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February 2006 bandsters unite!!

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Hi Everyone-

Sorry I haven't been around much. I find that if I spend too much time on the computer or watching tv that I want to eat so I've been limiting both.

I had a check up with my surgeon 2 days ago and we decided to hold off on any fills until I am back from Disney World next month. I lost 5.2 pounds last month so he said I'm doing exactly what I should be doing. I'm alot hungrier though and more prone to snacking recently. I have some restriction though even without a fill and have to eat very slowly or I feel awful.

Janet: I have felt angry alot too but it seems to be subsiding a bit now. The one thing I really miss is carbonation- I really loved diet coke. I have also had a candy bar from the machine twice this week so I've got to get back on track.

Whoever said that this was an easy way out was nuts! It's hard work but at least I have HOPE now.

Take care,


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Good Morning my friends

Well it is Thursday and we have almost made it through another week. I have to laugh as I go back through the threads and see the range of emotions we all go through!!:typing: But one thing I can say about this group is we all stick together. I know that if we all lived closer we would all be friends in "real life", (heck I didnt know what else to call it).

Angry seem to have been the main topic this week for a lot of people, but ya know I never put two and two together until Janet posted! Am I angry because I cant eat what I want???? Well hmmm I think this past weekend I ate pretty much anything that wasnt tied down. OHHH guess what my stomach just growled, ohhh that means I get to eat!!!!! Ok sorry back to the angry thing. OK here is what I what I have came up with for me....

I am angry that food has done this to me! Ok now I now it didnt jump up from the plate and shove itself down my throat, no wait I believe them Kit Kats did, but most foods just lay there on the plate. But why does something that can bring so much joy bring so much pain? I guess someone who is addicated to drugs could say the same thing, or to booze or cigs. I am angry cause I am addicated to food!:) There I said it! It has been my drug of choice and it is killing me. I am digging my grave on fork full at a time.

Nanster- I bought the biggest bottle of Benefiber I could find, and knock on wood I have been ok. I do two heaping tablespoons full in my morning coffee. I cant even tell its there at all! You know I know your pain!

Janet- Can you and Mikey adopt me puh lezzzzzzzzzzz. You two are the best! I am already potty trained.

Stacey- Hubby and me went over the ten rules that Mikey had made for us....And you know I think he gets the picture now. He laughed and asked if he could make his own 10 for living with a bander. I told him sureeeeeeeeee but that I would post them along with his cell number. I dont think y'all will be seeing that list!

Julie- Oh Disney World, I wanna go too . waaaaaaaaaaaa

Ok I posted on a new thread a question ......What do you say to the people that say we took the easy way out? Now if you found the new thread and replied , ty. But if now tell me what do you say to that.

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Hi everyone! Here's what's happening: I went for my first fill yesterday!!! It was soooooo so easy! He put in some lidocaine and said it would "burn like hell". I was bracing myself and really nervous! Well it burned for a moment, and then it was fine. He then took a REALLY long needle and, after feeling for my port, injected 1cc of Fluid in to my 10c band (holds 4cc of fluid). I didn't feel anything at all. I then sat up and drank some Water which went down just fine! I am to be on liquids for 24 hours and mushies for 24 hours and then real food! My 24 hours of liquids ends at 4:00pm today and I can't wait to have some mushies to see if I have any restriction! At my weigh-in I had only lost 2 pounds in a month :) that really sucks but I'm attributing it to adding in solids and the weight that comes from the food in the colon. I'm really hoping I get restriction after this fill but I can go back for another one in five weeks if I don't. The doc was 100% fine with my having started mushies and solids early (five days early for mushies, five days early for soft solids, and four days early for regular solids) and said "look, if you're starving, you have to eat!" Also, BIG news about carbonation!!! Now, this came from the nurse who works the front desk, but she was also the one who told me to start early on mushies and solids which the doc was fine with. I had forgotten to ask him about carbonation, so when I went to the front desk to make my next appointment, I asked her why we weren't allowed to have it. She said "just because it can cause gas". So I said "but what if it doesn't cause me gas, can I have it?" and she said "Yes". And I said "but will it hurt the band in any way?" and she said "on no! Not at all. Most people who have the band do drink some carbonation. I'm not supposed to have it either" (because she had bypass) and she held up a big bottle of diet pepsi! So I said "Well, the thing is, I had champage and I was worried it would hurt my band" and she said "oh no, don't worry, it's fine. Alot of people drink it. You'll be fine." So... YIPPEE!!! Now, I know it's not the doc saying it, but I'll take it! I just went out and got a delicious Coke Zero!!! Yummmmm!

