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February 2006 bandsters unite!!

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I was reading some other posts about Biotin....was considering getting some. I know it is vain, but come on! I don't want straw for hair either!

Talk about vain...I am supposed to get highlights next week and don't want to damage my hair!

Has anyone here taken Biotin or known someone?

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I take a B-complex regularly, though I've been bad about it since surgery (right when I NEED it, lol). I bought a liquid one, and it tastes AWFUL!! I'm gonna have to see if I can find a chewable.< /p>

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Janet....I also want to thank your for doing such a great job. Its nice to have this board where we can live and learn from others experiences. My shoulder pain is finally getting better. It is still with me, but not nearly as bad. I went shopping to day and got my hair done, yeah!!!

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Hey Peps~

Well I've been out for awhile...

Lost 18 pounds but the scale hasn't budged in over a week.:)

On the Constipation issue....milk of magnesia works GREAT!!:clap2:

It didn't bloat me and worked it's way through my system within hours and without pain. A bypass friend of mine recommended it and I decided to pass it on.

I read the posts about being cold...I was always cold prior to being banded and now I'm fine. It is not unusual for me to be a bit backwards. Doc says it's probably because i'm taking a Vitamin B complex.

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Hello All!

I'm starting to get REALLY hungry (growling tummy and all) each and every day. I'm feeling pretty good, though.

RoxanneRoll-Dr. Spivak banded you...when is your first pre-op? Are you expecting to get "filled" then?

Dancer- Amen on hating Soup...even the good ones are a bit disgusting when that's about all you get to eat, huh?

Sherry W-I like your slogan "Learning to eat to live, not live to eat". My husband has always eaten to live - and he has the hardest time fathoming my cravings and enjoyment of food. (He's not overweight and I'm morbidly obese...go figure!) lol. I hope with the band I will be able to learn more about eating for energy and health, not for cravings, boredom and/or depression.

I have had a little Constipation as well. I got a double pack of baby food prunes...a few bites here, a few bites there and...there you go-literally!!

I don't know if anyone else has had occasion to need Gax-X and/or a stool softener, but here's my 2 cents on them both....GAG, YUCK, WON'T TRY IT AGAIN!! One time, I cut a soft gel Gas-X in half and took each piece. IMMEDIATELY, there was a bubbling (almost effervescent) feeling in my throat and I started dry heaving. The gelcap never came up, nor did any food (I had just had soup) but it was enough to burn my throat and feel yucky. Then, just 2 days ago, I mixed the liquid of a stool softener into some Water and swallowed it...again, I IMMEDIATELY felt a bubbling and the heaving started again. Is it something about the properties of this kind of medicine, or what???? I have never experienced anything like that in my life.

Oh well. I'm feeling mostly like my old self again...sometimes a little tired and sometimes I feel my port a bit, but overall mainly good days. I'm a bit frustrated by the fact that I'm not losing any additional weight and that my meals are dull, but I'm hoping both are just for the healing stage and then I'll be on my way to satisfying meals AND losing weight at the same time...WOOOOOHOOOO, wouldn't that just be the BEST??????

For any or all of you feeling a bit disappointed, frustrated, annoyed, p****ed off, depressed or confused....so am I...all of the above! I can only hope that our docs screened us well for appropriateness for the band, are keeping us in the "no progress" stage only in our ultimate best interest, and that following all the ups and downs of this operative period over, we will begin a new life of enjoyable eating AND the luxury of losing/maintaining a healthier weight for us.



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Add Me to to Feb

Feb 7 th I was banded, and the 15th I go for my first fill. Thanks everyone for all I have learned since finding this site! It is good to know I am somewhat noirmal!!! 335 before 323 at surgery and 306 now.


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Nanster.....I was told I could go see Dr. Spivak at 30 days post-op if I felt like I needed a fill, if not I could wait longer....it was up to me. Right now I feel restriction, but I am not even two weeks out yet...so I am just gonna wait and see how I feel.

