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Why have you chosen the Lap Band?

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Hi everyone! This is a long post, but I am really, really searching for advice and opinions so if you make it through the post, I would greatly, greatly appreciate your time.

This is the 2nd biggest decision I've ever made in my entire life. I'm not a risk taker (because I have BAD luck. I'm a walking Murphy's Law. NO joke!). So I just want to put out as much info on what I'm going through as I can.....which means this is a book.

I'm in the beginning stages of researching the band. Right now I'm leaning toward Lap-Band and went to a seminar last night. The surgeon who lead the seminar wasn't completely anti-band but he was definitely pro-bypass.

Some background, I'm 25 and have been overweight since 3rd grade. I don't eat a lot of junk, I actually don't even eat a whole lot at all. I don't make the best food options, one reason is veggies make me want to throw up. Just the smell makes me sick. I've read that I might have very sensitive taste buds but someone told me I just spoiled my taste buds because the veggies I do eat are starchy. Over the past year I've also went through some life changing events. The first was my divorce-on one hand I did lose about 30 lbs due to the depression and it made me want to get a grip & start living a better life so I joined the gym about 4 months after our split. Then 3 days later I had a bad ankle injury. A very rare one at that. I've been dealing with that since April of 2010 and just had surgery May 24, 2011 and I'm still not able to walk. So for over a year I've been in and out of casts & leg braces and only able to walk very short distances which has sent my weight through the roof.

Well, a few months before my ankle surgery (I had a bone transplant-I had over half of my talas bone replaced with the bone & cartilage of a cadaver. I had a cartilage lesion which caused a 2 inch hole in my bone) I was totally done with trying to milk my way through the ankle stuff because it hurt when I walked, every single step so I said screw it and started going to the gym. I was ready to change my life, I was done with feeling so ugly and fat and wishing I could be different but I was also done with the crash diets, starving and diet pills. So I started eating better (although it wasn't a diet, I would indulge every now and then) but only drank Water (no more sodas, not even diet due to the preservatives in them & fake junk) and started going to the gym about 4 times a week, 1 1/2 a day. Well, I did that for almost 3 months and no results. I was doing over 10 miles on the cycle (random hill so it had peak, valleys and PEAKS) and over a mile on the treadmill (very brisk walking, about 3.5 mph with a small incline) plus lifting weights for my arms.

So while I've been out of work I have been researching the Lap-Band. I researched it some a while back (pre-divorce) but my husband said he loved me no matter what but didn't want me to do because his mother had bypass and it was just awful. I feel more comfortable with the idea of the band because it doesn't involve removing and/or rerouting your internal organs. I also am very impressed with the healing time, which is important because I don't want to tell people at work what I'm doing and I'm using 10 weeks of my 12 weeks of Family Medical Leave. The reason I don't want to tell people is because I don't want that stigma, and I can admit I have it too sometimes. You look at someone or comment, "Wow, she/he looks great! They've lost sooo much weight!", "Oh, you didn't know, they had that weight loss surgery."..."Ohhhhh". People think it's the easy way out and it isn't.

I am 100% against gastric bypass because I've seen several people in my own family that have had it and it was so awful. Several of my mom's coworkers have had it and now they have to have Iron infusions and it is just awful. Now, the weight loss was amazing but the after effects were almost too much to see someone go through. Not downing it for someone who does it, but it is NOT a choice for me.

So here is where I'm on the fence. The surgeon said that if you have a lot of weight to lose, 100 or more lbs, than the band may not get you there. He also said that in a majority of patients they don't even get into the 20's for BMI, they end up still in the 30's. He kept saying that if you want significant weight loss then he opted for bypass or the sleeve. He said the sleeve is in between (results, risks & recovery) bypass & band. He said you lose more weight than with the band & your eating habits aren't significantly altered (such as with the band with bread, rice, Pasta, eating & drinking during your meal, how fast you drink Water and how you have to eat your food slowly & chew, chew, chew). BUT I have seen so many people just on this site that have lost 100 lbs, or are right at it or have even surpassed it. I may not ever want to lose that much weight because 60 & 70 lbs is a lot of weight. My mom asked the surgeon if I chose the lap-band & he felt I would lose more with another surgery would he still do it, he said he would. My mom also told me 2 important things that are sticking in m mind: 1.) maybe all I want to lose is 60 or 70 lbs because that's a lot, some people may not want to lose 100 or more lbs & 2.) they're all about the numbers. They want to be able to say that their patients have lost X amount of weight. That's important to a clinics reputation.

