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WLS....a spiritual issue?

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I would like to ask a question of those who hold to a decidedly Christian worldview (though anyone is free to contribute).

I know there have been discussions about whether or not being obese is a moral failing but is WLS decision a moral/spiritual issue?

I was just talking to friend of mine who also struggles with her weight. From a Christian worldview, we began discussing whether or not being overweight was a spiritual issue and whether WLS surgery is, in a way, circumventing God's ability to work in our lives in this area.

For instance, are we overweight because we have not given our emotional/food issues over to God? And is having WLS another way of saying, "God, screw your timing....I'm going to do it my way." Is WLS a tool God has given us through physicians (who are supposed to be healers) to assist us in dealing with our food/weight issues or is it something that allows to to continue to avoid what may really be a spiritual issue? Most Christians believe that there is nothing (within God's will for our lives) that cannot be accomplished if we submit to God.

So...what say you....are people (serious medical problems notwithstanding)overweight because we are not submitting to God in this area? Is WLS a way of punking out? We certainly didn't have any pat answers....I'd like your opinions on this.

Hope that all made sense. :)

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Tough question! it realy made me think.......

I turn my will and my life over to god every day. I was born with an addictive personality. I am addicted to anything that alters the way I feel about myself.

I am grateful that I have God and my Band to help me overcome my additction to food and live a better life.

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You may have opened Pandora's Box with your question, but I can only respond from my own experience. I am a born-again Christian and have been since I was 19. Being overweight is not a sin. I was always a chunky kid and if God made me that way then how could I have failed morally? After I had my beautiful babies with fertility help I held onto some weight. I prayed and prayed for these children and if I gained weight wasn't that part of Gods plan too? God answered a heartfelt prayer and I gained weight, so what .... which part was immoral? Today I am a single parent with 4 beautiful children to raise. I recently lost my dad to a heart attack, my mom just had bypass & my uncle too, and I have this chance to drop 90 or so lbs with the band, should I turn it down because I don't believe in technology? If its in Gods will that I get approved then he's part of the process. I don't ever take my Lord out of any equation. Does that make me weak because I have food issues or worthless? I truly think that we need to be more accepting of who we are in Christ. So, is WLS a moral or spirtual issue -- neither. I pray that WLS will give me a longer life and the ability to see my children grow up. From your question, I can not tell whether or not you and your friend are Christians, what I can tell is that you both are afraid. Christians do not need to be afraid, and my prayer today is that your hearts find rest, peace and calm on your journey. God Bless you,

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By that thinking, taking ANY steps to improve or even change one's life could be seen as circumventing God's timing. And if one takes that POV to an extreme, he or she would never get off the couch.

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Hi ShavieLou, well, I'm not Christian, but I have studied it. I've looked at joining several sects from Baptist to Mormon.

I think this is a very interesting question you pose. I suppose one has to figure out if your God is Vengful or merciful, leaning more old testiment or new? Different churches have different view, and I don't think there is ONE Christian view, all views are just as valid as any other.

There are some that say that everything comes from the Devine, that new inventions are guided by the Unseen Hand. So.

I would like to change your question slightly. Instead of asking about WLS, ask about glasses or Lasik surgery. Perhaps I'm nearsighted because I'm supposed to do more intraspection, to pay attention to things close to me. By using corrective lenses, am I thwarting the will of the Devine?

This reminds me of the old joke where the man is in the middle of a huge storm, raging flood waters. The TV reports tell people to leave the area, but the man knows that he's protected by god. State Troopers come and try to evacutate him, but the man knows that he's protected by god. The flood waters rise and he's forced to his rooftop. A progression of boats come by offering to resuce him, but each time he turns them down because the man knows that he's protected by god. Finally, a helicoper comes but the man refuses to get in. So he drownds.

At the pearly gates he's met by St. Peter, and the man rants and rails about not being saved, about not being protected. St. Peter looks at the man as says, "Look, God send the TV News, the State Troopers, 5 boats and a helicoperter, what more did you expect."

