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Why did you chose the band?

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Hi everyone! This is a long post, but I am really, really searching for advice and opinions so if you make it through the post, I would greatly, greatly appreciate your time.

This is the 2nd biggest decision I've ever made in my entire life. I'm not a risk taker (because I have BAD luck. I'm a walking Murphy's Law. NO joke!). So I just want to put out as much info on what I'm going through as I can.....which means this is a book. I also posted in some other forums on here so sorry if I upset anyone but you just don't know how much everyone's input means to me.

I'm in the beginning stages of researching the band. Right now I'm leaning toward Lap-Band and went to a seminar last night. The surgeon who lead the seminar wasn't completely anti-band but he was definitely pro-bypass.

Some background, I'm 25 and have been overweight since 3rd grade. I don't eat a lot of junk, I actually don't even eat a whole lot at all. I don't make the best food options, one reason is veggies make me want to throw up. Just the smell makes me sick. I've read that I might have very sensitive taste buds but someone told me I just spoiled my taste buds because the veggies I do eat are starchy. Over the past year I've also went through some life changing events. The first was my divorce-on one hand I did lose about 30 lbs due to the depression and it made me want to get a grip & start living a better life so I joined the gym about 4 months after our split. Then 3 days later I had a bad ankle injury. A very rare one at that. I've been dealing with that since April of 2010 and just had surgery May 24, 2011 and I'm still not able to walk. So for over a year I've been in and out of casts & leg braces and only able to walk very short distances which has sent my weight through the roof.

Well, a few months before my ankle surgery (I had a bone transplant-I had over half of my talas bone replaced with the bone & cartilage of a cadaver. I had a cartilage lesion which caused a 2 inch hole in my bone) I was totally done with trying to milk my way through the ankle stuff because it hurt when I walked, every single step so I said screw it and started going to the gym. I was ready to change my life, I was done with feeling so ugly and fat and wishing I could be different but I was also done with the crash diets, starving and diet pills. So I started eating better (although it wasn't a diet, I would indulge every now and then) but only drank Water (no more sodas, not even diet due to the preservatives in them & fake junk) and started going to the gym about 4 times a week, 1 1/2 a day. Well, I did that for almost 3 months and no results. I was doing over 10 miles on the cycle (random hill so it had peak, valleys and PEAKS) and over a mile on the treadmill (very brisk walking, about 3.5 mph with a small incline) plus lifting weights for my arms.

So while I've been out of work I have been researching the Lap-Band. I researched it some a while back (pre-divorce) but my husband said he loved me no matter what but didn't want me to do because his mother had bypass and it was just awful. I feel more comfortable with the idea of the band because it doesn't involve removing and/or rerouting your internal organs. I also am very impressed with the healing time, which is important because I don't want to tell people at work what I'm doing and I'm using 10 weeks of my 12 weeks of Family Medical Leave. The reason I don't want to tell people is because I don't want that stigma, and I can admit I have it too sometimes. You look at someone or comment, "Wow, she/he looks great! They've lost sooo much weight!", "Oh, you didn't know, they had that weight loss surgery."..."Ohhhhh". People think it's the easy way out and it isn't.

I am 100% against gastric bypass because I've seen several people in my own family that have had it and it was so awful. Several of my mom's coworkers have had it and now they have to have Iron infusions and it is just awful. Now, the weight loss was amazing but the after effects were almost too much to see someone go through. Not downing it for someone who does it, but it is NOT a choice for me.

So here is where I'm on the fence. The surgeon said that if you have a lot of weight to lose, 100 or more lbs, than the band may not get you there. He also said that in a majority of patients they don't even get into the 20's for BMI, they end up still in the 30's. He kept saying that if you want significant weight loss then he opted for bypass or the sleeve. He said the sleeve is in between (results, risks & recovery) bypass & band. He said you lose more weight than with the band & your eating habits aren't significantly altered (such as with the band with bread, rice, Pasta, eating & drinking during your meal, how fast you drink Water and how you have to eat your food slowly & chew, chew, chew). BUT I have seen so many people just on this site that have lost 100 lbs, or are right at it or have even surpassed it. I may not ever want to lose that much weight because 60 & 70 lbs is a lot of weight. My mom asked the surgeon if I chose the lap-band & he felt I would lose more with another surgery would he still do it, he said he would. My mom also told me 2 important things that are sticking in m mind: 1.) maybe all I want to lose is 60 or 70 lbs because that's a lot, some people may not want to lose 100 or more lbs & 2.) they're all about the numbers. They want to be able to say that their patients have lost X amount of weight. That's important to a clinics reputation.

