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august 12th 2011 lap band surgery & freaking out already!

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OK so here it is the night before (well early morning of..) my pre op testing!! to be 100% honest, I am a Nervous wreck!! I have literally made myself sick in the last 48 hours. I could not figure out why all of sudden my stomach is nauseous and I had diarrhea..:o(sorry for the tmi)...but I just figured out..its my NERVES!! I am a nervous wreck and didn't even realize it. I just got off the phone with my best friend who had to remind me to breath bc I was beginning to have what I THINK is an anxiety attack! I know I have made the right decision to get banded, after a lot of time and research,but now as I lay in bed the night before Pre Op testing,I am having second thoughts !I know deep down its the best decision but right now Its not so clear!! I was always a "strong" person,so right now I am surprised at how much In freaking out on the inside! I know a lot of people start feeling like this a few days before surgery,but I still have 10 whole days! Im not scheduled until August 12th. is this too soon for me to be freaking out? has anyone else experienced these feelings this far away from surgery day??

my stomach is bubbling,I feel like I have a lump in my throat, my chest is heavy and overall I think I might just sh*t my pants before surgery day arrives!! LOL MY NERVES are SHOT!!! I only told a handful of people about my surgery plans,so I think the fact that there are ppl close to me whose shoulder Im used to leaning on when I need support,that dont even have a clue as to what Im in the process of doing is also playing a role in my Pre surgery Jitters.(they dont know bc I dont think they'd be as supportive as I'd need them to be) So pretty Much this site is my NUMBER 1 person (people) to turn to! SO I NEED ALL OF YOUR HELP!! PLEASE tell me about your pre op jitters stories. I would like to hear from any and everyone. any advice,tips,stories etc are greatly appreciated!! Also I would REALLY LOVE to befriend other August banders..ESPECIALLY those of you with the same surgery day of August 12th!! Also anyone else who is pre or post op that would like to be band buddies I would love that too! I need as much support as possible!!

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I was def nervous as well, not nervous about the surgery, but about my life afterwards, Using food as an emotional crutch your entire life then giving that up over night was very hard for me, Yes, I was nauseated and nervous before surgery as well. I was more nervous after surgery though, I was so afraid I was going to screw something up. I am a month out and so happy I had the surgery. I am a nervous wreck about a lot of things, but in the end we waste a lot of mental energy. You will be fine, Preop testing is effortless. From one worrier to another, Take a deep breathe and relax. Talk about your feeling to the people you have told about the surgery, That is what really helped me, I talked out my worries and my feelings. I wish you the best luck, rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

OK so here it is the night before (well early morning of..) my pre op testing!! to be 100% honest, I am a Nervous wreck!! I have literally made myself sick in the last 48 hours. I could not figure out why all of sudden my stomach is nauseous and I had diarrhea..:o(sorry for the tmi)...but I just figured out..its my NERVES!! I am a nervous wreck and didn't even realize it. I just got off the phone with my best friend who had to remind me to breath bc I was beginning to have what I THINK is an anxiety attack! I know I have made the right decision to get banded, after a lot of time and research,but now as I lay in bed the night before Pre Op testing,I am having second thoughts !I know deep down its the best decision but right now Its not so clear!! I was always a "strong" person,so right now I am surprised at how much In freaking out on the inside! I know a lot of people start feeling like this a few days before surgery,but I still have 10 whole days! Im not scheduled until August 12th. is this too soon for me to be freaking out? has anyone else experienced these feelings this far away from surgery day??

my stomach is bubbling,I feel like I have a lump in my throat, my chest is heavy and overall I think I might just sh*t my pants before surgery day arrives!! LOL MY NERVES are SHOT!!! I only told a handful of people about my surgery plans,so I think the fact that there are ppl close to me whose shoulder Im used to leaning on when I need support,that dont even have a clue as to what Im in the process of doing is also playing a role in my Pre surgery Jitters.(they dont know bc I dont think they'd be as supportive as I'd need them to be) So pretty Much this site is my NUMBER 1 person (people) to turn to! SO I NEED ALL OF YOUR HELP!! PLEASE tell me about your pre op jitters stories. I would like to hear from any and everyone. any advice,tips,stories etc are greatly appreciated!! Also I would REALLY LOVE to befriend other August banders..ESPECIALLY those of you with the same surgery day of August 12th!! Also anyone else who is pre or post op that would like to be band buddies I would love that too! I need as much support as possible!!