To get my Protein in I usually have a shake in the morning, sometimes followed by one scrambled egg. I also have bought those potted meat spreads..and eat half a can for lunch with something else like yogurt or applesauce. My doctor included fish on my mushies diet, so I have also had some tuna and halibut. I always make sure I eat my protein first before anything else. I am also allowed cooked veggies, so I have included creamed spinach and green bean casserole in my diet. I don't feel like my mushie stage is bland at all. I just make sure everything is very soft and well chewed before going down. I also have been drinking 16 oz of Water before every meal, and have had no problems getting in at least 64 oz a day.

I am just so thrilled to finally be feeling like being active again. Now I just need to get back to the gym. Yuck....I hate excercising...but always feel good once I go.

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Ok if you have any doubts if you can eat bite size snickers and still lose weight I am here to tell ya NOOOOOOOOOO!!

I went back to the doctor for my first visit since being able to eat regular food and I have gained 10 lbs back, I got sick to my stomach when I stepped on the scales. My doctor tried to assure me it was normal that right now I have no restriction but I have to be honest y'all, I feel like such a failure. I knew having my period and all the cravings of going along with it plus the not eating for 21 days would take its toll but 10 lbs? UGHHHHHHHH

I know this is a long tourney and I will start to lose but this is a major blow! I have my first fill set up for the 24th at Chilton Hosiptal, and I have my support group on the 15. We go around the room and say how much weight we have lost and now I get to say I gained. SIGH.

Oh and get this who calls the minute I walked into the door, my Mom, she was so excited, how much more have you lost Tammy? I could hear the disappointment in her voice, ok I have to stop cause I am starting to cry and I cant do this now at work.

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Tammy....I know its hard but try not to beat yourself up so much. This is such a new thing for us, and we are just learning what works and what doesn't....I had a very rough time last night, I actuall ate a girl scout cookie.....UGH....I couldn't help it, I just popped it in without thinking about it. I just have to learn from that, and know that just because I dropped 1 egg doesn't mean I have to slam the whole carton on the floor. We need to be there for one another and encourage each other to do better.

Good luck and I will check in later!

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Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to report that I checked out just fine at the ultrasound! I am relieved. But now I have to address why my calves are cramping! I think it's low potassium/calcium/magnesium so I went and got those supplements last night and will see if they make a difference. The ultrasound really hurt. I thought she was going to push the little sensor right through my leg and I was yelping in pain! I guess it's worth it though to know everything looks fine.

In other news, today is day 17 for me and I am getting really hungry! Soup is not filling me up at all. I also have developed a lump in my throat feeling. Anyone else have this? I think it's coming from swallowing pills that I have to cut in half; the jagged edges irritated my esophagus. Also, I had some potato soup just now and it had tiny tiny shreds of potato in it. I chewed each tiny piece, but it still felt like it had trouble going down, and now I have this lump feeling. Hopefully it will disappear with time. One good thing: My gas pain is much, much better since I went off dairy! I feel a whole lot better. I'm gaining more energy every day and feeling much better in general. Hugs to everyone!

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Sunta: Very good news that you don't have a blood clot. Have you tried the Campbells Microwavable Soups that you can drink? They have a velvety potato one that doesn't have the little chunks.

Tammy: I'm sorry about the weight gain. I would be upset too even though you know that it is normal. I'm sure with some restriction you will lose. Hang in there.

Janet (and others): I have been really up and down with my mood swings too. This healing period is rough.

I had more but my Mom just got here so I gotta run.

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Hey guys...I have been in awful pain today!!! I guess that it is gas, but my stomach hurts so bad, and it keeps rumbling and making noises. Oh my, it is so intense. I have not had this happen at all since I was banded, is this normal?

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Sunta: That's awesome news!!!! I hope you can get the pain resolved soon!

Tammy: Sorry about the gain... I gained too. :confused: I keep repeating my mantra, "Healing period, healing period, healing period." Hopefully we'll do better when we get a fill!