I also know the band is a tool and I was already willing to change my life for good. Not just a crash diet, I want to be able to be "fit" (or "fit" for me, I know I'll never be a Track and Field star or maybe never be able to be in a marathon or triathlon) but I want to be in shape enough to run. I don't know why, but maybe it's because it's something I've never been able to do. After just reading one blog on the sleeve & the length of recovery, I'm almost back 100% at the band. My major problem is the hunger factor.

When I got serious about eating better & working out my main problem was the hunger. I went to GNC to talk to one of their nutritionist and told him that since I started to eat better it was a different kind of hunger. It was PAIN!!! I asked for an appetite suppressant, not a diet pill because I told him if the hunger would just stop I'd be fine. He told me nothing would stop hunger craving but caffeine, that's all 99% of diet pills were, so he suggest Oxy Elite Pro as well as CLA (which "supposedly" helps shrink belly fat over a longer period of time (very slowly) and it's safflower oil (I found a lot of medical sites & Wikipedia had a lot of info on the studies that did show in a lot of animal trials that it did decrease the fatty deposits and overall mass).

Y'all just don't know!!!!!! I was hungry ALLLLLL the time & I was eating! But I was able to tell there is a different in getting full on healthier food & on junk food. When I say I was eating better I would eat a Breakfast of fruit, oatmeal and low fat yogurt. For lunch I would usually have grilled chicken and fruit (maybe a grilled chicken sandwich on wheat bread or a grilled low-fat wrap at this cafe I fell in love with, Tropical smoothie Cafe, they served nothing fried-and maybe a smoothie-always checked the fat & calories). Snacks were usually fruit, low fat-low cal yogurt, or string cheese. dinner was whatever my mom cooked, with moderation (after my divorce I'm back at home, which is a little depressing but my ex-husband was physically & mentally abusive & I wasn't allowed to see them -and I'm an only child- so I love being here with them). But I was so hurt that with eating better & excercising so much I didn't get hardly any results. Now i didn't weigh myself, I went by how my clothes felt & how I looked because a number isn't really important to me, it's how I see myself in the mirror. When I go to the dr., I close my eyes on the scale & tell them not to tell me because I can't do anything about it (at that time) and it's only going to depress me. I dread getting on the scale so bad that I almost get sick to the point of vomiting. I don't even have a primary dr. and I know it's because of that one reason. So I know it's time to change my life & I'm willing to put in the effort with added diet and exercise.

I blame a lot of my problems on my weight, and of course going through divorce did not help, especially since he left me for another woman. She's thinner than I am but she's not thin or skinny. I was expecting Barbie so at least I didn't blame him leaving me ALL because of my weight. But I joined a few dating sites and I didn't get almost any e-mails. Guys don't flirt with me, except the occasional look & flirt at a red light when I'm driving, I was driving my mom's convertible one day & this guy (on a two lane road w/ a turning lane) drove in the turning lane yelling at me to give him my phone number because he "liked what he saw". And it was at the next red light when my brain gave way to the butterflies & giddy-ness. Ummmm, really? It's so bad that you got all excited and giddy over some stranger putting both our lives at danger? Has it really come to this?!!! I'm so not use to it that I was giddy about that?!!! And my mom tells me I don't get very many "bites" online because I'm not someone that sleeps around & I basically say that on my profile LOL but I just hate my weight. All I've ever wanted was a husband, home & family and now that I'm thrown back out into this lonely world, I'm panicked because even though I'm told that I'll meet someone my weight is a huge downfall. If I was thinner, more guys would talk to me & I would probably be asked to do more things. That isn't the only reason I'm doing this, I'm ready to change my life but it would be nice for a change to feel pretty & to get to shop at more stores in the mall other than plus size stores or stores that have a women's department.