Tammy: How's the Benefiber working for you?

Nanster: I feel your pain on the slow weight loss!!! I only lost two pounds this month! It will get better! I believe it's our bodies adjusting to solid food and also just hanging on stubbornly after losing quickly in the beginning. I think it's going to be a long journey, but we will get there!

JanetC: thanks for the first bite rules. I've been having horrible pains (even without any fill!) upon my first few bites. I must remember to sloooow down and I'm also going to try the hot drink.< /p>

Everyone Else: Love you all! I'm so glad to have such a wonderful group for support!

Have a pain-free, PB-free, low cal, high nutrient, delicious day!

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Hey Sunta,You just made my day.I also meant to ask Dr. Peters about carbonation,but forgot too.Now i can drink that occasional beer that i've been dyin for.Thanx,Jeff

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Calm down, you're going to be okay. You just had a bad weekend. Have you had a fill yet? It sounds like you need a tighter fill. You shouldn't have been able to eat a 6 in. sub, much less a 12 in. I think you need a fill immediately. Call the doctor or his nurse and tell them about this.


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Calm down, you're going to be okay. You just had a bad weekend. Have you had a fill yet? If you have, it sounds like you need a tighter fill. You shouldn't have been able to eat a 6 in. sub, much less a 12 in. I think you need a fill immediately. Call the doctor or his nurse and tell them about this.

Also, try to gauge your amounts so you don't stretch the little stomach you have left.

Let's think your hubby made the comment because he loves you and is concerned, not to be mean.

One day you'll be slender and laugh at all of this.:scared:


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I can drink Diet Coke without a problem. Try one. You may be able to tolerate them too. Be careful not to drink too fast though. Also be prepared to burp, but it's worth it.

Pat:nervous I keep hitting the wrong key and sending half a message. Sorry folks.

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Heh, no worries Pat. :)

I bought a 3 liter of Diet Coke & cracked it, then put it in the fridge. It's mostly flat... and still tastes good. It does make me burp a ton, though. :scared: We have maybe a cup every other day... it doesn't seem to have the hold on me that it once did, thank goodness! Now it's just a treat... or for use when I get food stuck. **sigh**

After my big post this morning with the good eating rules, I proceeded to get stuck with STRING CHEESE!!!!! I PB'd yet again. The good news, it was well chewed, lol. But too much too fast. :( **pout!** I just ate salad while watching the clock & was fine. Read, learn, live by the rules! :D

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Hey Everyone!

Wannabelean: I'm right there with you on "mourning" the foods of our past. I'm getting better about being satisfied with what I CAN eat. But, every now and again, I crave one of those old foods too. I seem to do fine with salad, yogurt, deli-sliced meat, tuna salad, chicken breasts (if they're not dry) and most seafood. I do cut everything up before I eat it...in TINY pieces. I chew and chew and chew. For some reason, when I have a salad at lunch I do fine..even with a little chicken or meat in it. But, at dinner, I start having the heavy chest syndrome within just 4-5 bites. I don't get to the point of PB'ing but enough to make me stop eating. However, I find myself actually satisfied...I don't end up "snacking" the rest of the night to make up for it. But, believe me, in the a.m. I'm STARVING!!! Since my surgery, my stomach really GROWLS and I feel REAL hunger deep down in my gut...a new experience for me, I have to admit. (embarrassed) I haven't tried the meat tenderizer suggestion yet, but I hear many bandsters AND RNY'ers swear by it. Compared to what I ate before, I thought I'd lose quicker than I am, but I have to remember that it didn't fall on me overnight so it's not gonna fall off overnight either.

