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Tammy, I feel the same way about you,,,some of your posts have really hit home..seeing that you went out around marguaritas and survived gives me hope! My 10 yr old niece is having having a birthday pool party at my house today, so I am mentally preparing to be around pizza and cake. My mom is bringing her scrabble board over (scrabble calms me down), so we can play while everyone is eating. The food is staying out on the deck! I am considering an anti-depressant,, but I tried one before and it seemed to keep me awake, but that was welbutrin, I might try a different one.

I am thinking of going to work Tuesday too, a bit scary. I'm a nurse, but I'm an Assistant Director, so I don't have to do bedside nursing (which is more strenuous)..I'll just have to make my limitations clear to everyone...most of my job is paperwork related..do you have a 'physical job'?

It's so good to get on here and know someone understands,, my friends and family support me, but they don't get it why I took such a 'drastic step'..so PLEASE keep in touch!

wow Darlene we could be twins, our 1st week sounds very simalar, I did want to have the crying pity party but instead went back on my zoloft before i slipped into poor me state. Also went out to camp for a while although had fun with friends the fact all i could do is smell the food and watch the margahritas get poured was a bit much. Each day i feel better and i am going in to work on Tuesday because i can't sit and do nothing one more day.

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My parents' had a huge graduation party for my brother 8 days after I was banded. I am now 12 days out. It really was not as hard as I thought it was going to be. I just brought a Protein Drink to my parents' and stayed away from the food. It is all about the will-power. I am not saying that I dont miss food because I do, but I look at it in 2 more days I can have pureed food which will make me happy because I "drink" the same thing every day!

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My parents' had a huge graduation party for my brother 8 days after I was banded. I am now 12 days out. It really was not as hard as I thought it was going to be. I just brought a Protein drink to my parents' and stayed away from the food. It is all about the will-power. I am not saying that I dont miss food because I do, but I look at it in 2 more days I can have pureed food which will make me happy because I "drink" the same thing every day!

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last weekend before surgery I was on full liquids and had my daughters high school graduation party here for about 60 people and i cooked all the food and did not eat any of it, I am telling you for those who think fat people do not have will power screw them. Then on Monday day before surgery clear liquid day npo after midnight was my 50th BIRTHDAY no cake no ice cream!!!!!! now 4th of July at camp FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. the good news now is i can hardly get in 64 oz's of Fluid let alone think about eating

Darlene I am a nurse too! I am a supervisor for a habilitation center for adults with disabilities so I also am at a desk most of the day, no patient care. and what is so funny is i just told my daughter we would take the scrabble game to camp so i would keep my mind off the food and drink :D

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OK ladies stiffen up. The things ahead will be sooooo wonderful!. I was 50 when I did it. My feet hurt, my knees, my back and I HATED the clothes that I could wear. I was really lucky, overnight in the hospital, an hour and half ride home. I rested couple of hours and went out to watch my husband play pool. I also went out the next two nights. I was sore, but not in pain. I had a pain med devilry system in for two days. When it ran out I didn't need anything else. I sat in the bar sipping Crystal Light, told the waitresses my issue and they let me even have a Protein drink. I walked and walked inside my house to ease the gas which was and still is my only real issue. I was so happy about the weight I had lost on the pre-op diet I didn't even think of being sad. Hang in there, we will all be OK. I wish each of you luck, but remember there are many of us here for you. Vent, brag or ask questions, whatever it takes to get you to your goal! :Banane14:

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All of the feelings listed above are normal. I think there is the phase where we grieve for the loss of our relationship with food and then as we struggle with getting fluids and Protein into us and we're hungry (head hunger or real hunger does not matter) and to add a boost we start thinking about the fact that we have put ourselves through surgery to possibly fail....

