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actually my dr had a very lengthy consult with me the day before the surgery. He recommended only keeping it in for 5 years, having a foreign item in your body he said was not such a good plan as our body will grow over the band. He also after 5 years I should have changed eating habits. and gotten my psyche under control where I don't lose it.

I all ready know I will not get up to 325 again. I love being who I am now. My husband loves who I am. It is a wonderful old/new world (I was little in high school and in my 20's

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Had my first band for 14 and half years, the only reason I had it replaced was because it had moved and was giving me strong heartburn pain.

Had a new one placed on 14 June, 2011

I wouldnt take it out

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First of all, let me just say what an amazing job you did to lose that 125 lbs.

Way to go! That is so awesome :)

As for getting your lapband removed, I honestly think it is your decision to make, BUT

a second opinion from different doctors could help you decide. I personally have never

even thought about removing my band because it took alot for me to even get it in the first place.

As some people have stated in the above comments, weight gain is a possibility, but if you

truly think you have full control of your eating habits and new lifestyle changes, then do what

makes you happy :)

In the end...negative comments or positive, you come first in your own happiness. Wish you the best

of luck with whatever you choose!

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I don't think the original poster was being arrogant. I understand what she was saying and my take on the intent of the post is way different than yours.

I think what the original poster was saying is that we can retrain ourselves when it comes to our eating habits and exercise routine. I have done that and work hard at it everyday. It can be done. If you chose not to, that's your choice but I personally feel that eating healthy and exercising daily will really help change how I feel about myself. I'd rather take that route than rely on my band to have a lot of control over how I feel. It's a personal choice for sure and either is fine.

I just don't see arrogance in the original poster's comments.

Agreed! I've made so many changes and new committments that I definitely think I could do this without my band; I have all along in essence! My surgeon joked and said he banded my brain, and I said yeah maybe LOL. Most people don't realize that the band isn't meant to last forever; rarely does it. Long-term studies show that most people do not keep their bands forever. Thankfully I can and have been successful without relying on it much at all.

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There is a definite difference between thinking you can do it without the band and knowing that you can do it without the band.

After a long period of time many of us become complacent and think the band does nothing - we do not realise how well it really is helping to control our hunger.To have the band out thinking it was doing nothing only to find out it was in fact doing a great deal would be a very sad outcome.

One very successful bandster on this board is Jachut. I seem to recall reading that she thought her band was not doing a lot and that she had everything under control. She has had to have all the Fluid removed from her band for a number of surgeries and other medical treatment and now posts that the band was in fact making a huge difference. I suggest that those who are contemplating having their bands removed as they feel they no longer need them look up some of her posts and read them - they are very interesting.

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There is a definite difference between thinking you can do it without the band and knowing that you can do it without the band.

After a long period of time many of us become complacent and think the band does nothing - we do not realise how well it really is helping to control our hunger.To have the band out thinking it was doing nothing only to find out it was in fact doing a great deal would be a very sad outcome.

One very successful bandster on this board is Jachut. I seem to recall reading that she thought her band was not doing a lot and that she had everything under control. She has had to have all the Fluid removed from her band for a number of surgeries and other medical treatment and now posts that the band was in fact making a huge difference. I suggest that those who are contemplating having their bands removed as they feel they no longer need them look up some of her posts and read them - they are very interesting.

Will do! I have seen some of her past posts but nothing recently.

But, for me, having no fill at all, not even a primer fill, I can't contribute much of my success to the band. Yes it has helped with hunger but since I have started fasting, my ghrelin levels are pretty much under control. I can say I am NOT hungry until about 11:00AM each day. Pre-band I had no motivation and for some reason being banded gave me the push I needed. I work my butt off each day exercising, and I love it. I count my calories.

Since I doubt that my band will last forever, I have always kept that in the back of my mind and I have made the needed changes. I eat what I want when I want, and the key has been to move more; simple. Pre-band I didn't want to move. Moving sucked, I was lazy. If people on this board looked at what I eat and how much of it, you'd never know I was banded at all, which is why I have considered having it taken out especially reading a lot of the complications that seem to come about at year 2 and 3. However, if having it taken out will cost me a lot, I'd definitely keep it in until a problem arises, though if it came to taking it out due to complications, I wouldn't hesitate to rid of it.

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There is a definite difference between thinking you can do it without the band and knowing that you can do it without the band.

After a long period of time many of us become complacent and think the band does nothing - we do not realise how well it really is helping to control our hunger.To have the band out thinking it was doing nothing only to find out it was in fact doing a great deal would be a very sad outcome.

One very successful bandster on this board is Jachut. I seem to recall reading that she thought her band was not doing a lot and that she had everything under control. She has had to have all the Fluid removed from her band for a number of surgeries and other medical treatment and now posts that the band was in fact making a huge difference. I suggest that those who are contemplating having their bands removed as they feel they no longer need them look up some of her posts and read them - they are very interesting.

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There is a definite difference between thinking you can do it without the band and knowing that you can do it without the band.

After a long period of time many of us become complacent and think the band does nothing - we do not realise how well it really is helping to control our hunger.To have the band out thinking it was doing nothing only to find out it was in fact doing a great deal would be a very sad outcome.

One very successful bandster on this board is Jachut. I seem to recall reading that she thought her band was not doing a lot and that she had everything under control. She has had to have all the Fluid removed from her band for a number of surgeries and other medical treatment and now posts that the band was in fact making a huge difference. I suggest that those who are contemplating having their bands removed as they feel they no longer need them look up some of her posts and read them - they are very interesting.