I also know the band is a tool and I was already willing to change my life for good. Not just a crash diet, I want to be able to be "fit" (or "fit" for me, I know I'll never be a Track and Field star or maybe never be able to be in a marathon or triathlon) but I want to be in shape enough to run. I don't know why, but maybe it's because it's something I've never been able to do. After just reading one blog on the sleeve & the length of recovery, I'm almost back 100% at the band. My major problem is the hunger factor.

When I got serious about eating better & working out my main problem was the hunger. I went to GNC to talk to one of their nutritionist and told him that since I started to eat better it was a different kind of hunger. It was PAIN!!! I asked for an appetite suppressant, not a diet pill because I told him if the hunger would just stop I'd be fine. He told me nothing would stop hunger craving but caffeine, that's all 99% of diet pills were, so he suggest Oxy Elite Pro as well as CLA (which "supposedly" helps shrink belly fat over a longer period of time (very slowly) and it's safflower oil (I found a lot of medical sites & Wikipedia had a lot of info on the studies that did show in a lot of animal trials that it did decrease the fatty deposits and overall mass).

Y'all just don't know!!!!!! I was hungry ALLLLLL the time & I was eating! But I was able to tell there is a different in getting full on healthier food & on junk food. When I say I was eating better I would eat a Breakfast of fruit, oatmeal and low fat yogurt. For lunch I would usually have grilled chicken and fruit (maybe a grilled chicken sandwich on wheat bread or a grilled low-fat wrap at this cafe I fell in love with, Tropical smoothie Cafe, they served nothing fried-and maybe a smoothie-always checked the fat & calories). Snacks were usually fruit, low fat-low cal yogurt, or string cheese. dinner was whatever my mom cooked, with moderation (after my divorce I'm back at home, which is a little depressing but my ex-husband was physically & mentally abusive & I wasn't allowed to see them -and I'm an only child- so I love being here with them). But I was so hurt that with eating better & excercising so much I didn't get hardly any results. Now i didn't weigh myself, I went by how my clothes felt & how I looked because a number isn't really important to me, it's how I see myself in the mirror. When I go to the dr., I close my eyes on the scale & tell them not to tell me because I can't do anything about it (at that time) and it's only going to depress me. I dread getting on the scale so bad that I almost get sick to the point of vomiting. I don't even have a primary dr. and I know it's because of that one reason. So I know it's time to change my life & I'm willing to put in the effort with added diet and exercise.

I blame a lot of my problems on my weight, and of course going through divorce did not help, especially since he left me for another woman. She's thinner than I am but she's not thin or skinny. I was expecting Barbie so at least I didn't blame him leaving me ALL because of my weight. But I joined a few dating sites and I didn't get almost any e-mails. Guys don't flirt with me, except the occasional look & flirt at a red light when I'm driving, I was driving my mom's convertible one day & this guy (on a two lane road w/ a turning lane) drove in the turning lane yelling at me to give him my phone number because he "liked what he saw". And it was at the next red light when my brain gave way to the butterflies & giddy-ness. Ummmm, really? It's so bad that you got all excited and giddy over some stranger putting both our lives at danger? Has it really come to this?!!! I'm so not use to it that I was giddy about that?!!! And my mom tells me I don't get very many "bites" online because I'm not someone that sleeps around & I basically say that on my profile LOL but I just hate my weight. All I've ever wanted was a husband, home & family and now that I'm thrown back out into this lonely world, I'm panicked because even though I'm told that I'll meet someone my weight is a huge downfall. If I was thinner, more guys would talk to me & I would probably be asked to do more things. That isn't the only reason I'm doing this, I'm ready to change my life but it would be nice for a change to feel pretty & to get to shop at more stores in the mall other than plus size stores or stores that have a women's department.

