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February 2006 bandsters unite!!

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I have always heard that it means.........You dont hide what you're feeling well. If you are sad everyone knows your sad, if your upset every knows it and so on.......instead of hiding your feeling deep down their on your sleeve for everyone to see.

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Amen on mood swings...like a freakin roller coaster! Mine are actually STARTING to level off now at day 19! Just another "side note": I have always been into medicine, including autopsy, microbiology--all the ICKY

stuff. Weird, but ever since the day of surgery, my tolerance for gore and guts is much less. I don't know if it's the "tightness" or what, but it is SIGNIFICANTLY different for me! WEIRD!

Hubby and I went out to eat tonight...first time since surgery. I had grilled fish, no beverage. I ate only tiny bites and chewed, chewed, chewed. But, I felt pretty "heavy" -to the point of uncomfortable. I ate less than 1 filet. Is that about right or is it just that it wasn't mushy enough? (I've been eating canned crabmeat and it does fine...same with potted chicken spread)

I have not PB'd yet. (thank you God!!)

I still don't what to do about a "fill" (or not) on the 22nd. I'm not eating any chicken nuggets or tacos or anything more "adventurous" than the crabmeat...how do I know whether I need a fill to restrict me MORE when I can't eat anything more than mushies??? I'm sOOOO confused!!!

This morning I ate a 2 egg omelet with a sprinkle of cheese and a deli (paperthin) slice of ham in it. I ate slow and chewed alot and it was great, but I was FULL all morning. (YEAH!)

Any suggestions??????

I also had pretty serious GERD before surgery...they told me to stop my Protonix for good...but I'm having "hints" of heartburn again, especially when I'm "on EMPTY". They said this surgery "cures" reflux...am I imagining things?????

My energy is slowly increasing. My moods are slowly stabilizing. I'm slowly losing. There may be a light at the end of the tunnel afterall???!?!?!?!?!


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Good Morning all,

**deep breath** My mom called me first thing this morning, she said my niece passed out on the soccer field yesterday during practice and had to be taken to the hosiptal by ambulance. When my sister arrived at the hosiptal my niece was wake, and talking. The hosiptal couldnt find anything wrong so they called in the family doctor. He started ordering all these tests and talking about all the things if could be and what they were checking for, my sister started to cry and so did my niece, thats when my niece told the doctor that she has been for the past month making herself throw up after each meal. She has lost 34 lbs in a month, she is 12! As I sit here at work tryin not to cry I think about Christmas and how my Mom was telling her her butt and hips were getting big. My sis is like me MB, and I know she is on her daughter all the time cause she doesnt want her to be in the same shoes we are in but what have we done to this child? She was not heavy to start with, she is a beautiful child but what she must think of herself to be doing this. My sister wants to tell the school about it cause her daughter said some girls at school showed her how to do it but my mom saids no, it will make it harder on her daughter because of the peer pressure thing, OMG ya'll I dont know what advice to give my sister when she calls, ya'll please give me some feed back.......

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Tammy your niece needs counseling for sure. Then let the counselor tell your sister whether or not to tell the school. Honestly, the school won't be able to do much because they aren't going to follow your neice into the bathroom after lunch etc. The counselor will also get to know your niece and where the ideas for this came from and where to go to help her heal. Have your sister talk to your niece's pediatrician and ask for a recommendation for a child counselor. If she trusts and likes her daughters pediatrician then that's the best route to find a good caring counselor. I know my son's helped us alot. He even does teen counseling in his office one day a week so the kids get used to it then if needed he lets the parents know of counselors he trusts. It worked for us with some teen anger issues that my son needed to get out with my XH.

I wish you and your family the best with this and your niece is in my prayers.

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WOW..Tammy, I am so sorry! I hate to hear of young children (or people in general..doing that type of thing), but atleast God sent a warning sign before it got too bad. I know 31 pounds is alot in 1 month, but 1 month of this can be corrected verses....her doing it for a year or so, and she is so far gone that it will turn into a live/die issue. I think a professional should step in and advise your sister as to what to do, and you just be the shoulder and support she needs. Be there for her, like I know you will..because you can tell you are a caring, loving person. Just recommend she gets help and not face this on her own! Good Luck!

