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MOrning all....I am leaving for KY today to see family so I won't be on til Sunday night...have a good weekend...and everyone is doing great!

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Hi Everyone!

I haven't posted in a while, been busy getting back to work and going to concerts (Queen with Paul Rogers!!! AWESOME SHOW!) and shopping and joining the gym! I'm feeling really good! Still a bit sore in the mornings and from time to time in my port area, but otherwise very good. I was getting sooo hungry I called my doctor's office and the nurse said to "start exploring pureed foods"!!! YEAH!!! I am sooo happy! At first she was hesitant but then relented. After all, I am almost four weeks post-op! So, I made up some yummmmy veggie chili with loads of garlic, cilantro, real chili peppers, brocolli, carrots, onions, cauliflower, squash. Blended it the blender and mmmmm mmmm heaven! I've also had yogurt (I mixed in a Water sensation and viola, berry yogurt!), mashed potatos with Indian chutney, and tonight I'm going to a middle eastern restaurant to explore all the dips, spreads, hummus, etc. I can get my hands on! I'm watching my portions (keeping it to a cup per meal) and so far, I'm feeling alot less starving than I was on liquids. Now, my challenge is sticking to pureed for the full two+ weeks! Maybe I will call again in a week and beg to start solids. Another girl who has my same doctor, she said he let her skip pureed and move right into solids starting week five, so maybe there's hope for me. I joined the gym and walked on the treadmill for 1/2 hour yesterday and now I'm sooo sore! How pathetic! I can start weights in another five weeks. The only bad thing is that boy did the scale stop moving! I've lost almost nothing in almost two weeks! I'm attributing this to adding mushy food in and that it's taking up room in my intestines! At least that's what I'm telling myself anyway. I've been strict about keeping my calories to 1,200 or below. I also just want to say thank you so much to all the people who take the time to reply so nicely to everyone's posts, especially JanetC. I feel bad that I do not have more time to respond to other's people's posts and just focus on my own issues all the time. When I get more caught up with life, I will have a little more time. Thank you all for being here!!!

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Hi All!

Well, I've hit a brick wall!! As long as I was taking in only 600-800 cal/day, I was losing steadily. Now I'm eating right at 1000 cal/day, I'm not losing and (mainly) fluctuating in the UPWARD direction!!! Is it just the dreaded "plateau" or thyroid (I'm hypothyroid) or what??? I was down a total of 16#, now it's only 12. (Still, all-in-all, that's the most I've EVER lost other than 3 months on Metabolife), but I'm scared that I'll have to eat at the 600-800 cal level FOREVER and that's not very much food!!! That's really just barely enough to keep from being weak! I'm walking more, but right now that's all I'm really doing for exercise-other than a few leg lifts, arm circles, stuff like that. Now, keep in mind that I had a knee replacement on the left and have bone-on-bone arthritis in the right, so I'm having to take even walking (beyond day-to-day activities) very slowly at first.

I take Synthroid every day and my TSH, T4 almost always come out normal-including 2 months ago.

Hubby and I went out to eat for the first time a couple nights ago...didn't work so well for me. I had less than one small filet of grilled fish and started feeling that "elephant on the chest" feeling coming on so I stopped. An hour later I was hungry. But, tonight I had some homemade tuna salad and it went down fine. (both were at night) I ate more tuna than the grilled fish too.

I have not experienced a PB yet. I don't really feel "full" in the traditional eating sense, but I start to have the "elephant on the chest" feeling the more I eat. I'm keeping it at 2-4 oz at a meal.

I can eat a full Dannon yogurt--is that TOO much?

I also keep on hand those tiny "babybel" cheese wheels (about the size of a quarter) if I feel I need some food but am not really feeling hungry.

I'm concerned about how many eggs I'm eating though!! I'm supposed to be watching my cholesterol...last month it was 204. (Not that bad, but too high per my MD) With the egg-drop Soup, omelets and scrambled eggs, I'm afraid it's too many!!! Any thoughts???

