gurdyb 0 Posted January 25, 2006 I found this site from another web site I visit. It's nice to know that there are site just for lap-banders. I had my band placed on July 18 2005. I started at 250 and today I am 206.8 . I live in wisconsin. I work as a nurse. I have two children ages 31 and 20. also 2 grandchildren 4 and 9. I'm having some problems with my diet. the meat that I am suppose to eat sometimes won't go down I end up sick and can't eat for a while. all the junk I should not have seems to pass right through. I have to go see my doctor on monday and I don't know if I should have a fill or not. I feel if I eat right I can't get enough in and Water does not keep me full inbetween meals. so things like chips are to handy since my son has been home from school and find my self snacking on his junk food. I also have been doing alot of creamy Soups with shreaded chicken and then I'm hungery 1 hr after I eat and I can eat a whole bowl of it. I guess my question is. Can anyone eat the few bites of meat and veggies and be full and stay full by drinking water inbetween untill the next meal? I have 2.2cc's in my fill. I do understand some people are different. pork and groud beeef are very difficult to keep down and some people can eat any meat products and are ok. The wierd thing is anything crunchy like crackers are ok but any bread or anything like rice, rolls make me sick. My weight loss has stopped and I'm only half way there. I'm not sure if I should get the fill or not. I know the junk food is way wrong and not to make excuses for my weakness but I get sick of being hungery. I just don't know what to do ? CYNTHIA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites