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Questions about the lap band surgery

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Hello everyone my name is Brandon and I am currently looking to get the lap band surgery but I have a few concerns and questions I really think this is the best option for me being that I am extremely overweight and its is holding my life back it is stopping me from reaching my full potential so I was hoping I could ask you guys a few questions being that you have went through this process already I would like to know is surgery painful at all when you wake up,does the wait fall off of you at first I would like to know this cause IM so obese that I need to lose at least 50 pounds before I can really exercise the proper way.and what is food like like can you still enjoy food when you have reached your goal I love steak would I be able to ate steak eventually and can you have the band eventually removed when your lifestyle has significantly changed? and what is the band like when they adjust to open it as far as it can go??

These are just a few question of course I have more but I will just wait



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Painful? I was in pain when I woke up but got much better after a coupledoses of fentanyl (I believe that's what they gave me in the hospital) the rest of that day I was regretting my decision,( at home) when the pain meds weren't in effect. The next day I was a lot better, still uncomfortable, butmuch better. Third day I only took the meds once and then that was it, still sore, but I did not need meds. Everyone has a different pain threshold.

The weight loss rate is what you make of it. It will be faster if you have more to lose, but you need to eat right to make it work. Don't think you don't need to watch yourself.

If you can't exercise right away, some people don't and still lose, but I would definitely start when you can.

As for steak, well it depends. Some people can't eat it, some people can. I have barely any fill and I can eat whatever I want.

As for having it removed, it usually is not removed unless there are complications. It's supposed to last, also there is a risk you'll regain the weight.

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Hello everyone my name is Brandon and I am currently looking to get the lap band surgery but I have a few concerns and questions I really think this is the best option for me being that I am extremely overweight and its is holding my life back it is stopping me from reaching my full potential so I was hoping I could ask you guys a few questions being that you have went through this process already I would like to know is surgery painful at all when you wake up,does the wait fall off of you at first I would like to know this cause IM so obese that I need to lose at least 50 pounds before I can really exercise the proper way.and what is food like like can you still enjoy food when you have reached your goal I love steak would I be able to ate steak eventually and can you have the band eventually removed when your lifestyle has significantly changed? and what is the band like when they adjust to open it as far as it can go??

These are just a few question of course I have more but I will just wait



Hey Brandon,

Ok so first of all to address some one your questions, is the surgery painful. Yes, I am not going to lie. It sucks waking up from surgery and you will have gas pains etc. You also will eventually throw up called "sliming or dumping" something's things get stuck in your throat and there is only one way to come out! After my surgery I did walk 30 minutes a day as they recommended to me to start, I started at 420lbs so exercising was really hard. After I lost about 50-70 I was more eager and wanted to exercise. It's hard to get into it but now a year later I am down to 228lbs and I can't wait to work out each day. Foods I can get well sadly I cannot eat bread. None at all mostly because it gets stuck in my throat on the way down so it's not worth it. Soda is a huge no for me too I become super bloated and gassy. Lettuce gives me issues too, so does omelets. HOWEVER this is me. I am told this can be different for everyone. Some people can eat certain foods and others can't. I can eat steak with no issues as long as I cut it up to tiny pieces and chew, chew, and chew some more. It's really about how much you can chew and small bites. I am also under the understanding the band can stay in your body forever. It never has to be removed. I am not planning on getting it removed ever honestly. Once you get to your "YAY" goal you just maintain your weight at that point. (I am assuming since I haven't gotten there yet) Your last question how does the band feel when it's open well keep in mind after surgery your stomach is swallow and irritated. That's why your on liquids for a week and the move up to mushies and then solids. I can never feel my band inside me. When I get a fill though it takes about 2 days for my body to adjust to the new tightness and I can feel more restriction quicker when I eat. It's hard to explain sorry! If you have more question please let me know!! I'm a open book!!

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I was one of the lucky ones. After surgery I had absolutely no gas pain and just a bit of soreness where the biggest incision was on my stomach. I never took any pain medication after surgery except 1 dose of liquid vicoden right before I left the hospital.

I started at 415 pounds. On May 9th I started my pre-surgery liquid diet, I had surgery on May 23 and as of Monday 7-25-2011 I have lost 51 pounds. I do not have any fill in my band so I can pretty much eat anything I want as long as I chew really well. I do have to be careful with bread. I stick to a strict diet. I eat about 1200 calories a day, focusing mostly on Protein and trying to eat low carb. I drink 10-12 glasses of Water a day. The great thing is that they want you to eat a lot of Protein, so eating steak is not out of the question. You just need to chew carefully.