I hate to even say this after Tammy's post, but I am down another 2lbs...and have hit the -25 lb mark!! Little victory dance for myself.

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Hi Everyone,

Yesterday was my 4 week anniversary. I love my band.

I am down 21 lbs & 16.5 inches. :clap2:

My only problem is that I am hungry !! I have a fill appointment on the 30th - but I am trying to get it reschduled to the 27th.

I have a question - I do not have time in the morning for much of anything - it is get up - get out - I start work early - so any suggestions for Breakfast at my desk??

Janet - thank you for keeping up with our February Bandsters.




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For me, the best part about this thread is that we're all dealing with the same (or similar) stuff... and everyone posts! Ya'll rock!

Welcome Ms. Vicki! Glad to have you! :hat:

Go Nanster!! As long as you're feeling satisfied & are losing without white-knuckle dieting, I think you'd be ok without a fill. Talk it over with your surgeon, nurse or dietician. About the GERD... I also find I have issues if I go too long between meals. That's also when the gas pain comes back in a big way. I'm trying to eat 1 bite of something (1/2 oz of cheese or 1/2 T of peanut butter) just to keep my stomach from kicking a fit. I don't want to have 6 meals a day... but 3 meals + 1 bite here & there (as long as I count the calories)... it seems to be working for THIS week, lol.

Tammy: Wow. Your poor niece! Definitely get her some counselling. And tell her daily how much you love her & how beautiful she is.

Stacey: Wooohoooo!! That's cool stuff!

Diane: Happy bandiversary!! :) And that's awesome on the lost weight! I normally do a Protein Shake for Breakfast (I'm SO not a breakfast person). I read others doing oatmeal or Fiber cereal... I know I used to be able to do that at work. Someone else said a Zone Bar. Good luck! :tea:

(( Hugs to everyone! )) Happy Thursday!

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Stacey: That is excellent weight loss. Great job!

Diane: I eat oatmeal every morning at my desk. I have a Sunbeam Hot Shot Water dispenser and it makes it really easy to heat up water. This was one of the good habits that I had even before the surgery. The difference now is that I am satisfied with 1 packet of oatmeal but before needed two! I get low sugar or organic stuff b/c the regular oatmeal is really high in sugar.

Tammy: I agree that your neice needs counseling. She also needs people not to tell her that her hips are big etc because that is really damaging. I hope your sister is able to get her the help she needs.

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Thanks for all the feed back ya'll, I dread talking to my sister tonight. I know what it is going to be, Mom did the same thing to us. See my Mom is 126 soaking wet, size 5/6, My sis and I are both MB. The family blames it alot of us lossing our dad when I was 12 and she was 9, being abused my a step-mother, and lossing our grandmother to whom we had become very close to after the death of our father just 2 years later. Geesh ya'll what a flood of emotions. I know my Mom meant well but everytime she "complained and whined" about our weight we just ate more. I have three girls and all of them are over weight, funny I have a whole list of reason why they are over weight too. Does the cycle ever end?

Thanks for all the advice on counselling I will make sure to pass it along to her tonight, this isnt going to be easy, it is bring up alot of issues that we would all just assume forget about.

One more thing before I sign out, any other time I would have went to the vending machine for something chocolate to help ease the pain of this news, and felt guilty the whole time I was eating it, but not today, I signed on here pulled my heart out and got back to work, thanks for taking the time to respond all, you never know who you are blessing.

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Tammy, I'll be praying for your whole family. Your niece, (and probably you and your sister) are struggling with low self esteem. Just remember that God made each of us uniquely; Society unfortunately has defined beauty by outward appearance. I can tell you some of the most beautiful people I know would never win a beauty contest. Beauty comes from within. If you can just convey that to your niece and make her believe it, her recovery could begin. I guess if I could say there was a "good side" to my obesity, it would be a realization that just as I don't want others to judge me by my appearance, I have tried to teach my kids that looks are only skin deep, while integrity, strong values, humility and kindness go to the heart.

