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8 months post Lap Band surgery & not enough restriction!!

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I wanted to ask you guys if the lack of restriction I still am experiencing is truly normal, like my surgeon keeps telling, or if something might be wrong, such as a leak in the band? Or something else? You see,ever since my surgery on 12/9/10, I haven't hardly experienced the restriction you'resupposed to. After my last fill (about 3 weeks ago, it was my 5th) I did experience full restriction like I'd readabout, but it only lasted a few days. For instance, I couldn't just guzzlewater. And if I ate normal speed, food would back up in my esophagus, and Ineeded to slow down & wait between bites. And I was full with small amountsof food. But each day that lessened until 6 days after the fill, for lunch Iate a hamburger. Then a 2nd hamburger. Than a full piece of corn onthe cob. Then a big helping of coleslaw. I was quite full, but I shouldn't beable to eat nearly that much at one meal, should I?

Month after month, I've asked my surgeon about the lack of restriction after the first few days andexpressed my increasing frustration, but he just keeps telling me it's normal. But by theend of March, I'd dropped 50 pounds and was so excited for my progress. Yetever since then I've fluctuated back up to only 40 pounds lost and back andforth. I see my surgeon tomorrow for my 6th fill, and I want to havesomething more to back me up than just what I've read leading me to believe Iwould have more restriction. It's been 8 ½ months already! If you could tell meyour experience, what you've been told or heard from other banders, that'd be abig help. And whether you've heard of a band leaking or what else could cause this lack of restriction.

Also, if he still brushes me off, I'd like to look intoswitching surgeons at this point. Do they do that? For instance, if I called upa different LapBand surgeon now and asked to switch to him for the remainder ofmy fills and maintenance, is that common? Or might they refuse? I still havethis ongoing shoulder pain I've had since the surgery, and the latest MRIs showthe tubing is pressing up against my diaphragm and maybe referring the painto my shoulder, like I've read about on this forum, and I'd need further surgery. Though the surgeon still says he's never heard of this problem and not sure that's really the cause of the problem. Neither has the neurologist heard of it, though he says it's possible. But I'm not at all pleased withmy surgeon's plans for that – long story. And I can't begin to afford a surgeryto fix it. Yet I don't know if it would be considered a mistake where thesurgeon should fix me for free. And I'm not remotely assertive enough to demandhe do it for free.

Thanks for any info you guys might be able to give me.


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I'll be 10 months out of surgery on the 28th of July, and I, too, never really experienced restriction like I hear from a lot of people. I don't know that I can eat the same amount I used to be able to, but I can definitely eat much more than I should...something I've exhibited multiple times. I force myself to eat VERY slowly, and I plan all of my meals for the day...and that's pretty much how I stay on course. I'm very envious of people who talk about this great restriction, eating small portions and being full for multiple hours. I never had that. I don't know that I ever will. I think that just happens for some people. The best I can do is to monitor what I do to the best of my ability. I know that I will fall; I've fallen numerous times, but it's getting back up that keeps me going. I hope you have success with restriction soon.

Also, it's completely ok to check into another surgeon. In fact, I'm planning on switching surgeons in the next few months. I've heard of people doing that before; find someone that works for you!

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You might want to switch surgeons, but also just because you CAN eat it, don't do it! If you simply slow down and enjoy your meal, you will get full!! you're probably eating so much so fast that your body hasn't caught up to you yet. Whenever youre done, and you feel "stuffed" it means you ate way to much! You're never supposed to feel stuffed, only satisfied.

Good luck to you!

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I completely feel your pain. I to was banded on December 2010. except I feel like everyone on this site is doing better than me. I have only lost 28 pounds! That's ridiculous I know!. Where I look at people who have lost soooo much more from being banded on that date. I know there are a lot of things I could be doing better but I mean I got the surgery for a tool and right now it's not even a tool. So i'm just beyond frustrated! I have had probably like 6 fills ( I have actually lost count) but I know I have 6cc's in my band. I just got a fill yesterday so well see how this one does. I'm just hoping it starts working soon because like you I am running out of patience and will be really mad if this doesn't work for me. I could've just gotten gastric at this point. SO FRUSTRATING. Sorry I don't think I really helped you. But I know how you feel. Hopefully it gets better for both of us.