I'm scared out of my mind. Now I don't know which surgery is right for me, my insurance covers the sleeve & the band. After reading my semi-life story, what is your opinion? Would the band be something that sounds like would work for me? Why did you chose the band over bypass? If you could go back, would you make the same decision?


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I chose my band for a couple reasons:

1. The bypass terrified me, while I do know a few people who have had success I am also aware of a few who have had complications up to a woman dying because of a complication (no thanks - not my cup of tea)

2. I was about 262 lbs and I felt that with the help of the band I would be able to get my bmi and scale under control.

I was right on both counts - have lost over 85 lbs in about 13 months and I am still losing (slowly now) - and I feel great, look better and I am ecstatic with my band

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I chose the band over bypass for the same reasons. My mom had bypass surgery and she gained back all of her weight before she passed away. It took her 20 years to gain it all back but she also had to take B12 shots and was anemic. My best friend's mom had bypass when we were younger too and over time, she gained it all back and then had it again. She passed away 2 years ago and before she did, she had problems with her potassium levels all of the time. What I saw with both of their surgeries was that they didn't change their eating habits and over time, they just regrew a larger stomach that allowed them to eat more and regain the weight. With my band, I know that I had to change the amount of food I was eating and that is what I was looking for. Following my surgery, I bought a baby spoon and fork (to help me take smaller bites) and I went to Wal-Mart and got some take-a-longs (small containers that hold 1 cup of food). I use these to help monitor how much I eat. Sometimes I can't eat the whole cup so I will just put the lid on it and put it in the fridge for later.

I had lapband 2/23/11 and have lost 52 lbs as of this morning. The weight loss has not been as fast as perhaps with the bypass but I can get in all my nutritional needs and it is coming off. I don't recall seeing how old you are or how much you weigh, but I understand about the attention and wanting to shop for the cute clothes. I am 40 years old and married but when you gain so much weight, you feel invisible and I felt lousy. I wanted to feel sexy again for my husband and be able to feel comfortable in my clothes. I too struggled from an early age with my weight. For me, the thing I have to remember is that the band is only going to help with the amount you can eat, if you are wanting to reduce the amount you eat. That is what I was looking for. I hated feeling like I was never full and knowing I was eating way to much. The band did help me feel more satisifed with smaller amounts of food. However, what it doesn't do is limit the amount of calories you eat. You can still eat ice cream and other high calorie foods. I still have to watch my calorie count and the weight won't come off if I don't eat good foods and exercise. It only helps me with how much I can eat before I feel satisfied.

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I chose the band because I too was afraid of the bypass. I've seen some fantastic success stories, and I've seen some regain every last bit and more. No thanks.

I like the premise that the band is adjustable.

I'm also post-menopausal and with a family hx of osteopenia. RNY (bypass) patients have a greater incidence of bone loss due to malabsorption of Calcium. Not recommended for women of my age and family hx.

I was 385 day of seminar, 383 day of surgery. I am 2 years & 4 months out from surgery. This am the scale read 175. I may or may not reach a "normal" BMI. While my surgeon does use the BMI for pre-operative evaluation, my PCP says that a normal BMI should not be my goal. That it is not accurate for women my age, athletes or for those who've been MO for a long period of time (our bones are heavier and skew the scales).

I'm very satisfied with my weight loss with the band. I have my life back. I can do everything I need to do plus some. :) I'm in regular size clothing.

If your doctor is like most, you will have to have a psychological evaluation before having any kind of WLS. If I were you, I would seriously consider taking that opportunity to start working on your aversion to low carb veggies. It will be very helpful if you can find at least one you can tolerate without a ton of sauce or butter. But baby steps, find one you like with a sauce or butter, then gradually reduce the amount of sauce/butter each time you have it.. and you'll eventually get to where they taste good plain. I like many veggies with a drop or two of lemon juice.

For me, the band does help with physical hunger. Emotional hunger not so much. That is a separate battle and counseling can help with that.

Best of luck to you.

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As to the question if I could go back would I make the same choice?

Yes, I would still choose a restrictive surgery over a malabsorptive one.

Would I choose the band or sleeve? That is a harder question. That one I don't know. I THINK I would still choose the band, but the sleeve does look very good and I have spoken on the 'net with several who are doing well with it and are happy. I do know one girl on fb who is struggling with hers though.. but people struggle with all surgeries...

