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Discouraged with the band.

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That is a good idea! It's like... once you get Mcdonalds out of your system for a while it's not so bad, but it feels like every time you go your feeding a crack habit! I know that I personally cannot just go one time and say 'no more'! the more I go, the more I want to go! And it's weird because...the food isn't THAT great, I mean don't get me wrong... it is good, but it's not like getting spaghetti in Italy! Thirty minutes is the minimum? I did not know that! I worked out for 21 minutes with that EA sports Active... I almost cried in the middle of it! It was soo hard, I couldn't imagine doing another 10 minutes, but I will try! I was scared because it has the arms and leg bands, and i thought it wouldn't fit me, I'm a size 16, but thankfully it did with room to spare!

Have you ever looked at McDonalds as a addiction! You said it yourself! It's like a crack habit. You need to let it go, and get back to your job of taking care of you.

There's times that I am Hungry, and I know I need a fill, but the Ins. only allows that every 90 days. So I have to wait, and except the way it is, and get buy with that. Like it or not..

You have a JONES for Mickey D. Leave it go.

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Don't worry, I really don't have anything mean to say to you. Actually, I think we all feel that way on some level. I knew that the band "was just a tool", but deep down inside I was hoping for a magic pill. Getting into an exercise routine can be incredibly hard, but it is especially important for people loosing weight because if you are loosing weight without exercise you will be loosing muscle as well as fat. Remember, the heart is a MUSCLE. The weight loss can cause a lot of physical and mental stress. Not, in my opinion, a good time for your heart to be under attack. I sympathize with you for not wanting to exercise, but is there anything that you would enjoy doing for an hour or so a day? Maybe go swimming at the YMCA, go power walking at the mall, go for a bike ride, volunteer to walk dogs for the humane society, I purchased an eliptical machine so I wouldn't have to deal with the Ballys nightmare. It is OK to start out slow and look for fun! Life should have fun in it too! Get creative and let us know how you are doing. (also, pass along any good ideas you have to share) Best of luck to you!


I basically just need to vent. And if anyone has encouraging advice, or is feeling the same way... all inputs are awesome! however, don't get snooty. This is a forum, and I am allowed to say what I want, so please for the sake of just being a decent person, don't put me down.

-With that being said..

I feel like the band is disappointing.

I have been heavy my whole life. I went from the chubby kid, to the overweight teen to the obese adult.

My mother had always been heavy too, so back..many years ago she got her stomach stapled.

She lost 117lbs in six months. She was so young (my age, 21) that she didn't even have any excess skin.

So when I turned 21 I decided I was SICK of being the fat person in the room, so I got a appointment with a weight loss surgeon.

He told me about the lap band. He said it was the best bet at my age, due to the possibility of having children.

So, my surgery date was Jan 7th 2011. I did A LOT of research on the band, and realized that it really wasn't much like my mothers surgery.

I just figured I would get it so tight that it would be like hers, and I would drop the weight off the same way she did.

Yeeeeeah, not so much. I went from 306lbs to 266lbs. I am stuck. I can't seem to loose anymore weight. A couple months ago my band was WAY TOO tight and I got sick, so I got it unfilled...and have been scared to get it filled since then. I am what I think is a good fill, HOWEVER I can still eat a WHOLE double cheeseburger and a medium fry.(Yes, I do go to McDonald's every now and then, because I freakin' love food. Obviously)

So, my doctor tells me last visit (after me not losing anything for three weeks) that I need to start calorie counting......


Truth is, if I wanted to calorie count I would have NEVER gotten a surgery. If I wanted to calorie count... I would have NEVER gotten fat in the first place.

Will power is something that I obviously don't have.

And the exercise? Again; if I wanted to go to the gym i would have. I would not have spent the money and the recovery time on a surgery.

Everyone says that "The Lap band is a TOOL"... my thought on that?! I did not want a HAMMER to start building a new house... I just wanted to move into a new house!

Nobody wants to go to the gym when they are over weight. I don't know if you've ever drove by a bally's(where there is a HUGE front window and you can see all the people on the machines)...they all look like they could be modeling the equipment.

And I know that you can exercise without a gym. But, I live in a state where it was 107 today, so... unless I want to have a stroke i am not gonna power walk.

I actually feel a lot better now that i have gotten that WEIGHT (LOL) off my shoulders and vented!

