocolate?

Julie- I know what you mean about eating anything you want. I have a 10 cc band and have had 1 fill of 3.5 cc and I can eat a foot long sub with no problems. And and kit kats dipped in chocolate icing are bad bad bad, no matter what any one tells you.

JanetC- I am sooo jealous of you girl. You seem to have it all together and working hard to meet your goal. I cant seem to get motivated into excercising or doing my measure. I did buy one of those little tape measuring things but I am scared to open it, I am scared its going to be too small.

Happy2- Welcome to the feb bandsters. I lost alot of weight during the liquid stage, but gained 10 lbs back after I started on mushies. But have since lost that 10. Dont give up the fight!

Prinnie- Wow what a great Valentine gift to yourself! Welcome to feb bandsters!

Ok I go for my 2nd fill Friday. This little voice inside my head keeps saying "becareful what you ask for". Would someone please tell it to shut up! I have tried to pretend I have restriction but after about the 4th bite I am eating like I am scared someone is going to take it from me.

Have a great week everyone! :clap2:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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