I'm scared out of my mind. Now I don't know which surgery is right for me, my insurance covers the sleeve & the band. After reading my semi-life story, what is your opinion? Would the band be something that sounds like would work for me? Why did you chose the band over bypass? If you could go back, would you make the same decision?


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Hi - have you heard or gastric plication? My lap band surgeon is recommending both. The lap band and the gastric plication. It is a fold over of the stomach with stiches (not staples). They don't cut out anything. It is a relatively new technique. He says that results show that you begin to lose weight quicker without the fills and then start with the fills and the combination gives much better results. Recovery time is the same as the band and they don't reroute anything. Theoretically they say it is reversable like the band. I have about 100 lbs to lose and am thinking about doing both.......

Good luck.

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Wow, hun! I'm so sorry that you're feeling this way! I think we've all felt that way before.. hence we're all banded or getting banded or having some kind of bariatric surgery. Things will get much better when you start feeling better about yourself.. and for some, that doesn't happen until we lose the weight. No one knows what you battle with internally.. and until the battle is either won or eliminated all together.. you will continue to struggle. Therefore, I wish you ALL the best on your journey, regardless of which path you take. ;)

Ok.. now that being said.. I have chosen to go with banding. I have been researching it for months now and have only made the decision recently. I have not been banded yet, but am registered for my seminar and a meet w/my surgeon.

Why I chose banding over:

Gastric Bypass:

I have never been one for surgery. This will be the first surgery of any kind I'll be doing. I don't think it's necessary until it's necessary, which is why I don't really get most plastic surgery. Who wants to be cut up unnecessarily??? Anyway.. my logic is.. if I have to go this extreme.. I want to go as low-end extreme as possible. I want a way out if things get bad. Cutting away 90% of my stomach and rerouting my intestines is not a way out..as a matter of fact, it's very risky and holds the most risk of all bariatric surgeries.

Gastric Sleeve:

Pretty much the same thinking.. cutting half of my stomach away is not a way out either. It holds less risks than the bypass, but more than the banding. Also irreversible.

Why I chose to do Lap Band:

Lap band, to me, was a no-brainer. It had everything I was looking for. Low risk, reversible and highly effective. I wasn't looking for a way out. Let me rephrase.. I wasn't looking for an EASY way out. I was more drawn to the band because it's not an "easy way out." You still have to eat right, you still have to exercise..but it's exactly what I want: a tool. A very effective tool. To be used to aid in my fight and give me more of a leg up against this weight. My reasoning may not be others.. but I know I like the fact that if (God forbid) something goes wrong w/it.. I can get it removed. Also, I figured, I'd take this route because if it doesn't work.. you can always do the bypass (which I doubt I'll ever do) or the sleeve. I would suggest leaving yourself with options...which is why I went with the band. BUT..OVERALL ..I would suggest doing what is best for YOU! And no one knows what that is except you and your doctor (mostly you :D).

I hope this was at least a little helpful. Feel free to ask me any questions. I'm certainly no expert, but I know what I know. I've done a lot of research on this..as should you (if you haven't done so already). I was able to make this decision with eyes wide open. Know the risks, know the potentials and numbers. You'll feel better about your decision when you do.

Here are a few of the sites that helped me when I was doing my research:



http://carolinasurgical.com/steps_to_bariatric_surgery.php - this site has a very good informational video you should watch.

Read slowly! Think carefully! Choose wisely!

All the best hun! :rolleyes:

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I totally agree with SumthinsGottaGive. It's the band (and possible with plication) for me. But the others are way more riskier than I'm willing to go with. I want to know it's reversible if need be. I have never had surgery either, so even getting banded is a scary thought for me because I honestly fear going under anesthesia and just dealing with the whole process, but all of the successes from those on this site truly does help me feel hopeful for the same success for my own self. I wish you well with whatever you decide to do.