Again, i understand that some people may want to respond to this with 'Your STILL going to MCDONALDS, you DON'T exercise, no wonder your still fat!', but if you are going to reply... maybe reply in a nicer way than that?!

I know it's hard to keep your thoughts under control when you hear/read something that just boggles your mind. I am VERY out spoken, so I know how it is. But... I feel like instead of being mean, I could use some encouragement.

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That is a good idea! It's like... once you get Mcdonalds out of your system for a while it's not so bad, but it feels like every time you go your feeding a crack habit! I know that I personally cannot just go one time and say 'no more'! the more I go, the more I want to go! And it's weird because...the food isn't THAT great, I mean don't get me wrong... it is good, but it's not like getting spaghetti in Italy! Thirty minutes is the minimum? I did not know that! I worked out for 21 minutes with that EA sports Active... I almost cried in the middle of it! It was soo hard, I couldn't imagine doing another 10 minutes, but I will try! I was scared because it has the arms and leg bands, and i thought it wouldn't fit me, I'm a size 16, but thankfully it did with room to spare!

Yeah, most docs say to exercise 30 min a day minimum. You don't have to do it all in one big bunch.. and it doesn't all have to be intense, heart beating out of your chest exercise.. just MORE than you normally do. So .. since you did 21 minutes of the EA sports thing.. spend another 9 minutes taking the kids or dogs on a walk. (as long as that is something you don't usually do.. if you do, then make your walk 9 minutes longer.)

Don't go at it so hard that you won't want to continue. Increase in gradual amounts. Proud of you for making a start!!

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Hi tanksmama,

I'm glad you are able to vent and your are owning up to still loving Micky D's. I used to eat a lg fry, big mac and a med shake. Now when I want Micky D's I have a burger and Fry off the $1 menu and skip the shake.I love soft serve ice cream so instead of ordering a large like in the past I now order a kids size. Try it you may be more satisfied then you think you would. I was just banded on May 4th and have lost 20lbs. I go for my first fill on the 21st and can't wait. My down fall right now is cheeseitz but I know when to stop. I do walk 20 mins a day and feel so good after my walk. Remember, our chances of keeping the weight off are better when we loose it slow. I hope this feeling you have about the band will pass and I want to say congratulations on your weight loss so far. It is very hard work but YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!! My cousin went from 380lbs down to 147 on the lapband and she cheated too. We just need to make better and smarter choices. Try walking for 10 mins a day then go to 15 min and work your way up to 1 hour. Don't compare yourself to your mom or her surgery because those days are past and weather you want to believe it or not our surgery is better. It's ok to loose a pound a week if that's all you loose because that means you will loose another 52 lbs in a year. Baby steps and as with any weight loss plan we will hit a platue, when your ready get another fill your Dr should be able to figure out you need less then the last fill. Have faith in yourself and your Doctor and good luck and much success. Please keep in touch and let me know how your doing. If you wish to talk or vent more let me know and I'll give you my e-mail address. Good luck!


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Hi tanksmama,

I'm glad you are able to vent and your are owning up to still loving Micky D's. I used to eat a lg fry, big mac and a med shake. Now when I want Micky D's I have a burger and Fry off the $1 menu and skip the shake.I love soft serve ice cream so instead of ordering a large like in the past I now order a kids size. Try it you may be more satisfied then you think you would. I was just banded on May 4th and have lost 20lbs. I go for my first fill on the 21st and can't wait. My down fall right now is cheeseitz but I know when to stop. I do walk 20 mins a day and feel so good after my walk. Remember, our chances of keeping the weight off are better when we loose it slow. I hope this feeling you have about the band will pass and I want to say congratulations on your weight loss so far. It is very hard work but YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!! My cousin went from 380lbs down to 147 on the lapband and she cheated too. We just need to make better and smarter choices. Try walking for 10 mins a day then go to 15 min and work your way up to 1 hour. Don't compare yourself to your mom or her surgery because those days are past and weather you want to believe it or not our surgery is better. It's ok to loose a pound a week if that's all you loose because that means you will loose another 52 lbs in a year. Baby steps and as with any weight loss plan we will hit a platue, when your ready get another fill your Dr should be able to figure out you need less then the last fill. Have faith in yourself and your Doctor and good luck and much success. Please keep in touch and let me know how your doing. If you wish to talk or vent more let me know and I'll give you my e-mail address. Good luck! By the way I can't update my ticker so please don't pay attention to it. :)


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Your encouragement comes from inside not others telling u, if u want it bad enough you'll achieve it, life isn't just a walk in the park sweetie its rough in many ways ,and so is loosing weight...........