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Wow I thought I was the only one with that experience. The band was not really the tool I hoped it would be. I spent time either hungry or getting sick. I did have a few weeks here and there where I was in a good place. That being said, I did loose all my excess weight. I excersised and stuck to a low cal/low fat/ low carb/ high protien diet. I lost 107 pounds in ten months. I was self pay, so the money I spent was a huge motivator. However, I wish I had given it one more try "on my own" before I got surgery. I don't want to discourage anybody, but I wouldn't do it again if I could do it over.

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I wanted to ask you guys if the lack of restriction I still am experiencing is truly normal, like my surgeon keeps telling, or if something might be wrong, such as a leak in the band? Or something else? You see,ever since my surgery on 12/9/10, I haven't hardly experienced the restriction you'resupposed to. After my last fill (about 3 weeks ago, it was my 5th) I did experience full restriction like I'd readabout, but it only lasted a few days. For instance, I couldn't just guzzlewater. And if I ate normal speed, food would back up in my esophagus, and Ineeded to slow down & wait between bites. And I was full with small amountsof food. But each day that lessened until 6 days after the fill, for lunch Iate a hamburger. Then a 2nd hamburger. Than a full piece of corn onthe cob. Then a big helping of coleslaw. I was quite full, but I shouldn't beable to eat nearly that much at one meal, should I?

Month after month, I've asked my surgeon about the lack of restriction after the first few days andexpressed my increasing frustration, but he just keeps telling me it's normal. But by theend of March, I'd dropped 50 pounds and was so excited for my progress. Yetever since then I've fluctuated back up to only 40 pounds lost and back andforth. I see my surgeon tomorrow for my 6th fill, and I want to havesomething more to back me up than just what I've read leading me to believe Iwould have more restriction. It's been 8 ½ months already! If you could tell meyour experience, what you've been told or heard from other banders, that'd be abig help. And whether you've heard of a band leaking or what else could cause this lack of restriction.

Also, if he still brushes me off, I'd like to look intoswitching surgeons at this point. Do they do that? For instance, if I called upa different LapBand surgeon now and asked to switch to him for the remainder ofmy fills and maintenance, is that common? Or might they refuse? I still havethis ongoing shoulder pain I've had since the surgery, and the latest MRIs showthe tubing is pressing up against my diaphragm and maybe referring the painto my shoulder, like I've read about on this forum, and I'd need further surgery. Though the surgeon still says he's never heard of this problem and not sure that's really the cause of the problem. Neither has the neurologist heard of it, though he says it's possible. But I'm not at all pleased withmy surgeon's plans for that – long story. And I can't begin to afford a surgeryto fix it. Yet I don't know if it would be considered a mistake where thesurgeon should fix me for free. And I'm not remotely assertive enough to demandhe do it for free.

Thanks for any info you guys might be able to give me.


Bonita, how long did it take you to eat 2 hamburgers, a cob of corn and large coleslaw 6 days after a fill? Were you able to eat it as you did pre-op? What I`ve noticed is that during my "bad days" I can eat any amount of food if I let myself do so. If you happen to be a bulk eater like me, then you really have to measure your food and keep to it.

Regarding a leakage from the band, it`s easy to assess that. Your surgeon only needs to withdraw the saline prior to a fill and measure it in the syringe before putting it back. I also feel that if the tube is pressing against your diaphragm and causing you pain, then you need corrective surgery to address that.

How are you doing in regards to exercise? Exercising helped me a lot when my eating was eratic. Good luck, hun.

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I would like to comment on this as well, but sometimes I can eat and sometimes I can't it really just depends on the day. It is good to hear that someone has lost 104lbs. I had my surgery on 10/29/11 and so far I down about 68lbs. One month I did really good about lossing and the next month it seems like I hit a plateau. Some of you guys can still handle bread, but it is extremely difficult for me to eat a burger. I wish I could be down 100 by my anniversary, I just don't know what to do. I work out, watch my eating but I am still not really lossing. What were some of the things vlp1968? I could use some advice.