I feel good mostly. I sleep well. Still feel the port a little. Sometimes I get a "kink" under my left breast but it passes and is not severe. Occassionally, I feel a little sweaty and/or weak, which I take as a sign I need a little bite of something, but it's lessening each day.

Today is 3 weeks out exactly. I'm really hoping I'll be able to start some "regular" food soon, although I'm thinking it's not going to go down very well unless it's "mushed up" good first.

I'll write more "personals" tomorrow...time for bed now!


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Hi Nanster,

Sorry you're having so many problems! I'm almost four weeks out and was just placed on mushies (no solid fish, eggs, or cheese , only totally pureed foods). Could it be that at three weeks out, you're just not ready for more solid food like fish, eggs, and cheese? Having just started mushies, I can say they are keeing me so full that I kind of can't imagine going to solids, and I'm almost a week ahead of you. Could be that you're swollen still and those foods are just not going down? If it were me, I would go to pureed food only and see if you have luck with that. Tonight I went to a middle eastern restaurant and had hummus, baba ganoush, and labne (all totally pureed/semi-liquid) and it was heavenly! I didn't feel deprived at all and everything went down like a dream. I've been eating about a cup of food at a meal and feel no ill effects, so I don't think a Dannon yogurt would be too much. I'm trying to go by what my body can handle. With regard to the weight loss slowing down or reversing, if you do a search with the words "gain mushies" or "gain solids" you will find lots and lots of posts about people who gained or stopped losing as soon as they progressed to mushies or solids. I don't think it's the calorie count, I think it's the food itself making you gain because more food is sitting in your intestines! With regard to exercise, when you're allowed to do weights, that would be excellent for you because it would not stress your hip (sitting weight machines that work isolated muscles only) and it would build muscle which burns calories and raises your metabolism.

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Tammy: Wow, that's awesome how understanding your oldest is! It really sounds like she has her head on straight! You & your entire family are in my thoughts & prayers. I know eating disorders don't go away overnight....

Stacey: Have a blast in KY!! Hopefully a change in scenery will help with the blues! :)

Becky: Oh my goodness, grats on joining the gym!! Wow, you've really come a long way in a short time! :) You rock! That's awesome that you're keeping with the calories, hehe, glad someone is! :) Hang in there until the scale moves again, ya know it'll happen, especially with the exercise! I'm sooo glad you're on mushies now!

Nanster: Hang in there!! I know a bunch of us are stalled too. I keep telling my mom & friends that this is THE toughest part of this (like this is harder then surgery, lol). It IS hard... you pay out all this money, go through all this pain, watch the weight just fall off after surgery, then BAM!! It comes right back! AUGH!!! Remember, though, that you were on full liquids, and probably not getting all of your nutrition (it's almost impossible to get enough of everything on clear liquids). So most likely your body went into a mini-starvation mode. When you start adding calories, it freaks out. Give it some adjustment period, remember you're still healing! I'm with Becky on the weight in the intestines... I KNOW I'm carrying more now.

I wouldn't limit your calories to less then 1000. Give your body time to bounce back... get a couple of fills into your band & see if that doesn't help! At least then if you have to cut back you won't be feeling as hungry!

It sounds like you've got your work cut out for you in finding exercise that doesn't hurt! If you can, find a swimming pool, it's much easier on joints. :)

I do know that when I first started "solid" food (scrambled eggs, lol), I felt intense pain. I went back to mushy for a week, then when I tried eggs again, they went down with no problem. I'm almost 5 weeks out, and am now able to eat almost anything, as long as I keep it really, really moist. food lube for the win!!

There was a cool thread about getting your metabolism burning, but I can't find it, augh!!! It had great ideas... and some whacky ones, lol, like drinking 32 oz of super cold Water 30 min before a meal. I'm going to try that one, hehe. :)

Happy weekend, everyone! Hope we're all having fun! :)

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I'm a month out ....has anyone else noticed when you have your period that you can feel the band around your stomach? I don't have added restriction from it but, I definately know it's there. I know some have said they have more restriction from the Fluid retention but, I don't really feel that as much as just feel it around my stomach.