My hubby rolls his eyes when I mention a "mourning" or "calling" from food...like candy bars, etc. He has NO CONCEPT of longing for chocolate or "dying" for a coke, etc. He's one of the lucky few!! (darn him!) But, I'm glad many of you can relate with me...makes me not feel so alone and WIERD! I also am a food ADDICT. The main reason I guess we allow ourselves more lenience (spelling?) with food is that it doesn't make us do WILD things like "drug" addicts or "gambling" addicts...ie, stealing money, losing time from work, acting a fool in public, etc. But...our addiction IS hurting us and those around us...it's just more insidious and sneaky!!! Our self-steem is crushed, we hide from others, we lie about what we eat, we spend lots of money and effort trying every diet trick out there to no avail and then we just get sick and tired of being sick and tired and the "butt" of skinny-people's jokes! Now don't get me wrong, I'm thankful I don't do any of those "horrible" things other addicts do, but I almost think it makes it MORE difficult for us because we still have to eat food. We can't go "cold turkey" off food forever like an alcoholic or gambler and just "stay away". We have to eat food in moderation and manage to keep ourselves from overindulging in the things we love to eat.

Oh my...I need to get off my soapbox!!!

I'm just thankful that there are "like-minded" people here at LBT to discuss things with. Thank all of you for posting such inspirational, funny, ingenious and informative ideas on here for us all to benefit from.

Although my loss isn't going as well as I had hoped, I'm not going to give up. I've put in too much money, too much misery and too much effort to give up now. I believe this can work, but I know it's a slow process and it's a LOT of work!!!!

Thank you-thank you all.


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skbishop78: how much do you eat for a meal now that you've had your two fills? Are you able to eat most "normal" foods?

Just wondering if another fill should be considered. (I want to lose like YOU do!!!)


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Welp, my fill seems to have worn off. The pain is letting up, which is a blessing, but it's caused an increase in calories, lol. I hadn't even noticed them creeping up, but I just got caught up on fitday (NOTE TO SELF: Don't EVER get behind again!). I'm up to 2000 calories a day!!!! *gasp!* Last week I was having problems breaking 1000!

2 weeks to our next fill. Time to get my rear back in gear!

My commitments / results for 06-APR:

Vitamins — check! :(

Water — check! 80oz! :)

Protein — check! :D

Exercise — check! (DDR: 22 min) :)

food journal — check! :)

Good choices — semi-check. :scared:

Calorie difference 1000+ — no check (only 776). :speechles

Daily affirmations 3 times — no check. :tired

TODAY I will make a difference!

TODAY I will work to create the me of tomorrow!

TODAY I will CONQUER & get all things checked!

I am in control of my diet and exercise.

I make good food choices daily.

I move my body daily.

I am patient with myself & my weight loss.

I do the steps on my plan so I CAN TRIUMPH!!

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Hey Nanster!

Are you sure you weren't listening to MY HEART when you wrote your thread? You said EVERYTHING that I am feeling. Isn't it amazing how alike we are? I've never met any of you in person, but I feel almost closer than family! I think that is why I'm addicted to this website. Thanks to all for being here! I love you all. Have a wonderful and successful weekend.

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skbishop78: how much do you eat for a meal now that you've had your two fills? Are you able to eat most "normal" foods?

Just wondering if another fill should be considered. (I want to lose like YOU do!!!)


I eat about 1/2 of a lean cuisine....or if i am eating out I can eat like 1/2 of a chicken breast and a few bites of potatoes or something. I can eat most anything except soft doughy bread. Buns and stuff like that are hard to get down. Good luck....I do think a fill would help you...call your doc or his nurse!

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Hi Guys,

So I had my fill Wednesday and this morning I went and got an egg sandwich on a bagel. I was planning on eating only like 1/4 of the bagel in small bites and like half the egg. Well, I polished off the entire egg plus one half of the bagel plus a few bites of the other half and now I'm struggling to not eat the rest of the other half! I'm not full AT ALL! ARRRRGGGHHH! I know sometimes it takes fills a while to kick in, but what am I supposed to do in the meantime? I am soooo disappointed and was really hoping for good restriction and thought I would have some because I could feel Water gurgling through more slowly and last night I had some air bubbles in my throat like when I first had surgery. I was so sure I was going to get restriction. I am so bummed out! I'm back to struggling just like before surgery, trying not to wolf down enormous amounts! This sucks! I guess I have to go back to trying and struggling to count calories and starving all the time. UGH! I can't believe that after my fill I could easily eat an enormous egg bagel! I am soooo frustrated...

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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