Angelica1 0 Posted July 19, 2011 Hey everyone I'm new to the forum and I have just had my lap band surgery on July 13th. and I know I'm only a couple days out but I've been having these crazy gases in my chest. I totally feel them up in my neck to the point where I cant sleep comfortably. To make it worse I can not burp for the life of me it just wont come out and I walk around like a mad man. I've been told that its normal but I'm asking how long will these gases last. I'm going crazy. I feel like I want to stick a straw in my neck to release the pressure and let the air out. (I'm totally kidding!) Let me know how long it took y'all to rid urselfs of these terriable pains.. thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Allison0927 329 Posted July 19, 2011 it will go away i promise - mine came about day 3 after surgery and finally left about day 8 - worse 5 days ever - definitely the worst part of the whole thing - the surgery was a breeze compared to the pain of the gas after. Best of luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tarah 0 Posted July 19, 2011 I feel the same way. I was banded on the 14th, and the gas in my chest had been the worst part!! I am also trying to get used to taking small sips, and drinking slowly. It really is a lifestyle change!! I am so relieved to read that what I am feeling is "normal". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CurlyDiva 5 Posted July 19, 2011 Hello all!! I too was banded July 13th and this is what has helped me : -gas x strips (NO) didn't work for me, but may for u. One reason is because these strips are meant to move gas trapped INSIDE the intestines, well our gas isn't trapped in the intestines -after I took pain medicine, I would pull my knees up to my chest as far as they would go! This got things moving! -fetal position and rocked-this too got things moving -just sit on the toilet and move around ...think "channeling the poot" lol!! -massage your stomach and surrounding areas! -HEATING PAD! (Now this one, especially with my back was GOD SENT! lol) After day 3-4 Im still having a small amount, but my stomach isn't as bloated! Good luck to u! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angelica1 0 Posted July 19, 2011 Thanks everyone for your input. I've been taking the gas x chewables and yesterday i was able to sleep on my back for the first time all week but now I feel the gases all in my stomach I feel super bloated so I might take it easy on the gas x. Thanks all for your help and good luck to you all!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YngGram 73 Posted July 23, 2011 Gas woke me my first night home, I was up out of bed like the house was on fire. I wakled the hall for about 30min. each time it happened. It does get better.However, I do somethime have gassy days, and recently learned that I was eating to fast. Slowed it down and no gas this week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
B-52 7,113 Posted July 23, 2011 Gas-X has nothing to do with the post-op gas pain most people complain about. This pain is from the procedure of pumping air into your abdominal cavity to make it easier for the surgeon to work. After, they extract the air, but never get all of it. The air will accumulate and move upward, under you ribs and eventually accumulate in your left shoulder. My daughter is a Nurse Practitioner, critical care post-op. She informed me the ONLY treatment for this is to get up and start walking as soon as possible after surgery, as much as possible. It is a standing order for all post-op patients in Hospitals. People may experience different "gas" pains in their digestive tract due to radical changes in their diet. Gas-X will work for this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wannawearabikini 9 Posted July 23, 2011 This sounds exactly like me!!! The gas in my left shoulder is the only thing that actually put me in tears several times!! I was banded 15 days ago and ever still I have pain. Especially when I lay down and also when I eat. It's weird! I'm hoping it goes away any day now!!! Hopefully it won't last as long for you as it has been for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oldiebutgoodie2 11 Posted July 25, 2011 Well, wait til you start consuming 80+ Protein a day!-- you become a tooting factory! Thanks for the Gas-X suggestion! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites