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WLS....a spiritual issue?

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Is it a sin to seek counseling when God gives us all the answers in the Bible? Is it a sin to wear a prosthetic if you lose a limb, because maybe God wanted to you struggle without a limb to learn something? Is it a sin to get a pacemaker, hip replacement, or have an operation to cure a defect in an unborn baby? Is it a sin to take Vitamins because you should be getting all of the nutrients you need out of what you eat?

Only if we know in our hearts of hearts that God didn't want us to. Why would God -not- want us to do something that is clearly better for our health? Well, good question. One to ask him, for many times throughout the Bible he asked people to trust him when it appeared that he "couldnt possibly expect -that- of me?!" Abraham and Isaac comes to mind.

As a couple of people have said here. If you are struggling with whether or not the WLS is right for -you- and whether or not God wants it for you, you should be on your knees seeking his will. Not the support or justification or validation from people on a message board. We are here to share support and mutual experiences. We cannot tell you what God would have YOU do in YOUR life. When it comes down to it, it has to be between you and God. What he does in my life may not be what he would choose to do in yours. And I thank him for being so caring and so wise to know what's best for each of us rather than giving us all the same answers.

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I understand your questions and in one way or another we have all had questions of some kind. Mine was not wanting anyone to know becuase I felt like a failure for needing it. If I had just worked harder, excerised more, eaten healthier, blah blah blah. I believe my parents to be 2 of the most spiritual people I have ever known. I was so scared to tell them. They have been the most supportive people yet. They told me to not think of it as failing or not doing what I should have done better, it's about making the choice to improve my life and my way of life to be there for my daughter and my family. It's about using this to not only turn my life around, but use it as a tool to help someone else as well. God will close the door if this is not for you right now. Trust in Him and know that whatever path you take He is always with you. This is not taking control from him, it's him showing you a path to help you take control and He will prepare you for something great.

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Some great stuff in this thread. I have struggled with these questions, also, and yes I do believe that being overweight is somewhat of a spiritual void, but what isn't these days? I guess I have moved into a more gray area of accepting myself where I am and accepting the opportunities that are given to me which will help serve God better.

My parents had me on a diet in the fifth grade. I vividly remember being on the playground counting the calories in Starburst candy. I was not an obese child by any means, just had some of that "baby fat" that our Moms used to call it. From then on, my focus has been on dieting. Even when I have had thin moments it has been about dieting. Right there, God was intervening because we have free will. My parents had free will to make me go on a diet every other day. I have come to accept being banded as someone posted earlier about "meeting God half-way." I did the exact same thing in AA as a recovering alcoholic....I felt God led me into AA where there was all of this love and help and by meeting him half-way, I simply had to stop drinking. Now I simply have to have surgery and do what is required to be successful.

I believe God wants me to be the best person I can be. I'm sure he cares if I have band surgery or continually diet and fail and ruin my body. I guess I'm just exhausted with dieting the normal way. I admit it. I'm tired. I have such ingrained complex feelings associated with overeating that I've already looked at in therapy. But, therapy didn't change these issues because sometimes issues are still there. So then, we move into what I like to coin "living life well with unresolved issues." This is an uncomfortable position to be in, but we all do it every day! So, I'm going to be banded because I think it is the right thing to do to initiate some control regarding my weight. A little help from my surgeon and I am going to be empowered both physically and spiritually. Because of feeling better about myself, I will have a better relationship with God and everyone else.

So, any type of addiction is a spiritual malady alongside the genetic part), but how we walk through it is the spiritual beauty. As my husband says, "once the fire is started, no-one really cares who started it." I have tried to do a couple Bible based diet programs and I simply didn't like it, didn't want to have to do all the work b/c I have failed so much it is like the Myth of Sisyphis where he has to push that huge stone up the same hill day after day after day. I think that is where the emotional stuff comes up and our (at least mine) ability to bounce back and try again becomes less and less. Hopefully, this will be a whole new approach!


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Do not condemn yourself for weaknesses,

Maybe that's the hard part? Maybe it's easier to be fat and have an excuse to be weak, that way I don't HAVE to be strong?

Nah, that's not it. But I KNOW I tend to get too full of myself and then DAILY come across some kind of either experience or memory of a past experience that starts the self-talk road of "forget it...sigh...whatever, not for me, not this time, loser, not worth it, it'll never happen, I ain't 'got it' and it doesn't even matter anyway." crap that I KNOW is wrong according to my Bible.

See?!!!! This IS a Hot Topic for me!!! Keep talking people! I'll keep smilin', promise! :biggrin1:

editing to add: I suppose the Hot Topic for me isn't whether or not getting banded is sinful. We are all pretty clear that in most circumstances, it's not. It's the dealing with the sin in my life, whatever it is, that keeps me fat, because it keeps me eating, even banded! I really should be losing better than I am. Maybe if I name the sin(s)? Search out the source? You guys KNOW what I mean! Gimme some therapy! The Free kind, I can't afford the professional type! LOL

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I was going through this same turmoil a while back. But I have come to the conclusion through prayer, if it will help me eat more properly, and in moderation, that is more along the lines of what the Lord wants for me. So I feel like I just need to pray for no complications at this point. Good luck.