I think WLS is one of the boats, or maybe the helicopter.

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Good points Alex and Vines! God provides the avenues, then it's up to us to get up off it and get on with it.

I see my band as a gift from God. He heard my cries in my darkest hours and by means that only He could have arranged, I had all the money I needed to get my band within one week after making the final decision that I would do it -if- I had the means, and I did not go in debt for it.

I believe that harming our bodies, thereby showing no respect for the gift of life that God gave us, is a sin. I believe that glutony, which is basically serving the flesh, is a sin. It is true that some have medical reasons why they gained the weight, I'm not including those. I'm merely talking about those of us who refuse to deny ourselves for the sake of treasuring the healthy and life that God gave us is a sin. That said, how can it be a sin to be willing to take drastic measures to regain our health and care about preserving the gift?

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Hey, Ladies...thanks for your responses!

Dutchgrl, I became a Christian while I was in college....back in 1993....ish. I have a family history of overweight and all the associated health risks that go along with it. Even if I lost all the weight I wanted, I'd never be a small girl...and I'm actually fine with that. Call it a cultural thing (I'm African American), but my "ideal" standard of beauty has always been heavier than the euro-centric ideal of beauty. Honey...I'm pretty hot now...but I'd be FIERCE at a perfect size 16. :heh: I like having hips and a behind...serious ones...little miss J-Lo doesn't have much of a behind as far as I'm concerned. LOL

But, seriously, if I were to be honest, I'm carrying around more weight than I'd like (and much more than is healthy) because I love food waaay too much and because I equate food with comfort....in short, I eat too much...and it is difficult for me to control...at times it seems nearly impossible. I can't really blame it all on genetics.

I do believe, however, that at least some of this is a spiritual issue (using food to fill a spiritual void). But, if I can do all things through Christ....(you know the rest)....why, then, can I not control this?

This is a very tenebrous issue, I think. My friend and I weren't judging ourselves (because there is no condemnation....how cool is that???)....we simply didn't have an answer It's true that I am afraid, not because of spiritual reasons, but due to my family history. I'm walking in a minefield.

I'm not convinced it is so simple as labeling overweight as sin or plain gluttony. I'm pretty sure it's more complicated than that. But, I still wonder if it's at least in part a spiritual issue. And that leads me to wonder whether WLS is a tool or a cop out. Personally, I lean toward the former, but everyone might not feel that way.

And I really meant it as a general question...I didn't want to point fingers...but I geuss it's hard to pose or answer such a question in general terms without at least some anectodal reference.

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By that thinking, taking ANY steps to improve or even change one's life could be seen as circumventing God's timing. And if one takes that POV to an extreme, he or she would never get off the couch.

Word up!!!!! We've gotta meet God half way (or some of the way)! I can pray and pray for a husband, but if I don't leave the house or make any steps toward making myself available...it is unlikely that God is just gonna plop him on my doorstep!

Still...the question remains...what are the steps we should be taking to allow God to work in our lives in this area? Do we give it the old "college try" with your standard healthy diet and exercise and Holy Spirit guidance and nothing more?

Understand...I'm just playing devil's advocate here. Trying to see different sides of the issue.

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You know...it just hit me. I wonder if the question I posed, at least in some way, harkens back to the idea that WLS is the "easy way out". Which most of us know that it is not....just read some of these threads!!

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You know...it just hit me. I wonder if the question I posed, at least in some way, harkens back to the idea that WLS is the "easy way out". Which most of us know that it is not....just read some of these threads!!

In other words, is it like asking, "Why would you 'cheat' God of this opportunity to work in your life??"

I suppose it could be argued, as Vines alluded, that this is the opportunity that God gives us to allow him to work in our lives.

Yikes...I'm givin' myself a headache. LOL But it's the good kind...I love stuff that makes me question.

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Decidedly Christian Worldview here...I'm pretty sure it's more complicated than overweight=sin.

