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February 2006 bandsters unite!!

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Ms Vickie

My doc did tell me to look at it this way too......... We had to have big size bands yes but our stomachs are getting smaller cause when we had to band placed that what size we needed. Now that we dont have any restirction means the stomach is now smaller, yeahhhhhhhhh. Thats the silver lining I have been looking for.

I have noticed that my wedding rings are a bit looser, and now I know my band is a bit looser too! hmmmm I wonder if they will end up filling my band to full? 10 whole ccs. hmmmmmmmm maybe I will ask him when I go back in 2 weeks.

Hang in there Vickie, us big bander gals got to stick together :D

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So last night was my time to get depressed... in a BIG way. I woke up in the middle of the night & couldn't sleep. I ended up looking at old pictures & bawling my eyes out. I finally woke Mikey up when I couldn't stand it anymore. Poor guy! LOL. He didn't know what hit him!

**sigh** I eventually got to sleep, but today I've got that "I cried all night" headache & eye ache, lol. Serves me right! I can't even point to what was wrong... just hormones, I guess. Bleh! :)

Go Nanster with the NSV!!! That's awesome!! I can't wait to feel more energy! :)

Wow Tammy!!! Grats on 9.5 pounds! WOW!!

Stacey: I can feel my port, but I also seem to feel another set of "something" that's above my scar (my port is below). The upper set aches from time to time. I THINK (Dr Janet here, of course, lol) that it's where he sliced to get the camera in. It's pretty large & seems to be through my stomach muscle. I'll have to ask the doc next time I see him! My port itself is sometimes irritated, though I haven't noticed it feeling "hard". More... um... warm. Especially when I get gassy. I have to wonder if the gas makes the saline move around, lol. I sure get creative with my explanations!!

Ms Vicki: Hang in there, fills are coming!! :) Hopefully your doc will attack those fills with a vengeance! :) Glad to hear you're not PB'ing!!

And Tammy with the loose rings, awesome!! :) Congrats!

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Hi All!

Tonight's Idol night, so I'm posting short tonight. (that'll be a first, I know--I talk a lot in real life too, in case you had any doubts!!!)

Tammy you are awesome but I'm SOOOO jealous! I was banded 2-24-06 and have only lost 15.6 pounds. I HAVE had 3 PB's (yucky experience) and I am eating VERY small quantities--but at least it's REAL food. I've even been out to a restaurant twice-went well both times but I had to struggle with not drinking before/during food. Also, I ordered the more "safe" choices on the menu rather than what I prefer taste-wise!!

I'm excited for all of you who are eating decent meals and losing LOTS of weight....I just wish I was one of you. :) I'm not giving up though. I've almost completely erased between-meal eating. I eat small quantities and do not eat beyond full (unless by accident, or something that doesn't go down well) and I have not had chocolate OR Coca-Cola in 5 weeks!!!!

I'm walking the walk, not just talking the talk....and I have to be proud of myself for that, even if I'm not losing any more. I'm getting more energy.

All-in-all, I'm LEARNING THE SKILLS I'll need to be successful (if not now, in the future) and I'm phasing out the old habits one by one.

Glad to hear all the FEB BANDSTERS are rockin' and rollin' along. We are AWESOME!!! Look at how much we've ALL accomplished in less than 2 MONTHS!!! We can't let negative thinking pull us back to 3 months ago...we've come too far already.

3 steps forward and 2 steps back STILL makes forward progress, right?????


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Sorry that site didn't work Tammy...it was funny, but o'well. Anyway, I asked my Doc about the tightness today and he said that it was probably right after I ate or something and the tightness and hardness is the food swelling that area..and that it was normal. Weird, but normal.

I had my 3rd fill today. Got .4 put in. Now I am at 3.2 cc. I hope to god this helps me lose some freak'n weight. I know you all know how I am feeling...I just have to vent here, because if I vent to my family they have that look like...."i can't believe you went through everything you did, and are having trouble losing weight...isn't that what the surgery was for?" They have said it in a nicer way than that...but that is what they meant. I will not complain about this to anyone other that you all...cause you all feel where I am coming from!!!

