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So I'm week post surgery today. I'm supposed to be on thick liquids, but I've browsed a ton of topics on the Nutrition/Food forum and a lot of people consider anything that will blend a "thick liquid". Up till now I was pretty faithful - sticking to Soups and nothing thicker than pudding.

So yesterday I decided to blend me up some meatballs with broth and some mashed potatoes with light gravy. I suppose the consistency was that of a mushy food. Ate it - in tiny bites and slowly. No issues.

The next morning I was greeted by the most manly BM in a week. Yay!

Today I had some burrata cheese with a tiny bit of olive oil and basil - so consistency of say cottage cheese. Again no problems. I skipped the tomatoes (my favorite food) - but a week into the experiment I think the mushy stuff goes in easy. My portions are about 1/4 - 1/3 cup and I feel satisfied. Since the surgery (7 days) I've lost 7 lbs - so pound a day. Not bad.

How many of you have tried to "speed up" your food? Has anyone had any problems? I for one feel great and I think I'm going to continue. As I said in one of my posts - I miss chewing. The liquids, no matter how nutritious - just don't cut it.

I wouldn't dare to eat anything chunky w/o asking my doctor - so luckily I have an appt. tomorrow. I'm going to ask if I can progress through the stages faster, so that I can get adjusted and move on with the program.

Let me know if you've experimented and what your results were.



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I would think that sticking to the prescribed program until you talk to your doctor would be best. IMHO

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I am almost 2 weeks post op and while I am still on full liquids, that is getting old fast!!! I'm not a big Soup fan so it has been hard for me to find liquids I like....and the Soups I do like are thicker so I've been blending them until they are watery....

I just finished a bowl of watered-down oatmeal, NOT blenderized!!! It was very good to actually put something in my mouth that didn't slide right down my throat! A welcome change to have texture!! So far after an hour, no problems. I probably ate it faster than I should have, but it was pretty hot so I did have that against me.

Your meatball mixture sounds heavenly!!! Over the weekend I plan on taking another poster's suggestion and blending up some ground beef, black Beans, and salsa, although I will have to blend that somewhat to get rid of the chunky part of the salsa....

My doctors' notes said to progress to mushies after 2 weeks, but my nutritionist said as tolerated after 8-10 days of liquids. I plan on gradually adding in my mushies and not going full-on mushies...adding 1 new thing in per day and keeping the other "meals" as my liquids until I am sure how my body wants to handle the "new" foods. So far, in the restroom category, everything is working, maybe not as frequent as before, but I am still able to go #1 and #2 without issue.

I'm curious, what is burrata cheese?


So I'm week post surgery today. I'm supposed to be on thick liquids, but I've browsed a ton of topics on the Nutrition/Food forum and a lot of people consider anything that will blend a "thick liquid". Up till now I was pretty faithful - sticking to soups and nothing thicker than pudding.

So yesterday I decided to blend me up some meatballs with broth and some mashed potatoes with light gravy. I suppose the consistency was that of a mushy food. Ate it - in tiny bites and slowly. No issues.

The next morning I was greeted by the most manly BM in a week. Yay!

Today I had some burrata cheese with a tiny bit of olive oil and basil - so consistency of say cottage cheese. Again no problems. I skipped the tomatoes (my favorite food) - but a week into the experiment I think the mushy stuff goes in easy. My portions are about 1/4 - 1/3 cup and I feel satisfied. Since the surgery (7 days) I've lost 7 lbs - so pound a day. Not bad.

How many of you have tried to "speed up" your food? Has anyone had any problems? I for one feel great and I think I'm going to continue. As I said in one of my posts - I miss chewing. The liquids, no matter how nutritious - just don't cut it.

I wouldn't dare to eat anything chunky w/o asking my doctor - so luckily I have an appt. tomorrow. I'm going to ask if I can progress through the stages faster, so that I can get adjusted and move on with the program.

Let me know if you've experimented and what your results were.



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You are only a week out. Your stomach is NOT ready for the food you're feeding it. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Go watch a video showing the surgery, the band is sutured to your stomach right now, organs have been moved around, your digestive system hasn't even recovered from the surgery.