Like you I have a very difficult time exercising. I cannot walk any significant distance. I have started slowly riding a recumbent stationary bike. (People all weights and sizes can do that) I also swim. I have a small circular 12 foot above ground pool that is 3.5 feel deep. It was $99 bucks at Walmart and came with a pump and filter. I hang on the side and kick my legs, 500 sets on my back, 500 sets on my stomach. I swim "laps" using only my arms. Granted they are really very small laps, but I'll do 10 one way, switch direction and do 10 the other and go back and forth.

Good luck with your research. I will tell you...everyone is different. Dont let any 1 experience color your opinion. I hope you find the information you are looking for so you can make an informed decision.

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I'm 5 days post op and I will say that (for me) it wasn't so much painful ... just an annoyance that something is sore in my stomach area .... I've followed all of the post op rules (slow sipping Water, deep breathing exercises, walking) and I feel pretty good :)

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What would you guys say was the hardest about this procedure post op and pre op,also did you guys vomit alot i realy hate to vomit i have a thing about it.

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What would you guys say was the hardest about this procedure post op and pre op,also did you guys vomit alot i realy hate to vomit i have a thing about it.

The hardest part? Honestly, the liquid pre-op diet and I only had to do two day of Clear Liquids (water and broth), some people have to do two weeks of liquid and some people don't have to do it at all. As for the vomiting, you might be nauseous from the anesthesia and pain meds, but they will give you nausea meds for that. You shouldn't vomit regularly. I've only had one fill and from my understanding if you vomit everyday you are too tight. I'm pretty new to everything (surgery 6/20/2011), but hope I could help! Good luck!!

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Hardest part for me was definitely the pre-op and post-op liquid diet. 2 weeks before and after my surgery I could only have Protein shakes, Jello and broth. It was hard...the hardest thing I have ever done.

I am only 2 months out and dont have a fill, but I have not thrown up at all since my surgery. I also have not had any food get stuck.

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overall do you guys wish you just lost weight the old fashioned way? is the band a burden on you,is all the struggles worth it ?

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Hardest part for me was definitely the pre-op and post-op liquid diet. 2 weeks before and after my surgery I could only have Protein shakes, Jello and broth. It was hard...the hardest thing I have ever done.

I am only 2 months out and dont have a fill, but I have not thrown up at all since my surgery. I also have not had any food get stuck.

have you shed any weight jen120?

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have you shed any weight jen120?

If you see Jen's "ticker" she's already lost 51 lbs.

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I've lost 51 pounds since May 9th.

With regard to losing weight the old fashioned way...I actually lost 125 pounds back in 2005 and I gained every single pound back. I did Weight Watchers and exercised. There were many reasons why I gained the weight back. A big reason is that I used to binge all the time to help deal with difficult emotions. I've been in therapy for over 3 years to address my eating issues. I got a divorce (the source of much unhappiness) which helped me tremendously.

My main reason for getting the band was not really to help me lose weight, but to help me from gaining it back again. Also, even though I have the band...I still have to eat right and exercise. So in some ways I am still doing it the old fashioned way. The band is not a miracle worker. You have to put work into it to make it work.

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I'll try to answer some of your questions.

Does it Hurt? Well yeagh!, but I had Dental Surgery that was worse. It gets better, and pain Meds. help.

Can you have the Band removed, when you hit your Goal?

Some people have had it done like Sharon Osborne, she said it's all in her head, and with her money,,, she can afford a Headshrinker. Did she go back to the Band? I was reading it last week that her success is do to her band.

So I guess it's up to you, and your habits. If they stay the same, you will only regain the weight..

Can you eat Steak? Well were all different, and I know that I do, but I only eat the Tenderloin off of a Porterhouse Steak It's moist and soft. That's how most food for me has to be. So you will find out, just chew, chew, chew..

Does the weight fall off? Again that depends on how heavy you are, because your calorie intake is going to drop a lot !

So if your body is use to high calorie intake, and you make a huge change, yes you will lose some weight quick, but,,,, the norm is 1-2LBS. a week.

Exercise? I wouldn't even give that a thought, you will need to heal, you don't need a Hernia wright? So take your time and walk for a while. Once you get the O.K. from your Dr., you can start slowly with exercise, and work your way up. When you feel a pain in your gut It's telling you that it's to much, so take it easy.

I hope this answered some questions. Get back if you need anything else, Shirley.