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I agree w/ amjcal. Talk about it. I love this site. I can say what I want and I get truthful and honest responces to any questions. The blogging feature might help you. Take advantage of this site. It has made a difference for me.:rolleyes:

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I was very nervous also. Actually didn't tell anyone till right before in case I changed my mind. I think once I went for my pre op tests I really took hold of the situation and got more positive about it. No more reading the negatives.....only positives at this stage of the game. Went for my surgery on 7/25 and did really well. Not at all as bad as I thought. A little uncomfortable.....but nothing to dwell on. Pain medication helps for anything you might feel. Took just tylenol when I got home. The liquid diet is a challange but nothing you cant cope with. The liquid Soups really help me. I usually have that for dinner. The Protein Shakes help throughout the day. Stay positive and once you make the choice to change your life stay confident that you can do this. If I can you can! Good Luck & God Bless you with your surgery. CAT

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OK so here it is the night before (well early morning of..) my pre op testing!! to be 100% honest, I am a Nervous wreck!! I have literally made myself sick in the last 48 hours. I could not figure out why all of sudden my stomach is nauseous and I had diarrhea..:o(sorry for the tmi)...but I just figured out..its my NERVES!! I am a nervous wreck and didn't even realize it. I just got off the phone with my best friend who had to remind me to breath bc I was beginning to have what I THINK is an anxiety attack! I know I have made the right decision to get banded, after a lot of time and research,but now as I lay in bed the night before Pre Op testing,I am having second thoughts !I know deep down its the best decision but right now Its not so clear!! I was always a "strong" person,so right now I am surprised at how much In freaking out on the inside! I know a lot of people start feeling like this a few days before surgery,but I still have 10 whole days! Im not scheduled until August 12th. is this too soon for me to be freaking out? has anyone else experienced these feelings this far away from surgery day??

my stomach is bubbling,I feel like I have a lump in my throat, my chest is heavy and overall I think I might just sh*t my pants before surgery day arrives!! LOL MY NERVES are SHOT!!! I only told a handful of people about my surgery plans,so I think the fact that there are ppl close to me whose shoulder Im used to leaning on when I need support,that dont even have a clue as to what Im in the process of doing is also playing a role in my Pre surgery Jitters.(they dont know bc I dont think they'd be as supportive as I'd need them to be) So pretty Much this site is my NUMBER 1 person (people) to turn to! SO I NEED ALL OF YOUR HELP!! PLEASE tell me about your pre op jitters stories. I would like to hear from any and everyone. any advice,tips,stories etc are greatly appreciated!! Also I would REALLY LOVE to befriend other August banders..ESPECIALLY those of you with the same surgery day of August 12th!! Also anyone else who is pre or post op that would like to be band buddies I would love that too! I need as much support as possible!!

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I am also having the pre op jitters... My surgery is the day before you and I am having some of the same feelings. But I know that it what I need to do for myself and I am postive that I have made the right decision. Lets both thinkl of all the positive things in our future and leave the worry behind! I will be thinking of you and Good Luck...:D

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I'm very nervous 2. My surgery is August 9th and my pre op is tomorrow! I know I'm ready but now it all seems so real. I met with my PCP for clearance yesterday she said something so discouraging (i wont share b/c i dont want you to start thinking like me) that I started to freak out. The ppl in my life dont really understand the process and what it is i'm going thru mentally and emotionally during this process so i registered here! I'm here for support if you need me. We're gonna be fine :)

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Wow! I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one freaking out. Honestly I felt kinda guilty because I know there are people who would trade positions with me in a heartbeat. I had my final pre op appt with my surgeion and preregistration labwork at the hospital on yesterday. I thought I would have a panic attack. The nurse (trying to help) mentioned the anesthia and I almost fell out of my chair. I'm happy I've found people to take this journey with.

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GOOD NEWS!! I had my pre op appointment yesterday and I must say I feel 1000 times better!! WHEW!!! I really was a nervous reck! before they took my bp I was like warning my stomach has been doing flips and my heart has been racing so the reading you are about to get please dont hold it against me, i am superr worked up! the nurse laughed and then was like umm yea your right you are kind of high. I knew my bp would be up since I was stressing out so much! anyway the appointment went great..the Nurse practitioner told me that it is completely normal for me to feel the way I do and that if I had come in and said I feel absolutely fine, then she would have been worried! I start my pre op diet on Friday so umm yea tomorrow will def be "the last supper" lol but oddly enough,for some reason these past few weeks my stomach has not been able to tolerate really greasy or heavy foods. so I actually have been eating decently. but tomorrow let me just say that I am going to enjoy eating a nice meal..I wont over do it tho I promise!! Im sooo ready to start my life over!!

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Im aug 11th too! Had my pre op ALL DAY yesterday and then signed the final consent with the dr. I have been nervous about the surgery but moreso for aftewards. i dont want to go through all this and lose only 20-30lbs. I wanna be successful at this. I wanna make this a life change...forever!!! I am with you about lack of sleep being up all night stressing. I just ordered BANDWAGON, its a good book with high reviews. I also went to the library last night and got a WLS book. Tying to educate myself so much on this sugery is stressing me lol

I'm here and we r all here if you need help, support, advice, stressing, venting, etc... BEST OF LUCK and we wil be great!!!

it wil be here and we will say "I wish I had done this sooner" like most have attested.


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I am freaking out as well. I am scheduled for surgery for August 30th, was supposed to have already had it July 15, but had to postpone, because of all things, my dog got very sick and had to have 2 surgeries himself and I just couldnt be stressing about all of this at the same time.

I wish every day of my life I had never told anyone, friends or family!!! My mother and father want to come to the hospital the day of my surgery and this is creating even more stress and aggrevation. Because they are both very negative people who make everything about them.