Back when I was looking into banding, I was very frustrated because I knew I couldn't control my intake, I knew there was something missing in my thinking, I knew there was a huge spiritual side of this issue for me, but I felt I couldn't grasp it. All the prayer, Bible study, searching, memorizing the right verses, etc etc didn't miraculously make me thin, or heal my rebellious heart when it came to food.

Point is, I'm still grappling with it. What I KNEW at the time, however, (pre-surgery) was that at 220+ pounds, I was so shriveled up with lack of confidence, understanding but not getting it, feeling gross, feeling unworthy to have an opinion, SPIRITUALLY HINDERED, that losing the weight first was the key to understanding how I got here.

It's working. It's so much easier to explore these issues now that I have lost SOME weight. I think as I grow, my weight loss will follow and I will end up at a much healthier weight.

And I don't want to be a skinny-minnie either. I'm toying with the idea of changing my goal weight to 160. We'll see.

Anyhow, wonderful thread. I'd love to keep this discussion alive!

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I am also a born again Christian. In my personal experience, I have prayed to ask the Lord to guide my decisions to get the lapband. So far, things are moving forward. I have only have my first consult and have scheduled my phy eval. I feel and have even prayed for the Lord to shut the door if this is not His will. ~~Never put a question mark where God puts a period~~ :amen: I strongly believe that He will let me know if it's not part of His plan.

I also take the position that I made bad choices regarding the use of food for comfort. When I think about it, I guess it is a "sin" to do what I have done to my body, but one thing I do know for sure is that the Lord does not love me any less and He gives me free will to make decisions. My decision has been to do something about these bad choices and get the lapband.

I'm sure you've heard the saying, "God helps those that help themselves." This sums up my personal take on this subject and I know that this view is not for everyone....just me personally. Please understand though that every individual can take a different view regarding religion/christianity even if they are from the same church. Therefore, I believe that you should make your decisions (regardless if it's lapband or whatever) based on your personal relationship with the Lord. If you are questioning your decision to get the lapband, the best advice I can offer is to get on your knees and talk to the Lord. :pray:

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I suppose it could be argued, as Vines alluded, that this is the opportunity that God gives us to allow him to work in our lives.

YES! That is MUCH the way I look at it.

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Personally, I prayed and prayed to God to help me find the way, and then a week later, someone told me about Lap Band.

Then while I was on the fence about getting it, I prayed to God that if getting this done was the right decision, then I needed a sign.

A few days later, my weight started making me sick (sicker than usual) GERD, asthma, just feeling horrible. To me that was an answer.

God created our brains, and they are super computers, and our souls are capable of incredible works through God.

I believe God has given we as humans, the gifts of the mind to invent and come up with the medical miracles.

So I believe God wants us to use them. If God did not intend for us to use medical interventions, plants as medicine, etc. God would not have created us and filled us with what it is that allows us to do all of it, or plants that have properties to make us well.

God uses us, works through us to help us.

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Don't get me wrong gals. When I say its a sin, it's important to remember there are many interpretations of that word. If you took it to mean, judged and condemned, that's not what I meant at all.

I guess, without getting into a huge debate about the subject, I would say that -to me- sin is being outside of God's perfect will for us. Do I believe in free will, yep. Do I believe that all sinners go to hell, er no. We are all sinners, we mess up. It's our hearts that are judged. And I know that God knows each of our inner struggles that led us to obesity. He is a loving and forgiving God that cries when we suffer. He knows that sin and suffering go hand in hand.

So, please.. don't anyone think I was pointing the finger of damnation at fat people. Good heavens no. I just think God would have us cherish and care for the life that he has given us so that we might be in a better position to do His will when he calls on us. I for one know that I am not a good witness to Gods blessings when all I do is sit in my house in shame and humiliation, slowly killing myself by "comforting" myself with food. I guess that was more my train of thought here. Sorry if I came off harshly. I certainly didn't mean to.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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