Back up now before it's too late.

Go back to liquids - Clear Liquids for a day. Then go to normal liquids for a week. SLOW DOWN.

If you can't control yourself now you don't have much hope of controlling yourself later.

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The point of the liquids is to allow your body to heal. I am on day 6. and trust me, I'm feeling the pain too. But those foods are far too much for your still-healing-tummy! The band is not going to give you any restriction without a fill, so all that food is going to go down smoothly. Back to your liquid diet!

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So I'm week post surgery today. I'm supposed to be on thick liquids, but I've browsed a ton of topics on the Nutrition/Food forum and a lot of people consider anything that will blend a "thick liquid". Up till now I was pretty faithful - sticking to Soups and nothing thicker than pudding.

So yesterday I decided to blend me up some meatballs with broth and some mashed potatoes with light gravy. I suppose the consistency was that of a mushy food. Ate it - in tiny bites and slowly. No issues.

The next morning I was greeted by the most manly BM in a week. Yay!

Today I had some burrata cheese with a tiny bit of olive oil and basil - so consistency of say cottage cheese. Again no problems. I skipped the tomatoes (my favorite food) - but a week into the experiment I think the mushy stuff goes in easy. My portions are about 1/4 - 1/3 cup and I feel satisfied. Since the surgery (7 days) I've lost 7 lbs - so pound a day. Not bad.


I'm afraid you are asking for trouble. Just because you can get it down doesn't mean you SHOULD. The first three weeks is for healing. My surgeon does not want my stomach to be WORKING on digesting foods - just healing. Please be careful and don't do anything to sabatage this journey for yourself.

How many of you have tried to "speed up" your food? Has anyone had any problems? I for one feel great and I think I'm going to continue. As I said in one of my posts - I miss chewing. The liquids, no matter how nutritious - just don't cut it.

I wouldn't dare to eat anything chunky w/o asking my doctor - so luckily I have an appt. tomorrow. I'm going to ask if I can progress through the stages faster, so that I can get adjusted and move on with the program.

Let me know if you've experimented and what your results were.



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So I'm week post surgery today. I'm supposed to be on thick liquids, but I've browsed a ton of topics on the Nutrition/Food forum and a lot of people consider anything that will blend a "thick liquid". Up till now I was pretty faithful - sticking to Soups and nothing thicker than pudding.

So yesterday I decided to blend me up some meatballs with broth and some mashed potatoes with light gravy. I suppose the consistency was that of a mushy food. Ate it - in tiny bites and slowly. No issues.

The next morning I was greeted by the most manly BM in a week. Yay!

Today I had some burrata cheese with a tiny bit of olive oil and basil - so consistency of say cottage cheese. Again no problems. I skipped the tomatoes (my favorite food) - but a week into the experiment I think the mushy stuff goes in easy. My portions are about 1/4 - 1/3 cup and I feel satisfied. Since the surgery (7 days) I've lost 7 lbs - so pound a day. Not bad


I'm afraid you are asking for trouble. Just because you can get it down doesn't mean you SHOULD. The first three weeks is for healing. My surgeon does not want my stomach to be WORKING on digesting foods - just healing. Please be careful and don't do anything to sabatage this journey for yourself. Best Wishes!

How many of you have tried to "speed up" your food? Has anyone had any problems? I for one feel great and I think I'm going to continue. As I said in one of my posts - I miss chewing. The liquids, no matter how nutritious - just don't cut it.

I wouldn't dare to eat anything chunky w/o asking my doctor - so luckily I have an appt. tomorrow. I'm going to ask if I can progress through the stages faster, so that I can get adjusted and move on with the program.

Let me know if you've experimented and what your results were.



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You are brave! I'm two days post-op and just plain afraid to even move to mushies! Moving into full liquids almost makes me feel guilty. I helps I think, that I have a small fill already. But I'm just so tender and sore that I have no desire to push the envelope.