If your insurance covers both, research both thoroughly. And check to see if your insurance has a "1 WLS per lifetime" policy. That may help you decide which way to go.

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I went into the orientation with the lap band as my choice. The gastric bypass scared me for all of the same reasons posted above: I knew someone who had severe complications; I did not want my innards reworked; and I was just plain scared of it. My surgeon was also geared more to the GB rather than the lap band, but the staff at the WL program were certainly well informed on all the options, and supportive in our decisions.

I will admit that the sleeve really interested me. Unfortunatelly, my insurance does not cover that procedure. If it did, I would have opted for that surgery. With that option off the table, I focused on lap band and really love it.

I went into the WL program with a determination to change my lifestyle. I have been heavy since my school days. In fact, I am approaching the Onederland milestone, a weight I have not seen since my Junior year of high school (which was over 30 years ago).

This surgery is such a personal journey. I know during the 7 months in the WL program prior to my surgery, one question I would always ask was "Do you have any regrets from having the surgery?" Always, the answer was "NO!" If did not matter which surgery they chose, any difficulties they had, or the speed of their weight loss, every person I spoke to would do it again. That is what really helped me through my decision.

Good luck in your journey!

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I think the surgeon you dealt with was correct, to a point, but they didn't take it far enough. Yes, bypass patients tend to lose more weight initially, but over time, bandsters can catch up to them. Bandsters tend to lose slower, but they have more control, and can more easily manage things. If you want to take control over your life, banding is a perfectly valid option. Because it's a mechanical device, YOU are in control of your results.

Initially I wanted to have the sleeve, because I'm basically lazy, and I wanted it to do all the work. I figured I could lay around and eat junk food all day and still get magically skinny. (I know it's not that simple, but at the time, that was my train of thought.)

Reality set in when my insurance said they only pay for sleeve surgery if it's done at a military hospital, which isn't convenient for me. So I was left with a choice of either band or bypass.

I attended a support group held by a bariatric surgeon, and everyone in the room was a bypass patient. They were all seriously heavier than I was, and each had 200 pounds or more to lose. Even taking it to extreme, I couldn't see myself losing more than 150 pounds, and more likely around 125. These people were so nice, and very forthcoming with their advice, but they all (but one) seemed to be struggling with being post-op bypass patients. They told horror stories about vomiting and gastric issues and dumping and emergency hospital stays and revision surgeries and all the medical followups they needed, and so on and such, until I knew it just wasn't for me. (The one person who was doing well was several years post-op, and looked like a rake. She was too thin - a major triathlete who felt she looked amazing. I didn't think so. But even she had lots of stories to tell about how hard her journey had been.)

So I turned around and explored getting the band. I liked that they don't cut up and reroute my guts. I like that it's reversible, removable, and doesn't involve cutting anything out. I knew it would take more work, but I felt I was up to the challenge, and I knew that if there was a problem, i could have it addressed, and not leave my insides in some crippled state. So I had band surgery.

After I was fully healed, I have never looked back. I'm one of those who has lost over a hundred pounds, and I'm within sight of my adjusted goal weight of 195. I feel and look years younger. I have all the energy my job requires, and I'ev had zero health issues. This decision, for me, was the best thing I have ever done for myself. (And I've done a lot of things for myself over the years... :))

My advice: If you feel the band is the right choice for you, go ahead and have the surgery. Don't worry about what others think or say - this is about YOU, and nobody else. My ONLY regret about having the band surgery was that I wasted all those years before making a choice. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Good luck!


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My reasoning for the band was all of the above - however, I have some questions for you.

1) When's the last time you went to your general practitioner and got a full physical - complete with bloodwork? I ask because the way you describe your efforts to lose weight - working out like crazy and not dropping a pound, or barely making the scale budge - reminds me of me. You might want to make sure you're not hypothyroid, if you haven't already. My doc basically said I could run a marathon and not lose a pound, because of my thyroid. Worth checking. In fact, having a "baseline" of where you are medically is a great first step towards determining any issues that might need to be addressed - not to mention identify any potential co-morbidity which can help make your surgery more insurance-approvable.