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It's great to be able to have this seminar regarding the band and our Christian view of it. Our loving God allows us to make bad choices, but also provides the opportunity for redemption. Being led to have lap band surgery is just a path we can take to seek that redemption...not the ultimate redemption; that comes through our prayer and relationship with

God. I'll make this short, since it could take forever to lay out the case step by step. We make bad choices, we suffer the consequences, we ask for forgiveness and redemption, we are led to it. For the other bad choices I have made, there was a way to change, a way to be better. I thank God for allowing me the bad choices; because of them, I have been able to support and love others who are looking for the way out of their bad choices. If we were perfect, there wouldn't be a need for God's redemption through Jesus Christ.

I see the lapband surgery as a path, not a circumvention.

(Sorry Kathy... I'm not that good with scripture, but I'm trying to be better at it...Mikey seems better at that!)


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Originally Posted by PhotoNut

I believe that glutony, which is basically serving the flesh, is a sin.

I agree with Photonut, to abuse the body is a sin.

While I was researching the lap band I kept praying to Jesus, asking if this was the right thing to do, or am I coping out on somthing I should just work harder at (Lord only know's how hard I've worked at my weight loss with failure).

God knows my struggles, He knows just how much I suffer and I truly believe that if it wasn't meant to be then it wouldn't have happened. I have tried so many times to give my weight issues over to the Lord but in all honesty I don't understand/know where I've gone wrong because obviously I couldn't do it.

I believe that there is no sin in getting help with something that keeps you and your family in so much pain.

In short:

Overeating = Sin ... Yes

WLS = Sin .... No

Its not a sin to get help for your sin... IMHO.

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I'm just curious. Does anyone think that banding is somehow more permissible than RNY, because it doesn't permanently change God's creation? Is that a reason someone seeking to follow God's will might choose it over bypass?

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I'm just curious. Does anyone think that banding is somehow more permissible than RNY, because it doesn't permanently change God's creation? Is that a reason someone seeking to follow God's will might choose it over bypass?

Interesting. For me, no. RNY was simply not an option, personally.

But, I suppose at some level I felt it would be spiritually irresponsible, knowing what I know, to risk those types of complications. The band was just "less" risky, and therefore, not out of the scope of God's will. For me.

Yeah, I guess there's a twinge of that thinking in there. Not so much that it changes God's creation, but that the risks of RNY might keep me from God's will (caring for my family, etc) due to more serious health problems. JessicaO was a real clencher. All she wanted was to be a mother to her son, and look what happened. I feel that what I'm doing with my life in every other area IS God's will for me, so twarting it with health problems brought on by RNY would NOT be following God's will.

I was "making deals" with the Almighty left and right pre-surgery. He brought me through, now's my chance to make this opportunity a success, so that I am able to bring glory to God with my life in every area...as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend.

Well, this is therapeutic. Maybe I'd lose more weight if I did a better job of keeping up with my end of things. Quit borrowing Grace. hmmmm...

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If we were perfect, there wouldn't be a need for God's redemption through Jesus Christ.

I see the lapband surgery as a path, not a circumvention.

(Sorry Kathy... I'm not that good with scripture, but I'm trying to be better at it...Mikey seems better at that!)


There's a Romans 8 discussion hanging around out there...Kare said something about Romans 8 on another old thread, and I need to dig into that.

I totally see Banding as a path, not a cicumvention. Yeah, there's a verse for everything so surely there's one for that, right? LOL

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Many of you stated that you prayed to God that if this was something you should do and recieved an answer.

It would be interesting to me what your "answer" was? How did it come?


I wanted to do something about my weight. The hospital where I work started doing commercials for the doctors who were doing the gastric bypass surgery. I was so afraid of this surgery because of alot of the patients who didn't fair so well. The girl who worked behind my favorite deli, died after 4 months she was 28. The lady who went to my church lost 100lbs in 3 months. You may think wow but she can't eat, cant' digest anything. Has to come into the doctors office for IV everything. Not a life for me. Meanwhile I am praying to God to help me in this weight loss battle.

Jump to 2 months later. A friend/co-worker decides he is going to go for it Gastric Bypass. He says I don't care about all of the bad outcomes I just want this weight off and if I die doing it , then oh-well. He asks me to come to the information seminar that was being held in our conference room. I tell him I will support him but there is no way that I am doing the Gastric Bypass. The seminar was inspiring, Every one could not wait until the end to sign up for Gastric Bypass. One lady was crying that she will finally get her life back. I felt their pain but I was scared to death and I know that God said in his word to fear not cause I am with you always. Then at the very end MY doctor said these life changing words. We are starting a newer weight loss procedure in March the adjustable Lap-band. The weight loss is slower than that of the Gastric Bypass but it is a laporascopic procedure that will be done on an outpatient status.