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I love my gym, see if you have a Planet Fitness near you, they have a great moto the no grunt zone for those loud weight lifters and you can loose your membership if you are heard making fun of or other remarks about other members. Years ago I belonged to Bally's and people ther looked at me like I had no business there so I refuse to give them my money no matter how much they have to offer as far as a pool, sauna ect. Look up Planet Fitness, you won't be sorry!

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its still about diet and excersize, with or without the band.its not magic.

McDonalds is certainly not going to help anyone who is trying to lose weight. you should be staying away from fatty foods. try follow a plan like weight watchers.you can basically eat all things but in moderation.Its all about making smart choices.

good luck to you :)

I basically just need to vent. And if anyone has encouraging advice, or is feeling the same way... all inputs are awesome! however, don't get snooty. This is a forum, and I am allowed to say what I want, so please for the sake of just being a decent person, don't put me down.

-With that being said..

I feel like the band is disappointing.

I have been heavy my whole life. I went from the chubby kid, to the overweight teen to the obese adult.

My mother had always been heavy too, so back..many years ago she got her stomach stapled.

She lost 117lbs in six months. She was so young (my age, 21) that she didn't even have any excess skin.

So when I turned 21 I decided I was SICK of being the fat person in the room, so I got a appointment with a weight loss surgeon.

He told me about the lap band. He said it was the best bet at my age, due to the possibility of having children.

So, my surgery date was Jan 7th 2011. I did A LOT of research on the band, and realized that it really wasn't much like my mothers surgery.

I just figured I would get it so tight that it would be like hers, and I would drop the weight off the same way she did.

Yeeeeeah, not so much. I went from 306lbs to 266lbs. I am stuck. I can't seem to loose anymore weight. A couple months ago my band was WAY TOO tight and I got sick, so I got it unfilled...and have been scared to get it filled since then. I am what I think is a good fill, HOWEVER I can still eat a WHOLE double cheeseburger and a medium fry.(Yes, I do go to McDonald's every now and then, because I freakin' love food. Obviously)

So, my doctor tells me last visit (after me not losing anything for three weeks) that I need to start calorie counting......


Truth is, if I wanted to calorie count I would have NEVER gotten a surgery. If I wanted to calorie count... I would have NEVER gotten fat in the first place.

Will power is something that I obviously don't have.

And the exercise? Again; if I wanted to go to the gym i would have. I would not have spent the money and the recovery time on a surgery.

Everyone says that "The Lap band is a TOOL"... my thought on that?! I did not want a HAMMER to start building a new house... I just wanted to move into a new house!

Nobody wants to go to the gym when they are over weight. I don't know if you've ever drove by a bally's(where there is a HUGE front window and you can see all the people on the machines)...they all look like they could be modeling the equipment.

And I know that you can exercise without a gym. But, I live in a state where it was 107 today, so... unless I want to have a stroke i am not gonna power walk.

I actually feel a lot better now that i have gotten that WEIGHT (LOL) off my shoulders and vented!

Again, i understand that some people may want to respond to this with 'Your STILL going to MCDONALDS, you DON'T exercise, no wonder your still fat!', but if you are going to reply... maybe reply in a nicer way than that?!

I know it's hard to keep your thoughts under control when you hear/read something that just boggles your mind. I am VERY out spoken, so I know how it is. But... I feel like instead of being mean, I could use some encouragement.

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The band isn't magic. You NEED to track your calories! I don't track every day any more, but I do keep track of what I am eating. The band is a weight loss tool and you can only get our of it what you put in.

I understand your frustration, I seriously do. But think about it this way.......if you are in school do u expect to graduate with a perfect GPA without doing the work? Of course not, you study, complete assignments and do what you need to in order to succeed.

The band, and weight loss, is no different. You need to cut calories, exercise and increase Protein intake in order to succeed.

Will you plateau? Yup, you sure will! I hit a very stubborn plateau in Feb- but the inches keep falling even though the scale barely moves. Since my surgery June 2010, I have gone from a 22 to a 10 and from like a 44F to a 36 DD. It's not easy, but it is well worth it!