2) It's not terribly uncommon to be STARVING when you're working out a lot - and while you seem to be eating good food are you a) eating ENOUGH for the level of exercise and B) are you eating LOTS of Protein? Your body will HOLD ON DESPERATELY to weight if you're not eating enough calories and working out like crazy. And Protein and fat make you feel FULL. So it's not terrible for you to eat some good fats and protein at every meal - to keep your hunger at bay. Eating smaller meals more frequently could also help you with this. But remember that when you have the band, you will have to deal with periods of time when the band isn't offering you the restriction you need, which makes resisting bad/excessive choices very difficult. My surgeon said that in many sleeve patients, there's evidence that the brain doesn't even register "hunger" so you have to remind yourself to eat. If that's a huge struggle for you, it's worth a thought.

3) With regards to Vitamin deficiencies. I chose the lap band because I didn't want anything malabsorptive, nor did I want my hair to fall out, or end up missing out on key nutrients. However, my physician has me on a BUNCH of Vitamins. So there is still a degree of aftercare that will require more Vitamins and supplements - it's just not as "dire".

It sounds like you are willing to put in the work that having a lapband requires. And it sounds like you have a good mindset - being aware of weaknesses that might hinder your success. I would echo what was said above and make sure you work with a therapist to identify those issues and address them - but I'm happy for you and wish you the best and tons of success regardless of your path to wellness!

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I'm private pay, so I had every choice available to me. Why the Lap Band? Control. I'm a control freak (working on it). All of the other methods can be destroyed just like the band can. You can gain everything back and even more. Complications can happen with any of the WL surgeries, but far less with Lap Band. Buuuuttt....I'm fairly young (33 yrs) and have no children. Much easier to do with a Lap Band. Long term, fewer complications. I went to 5 doctors, their support groups, seminars, etc. I learned which docs cared about aftercare and which didn't. I became an expert on Lap Band Surgery. I talked to patients in waiting rooms, forums, etc. I talked to some that didn't follow food rules and blew it, I talked to some that did great, and some with so-so results. I'm a super picky eater - so part of my surgery is learning to cook (as opposed to reheating stuff) and learning to accept new foods. I'm learning recipes for one and a whole lot about myself in the process.

The money for my surgery came from my new car fund. One day I woke up and realized that I couldn't drive a new car if I was dead. However, I can have a Lap Band, drive a less pretty car, and be alive. :)

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I chose lapband because of the lower risks, adjustable levels of restriction and long term results. I have a relatively low bmi and only need to lose another 54 pounds to be at my goal of a bmi of 21. I would be satisfied with a bmi of 25 or 26, I would settle for 29 because it still means I'm healthier than I was the day I started this journey.

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Gastric Bands are one of the most amazing thing to reduce the weight. it is simply amazing to know how one silicon band around your stomach linings can reduce your weight without any physical issues. these are one of the safest procedure to loose weight without any physical harness.

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I chose Bariatric Surgery because I was Dieing. I saw a specialist in Ann Arbor, Michigan, at The University of Michigan.

He told me I was drowning in my own fluids, and Death could come at anytime now, But you already know this, of course you do. I said Yes, so what do we do......

I couldn't lay down to sleep. because the Fluid was coming up. So I would choke, and cough, then run to the Bathroom. If I ran enough that night, I met get lucky enough to sleep in bed. I still knew there was a chance that my Husband would find me the next day dead in bed... At least it would be a quiet way to go.

Then it kicked in for me ! I want to live, and I will fight to live. That's the Disease talking because your so tired. So I started sleeping in the Recliner. but Water was still coming on..

When he weighed me I was 356lbs. I understood why I felt so bad.

He told me to go to Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit ,and see their Chief of Bariatrics, they have the Monopoly on this stuff.

I said Your the U of M ? Don't you do this surgery ? Well we use to, but we were not successful on the last patient. "BUT WE WILL BE BACK ON TOP AGAIN ! ! ! "

So I met with the surgeon who told me that I suffered from a incurable disease that has no Medical name yet, because they don't know what to call it, they just call it Pockets.

You have seen the man where the belly hangs to the knees "YES" he said that's what I have but in different areas of the body, and if I do nothing about it I would die.

