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February 2006 bandsters unite!!

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Sherry, hope that things start turning around for you. I know that I hit a time ahhh last week....that I couldn't lose and thought what the heck is going on? Just keep the right mind set and things will work out. Good louck sweetie!

Wannabelean: I know what ya mean....My husband was the same way..it has gotten better, but he still does it some. Just try to ignore him and do for yourself cause you are the most important right now!

Sorry gotta go..but I will catch up with the rest of ya later. Chat soon!

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Hi Everyone,

I can't believe I haven't even checked in for a few days now. Spring has come to Vermont (hopefully!) and we've been outside non-stop. I raked and raked today and just played with the kids. The best part was that I found that food was not even on my mind since I was so busy.

I am stuck at the same weight right now. I'm eating pretty well but think I really need to start recording my food. I don't want to get into the trap of eating/snacking more than I think I am so it's better for me to just write it down.

My husband does not know my weight. He would like to probably but for some reason it's hard for me to tell him.

I have an appt on Tuesday. I'm quite anxious to see how I've done the past 4 weeks on their scale.< /p>

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Happy Monday everyone,

**Deep Breath** Ok I had a total melt down this weekend. I was totally out of control and angry all at the same time. It started Thursday night with the Constipation, being up most of the night then having to work all day hurting and sore. And of all times my family has plans to go see a movie ( Ice Age, the melt down) Friday night. We get there and we are standing in line only to find out it is sold out. Now having 3 teenage daughters isnt always easy but when they all want to see a different movies that all starts at different times is unbearable. Needless to say we ended up coming home and not seeing a movie at all. Here is where is starts to get worse, now I am upset, tired , hurting and just plain aggravated. What do I do, I sit down at my computer and eat kit kats while dipping them into a can of chocolate frosting! How many did I eat you may be asking yourself, too many to count. Ok that was one episode, there is more.

Saturday I took the girls to our weekly trip to Wal-Mart. I honestly can not describe how I was feeling, just alot of angry at nothing! The girls ask if we could get Subway sandwhich is conveniently located inside the store, so you smell fresh bread cooking the entire time you shop. So we got subs, foot-long subs for us all. Now there is no way I should have been able to eat a 6-inch let alone a 12 inch but I am here to tell you I did, and with no problem!

Oh did I forget to tell you I had chocolate doughnuts for dessert, 2 of them!

Wait this get better.........Saturday night we order pizza. So I thought I would be good and order me some wings and skip the pizza. Now I know what your thinking, why start now or when did wing become good for you. Ok so I am sitting there eating my wings when I get to the 4th wing and my darlin husband make the comment are you full yet!!! OMG, all the angry came rushing out! I threw my wings at him, told him if him if he wanted a skinny woman he should have married one. :think

I haven spoken to him since and have been sleeping on the couch. I just dont know if I can do this ya'll. Just this morning I am watching a sweet little commercial about 2 little girls. One little girl is sleeping over at the other little girls house and is missing home. The other little girl goes into the kitchen and makes a Peanut Butter sandwich to "CHEER-UP AND MAKE HER FEEL BETTER" so she will stay the night with her. They cut the sandwich in half and all is well. As I watched I was amazed, I just saw on national TV someone using food to make someone else feel better. I am scared!!! I am angry!!! and I am sooo disappointed in myself! I am confused and why am I so angry?

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Hi Tammy-

I am so sorry that you are feeling so awful right now. I have had a few times too that I am just so angry that I have to even deal with this. It sounds like you need a break right now and some time to just relax.

I am trying to focus on making smaller good choices and less on the "big picture" because when I think about the big picture I get very anxious and upset.

Why don't you sit down with your husband and explain to him what you just wrote here? It would probably help and maybe he could become a cheerleader for you. He may just have no clue how to help.

Hang in there,


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Tammy...You need to breath!!! Just breath...and count!! Atleast thats what I have to do....cause I know where you are coming from. My husband pissed me off so bad yesterday...and I just about hit him with the Mini van!! Seriously....I would have hit him if he would not have moved! I know that sounds drastic but he has been so unsupportive, his family pisses me off, and I was just so angry.. I think that is something that they forget to tell you is how angry you feel at times! It is hard, but try to remain calm and not commit murder....or maybe I should take my own advice! Anway, know that I am right there with ya! We are loving ya girl!!!