Sorry I haven't been able to post much....suffered from a terrible Migraine this week and was out of work a few days. Trying to catch up on everything now :)

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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Hey all. happy Monday! Well, I went to KY and we had my sister's baby shower, which is such a blessed thing. They have been trying to conceive for 6 years, and they have finally decided to adopt from Guetemaula..and are getting their son in a few months. They have updated pics of him and everything...it is so cool! He is 3.5 months old.

Anyway...they had tons of food that I couldn't eat....oh and I had licks here and there off my daughters plate. I am horrible...I just wasn't ready for that kind of food to be put in front of me. Anyway..I didn't gain, but I didn't lose...guess I will be happy I didn't gain!

Hope everyone has a good day and week. I will check back later!

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Wow! I have missed so much!

I was traveling on business and now we have family visiting, so I will probably be a crappy friend again this week...sorry!

Everyone seems to be doing fairly well. I think we all have our good days and our bad days. Hang in there everyone! We are all doing great!

As for me, I hit the -20 lbs. mark this morning! So happy! Plus, I get to start on pureed foods today! Won't mean much different to me, but I will add tuna salad...at least it is something different!

Have a good day everyone! Will check back later!

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Well, I have started on "real" foods that I can chew and chew and chew. I know now that I have restriction that's for sure. I work at a college and forgot to bring lunch today so I went to the dining hall in our bldg and bought a veggie casserole with no breading on it. I could only take about 2 bites and chewed and it felt stuck.

I think this is going to be interesting as I test what I can eat and not eat.

Stacey: I went to a birthday party on Saturday and it was rough for me too. I had some guacamole on my plate, some egg salad and a small piece of cake. It felt very weird though.

Sherry: I haven't noticed it yet but my last period was the week after surgery and I generally felt crappy anyway.

Janet/Nanster: I am stalled too right now. I didn't lose any weight last week. I just started exercising again though and am hoping that will get things going.

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Wanted to update everyone...Check out my new ticker! I scheduled my first fill!! YAHOO!!!

Does anyone remember when I was asking about telling my in-laws? Well, they are here visiting right now. Got in last night.

I went to bed last night so uptight. I mentioned it to hubby and now he says it's no big deal and doesn't care if we tell them. I think he wants to wait and see if they ask something. He hates conflict, so would rather just not have to deal with it if we don't have to.

I have to say, I feel better about it. I never wanted to tell them. It really isn't any of their business. At least that is how I feel.

As with anything and this band, each new day is a new experience...lots of new stuff to learn and adjust to.

Thanks for the support!

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When I told my mother-in-law. She got really upset. She hated me doing anything as drastic as getting banded....HELLO! I'll kill myself if I don't stop gaining weight. Anyway, she is accepting it now that I'm doing okay. Pretty much, it is no ones business but you and your husband's. Any one else you choose to tell should consider it a priviledge to be included in such a private matter. Best of luck to all...keep up the good work!

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Sunta: Sorry to be so whiney! I'm actually doing quite well. I'm bummed that I'm not really losing steadily, but I'm feeling good and no problems eating. I'm not sure if I'll get a fill, but I see the PA this Wednesday.

Julie: I'm experimenting with more "substantial" foods also. Tuna-good. Swedish meatballs-good. Steamed cauliflower-good. (I even had a couple of Cheetos...chewed really well...and they were fine). For some reason, salmon does NOT go down well for me. Compared to meatballs, you'd think it should be easy. And, like tuna, should be pretty mushy-but for some unknown reason, it did give me a chest pain to rival angina!! Once I walked around and it cleared, I had some yogurt and felt fine.

Some people say chicken is difficult, others say ground beef, others say salad. I guess we just have to try it all and go slow...and take notes!!!

No PB's yet for me...thank goodness.

JanetC: thanks for keeping us Feb bandsters all connected and in touch...you do a great job "organizing" us.