Bariatric Surgery was the only cure. He put me on a 1200 calorie daily diet with a shake, and I started my weight loss in 2005.

He found out that Ins said Medically supervised diet for 1 year. So he took away my steroids for my knees, planned all my visits out, and said I will see you in about 8 months.

Well my Heart about sank. If I lived, I could have surgery to alter my life, and if I died, it would be do to Ins., top it off he took away my meds for these very bad knees.

Now that I am off the meds it has been 3 days, and they are killing me, I noticed for some reason I have to go to the Bathroom more, and more.

So for 30 days I urinated night and Day some times 3 times one after the other. This was Terrible ! I lost 30lbs. in 30 days !

My family Dr. put me on Water pills. which I still take to this day.

When I jumped through the Hoops, and my day for surgery had come. I had lost over 120lbs.. The Girls asked me why am I doing this. Well,,, Blackmail for my Orthopedic Surgeon so I wouldn't gain weight again, after he would replace my knee. So now I had 2 reasons for Surgery.

He talked to me about the Different types of Surgery, and he was leaning twords RNY, that did not interest me. I asked if the Band would have the same effect for me since I had a medical problem. He hesitated but said YES .. I said good, because I want the Band. He tried to convince me to go his way, but I would not budge. So he said O.K. but I tried to tell you !!!

When we were going to surgery he said LET ME DO THE BY-PASS PLEASE! I stuck to NO ! I want the Band. The Girls said are you ready for a new life ? It clicked L I F E that's what I need. I said YES.

This Halloween I will be Banded for 5 yrs., and I'm still kickin...

Even though I had a Glitch in it where he deflated me, and I regained weight. I have a Surgeon that was trained under him, but does not have his bold attitude. So were working well together.

So a BIG Booooo ! ! ! TO YOU, from this October 2006, Bandster.


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I chose the band because i needed help to loose weight but i was afraid. I wanted to be able to reverse things if i couldn't cope or something went wrong. I have lost 66 lbs in 12 months - 50% of my excess weight.

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I chose the band for several reasons.

1) I have seen so many rny patients gain back a lot of weight. I wanted something that I had control over. I knew that after hitting my goal, I would still have flexibility, if I lost some restriction, because of losing the fat, and noticed the scale going the wrong way, I could get a fill, and increase my restriction again.

2) I have no co-morbidities, so why do I need to lose the weight like speedy gonzalez? I don't.

3) I am almost 40. I don't need to be a size 4 (although if I want to, I just keep going until I get there!). I want to lose about 125-130 pounds. That will put me somewhere between 170 and 175. Most of all, I just want to be healthy though. If I keep losing, then so be it!

4) I did't believe what the doctors told me about the band not being as successful as the RNY. It's just slower, but if you have the right mind set, you can do it.

My doctor was deifinitely pro-RNY. He, to this day, after I've lost 31 pounds from surgery, feels the RNY would have been a better choice. OK< so I'd be hitting 75 pounds now, but I'm so pleased with my total weight loss of 41 pounds since May 1, 2011. I feel amazing. I look better than I did, and best of all, after I've hit my sweet spot, I don't feel hungry after eating small portions!

I love my band and wouldn't change it.

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A lot of surgeons tell you how much you'll lose but they're only going by statistics. Be more than a statistic. My doctor told me that I was only going to get to 224. That's not okay to me. And I'm only talking for myself. I personally want to get a lower number than that. So I'm going to shoot for 170. I know I can do it. My surgery was May 18, 2011 and I've already lost 65 lbs. I'm going to keep going until I reach his goal. And then I'll keep going until I get into the 100's. And then I'll keep going until 170. And you know what? I'll keep going until I am comfortable. I do plan on losing more than 100 lbs. Because determination and hard work goes a lot longer than just a few statistics. Besides, you're young... you only get this life once so why not make it the best you can? But here is some truth: The band isn't going to lose the weight for you. If you've been going to the gym religiously and havne't had much success then the band isn't going to drop the weight. Eating veggies is going to be a way of life because most foods (starchy) aren't going to go down the "pipe." fruit, veggies, and lean meats are my daily foods now. Maybe meet with the surgeon and your dietician and tell them about the situation. They'd love to hear about it. I wish you the best with whatever decision you make!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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