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Thank u Elcee, that is what I was trying to say but I couldn't find the right way to write it I guess. I hate computers because people can't read what a persons tone or expression like they can face to face. Anywho, jachut is one that I was remembering but couldn't remember her name. I have talked to her before and yes she thought the band wasn't helping until all the saline was out and hunger came back. I don't rely on my band to do anything but to control my hunger, I work at this every day just like anyone else, it is just so much easier without being hungry all the time. Like I said I have lost this amount of weight a couple different times over my life but I was always hungry and I was literally working out and lifting weights 2-5 hours a day just to keep it off. I have my life back and my hunger is not always controlling me. I have more time to spend with my kids and fiance because I am not always eating like I did when I was overweight and I am not always excercising like I did when I was dieting. This was one of the best things I did, I no longer need nasty appetite suppressants to dim the appetite either and they didn't always work anyway and left bad side effects. I just hope the original poster thinks long and hard before she removes something that may really be working for her and then later realizes it was doing more than she thought. I am not trying to be negative, I just would hate to see someone that is happy end up back at an unhealthy an unhappy place.

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I wasn't saying that you specifically were only relying on your band. I know how hard this process is - even with good restriction. I did not mean for it to come across sounding like I think the band is a sure thing or a fix-all. I know it's not and applaud your success. For me, eating healthy every day and exercising has become a way of life. I got the band because I hadn't been able to do it on my own - then at around the same time the work I was doing in therapy suddenly clicked and I have a band but have never had or needed a fill. So, do I know I could have done it then on my own? No. But I suspect I will know I don't need a band when I do reach goal because all this time it has been my energy and effort and very little, if any, to do with my band. I worry about erosion and slip when I lose all this weight and fat around my stomach and I don't want my port sticking out so yeah, I might have it removed later.

Checkyes, I never said once that I completely rely on my band. Obviously I have 2 be eating healthy to have lost 115 in 11 months, I have been maintaining for 2 with less.saline. I have changed my habits and food I order or buy and I only eat 1 cup.of food 3 xs.a.day

My band doesn't do that. I know I.could.do these things without the band but hunger would come back and that is a big factor for alot of banded people. I was.a binge eater too like the original poster. Yes, I have had therapy and have worked through my issues with food, but what I dont understand is her going into surgery for a permanent fix 2 a.very serious disease of obesity but expecting to only cure it temporarily. I dont understand what the need was for,.obviously the band helped her somehow lose that weight or she would still be over weight right now. All I was trying to get across is taking it out and still expecting to keep the weight off might not be possible, I have seen it more times than not. And the comment about where will I be in 5.years was arrogant.

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I wasn't saying that you specifically were only relying on your band. I know how hard this process is - even with good restriction. I did not mean for it to come across sounding like I think the band is a sure thing or a fix-all. I know it's not and applaud your success. For me, eating healthy every day and exercising has become a way of life. I got the band because I hadn't been able to do it on my own - then at around the same time the work I was doing in therapy suddenly clicked and I have a band but have never had or needed a fill. So, do I know I could have done it then on my own? No. But I suspect I will know I don't need a band when I do reach goal because all this time it has been my energy and effort and very little, if any, to do with my band. I worry about erosion and slip when I lose all this weight and fat around my stomach and I don't want my port sticking out so yeah, I might have it removed later.

My port sticks out :( And it's a low profile port. I hate it. I'm thinking I can't get it removed but I'm looking at having a TT and if that thing has to stay there I'm gonna have a fit!

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I know, my port sticks out a lot, my thinner tummy is now lopsided. Lol. I don't have the low profile but my dr suggested changing to it. I don't really want to because my band works great and I am afraid of messing with it and then having something go wrong. Plus I am sure it wouldn't be covered by insurance because it only hurts by bumping it, I don't really have a medical issue with it. I would love a tt though, although I am afraid of the pain that comes with that.

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actually my dr had a very lengthy consult with me the day before the surgery. He recommended only keeping it in for 5 years, having a foreign item in your body he said was not such a good plan as our body will grow over the band. He also after 5 years I should have changed eating habits. and gotten my psyche under control where I don't lose it.

I all ready know I will not get up to 325 again. I love being who I am now. My husband loves who I am. It is a wonderful old/new world (I was little in high school and in my 20's

That is not true.My Lapband surgeon told me that If I have it removed I will gain all the weight back. He also said if I'm not having any erosion or slippage that it could be left in me until I die-and I'm only 31. There's no reason to remove it just because it's been 5 years.

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There is a definite difference between thinking you can do it without the band and knowing that you can do it without the band.

After a long period of time many of us become complacent and think the band does nothing - we do not realise how well it really is helping to control our hunger.To have the band out thinking it was doing nothing only to find out it was in fact doing a great deal would be a very sad outcome.

One very successful bandster on this board is Jachut. I seem to recall reading that she thought her band was not doing a lot and that she had everything under control. She has had to have all the Fluid removed from her band for a number of surgeries and other medical treatment and now posts that the band was in fact making a huge difference. I suggest that those who are contemplating having their bands removed as they feel they no longer need them look up some of her posts and read them - they are very interesting.

Very well said! Thank you.

Being newly banded I remember all too well how big my appetite was and how large my portions were. I am still hungry lots of times, but the band helps me so much with the portions!!! I actually did not think that I would have to do this much of the work-but again at least I have my band to help me!!

I still go to lunch with my co-workers some days and am amazed with the amount of food they put away at the lunch buffet. The same amount I used to eat pre-band!

I love my band and the help it gives me. I hope I never have a problem that would require me to have it removed!

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You don't remove a pacemaker, prosthetic knee, hip, heart valve etc etc. They are put in to do a job that the body cannot do itself. If something goes wrong with one of them they are replaced not removed. The same is true of the band - it is there to do a job that the body does not do well itself. i.e control hunger. If something goes wrong with it then normally they would replace it or revise it to another surgery as without it the person is not "cured" and the illness (obesity) is likely to recur.

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