I'm here along with others on this forum to say, it does get better and better! We survivie these phases and that is what they are...some of us will struggle harder than others, however, we now have a tool with us that can if we use it properly for the most part will assist us in the process of getting healthier. Yes, there are those that unfortunately have experienced the down side of the band and that is a risk that most of us who have read and done our due diligence before we made the choice to get banded are aware of and chose to join this process with the hope that it will not happen to us and if it does, then we will deal with it and give it our all, with that said it is time to get up and move, walk (even if it is around the house, the yard, or around the block), drink protein, and start the beginnings of modifying our relationship with food and to an extent ourselves.

I wish everyone luck!

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You (and your will-power)are the bomb! I was terribly miserable during my 2 wk liquid phase...I had a little routine of work, home, repeat, couldn't stray off the path. I was cleaning up today, saw hidden way back on top of fridge a box of chocolate donuts (my husband has taken to hiding his food to deflect the daggers I shoot from my eyes dare he put this kind of food in my path of vision)...lol I will remember what you endured when I have this party today...we have to get together for a glass of diet v-8 splash and a game of scrabble...

last weekend before surgery I was on full liquids and had my daughters high school graduation party here for about 60 people and i cooked all the food and did not eat any of it, I am telling you for those who think fat people do not have will power screw them. Then on Monday day before surgery clear liquid day npo after midnight was my 50th BIRTHDAY no cake no ice cream!!!!!! now 4th of July at camp FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. the good news now is i can hardly get in 64 oz's of Fluid let alone think about eating

Darlene I am a nurse too! I am a supervisor for a habilitation center for adults with disabilities so I also am at a desk most of the day, no patient care. and what is so funny is i just told my daughter we would take the scrabble game to camp so i would keep my mind off the food and drink :D

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It's very important that you get some Protein in. Please consider a Protein shake. My Doc recommends one Protein Shake a day minimum. Experiment will different one. There many to choose from. It will stave your hunger and give you much needed energy. Take heart, you will enjoy good food again. Just not large quantities. Portion Control and exercise is the key to losing weight not deprivation. All that being said, you need to quit having a pity party and approach this as a new beginning and a way to rid yourself of that body that is depressing you. You are lucky, your health will improve and the depression will lift if you approach this as an opportunity, not a punishment. Find another TV channel for awhile, don't torture yourself..

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Your going to love this....9 weeks ago I was where you are right now. Wearing a bra was torture...so I got creative and took a kotex pad, ripped off the tape, covered the sticky part with tissue stuck it under my boobs against that super sore incision and I was off to the races (walking).

I too, had my band placed Monday. It hasn't been a picnic, I feel what you are saying. In addition to the abdominal pain, I thought that dry mouth would drive me insane! Then, my throat was red, swollen, raw,,went to Dr,,had laryngitis.Then 2 days ago, developed cramps in my calves, went to Dr, thank God, no DVT. I swear by all that's holy, the devil himself developed Protein shakes. I imagine hell as a place you eat nothing but Protein Shakes. I sat here all week missing work (never thought that would happen)knowing my friends and family were doing the things I love to do,, but can't yet,,going to the beach, movies (don't want to smell popcorn), out to dinner, Friday night happy hour,,

My girlfriend stopped over last night,, I couldn't even put a bra on (hits my top steri-strip) and sit at the table! So I stayed on the couch covered up like a 'sick' person! I watch my husband and my children go about life so normally,,in and out of the fridge, having no idea how lucky they are to be able to move thier jaws up and down over substance according to God's plan...(I have been known to be a bit of a drama queen),,,lol

So I had a crying jag last night after everyone went to bed. Spent some time truly feeling sorry for myself,,ohh yeahh,,a pity party like no other..I am mourning the passing of my old life. Yes, I was (am) fat. That doesn't mean I didn't love my life!