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I would like to comment on this as well, but sometimes I can eat and sometimes I can't it really just depends on the day. It is good to hear that someone has lost 104lbs. I had my surgery on 10/29/11 and so far I down about 68lbs. One month I did really good about lossing and the next month it seems like I hit a plateau. Some of you guys can still handle bread, but it is extremely difficult for me to eat a burger. I wish I could be down 100 by my anniversary, I just don't know what to do. I work out, watch my eating but I am still not really lossing. What were some of the things vlp1968? I could use some advice.

First off, 68 pounds is great! I assume you meant 10/29/10 lol. You are right on track, the expected weight loss with lapband is 1-2 pounds a week. If I did the math right you have lost an average of 1.5 pounds a week. That is fantastic!

Ok, here's the advice you asked for. If your not excersising, I highly highly reccomend you start. Not only does it spur on weight loss but I find there is something about it that helps with food choices. If you are already working out, are you breaking a sweat? Are you doing it for at least 30 minutes? If you can kick it up a notch that would be very helpfull.

As far as diet, when I was loosing I ate very low carb/low fat/ low cal and high protien. I was too tight in the am for food, so I had a low carb protien shake for Breakfast (now that my band is looser I eat eggs for breakfast). lunch and dinner were a lean protien (chicken, fish, porkloin) and non-starchy veggie. I snack on nuts (1/4c) and low fat cheese sticks. Pretty boring I know, but it worked for me.

I also planned my day of eating in the morning. Not in an obsessive way, but just planning ahead. I would think about what I was going to eat and when depending on what I had going on that day. I try to eat at regular times- Breakfast around 9, lunch around 12, snack around 3 and dinner around 6.

Hope this helps and let me know how your doing. Feel free to PM me if you want.

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Thanks I needed some advice. I do work out and break a sweat. I guess the problem for me would probably be too much carbs. I will take your advice and see how things go. Be looking for me to PM you soon. And yes it was 10/29/10. lol

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Fiona, I am also curious how long it took you to eat the hamburgers? On a day when I can eat, if I sit there long enough, I can put the food down. I limit myself to between 20-30 minutes. If I haven't finished what I dished out, then I am done. That rarely happens. I am either finished with what I took or I have felt saitiety and stopped eating.

Does your surgeon withdraw all the Fluid from your band when he gives you a fill? That is an easy way to check for leaks.

Right now I am going through a rough patch. I got stuck on some chicken the other evening and now am very swollen. I could not get any solids to stay down yesterday, but can get liquids down. On another day I could eat 2 pieces of chicken. Those days are rare that I could consume that much solid Protein in one sitting, but it could happen.

It also depends on the food choice. I'd never get a hamburger down, we just don't get along. But a cheese quesadilla? Oh yeah, a large burrito sized tortilla with gobs of cheese and salsa will go right down with no trouble for me. So, I choose not to have them every day or else I'd not be able to keep the weight off.

Restriction for me is feeling a wisper of satisfaction on a smaller portion of food. It holds me longer than a meal used to, and that helps me fight the food demons in my head. It's not exactly what I dreamed it would be, but it's been great.

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I am about 9 months out and am just finally starting to feel the band work. Up till now it has been nostly will power, and not much band. But for the first time, I am starting to feel fuller longer. I can now go about 3 hours solid without feeling hungry. When I felt hungry, I would eat a healthy snack like a Protein bar, yogurt or cheese stick. But i have noticed the past few days that I am not as hungry now. I know the key is to eat Protein, but it gets tricky sometimes.

But I am constantly reminding myself to decided it I am stomach hungry or head hungry before I reach for sometihng to eat. I also drink a lot of Water to give myself a temporary fullness to stretch it out for the next meal.

I actually have another appointment on Wednesday, so I wonder if the PA will give me another fill.

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