I can honestly say my spirit lept for joy. The smile on my face was HUGE. I said right then Thank You Jesus, Amen!! I went to support a friend and GOD blessed me with the news. I signed up that day in January. The day of surgery I was a little nervous not scared. My surgery was 45 minutes long. I was in the hospital a total of 3 1/2 hours. I stayed home for a week and then went back to work. I have lost about 44lbs. I don't consider this slow weight loss. As opposed to Gastric Bypass yes, but as opposed to me doing it without any help it is super fast. That day in my seminar God answered my prayer. I asked Him to HELP me lose weight not to DO it for me and he has and is still helping me. With the band I have to do my part to help ensure the weight comes off. With Gastric Bypass and the Duodenal Switch the weight is going to come off whether you do anything or not. God helps those who help themselves. So yes I received my answer and I thank God for my band, AMEN!!!

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God helps those who help themselves...

For me it's been such a personal experience... i know that God wants met o be the best person that I can be... to use my talents and the gifts and abilities that I've been given.

I couldn't do that at my pre-surgery weight. I hated what I looked like. I hated who I was. I COULDN'T come out of myself enough to help somebody in need or to give of myself.... I was embarrassed and I felt like a horrible example of how a Christian should live but it's hard to love others when you can't/won't/don't love yourself....

-50 lbs and I feel a world of difference. I'm learning the slow process of loving myself. I feel more like helping others and giving of myself... last week I randomly saw an old man at a store in need and walked over asked him I could help and proceeded to do so. I would NEVER have done that at my highest weight. I've accept a position in our church to work with the girls 12-18 years old. I love working with them but I couldn't have done it at my highest weight... I felt too ashamed and like I was being judged.

I know that God wants us to be the absolute best people that we can be.. to be able to share our abilities and talents with others and for me that was through my band. To be able to love myself enough to get out there and to give of myself.... and I owe that to this whole weight loss process....

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... i know that God wants met o be the best person that I can be... to use my talents and the gifts and abilities that I've been given.

I couldn't do that at my pre-surgery weight. I hated what I looked like. I hated who I was. I COULDN'T come out of myself enough to help somebody in need or to give of myself.... I was embarrassed and I felt like a horrible example of how a Christian should live but it's hard to love others when you can't/won't/don't love yourself....


:amen: I totally relate to this! And I think I'm looking for whatever the pat answer is, when in reality, it's a growth thing...that happens over time. It IS happening with me. Perhpas I'm just not patient. I want the whole answer now. Truth is, I have to live through it in order to grow.

Thanks, Ruthie. I'm not sure what you said that gave me my answer, but I'm good for now.


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As a non banded Christian, I figure I'll add my own thoughts to the melting pot.

q. Is it a sin to perform WLS?

a. God knows. I sure don't.

There's strong argument that being so out of control is clearly sinful. Eating to the point of harming yourself is equally as sinful as drinking, smoking and a whole list of similar weaknesses.

Fortunately, God seems to understand that we're weak and easily beguiled as we've been making the same mistake since Eve grabbed the apple.

I think its entirely desirable to achieve the weightloss naturally, but what if its just not possible? What if you've tried and fallen back into harming yourself, time and time again?

WLS is the ultimate mark of determination and desperation to change your ways. God can be seen as the creator of all inspiration and therefor, the lap band could be seen to come from Him to resolve a very difficult problem to overcome.

When my wife decided that this was her last ditch hope and wanted to go for it, all the parts fell into place. The money showed up, the pre-op stuff flew by and before we knew it, she was banded.

Do I think her a sinner for needing WLS? No more than I think myself a sinner for needing to change my own diet to lose weight.

To summarize my view:

We are inately sinful. All we can do is try and be all that God would have us be.

I personnally would rather have WLS than continue to commit the sin of gluttony.

And here's a side note on my personal testimony for WLS.

To give you some background on myself, I've struggled with weight since birth, and I haven't struggled hard enough.

I am now also losing weight, thanks to the lapband that is installed in my wife. I doubt I could easily have done it without it (I haven't achieved permanent weight loss yet).

As for why I am losing weight, its simple. I'm legally blind and I have no means ot transportation other than my wife. As she is now banded, junk food has evaporated from my world. I can't get it, I can't order it, and so, thank God, I am protected from it.

So, if WLS is a sin, I thank God for using that sin to help me.

There is a bottom line here though, we can all question and guess, but only one person has the final ruling on what is or isn't a sin.

Pray on it, and God bless you all.

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I agree God helps those who help themselves, however, that is not stated in that way in the bible. It is a concept we people have come up with. Truthfully, God helps those who help themselves, and sometimes, because He is sovereign and can do whatever He wants to, He helps those who don't/can't help themselves.

This walk is a personal walk. I agree that He would want us to do positive things for our bodies and health, however, we all know that this band is not a 100% guaranteed solution for everybody. The band or RNY is only as effective as the person who had the surgery allows it to be. For example, If someone has terrible emotional problems that they medicate with food and chose only the surgery and chose not to deal with the emotional problems, I could see God directing them in a different path.

There are many reasons why God has specific instructions for our individual lives. That is why we must seek Him for ourselves.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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