NOW..about my inlaws...I absolutely cannot stand my mother-n-law!!!! She is always so mean to me, and well mean to everyone. I told her I hit my 30 lb mark yesterday..and she said "Well, I will be happy when I can tell.." OH.....B-*-*-c-h!!!!!!!!!!! ugh....I was so mad...and when I told my husband, he said I was just being sensitive!! How dare he!!! GRRRRR I am getting mad all over again!

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Hi Everyone!! Thanks so much for the warm welcome. I'm really excited to be part of your group and I think I really NEED this too. It's so important to be able to talk to people who are going through the same things.

I'm excited to report today that I lost 3 more pounds, which makes a total of 6 pounds lost since my first fill about two weeks ago!!! That makes me REALLY happy!! Funny how the scale can completely determine your mood for the day eh??!?! ;):)

Anyway, I'm going to go all the way back to the first pages of messages and catch up so I can know a little bit more about you guys. Talk later!

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I guess what makes me so mad is people who do not need this surgery think it is so easy afterword. Get the surgery, blink and all the weight is gone. The have no concept of how hard it really is. The surgery is a tool to help with the weight loss and only works if you work at it. The other night my husband saw my dinner and asked ( again ) if that was 4 oz on my plate and i almost threw it at him. He is so supportive of me doing this that I will give him a break - besides i really wanted to eat that food not throw it! We did talk about how hard i am trying and not to question me in that tone again! So, my hat's off to all of us who are doing something for ourselves and even if there is a momentary slip or two along the way, we should all be proud that we are trying... to hell with the rest of them!

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I'm Donna and I was banded on February 35th. :rolleyes OK, I was banded on March 7th but I read this thread all the time and wish I could be a February 2006 Bandster Uniting! LOL I guess I'll try to remain a lurker and only jump in when I see something I can help with.

JANETC? Janet? I can't believe she hasn't jumped in on this since she's the one who recommended it to me. . . . In response to people wanting to know how to track their food, Water, Protein, etc. (ad nauseum!) intake, I highly recommend www.FitDay.com. If you use the online version it's free which is a great way to see if it's something you'll use and will be useful to you. If you like it you should go ahead and buy the PC version. It costs right at $20 (one time fee) and it has a lot more functions, and even the functions it shares with the free version work better. Specifically, the food log allows you to enter custom foods. So foods you eat on a regular basis can be added to the list of foods in the program and you can simply click on your custom foods to add them to your daily total. The free online version won't keep the portion you originally input so you'll have to keep a paper list next to your computer to use it. The PC version, on the other hand, stores everything you give it and can spit back every kind of report imaginable. It's pretty fabulous. Check out the free online version and become a member. If you think it's a useful tool, buy the downloadable PC version, it's BETTER.

Hint: If you become a member of the free version you get a discount on the PC version bringing it's cost to $20. It's worth becoming a member of the free version even if it's just for the discount.

Warning: This can become an addictive pastime. Just ask JanetC. I'll bet she hasn't replied to your questions because she's busy adding to her activity log!

Thanks for the great thread y'all. Seriously, I look forward to eavesdropping on you great February Bandsters! Janet ROCKS! (and Mikey's pretty cool too! lol)

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Happy Monday everyone! (bleh) Monday's I always feel like I've been run over by a truck -- we do too much on the weekends!

We had our nutritionist appointment this morning. Thank goodness the scale moved a little! If it hadn't, I would have thrown something... maybe even Mikey! (We only weigh at the doc's office, so a LOT was riding on today.)

I told Jean (nutritionist) about my shoulder pain (I credited the "pain diet" with my weight loss, lol)... she told Stacy (the surgeon's nurse)... she'll tell the doc when he gets back from surgery. So they'll call me tomorrow if it's something to worry about. I've pretty much given up worrying & am just logging the pain... in fitday, of course. :scared:

And on to catching up...

Tammy: Oh my word, Thursday night sounds AWFUL!!! You poor thing! I'm glad you got a Fleet -- those things are scary good! I'm with Becky... go with Benefiber! But you have to be "cleaned out" to start it, Fleet should have taken care of that! :scared:

WannaBeLean: Welcome!! We're glad you spoke up! Heh, 2 eggs is a lot for your hubby? He should've seen us eat pre-banding! :D I'm glad you lived through "the ice cream incident"... I would have gone ballistic!