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is surgery painful at all when you wake up

Pain is very subjective. That said, you will have some pain, but it is completely manageable with the post-op pain meds they give you. My pain in the hospital was pretty well controlled, my first night at home was pretty intense because the liquid Lortab made me nauseous, but once we got that taken care of I was ok. The gas pain was the worst for me-- felt like a pinched nerve in my shoulder and I just had to wait for it to go away on its own. I wouldn't let the pain stop you-- it's liveable.

does the wait fall off of you at first

Because you're male (I'm assuming), you'll probably lose more quickly than the average female. But no, I wouldn't say the weight falls off at first. The first month after surgery your body is healing and a lot of people find their weight loss slows or even stops for a few weeks after surgery, even though they really aren't eating much. It's completely normal. Unlike bypass, which will have immediate easy weight loss, the band takes tweaking and for some people, it can be a while before they start to lose a significant amount. That said, others have an easier time of it-- I'm one of them. I didn't exercise at all for the first 80 lbs or so, and I am still not exercising much. Just don't go into it expecting to lose the weight super fast-- you didn't gain it over night and it isn't going to disappear over night.

can you still enjoy food when you have reached your goal

I still enjoy food, I just eat a heck of a lot less of it. I wouldn't go into this thinking you'll change the way you eat until you reach goal, then go back to how you eat now-- if you do, you'll just gain it all back. The band should help you make a lifestyle change that will last for the rest of your life-- think of your dietary changes as being permanent. When you go for adjustments, find the point that you have a curb in your appetite without being too tight to eat solids. Some people search for a tightness level that is unhealthy so that the band will physically stop them from eating-- my advice is not to be one of those people. Look for hunger control only, and you can enjoy the food you love in moderation for the rest of your life and you can do it at a healthy weight

can you have the band eventually removed when your lifestyle has significantly changed?

Most surgeons consider this a permanent surgery and will not remove the band unless there are complications that necessitate it. It is reversible only in the sense that if there are problems, they can take it out. But if it's working, why go through another surgery to have it removed? What makes the band amazing is that it isn't only a diet tool to help you lose weight, it's a lifelong maintenance tool to help you keep from gaining it back.

Edited to Add: I have never thrown up since my surgery and I am 10 1/2 months out. My band is fairly loose, which helps. I do have to be careful with bread and I avoid it for the most part because it isn't good for weight loss and I really don't want to break my no-stuck-no-puking streak :)

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Hello everyone my name is Brandon and I am currently looking to get the lap band surgery but I have a few concerns and questions I really think this is the best option for me being that I am extremely overweight and its is holding my life back it is stopping me from reaching my full potential so I was hoping I could ask you guys a few questions being that you have went through this process already I would like to know is surgery painful at all when you wake up,does the wait fall off of you at first I would like to know this cause IM so obese that I need to lose at least 50 pounds before I can really exercise the proper way.and what is food like like can you still enjoy food when you have reached your goal I love steak would I be able to ate steak eventually and can you have the band eventually removed when your lifestyle has significantly changed? and what is the band like when they adjust to open it as far as it can go??

These are just a few question of course I have more but I will just wait



Surgery is painful. Everyone experiences pain differently. For me, the pain medicines made me comfortable. I am in my 40s, I was back to normal in about 2 weeks. The weight does not fall off at first. With a band, it can take several months to get to the appropriate fill level for the band to give the most help. The band is a strictly restrictive procedure. the weight loss you achieve is based on calorie restriction, not on restriction and malabsorption like gastric bypass. Lapband patients are advised to expect losses of 1-2 pounds per week. Being at a higher weight, you might lose faster at first, once your calorie consumption is under control.

If you are looking for rapid weight loss, gastric bypass or vertical sleeve is the way to go, not banding.

Exercise, you do what you can. Even lifting weights or dancing in a chair will help until you can start weight bearing exercises.

The band is not meant to be a temporary item. It seems when most people get their bands removed or unfilled, old habits creep back in and weight gain occurs. When there is no Fluid in a band, for most of us, it is like we have no band. We can generally eat the same amounts we could before surgery. There are some here who have restriction without any fill in their bands, but they seem to be the exception, not the rule. I have never had all the fill removed from my band since I had it installed. Having unfills for special events in life is just not something I would consider. My new way of eating is for life, and it is not dependent on chances to eat more food or new foods. I can experience plenty of food without unfilling it.

Steak...well, it can be problematic for many banded people. Like a previous poster, I can eat it if I cut it into very small pieces and chew VERY well. I tend to get tired of chewing before my portion is gone. It is a lot of work to eat. You might be able to eat it, you might not. It is something you will have to be willing to give up if it turns out to be something you cannot eat.

Keep the questions coming, the better informed you are, the better decision you can make!!

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