CHeck in later!!

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Go Nanster!! I love your self-talk! Hope it's as positive in the "real world"! :)

I'm crossing my fingers for you Stacey!! I'm praying you feel restriction TODAY!! & can start feeling the band take some of the weight-loss burden from your shoulders!

For those of you down on your weight loss (myself included), the "turtles" have a great spokesperson -- Vinesqueen (Crystal). Btw, they define turtle as losing less then 1 pound a week. (I keep praying I don't fit that definition!) VQ only lost 15 pounds IN A YEAR!!!! (She's being tested for Cushings.) Anyway, VQ recommends starting a NSV thread -- or journal if you don't want to post it here. Write down EVERYTHING that makes you feel better about you & this surgery. When the scale's not moving, it really helps to see positives elsewhere!

If you want, we can start by putting an "NSV for the day" on our thread. :) Here goes mine for today:

It's getting easier to get up off the couch. I no longer require a boost from Mikey, woohoo!! :)

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Good Morning my friends,

Janet- I feel your pain and my heart broke for you when I read your post. I have been there and know exactly how you felt. Please know as much as you support all of us we are here to support ya, so if you ever need that shoulder or ear let us know!

Nanster- thanks girl, but isnt if funny how us women, ok maybe I shouldnt generalize, maybe I should say me, are never satisfied? I tend to self doubt my weight lost, and my mom saying well the first 10 lbs was Water any way, ughhhhhhhhhh , gotta love your Mom. Congrats on the 15 lbs!!!!

Skbishop- OH another fill, congrats, that must mean the tummy is getting smaller. Yes that how I am viewing all fills from now, if you need a fill then you tummy has gotten smaller". :) Ya know I tried to feel my port after reading your last post and funny thing is I can barely feel it now. UGHH I am not so sure that is a good thing either.

Have a great day everyone

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Ok, so we're all at least a month out... some of us are at 2 months! I know that statistically these numbers are all off (not everyone has updated & those that are 6-8 weeks out have had longer to lose)... but I thought I'd take a snap-shot of us at "1 month out".

At most, we're 9 weeks out. At that point, if you're at 9+ pounds, it qualifies you as a rabbit. There's not many of us that aren't hopping!

Remember we're expected to lose 1-1.5 pounds a week! Anything higher & you're rocking!! Also, this is technically still the healing period, so be nice to yourself!! ANYthing you lose right now is a blessing, not an expectation!

I'll think about a way to make this more accurate for our 2 month snap shot. :)

Congrats to Tammy on her absolutely amazing loss!! You go girl! :)