So I woke up this morning. Everyone was at work. My poor dog. He knows I'm not myself,,curls up next to me moaning like he thinks I'm dying..so I got up, carefully put my bra on (avoiding steri-strips,,10 minute job, but hey,,I got all day) and put my sneaks on. Inside part of me was screaming,'nooo back to bed,,we must continue our pity party!)...I grabbed the dog leash, my iphone, earplugs, and off we went! We walked 30 minutes. I didn't 'power walk', didn't think about calories, just walked. And Thanked God for the beautiful day, the shining sun, the ability to put 1 foot in front of the other..

I am almost 50 years old. 20 of those years obese. I have 85 lbs to lose. As I've aged, this weight (coupled with arthritis) has made pain in my hips, ankles, knees part of my daily life.My first grandchild is due in 8 days. I want to know what it's like not to drip sweat from the simple exertion of holding a baby and walking around the room. I want to wear jeans with zippers! I want to be able to cross my legs when sitting! to wear a shirt that is not princess cut! a bathing suit without a skirt! to eat a small amount of food, and like a skinny girl say, 'oh my, I'm absolutely stuffed'!..lol

I know I haven't had my last moment of sadness/regret/depression, but I do know I will find my way out.

So I say we buck up! think of all the wonderous things we are going to be able to do! I wish you all the luck in the world, as I do every person on this forum.

Let's do this!

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my doctor was good to me so the incision is just below my bra line so that has not been a problem

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Watching the food network channel before the band used to be a major reason why I ate all the time. I just had to eat what I saw them eating. Whether it was bbq, fried chicken, Pasta, cup cakes, Whatever I saw I could simply go down to any of the 15 fast food restaurants that I can tell you right off the top of my head. In my area. And over indulge. There is something in me that wants to eat when other people are. But now that I have the band I'm 3 weeks post-op. and have reached a mile stone. About 2 weeks ago I watched the FNC. And nothing for the first time in my life my hunger button has been flipped off. I don't crave anything anymore I see on that channel and I really don't want to watch it. Here are some tips that might help you when they're eating Italian, drink a v8, Mexican,refried Beans w/ ground taco meat, when Desserts, vanilla yogurt w/ purreed fruit and whatever the theme just create something healthy in Its place. Hope that helps Good Luck.

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I was banded on Monday today is day 5 I've been home alone bored and hungry and weak. I can't fathom a Protein Shake I've managed to drink a lot of Water and a little apple sauce some broth popsicles but nothing filling in starving I'm watching the food channel just dreaming I know that's bad but I love good food and I really miss it and I'm scared I'll never eat it again and never be satisfied. I'm to weak to leave the house I'm home with my husband while all our freinds are away for the July 4th weekend (and most of them don't know) im just really feeling down - so upset at myself I got this fat and now I'll never be able to enjoy food again oh yes and I'm starving - what will happen if I eat real food right now? Has anyone done it 5 days post op?

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Please do not give up nor give into temptation. Being on Facebook and on this site has made me realize how many are unhappy with their Protein shakes. My husband and I take Shakeology from Beachbody (Same company that makes P90X and insanity) it is all natural and has no processed ingredients. I am here to raise awareness and not sell you anything. I am a coach for Beachbody and constantly get asked from people who have either had lap band or are thinking of getting it.

This is a great supplement, Protein shake, and Meal Replacement. Please look into it for yourself. http://myshakeology.com/GreatBodyMiami

I am also able to send you a sample of it in chocolate if you would like...just message me :)

Take care...together we can end the trend of obesity,


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I am so sorry you're feeling sad :( Just remember how proud of yourself you'll be when you get through this, and can look back on it with a sense of accomplishment. Look at each moment you do the right thing for your health as a small victory. You're winning the battle as long as you keep at it!! One thing that really has helped me is sugar free popsicles. They're like a great treat with not a lot of calories, and awesome in the summer of course!

And also, look at how far you've come right now. Is it worth 'cheating?' How strong can you be? I bet you can resist it!

I agree with other posters to say that you should try some Protein shakes. I puree some fruit into mine so that they taste better.

Best of luck! Virtual hugs across the net.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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