Can I just tell them not to come???? I really dont want them there in the waiting area where I will be. I will just get even more stressed. But in all honesty, I am seriously re-considering this decision.

I had started my 2 week pre-op diet on Sunday 14th, and by Thursday 18th, I had given in and had some chunky chicken Soup and a few crackers, and it has all been down hill from there, I have drank soda and eaten lunchables and even had some Peanut Butter candy today!!!!

How can I be serious about this and expect success to come my way if I am sabotaging my own pre-op diet already??? I am depressed and having heart palpitations and knowing I will fail.

I just dont know if I can do this!!!! I hate pain, I hate the idea of needles, I hate the idea of my family being a part of any of this and I hate knowing I will have to drink and not eat and crush meds up to swallow and other than losing some weight, I cant see anything postive about any of this.

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I'm so glad I read this!!! I'm sooo feeling the exact same way!!! I was given a date on yesterday! Aug 31st!! I still have that pre-op thing to attend! As for the "not telling those closeto you" I swear we are on the same wave length!! (it was scary to read how similar our thoughts are/were!) so, it's the 20th....HOW ARE YOU FEELING??? Please share your current thoughts and feelings! Thanks so much!!!

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I'm so glad I read this!!! I'm sooo feeling the exact same way!!! I was given a date on yesterday! Aug 31st!! I still have that pre-op thing to attend! As for the "not telling those closeto you" I swear we are on the same wave length!! (it was scary to read how similar our thoughts are/were!) so, it's the 20th....HOW ARE YOU FEELING??? Please share your current thoughts and feelings! Thanks so much!!!

I am feeling a little better today. I have had my Protein drink and banana. My stomach is rumbly tumbly already this morning, dont know what is up with that. But, I feel less stressed. I guess reading others stories and talking to a few made me feel some better. I still have some doubts about it. And I am sure in the next 9 days, I will flip flop back and forth a dozen more times. I have to take the family stress element out of it, I have to set my foot down and make it known this is about me and my life and my decisions and not a time for them to come bringing their neverending petty squabbles. I feel achy all over, my lower back is really hurting, I am hoping it is just from the extra walking yesterday.

But I am not all freaked out today. Of course it is really early. Determined, add me, I tried to add you but for some reason it wouldnt go.

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I too was banded on Aug. 12 and felt the same jitters and doubts ahead of time. It's been 9 days since surgery and I am hungry! The gas bloating finally subsided enough to fee comfortable but definitely still letting some out. It's pretty embarassing around my husband and especially my toddler who announces every time she hears it. I know it's funny to think about in hindsight, but not at the time it's happening.

Having had the surgery is surreal. My doctor has me on Water type liquids for 2 weeks, which will end Fri., Aug. 26. I never thought I'd be happy to have baby food mush, but I honestly can't wait at this point. I've had Water, chicken broth, Tomato Soup, ice pops (sugar free), and one Protein shake per day. Sometimes, even for short periods when I'm not hungry, I still linger in the kitchen craving food. Especially when cooking for the family. That's the worse part.

I've only told 3 people about my suregery: My husband, my best friend who tried to qualify as well, but didn't, and the person who recommended it to me because she had it done. Nobody else knows. It's been really hard keeping the secret and making excuses for not going out with people (because I can't drive and can't eat). I told one friend I've had a stomach bug, but she's in shock it has lasted for 9 days. Yeah, she calls often to get together for play dates with our kids and/or lunches alone without kids , etc. So today I told her I'm getting better but sticking to liquids to stay on the safe side and suggested we get our nails done when she suggested lunch. She's urging me to see a doctor. And my in-laws are relentless too. They keep wondering why I haven't attended their 3 get-togethers ine the past week. Yeah, I know, 3 get togethers with in-laws, incredible right? How much family can a person take? Anyway now with the stomach virus excuse, their suggestions on various intestinal meds are flooding in. Oh, and they chose to come to my house, since I didn't go to them. Talk about overwhelming! That was 4 days post-op. I had to pretend not to be in pain and hide the fact that I couldn't lift the baby (30 plus pounds) to change her or whenever she requested.

How's everyone else out there doing with telling/not telling people?

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Oh My... I'm thinking we all are going through he same anxiety & fear! As long as we don't run into any insurance snags my surgery will be Fri Aug 26 . I just started my pre-op liquid diet Friday & it wasn't bad UNTIL TODAY!!! I find myself craving food that I wouldn't even look at a week ago- I just keep telling myself that the 26th will be here soon!

I too haven't told anyone except my kids- I guess I don't want to hear the questions "Are you sure you want to do this? It's quite drastic don't you think? Have you tried dieting? etc... YES, YES, YES I know! SHEESH---Do people really think I would go through all of this if something else worked?

I am so ready for this---I am so looking forward to not hiding when someone breaks out the camera for family pics. My husband is finally on board with this decision. He's always telling me how beautiful I am ( what a good LIAR) and I think I convinced him that I was doing this for ME and no-one else.

While I'm home for my 2 weeks recuperation I will get my weight loss ticker going and I will post some "before" pics!

Thanks for listening


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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