Having said that, my two thoughts are a) everyone heals differently, and perhaps you're just in tune enough to your body to know what it needs and B) your doctor's diet guidelines have been created from culling information from thousands of surgeries - so perhaps don't ignore them completely. :) If you feel what you're doing is the right thing, I'd be open w/ your doc about it and see their thoughts, instead of just being a "rebel". :)

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I forgot to mention I heal like Wolverine from X-men. I actually called my Dr. today and he said if I felt fine - just listen to what my body tells me. He did stress though: no bread, no rice, no Pasta. No chunks for another week - which is what I expected.

I'm pretty much pain free a week after - the port feels just a bit sore - but other than that I'm cool. I even made it to the office yesterday.

Thanks for the replies and voices of concern - I really appreciate it. It's great to see people care and respond and give their own perspective. That's awesome. I think I'm gonna like it here :)

Happy 4th of July everyone - sniff them burgers and BBQ cooking in the neighbors yards!!

Oh, and one more thought for the weekend: If god dwells inside of us, as some people believe, I sure hope he likes Protein shakes 'cause that's what he's getting!!

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Do I have a medical degree no. Considering a huge majority of doctors, includeing mine keep people on Clear Liquids for 7 days, full liquids (tomato soup) 7 days I think your doctor is setting you up for physical damage. I would not have been allowed the type and consistancy of foods you mentioned for 4 weeks! I agree with a previous poster go watch a surgery to see what your body has gone through. I am not saying these things to be mean spirited. I am almost a year post op and I have read many many postings on this site that scare me. One person wrote in they were disappointed in the surgery because one week post op they could eat a big mac. Blenderizing food so early is like finding a loop whole in the tax law. Just because you found it does'nt mean you should use it.

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You may think you heal 'like wolverine' but your insides are being jostled about and were very roughly handled during surgery. You may not feel the pain but that doesn't mean your organs aren't still healing.

Back up or suffer the consequences later.

A doctor who says "do it if it feels good" is an idiot. Your Dr should know better, your tissues are still healing.

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You Doc is right...listen to your body. For me, by the end of week one I was venturing into mushies...mashed potatoes, cottage cheese and such, I ate SUUUPPPER SLOW and waited between each bite, I was fine, but i have always been a rebel ;). Still loosing and have no prob, my MD is happy with my progress. I decided when i started this new lifestyle, I was not going to be a slave to the rules and be on a DIET the rest of my life, I watch my portions, but I do not deny myself anything...unless it doesn't go down, but to each his own. Love me a burger and cold beer....Happy 4th to you

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Certainly no shortage of opinions...but calling a Nr. 3 bariatric surgeon in the country an idiot may be pushing it a bit. I think we all know that doctors always err on the side of caution and prescribe plans suited for the masses. Having an individualized approach sanctioned by my doctor and a nutritionist makes me much more comfortable than being treated like just another patient out there.

To each it's own.


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Good Evening,

A lot of bariatric doctors are changing their views on eating patterns with the band. Mine has changed in that he wants his patients to be on liquids post band 3 days, full liquids 3 days and by day 7 you move into soft foods, regular foods by end of week 2. His key rules are no liquids while eating, go slow and stop when satisfied, no foods that ball up in the stomach. He stressed 2 pounds a week are ideal, I lost more in the beginning but have leveled off at about 2 pounds a week (right now I average 3.5 a week).

Some patients can get by with 3 meals a day and others need smaller more frequent meals. My nutritionist had a book for me with the stricter guidelines but wrote all the changes they were making with the program as to the eating habits they wanted their patients to follow. I think every surgeon has their own guidelines and we should listen to them. I have had excellent results and I credit my surgeons skill and support with that.

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Do I have a medical degree no. Considering a huge majority of doctors, includeing mine keep people on clear liquids for 7 days, full liquids (tomato soup) 7 days I think your doctor is setting you up for physical damage. I would not have been allowed the type and consistancy of foods you mentioned for 4 weeks! I agree with a previous poster go watch a surgery to see what your body has gone through. I am not saying these things to be mean spirited. I am almost a year post op and I have read many many postings on this site that scare me. One person wrote in they were disappointed in the surgery because one week post op they could eat a big mac. Blenderizing food so early is like finding a loop whole in the tax law. Just because you found it does'nt mean you should use it.

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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