Wow, hun! I'm so sorry that you're feeling this way! I think we've all felt that way before.. hence we're all banded or getting banded or having some kind of bariatric surgery. Things will get much better when you start feeling better about yourself.. and for some, that doesn't happen until we lose the weight. No one knows what you battle with internally.. and until the battle is either won or eliminated all together.. you will continue to struggle. Therefore, I wish you ALL the best on your journey, regardless of which path you take. ;)

Ok.. now that being said.. I have chosen to go with banding. I have been researching it for months now and have only made the decision recently. I have not been banded yet, but am registered for my seminar and a meet w/my surgeon.

Why I chose banding over:

Gastric Bypass:

I have never been one for surgery. This will be the first surgery of any kind I'll be doing. I don't think it's necessary until it's necessary, which is why I don't really get most plastic surgery. Who wants to be cut up unnecessarily??? Anyway.. my logic is.. if I have to go this extreme.. I want to go as low-end extreme as possible. I want a way out if things get bad. Cutting away 90% of my stomach and rerouting my intestines is not a way out..as a matter of fact, it's very risky and holds the most risk of all bariatric surgeries.

Gastric Sleeve:

Pretty much the same thinking.. cutting half of my stomach away is not a way out either. It holds less risks than the bypass, but more than the banding. Also irreversible.

Why I chose to do Lap Band:

Lap band, to me, was a no-brainer. It had everything I was looking for. Low risk, reversible and highly effective. I wasn't looking for a way out. Let me rephrase.. I wasn't looking for an EASY way out. I was more drawn to the band because it's not an "easy way out." You still have to eat right, you still have to exercise..but it's exactly what I want: a tool. A very effective tool. To be used to aid in my fight and give me more of a leg up against this weight. My reasoning may not be others.. but I know I like the fact that if (God forbid) something goes wrong w/it.. I can get it removed. Also, I figured, I'd take this route because if it doesn't work.. you can always do the bypass (which I doubt I'll ever do) or the sleeve. I would suggest leaving yourself with options...which is why I went with the band. BUT..OVERALL ..I would suggest doing what is best for YOU! And no one knows what that is except you and your doctor (mostly you :D).

I hope this was at least a little helpful. Feel free to ask me any questions. I'm certainly no expert, but I know what I know. I've done a lot of research on this..as should you (if you haven't done so already). I was able to make this decision with eyes wide open. Know the risks, know the potentials and numbers. You'll feel better about your decision when you do.

Here are a few of the sites that helped me when I was doing my research:



http://carolinasurgi...ric_surgery.php - this site has a very good informational video you should watch.

Read slowly! Think carefully! Choose wisely!

All the best hun! :rolleyes:

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Everyone that I ever known, that had Bypass is in the GROUND ! So I decided to do the band, even though my surgeon wanted to do ByPass on me, and I said NO WAY ! This was sprung on me on the way to surgery. He said O.K ! ! ! ! But I will be Sorry.

He was wrong, and I am alive to talk about it. Why? He didn't rip out 1/2 of my insides,, and reroute the other part. I wanted to keep my insides.

I would never go in for that surgery. The sleeve they are now doing where they fold part of the stomach,not remove it, and stitch it, not staple it..

Duodenal switch also interest me.

Bypass has the DUMPING too, who needs that......

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I wanted the band because I wanted to be able to take credit for my weight loss. And I can. When I tell people that I've changed what I eat and I'm exercising, it's the truth. The band does less for me than I thought it would, but I'm mostly OK with that, because I know that this journey is in MY hands and in MY control.

The other surgeries.... I would have lost much faster. And as appealing as that sounds to me sometimes, with the band I know I WORKED for every pound I've lost. I sure do hold my head high about that.

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I chose the band because I didn't do it 5 years ago when I could have, and since then I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I can't help but wonder if I had gotten the weight off when I could have... would I have developed the cancer at all? I fought for my life at the age of 37 (with no family history of cancer) because anything and everything became more important to me than taking care of my body. Never again.

I chose the band over the byass because it is not going to change my anatomy and as anyone who has been through breast cancer already knows, my anatomy has been changed enough. The band was the right decision for me. I just wish I had pulled the trigger 5 years ago.

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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