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So we JUST got home from our first fill, woohooo! Rene, how was yours? (I think it was Rene that had hers today, going from memory.)

I now have 1.2cc in a 4cc band. Mikey has 4.5cc in a 9cc band. I was really surprised that he filled that much. It seemed like a big jump -- I was expecting 1cc for Mikey & .5cc for me. He actually went to 1.5cc for me, but I couldn't drink the Water they gave me, so he took some out. All in all, a painless experience. I felt the pinch of the numbing shot -- felt like any ol' shot you get. Didn't feel the fill needle at all. It's so cool to have restriction again! Though I'm scared to drink anything at the moment, lol, the water when I was too full was frightening!

And to catch up...

Sherry: I'm having my period right now too. I don't feel my band so much, but I'm feeling my port, lol. Weird sensations. Hope your Migraine is gone!

Stacey: Congrats to your sister! That's a huge accomplishment! I love Guatemalan kids, they're so cute! (I lived down there for half a year.) Glad you didn't gain while travelling! I'm dreading our first trip. :rolleyes:

Michelle: Grats on the 20 pound mark! And pureed food, woohoo! :D

Julie: Glad you're having restriction! Don't be surprised if it goes away in a couple of weeks... hopefully yours won't! :)

Michelle: I'm glad your hubby's open to not telling them... that would be quite the strain, since they're right there with you. Of course, they'll probably notice that you're eating differently, lol. How good are you at hiding it? :)

Nanster: **Scratching my head over the salmon.** Of course, I don't like fish, lol, so I'd be happy about the meatballs! :)

Hope everyone's having a great week, American Idol & House tonight, woohooo!!! (I'm terrible about "my shows".)

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:clap2: Congratulations Janet & Mikey on your first fill. :clap2:

I'm scheduled for 04/07... can't wait. I'm hungry all the time now especially since I'm back to regular food. I definately can't eat as much as I used to and I'm still losing weight... slowly, but MAN, the munchies have set up housekeeping in my tummy. It seems that I'm still fighting the GS cookie deamons...:bandit I'll never, never, never freeze the Cookies again....they make for a too good midnight snack, even frozen they are delicious. Oh well, I'm back on high Protein and low carbs to try and kill the sugar monster. I need to keep on track.

Happy Tuesday and Good Luck to all.

12 lbs lost so far...yea me.:rolleyes:

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Way to go Janet, Mikey, and Rene on your first fill! Janet I'm really happy to hear that it's painless! Please keep up posted as to how you're coming along with eating and drinking in the upcoming days/weeks, I am very interested to know how it's going. I'm not having a fill for at least two more weeks (as of now), and am kind of dreading it. Hearing about people's fills going well makes me less nervous.

Nanster: you're not whiney :rolleyes: I'm so happy to hear things are going down more smoothly now!

Well, Today is my four week bandiversary! I'm still on mushies, but a friend of mine who I correspond with (he had his surgery one day before me) already got his first fill!!! So I am assuming that means he's now on solids, which means maybe if I call and beg, they will let me start solids early? I'm supposed to be on mushies for two more loooong weeks! I have to say that I'm very rarely hungry on mushies, but it's just that my choices are starting to feel somewhat limited. I have a sneaking suspicion that I am going to have restriction with no fill, because one cup of mushies generally keeps me full for many hours (although from time to time I get starving and lightheaded two hours after eating; but this has only happened two times or so. The rest of the time, I am full. Weird...). Then today, I have only had a protien shake for Breakfast and four hours later I am still stuffed. It seems to go day to day. I am following all the rules like no drinking after meals (I do have to admit that I drink up until I eat though) and not using a straw. My home scale says I've lost 20 pounds all together! I've also been hitting the gym every day! Yesterday, I upped the treadmill by putting it a grade (of 1) and increasing the speed by .2. I know it's not much but it feels like an nsv to me!

Here's wishing everyone a wonderful, pain-free, hunger-free, energetic week ahead!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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