SherryW!! Welcome back! :) (( Hugs!!! )) Sounds like you need it! ;) I know we've all been doing the mood swing thing, I REALLY hope it slows down somewhere in here! Life need to go back to "normal"!

As for tracking, I love, love, love fitday.com. I bought their PC version for $20 (you get a discount if you become an online member). We used to spend $20 on lunch, so I decided it was worth it. It's really helped us to watch our CICO (Calories In Calories Out).

You might have something with the too few calorie thing... tracking is the best thing for that. It'll help the nutritionist & any trainers you see know exactly what's going on. Keep us updated!! And remember, if you're AVERAGING 1 pound a week, you're a rabbit! Give yourself some time to catch up! :) And keep holding out that year like a mantra... "I may not lose today, but I WILL lose by this time next year!!"

Julie: Raking is awesome exercise!! Go you! :) And grats on spring! Vermont is soooo pretty! :) Let us know how the appointment goes! :)

Oh Tammy!!! Big ol' ((hugs!!)) & a couple more, just to boot! Sounds like you had the weekend to end all weekends! Take your right arm... put it up on your left shoulder. Now take your left arm... put it up on your right shoulder. Now SQUEEZE... and feel our love & support!!

You're ok... you didn't throw up or PB or slime, so your band is ok. Remember that you don't have restriction yet. (Big bands are just EVIL!!) Be gentle on yourself, look back on how far you've come... all 40 wonderful pounds that are gone for good!!

You fell back into an addiction. It's ok. We're still learning! And we have years & years & years of practice being those addicted people. We're gonna screw up now & then!

So now, turn back to yourself and say these words. (I would tell you to go to a mirror, but that always makes me cry! ;)) I know you're ok with God from your signature, so I'm using that shamelessly. ;):

God loves me -- no matter what!

He thinks I'm worth it!

He's on my side & is pulling for me!

God & I can do this together!!

I love myself!



Then take an eraser mentally & wipe the past few days from your memory. Give yourself a clean slate. If at all possible, do something nice for yourself -- a haircut, manicure, massage, bath, cup of tea, phone call to a friend...

After you've taken care of you & are feeling loved by yourself, go to your husband & hug him. Tell him you're sorry you snapped & that you're just so scared that this won't work. Explain that nothing he says right now will be "right"... that you just need to his unconditional love & support while you learn a new lifestyle. Help him understand that right now you're a crack addict about 1 month out... and that retraining is HARD!! And that addicts often check themselves in somewhere to learn new skills, but we have to do it alone at home... and keep eating 3 times a day. And that with a big band, it's going to be another couple of months until you have good restriction, so your volume is still going to be higher then you want... but restriction IS coming & is going to rock!!!

We're going to slip up sometimes, but that's NOT the end of the road!!!! That's the beauty of the band!! It allows us to pick ourselves back up & start moving again!

We love ya, Tammy!! Hang in there, girl & take care of you!! (And sorry if I got on a soapbox there, lol, your story hit home! Now if I could just get myself to say those wonderful things! ;))

STACEY!!!!! YAY FOR 30 POUNDS!!!!!! :first: And slap your MIL with a smelly ol' fish! :) Congrats on not killing anyone... and think how much they're going to EAT THEIR WORDS when you're skinny & food no longer has control of you! Pft! Silly ol' bat! "Wait until she can see", my booty!! Like HER seeing has any effect on you!! Like she's something special -- or even really matters! GRRRRRR!!!! She needs to be nicer to my friend Stacey!! Or I'll come over there and... and... do something really mean!! ;)

Xann: Grats on 3 more pounds! Wow! That's really fast after your fill! I'm guessing you got some restriction with that one! You must be so excited! :)

Northersun: hear hear!!! :) Loving it! (Especially the saving the food part, lol.)

DonnaB: LOL girl, welcome! ;) Feb 35th, lol, there I go spitting my Water again. ;) I'm glad to hear you're enjoying Fitday!! I still say it's the best 20 bucks I ever spent! :) (And yeah, I was probably tracking something instead of reading, rofl.)

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You guys dont know how much you mean to me, I feel like I have several best friends, and I am truly humbled and blessed.

Keith sent me a dozen roses to work yesterday alond with a card saying he was sorry. Sigh.... I know he means well but watching every bite I eat and the commenting on it isnt what I need. I think he understands that now.

Janet- You are a true blessing! Thank you!

Michelle- I dont know what I would do without you girl! Thank You!