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The band isn't magic. You NEED to track your calories! I don't track every day any more, but I do keep track of what I am eating. The band is a weight loss tool and you can only get our of it what you put in.

I understand your frustration, I seriously do. But think about it this way.......if you are in school do u expect to graduate with a perfect GPA without doing the work? Of course not, you study, complete assignments and do what you need to in order to succeed.

The band, and weight loss, is no different. You need to cut calories, exercise and increase Protein intake in order to succeed.

Will you plateau? Yup, you sure will! I hit a very stubborn plateau in Feb- but the inches keep falling even though the scale barely moves. Since my surgery June 2010, I have gone from a 22 to a 10 and from like a 44F to a 36 DD. It's not easy, but it is well worth it!

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Okay, update!

Like I said in my previous post I went out and bought the EA Active 2. At this point, due to Tuesday's work out... I feel like my upper thighs are broken, lol. BUT that is a good thing! I worked out my arms last night, and I DEFF felt the burn! I have burned almost 200 cals in both my workouts. I went to the Grocery and got all kinds of healthy food! Vegtables, Fruits, Fish, etc. I feel really good about the choices I am starting to make. I have an appointment with my Dr in two weeks and i am going to get a SMALL fill, because like i had stated previously I don't want to get too tight again. I will keep everyone updated, and thanks for the encouraging words!!! Banane27.gifBanane32.gifwoot.gif

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That's great, Maura. Keep up the good work!

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Dear TanksMama,

I really hope you can make this work even if it means switching to the sleeve. I am 53 and scheduled for surgery in 10 days. Yea!!! I have spent every single day of the last 45 worrying and fretting about every bite of food I put in my mouth. I swam on a swim team when I wa young - still overweight, I ran track in high school - still overweight, I did swim workouts with my college swim team - still o er weight, I ran 4 miles a day in my young married years - still overweight, Gym membership that I used religously in my 30's - overweight, lots of wLmi g the dogs, race walking class, Water aerobics etc. in my 40's - overweight, and FINALLY gave up in my fifties!!!!! I have gone through so much emotional trauma over being fat I can't begin to tell you. I will never be able to change the quality of my life up until this time. Very, very sad. I am willing to do ANYTHING to make this work. After doing a great deal of reading on this forum I M shocked at all the work it will take but am totally ready for the challenge. I even practiced a. 2 week liquid diet to make sure 8 could do it!! I could!!!!!!! In closing.... to all of you banders out there.....make this work while you are young!! Don't waste the great quality of life you deserve because you want a double cheeseburger!!!!!! Love and Good luck to all of you.

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Dear TanksMama,

I really hope you can make this work even if it means switching to the sleeve. I am 53 and scheduled for surgery in 10 days. Yea!!! I have spent every single day of the last 45 worrying and fretting about every bite of food I put in my mouth. I swam on a swim team when I wa young - still overweight, I ran track in high school - still overweight, I did swim workouts with my college swim team - still o er weight, I ran 4 miles a day in my young married years - still overweight, Gym membership that I used religously in my 30's - overweight, lots of wLmi g the dogs, race walking class, Water aerobics etc. in my 40's - overweight, and FINALLY gave up in my fifties!!!!! I have gone through so much emotional trauma over being fat I can't begin to tell you. I will never be able to change the quality of my life up until this time. Very, very sad. I am willing to do ANYTHING to make this work. After doing a great deal of reading on this forum I M shocked at all the work it will take but am totally ready for the challenge. I even practiced a. 2 week liquid diet to make sure 8 could do it!! I could!!!!!!! In closing.... to all of you banders out there.....make this work while you are young!! Don't waste the great quality of life you deserve because you want a double cheeseburger!!!!!! Love and Good luck to all of you.

I am in my fifties also, and I ran so much, did so much Aerobics, and being heavy, that I shot both knees, and had them replaced. So I am devoted to continue to lose weight,, to keep going. Plus it would be nice to look good also. But to cry and moan about it, when you know it has to be done is useless !

I totally understand where you are coming from. I only hope they do !!!!!

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So glad you posted your frustrations! I'm stuck, too. Had surgery in October 2010, and have lost 47 lbs - and then I hit a wall. All of the replies have helped me get things back in perspective and move on!

Congrats on hearing what you needed to in order change your mind set. And more congrats on your weight loss to date.

Now, I've got two more votes for the Just Dance games and Zumba for your Wii. Both are great fun and can help you work up a sweat.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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