Lost 40+


Jerseytammy (0 pre-op) (-40) 2/8, 7 weeks

Lost 30+


ReneBean, (36 pre-op) 2/6, 7 weeks

pj robinson (pre-op -14)(post-op -16)(total -30) 2/7, 7 weeks

Sandybells (-21 pre-op) (-31) 2/24, 5 weeks

Lost 20+


Gentlespirit (-27) 1/24, 9 weeks

Gadgetlady (Elisa) (-20) 2/6, 7 weeks

Gloria37 (Gloria) (-26) 2/6, 7 weeks

Northernsun (12 pre-op) (-29) 2/7, 7 weeks

Dancer (0 pre-op) (-20) 2/9, 7 weeks

Gwendolyn (-17 pre-op) (-11) 2/13, 6 weeks

Mikey (-13 pre-op) (-25) 2/13, 6 weeks

SherryW (-25) 2/13, 6 weeks

April10 (April) (-21) 2/14, 6 weeks

dcmoore (Diane) (+2 pre-op) (-21, -16.5 inches!) 2/15, 6 weeks

skbishop78 (Stacey) (-18 pre-op) (-25) 2/20, 5 weeks

Sunta (-4 pre-op) (-20) 2/21, 5 weeks

Ms. Vicki (pre-op -3) (-20) 2/27, 4 weeks

Lost 10+


msks (-12) 2/2, 8 weeks

Skinnyagain? (Tonya) (-15) 2/2, 8 weeks

tinainfortunaca (Tina) (-20) 2/2, 8 weeks

SkyeBlu (Skye) (-15) 2/10, 7 weeks

mommy2xp (-14 pre-op) (-5) 2/13, 6 weeks

sourflower (-15) 2/14, 6 weeks

denog3 (Debra) (-16) 2/15, 6 weeks

Janet (-2 pre-op) (-14) 2/15, 6 weeks

LBdancer (Lou) (-3 pre-op) (-12) 2/15, 6 weeks

ricanlady (-10 pre-op) (-4) 2/16, 6 weeks

angiepUK (Angie) (-12) 2/17, 6 weeks

Julie* (-10 pre-op) (-14) 2/21, 5 weeks

Magic (-7 kg / 15.4#) 2/22, 5 weeks

nanster (-15.6) 2/24, 5 weeks

RoxanneRoll (Dena) (-12) 2/27, 4 weeks

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WOW, Janet you are the bomb....I love looking at the charts. Thanks, for keeping this thread the way you do!

So, I feel a differnce. I drank a protien shake this morning...and I drink alot slower, because I could feel a little bit backing up. Thats a good sign for me...thats the first time EVER..I have felt that! Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!:)

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Hello everyone!

WOW!!!! I go out of town for a few days and look at all the cool stuff I miss!

Janet - You are so awesome! Thanks for updating the chart! I love looking at how great we are all doing!

Stacey - You go girl! I hope that is the restriction you needed! Sending lots of good vibes your way!

Tammy - Way to go on the 9.5 lbs! You rock!!!

Nanster - Good for you on learning the skills! You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work!

I am still loosing a little a week. My goal was to be at -25lbs. before my first fill. I am at -22 now and have two and a half weeks to get there. Just gotta keep doing the right things! My only downfall is that I have two more business trips in the next two weeks. BUT....I can keep doing what Nanster was saying..keep learning and using the skills!

I did make better choices on this trip...scrambled eggs and cottage cheese for Breakfast and tuna salad and a small salad (with garbanzo Beans and chopped egg) for lunch...Now I just gotta make sure my portions are good. At least they are a lot smaller than they used to be!

I think I did ok...what do you all think?

I have missed you all so much! Traveling is hard and hard to keep up with the support!

Have a great day everyone!

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I think you did great! That food sounds like that weight should be falling off. Keep up the great work, and you will be down 25 and then some within the next 2 weeks!

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Tammy! Thank you SOOO much for your kind words! :) I count on ya'll for keeping me going! In fact, lol, the new chart was to get me to quit crying about my weightloss, lol. I'm now chanting, "I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit!"

I'm sooo happy that this thread is still going! I was afraid we'd get through surgery & stop posting. You guys are my lifeline! Thanks to all of you for being great! :)

Wow, Michelle!! Take a second & think about what you just typed, lol. YOU LOST WEIGHT WHILE TRAVELING!!!! OMG!!! :) Don't remember the last time that happened to me! :)

Hope your next trip goes well! It sounds like you did an excellent job on your food choices, that all sounds delicious AND healthy! :)

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Michelle - the next time I travel will you go with me puh lezzzzzzzz?? That is amazing, I always looked as travel as an excuse to cheat. Oh that was an ugly secret said out loud! Glad to see your back and posting.:)

Janet- You have been my rock more times than you will ever know, funny thing how you bless someone without evening know! I should be thanking you!!!!

Stacey- your support and honetly has kept me going many of days, its always nice to know your never the only one going through something.

Oh I think I might be a rabbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I pray so!

Oh this is getting pretty sappy so I better go but I truly love you guys, I have never had so much support without being judged!

*~~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*THANK YOU ~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

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LOL Tammy!! You THINK you might be a rabbit?

40 pounds lost in 7 weeks -- CHECK! (That's 5.7 pounds a week!!!)

Cute fuzzy white tail -- CHECK!!

Soft pink-lined ears pushing through the hair -- CHECK!!

Nose that twitches at the sight of carrots -- CHECK!!

If it looks like a rabbit, hops like a rabbit, feels like a rabbit... it just might be a rabbit! :)

(( Hugs girl!! )) You made me grin out loud! lol! :)

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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