If God has a refridgerator, I'm sure my picture is on it and so is yours....as well as your niece's.

My mom is also "normal" sized. I have one daughter who is overweight and I have a fear that she'll end up just like me. Funny thing is, I also have three sons who are all SLIM! Go figure! I can't explain it.

As far as forgoing the chocolate bar..........WAY TO GO GIRL! I'M PROUD OF YOU. I'm here if you ever need to talk. God bless.

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Tammy - Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I only wish that I could do more than just type words here for you to read...like give you a big hug!

The only advice I would have is that your sister may want to find out which girls taught her daughter this...they may be doing it to. As hard as it would be to call their parents and tell them it could help the girls. It is a very personal decision and one that will be up to your family.

We are all here for you on the boards and always will be. Good luck to you and your family....Just let that beautiful little girl know how great she is!

Way to go on not running to the vending machine to deal with the news! That is the best news!

Hello to everyone else!!!

Sorry I have been MIA....was on a business trip.

First business trip that I came back and had lost weight! Yippie...only 1 lbs. from the 20 lbs. mark!

Sorry for the sucky personals, but I am doing something just for ME today! I am headed to the spa for a hair cut and highlights! YAHOO!

Have a great day all you beautiful people!!!

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OK....so I have been out of the picture for awhile...and finally just got caught up on the last three pages of this thread that I have missed.

I went back to work on Monday. The gas pain in my left shoulder isnt completely gone, it flares up every day from time to time. Sometimes its bearable...others it is intolerable. But I am dealing with it.

I feel no restriction anymore, and am hungry!!! I finally decided to call my Dr.'s office today to talk about getting a fill...I am 19 days post op. I was told this was a good sign I was healing well on the inside and should move onto to solid foods, and to watch my portions and if I get hungry between meals to eat some fruit or a sugar free pudding to get me through. I was told they really liked to wait for six weeks to do the first fill, although I can get one at 30 days post op if I really feel I need it. So today I had my first regular meal, I chewed chewed chewed.....and didnt eat too much. It was really nice to eat real food for a change.

I leave for a trip to San Francisco on Saturday and really dont want to go into 'vacation" eating mode.....where I dont worry about what I eat or how many calories it has. I am actually planning to taking some of my non perishable food along with me, so I am not tempted to always eat out and make bad choices. Wish me luck!!

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Go Michelle with the "ME" time!! That's awesome! And good job on the weight loss!

Good luck on the vacation Dena. :) Just remember to chew & eat slowly! :)

Tammy -- How did the meeting with your sis go? Good job on avoiding the vending machine!


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Well I didnt get to talk to my sister last night, but I did talk to my Mom some more. But more surprising was how upset my oldest child was (18, senior in hs), she was in crying and very mad. She was mad at the situation and that Anesha would do something like that. I tried to explain to her why girls do things like that but I am scared I didnt make it pass her anger. She doesnt want me to tell her two little sisters. She is scared they might get the same idea, she kept asking me if Anesha knew what she was doing could kill her. Mom said Anesha is very ashamed and doesnt want people to know. It would be hard for any of us to talk to her. We did learn that some girls had been making fun of her telling her that she was fat and that she would end up looking like her Mom. I am telling ya'll the child is 5'5 and wore a size 7/8, she was no where near fat!!! I do know that my sister has set her up with someone who deals with this kind of thing in kids. Apparently there is a whole group of girls that are doing the same thing. I am not sure what my sister has done as far as telling the school yet, I think she is waiting to talk to the specialist to see what she recommends.

Thanks again for all the suport and prayers, like I said you never know who you are blessing.

I cant help but think how truly cruel people are to people with a weight problem.

Have a Great WEEKEND ALL!!!!!!!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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