Northernsun: Welcome to the Febsters! :eek:

Stacey: When did you get the pain? Were you empty or full? I've been hurting if I get too empty... or when I'm too full. I of course push it, lol, both ways. :D Yours sounds worse then mine though, so you might be getting something?

I just read an interesting article... a high Protein diet has a tendence to leech Calcium from your body, so it's really important that we supplement it. I knew our doctor required it for us, I just didn't know why! :)

Hope everyone's having a great weekend!

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Sunta: So glad to hear no clots! I know that's a load off your mind. I had a total knee replacement last year and my foot swelled one day so they also did an US to look for a clot. I remember how every little itch, twitch, cramp or whatever, I would imagine what if it's a clot that's breaking off and going to my heart or brain. It was nerve-wracking. So glad all is well. I agree that the potassium-calcium-healing are what are causing the calf cramps. I have them every great once in a while since my knee surgery and a banana usually helps, plus extra Water to keep hydrated.

Jerseytammy: Don't you get down about your gain. Remember, ANY loss is a bonus during the healing phase. HEALING, HEALING, HEALING is what this part is all about. I've noted that most people lost 10 lbs just before or immediately after surgery, then it plateaued. I suspect that's largely from our bodies conserving as much as possible since we've taken normal food away from it. Very few people actually have lost after the first week post-op (or pre-op if they dieted). I suspect it's probably TOTALLY normal.

RoxanneRoll: I'm just going to wait it out like you for my post-op/first fill visit. As I get braver with more and more solid foods, I should be able to see how "full" I get (or how much it takes to get satisfied) and that should let me know when to go back.

Tacky subject alert: I have really had gas--and I mean the farts. Not smelly at all, but LOTS of them ALL the time. I guess I find that odd because our digestive system really isn't supposed to be "changed" beyond the band. But, lots of dairy and no Fiber and no solids probably makes that normal too. Temporary I hope!!

Has anyone been experiencing shoulder discomfort when they are physically active or when they're real full??? I have had some when I go grocery shopping and lift stuff or when I have a full meal of Soup. Thought that gas would be gone by now.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.....Jerseytammy- was it you that mentioned your mom's comments??? Well, I can relate. Because I felt like crap for the first week, I missed some work, so some people found out what I had done. I just started hearing today the question..."how much have you lost so far?" I knew it would come; that's one reason I didn't want to make the procedure common knowledge at work. I don't need the extra pressure of being in a fish bowl while I'm trying to succeed at the one BIG thing I've always been a failure at!!! It just seems rude for everyone to assume that because we had this done that we're immediately going to drop 100 pounds. This is a tool for us to use to find a new way of eating - it's not a magic wand. And I, for one, am sick & tired of people knowing I'm trying to lose weight and PESTER me about how MUCH I've lost. I don't ask people how many times they have sex or how many drinks they have in a week or if they've cut down on how many cigarettes they smoked this week....what gives them the right to assume that they are entitled to know every freakin' pound I gain or lose!?!?!? Sorry for the rant, but it just gets me going.

As a self-pay, and not being rich, I have really put a lot on the line to trust that this procedure will change my life for the better. I will give it my best - and, with all of you helping me - will succeed, I just know it. But, like many of you have expressed, this healing phase is a b**ch. Mood swings, cravings, tiredness, Constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, shakes, weight up/down....it's just NOT RIGHT to feel this way, huh??? But, it WILL pass soon. We WILL feel full and satisfied and we WILL lose weight steadily. Not ALWAYS losing, but will gradually make it a downward turn on the scales.




Pre-op: 264/day of: 264/now:? (office)

Pre-op: 258/day of:258/now: 248 (home)

I like mine better too!!!

First fill---end of March??

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Surgery - 2/8/06

Weigh Lose during Pre-Op - 5 pounds (I was weighed with shoes and jeans so this was high - I don't think I really lost 5 pounds - my scale at home said 215)

Weight Lose Since Surgery - 7 pounds (as of 3/10/06 - I'm Impressed since I've been a turtle in the past)

Surgeon - Dr. Lusco - Louisville Kentucky

First Fill - Scheduled for 3/21/06

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