Stacey- You are so wonderful! Thank You!

Julie- I love the way alway know what to say! Thank you!

And for everyone else that has ever responsed to one of my on-line venting from hell sessions.........Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

If I didnt name you by name its not because I have forgotten about you , its because I am horrible with names. Please forgive me.

Ok now I did call my doctor yesterday and said "If I can freaking eat a footlong sub we need to talk"! My appointment is today at 10:30, I think they could tell him my voice that I had had a weekend melt-down, cause it ususally take atleast a week to get in....lol.

I will post later and let you know what he says.

Thanks again for all the love and support!

Happiness keeps You Sweet,

Friends keep you Growing,

Trials keep You Strong,

Sorrows keep You Human,

Failures keep You Humble,

Success keeps You Glowing,

But Only God keeps You Going!

You are all so special,

Thank you!!!!

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Hey guys thanks so much on the replies...especially you JanetC...can't wait til she does something even worse...then I can sick my LBT buddies on her.:boxing:

Anyway...Donna, you can join our group....we are not a "rules" kinda group so if you want to join the coolest group on LBT, we welcome ya!! LOL! You were banded on my B-Day so I have to let ya in!! :)

Xann: Congrats on the weightloss!!!! Yea for you!

Tammy: are ya feeling any better today? Hope so, you deserve some good days after the bad ones you have had! keep smiling!

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LOL Stacey, LOVE that smiley!! I hadn't seen it before. :scared: Bring it! (Oh, and just name the time, lol, Mikey's raring to go! He hasn't been sicced on anyone in a LONG time, rofl. :scared:)

Tammy: SOOOO glad you're getting in to see the doc! And that Keith sent you flowers! Sounds like you've got a winner there! Now he just needs to learn the new rules, lol. :)

(( Hugs everyone!! )) Wish me luck, I'm off to mow the lawn (shudder).

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OK maybe I should make a list of rules not to say to me and stick on the refrig. LOL

Rule 1) Dont ask me if I am full yet.

Rule 2) Dont ask me if I am suppose to be eating that either.

Ok Girls help me fill in the rest.......

I just got back from the doctors office, he is truly a very dear and sweet man. When he seen I had lot 5 lbs since my last visit he smile and said you're doing so wonderfully, until I told him I had actually lost 10 but over the weekend picked 5 back up. YUP I gained 5 lbs this weekend alone. Dayum Sub-way footlongs and betty crocker icing with using kitkat bars as a spoon.

After I told him I ate a footlong his eyes were as big as silver dollars, he open my file and looked at my flur.scope pic!! Then he laughed and said how long did it take you Tammy, to eat the sandwich. I said about and hour and a half. Did you drink while eating he ask, uhhuh I said. He smiled at me and said "stop being so hard on yourself, you are doing great. you have only been banned 8 weeks now and you're way ahead of the game in weight loss."

I have an appointment to get a fill on the 14 of this month. He said he will make me a little tighter. **Sigh** becareful what you ask for you may just get it, keeps running through my mind!

Well between posting this morning and going to the dr and posting now I havent gotten any work done so I better go for now.

I "think" the chocolate demon has moved on so I am having a better day.

You gals ROCK, and Janet yes he is without a doubt a keeper!!!

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Tammy, your post cracked me up....I ate a footlong like 2 weeks after surgery...and so I so know what you are talking about. WOW...KitKats with icing...that sounds yummy.....ahhhh I mean disgusting...yeah disgusting..lol! No really, you are doing fine...don't worry about the weight gain, those subs have tons of sodium so some of it is Water gain. Just relax and let your body do the work...so easy for me to type but Iknow its actually very hard. Good luck Sweetie!

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Dayum!! LOL. :ban:

Our nutritionist yesterday said I probably don't need a fill this month, lol. So last night I set out to prove her wrong, hehe. It wasn't intentional, but I seem to have a touch of rebellion. I ate a Wendy's Taco salad AND a cibatta sandwich (or whatever they call it). Yeah, it took me 2 hours, but oh my goodness!! We hadn't been to Wendy's in a long time... love the new stuff! :party:

And today I'm down.... I love going to my doc's office. His staff is wonderful. So what IS it about check-ups that gets me down? I mean, we even LOST weight this time! It really doesn't matter if we lose or gain, I get depressed the day after.

Oh well. Today I'm focusing on protein... cuz the kit-kats & frosting are calling!!!!!

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