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Discouraged with the band.

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For the Wii...I love Just Dance Two. Its so much fun, you don't realize that you are exercising. My kids also love it. Just got Zumba, looking forward to trying that out.

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Zumba is GREAT if u like to dance!!!

I seriously cannot thank everyone enough! Banane44.gif

I really needed all of the responses. I really liked hearing that I was not the only one going through this. Believe it or not, I seriously think that the one that got me in the right mind set was the one that pissed me off the most. (I'm sure you ALL know which one I am talking about!)

with that being said...one poster said I didn't have to work out outside...and they where right!

I DO have a Wii. And I looked up some of the weight loss games for it, and I am wondering if anybody has any recommendations?!

I read about the Biggest Loser challenge and the reviews are good, anybody have any experience with it?!

thanks again, everyone. thankyou.gif

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I think it's great you've lost 40 lbs!!!! Thats a great accomplishment.

I basically just need to vent. And if anyone has encouraging advice, or is feeling the same way... all inputs are awesome! however, don't get snooty. This is a forum, and I am allowed to say what I want, so please for the sake of just being a decent person, don't put me down.

-With that being said..

I feel like the band is disappointing.

I have been heavy my whole life. I went from the chubby kid, to the overweight teen to the obese adult.

My mother had always been heavy too, so back..many years ago she got her stomach stapled.

She lost 117lbs in six months. She was so young (my age, 21) that she didn't even have any excess skin.

So when I turned 21 I decided I was SICK of being the fat person in the room, so I got a appointment with a weight loss surgeon.

He told me about the lap band. He said it was the best bet at my age, due to the possibility of having children.

So, my surgery date was Jan 7th 2011. I did A LOT of research on the band, and realized that it really wasn't much like my mothers surgery.

I just figured I would get it so tight that it would be like hers, and I would drop the weight off the same way she did.

Yeeeeeah, not so much. I went from 306lbs to 266lbs. I am stuck. I can't seem to loose anymore weight. A couple months ago my band was WAY TOO tight and I got sick, so I got it unfilled...and have been scared to get it filled since then. I am what I think is a good fill, HOWEVER I can still eat a WHOLE double cheeseburger and a medium fry.(Yes, I do go to McDonald's every now and then, because I freakin' love food. Obviously)

So, my doctor tells me last visit (after me not losing anything for three weeks) that I need to start calorie counting......


Truth is, if I wanted to calorie count I would have NEVER gotten a surgery. If I wanted to calorie count... I would have NEVER gotten fat in the first place.

Will power is something that I obviously don't have.

And the exercise? Again; if I wanted to go to the gym i would have. I would not have spent the money and the recovery time on a surgery.

Everyone says that "The Lap band is a TOOL"... my thought on that?! I did not want a HAMMER to start building a new house... I just wanted to move into a new house!

Nobody wants to go to the gym when they are over weight. I don't know if you've ever drove by a bally's(where there is a HUGE front window and you can see all the people on the machines)...they all look like they could be modeling the equipment.

And I know that you can exercise without a gym. But, I live in a state where it was 107 today, so... unless I want to have a stroke i am not gonna power walk.

I actually feel a lot better now that i have gotten that WEIGHT (LOL) off my shoulders and vented!

Again, i understand that some people may want to respond to this with 'Your STILL going to MCDONALDS, you DON'T exercise, no wonder your still fat!', but if you are going to reply... maybe reply in a nicer way than that?!

I know it's hard to keep your thoughts under control when you hear/read something that just boggles your mind. I am VERY out spoken, so I know how it is. But... I feel like instead of being mean, I could use some encouragement.

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The Wii is great we have one at work. The first time I used it I just tried the bowling and tennis and got my heart rate up. The best part was I didn't mind, it was fun. Don't forget to get a fill too. See if your doc has a support group.

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While I am at restriction I do not count calories. In regards to choosing food sometimes you have to fake it till you make it. Did your doctor require meeting with a psychologist about emotional triggers for overeating? Mine did and those meetings were so helpful. If I'm at a family party I can have dessert but it's not a normal event anymore. I don't keep treats in my house ever. I have a much different relationship with food now than I ever did before. For example. If I was at work and there was free food (brownies, Cookies, etc); I would eat it whether or not I was hungry because I wanted to make sure I got my share. I actually feel free, in control of my self because I can walk on bye. This did not happen over night it's taken over a year of retraining myself.

As to McDonalds; there are better places to spend those calories. While I am not neccesarily against the occational indulgence (I don't like to say cheat because that infers not a lifestyle but a short term effort); my doctor stresses the importance of not creating bad eating habits. For me an occational visit to McD's would become a trip once a week and then whenever I was in a hurry or whatever.

Exercise. Well, after meeting with a knee surgeon about HORRIBLE knee pain he told me I had to loose weight because nothing else was going to help. He suggested I try swimming. So I bought a fat lady swimsuit with a little skirt (weighed 364 pounds), a snorkle and a Water proof MP3 player. Oh and to complete this picture my gym rents out half the pool to the high school swim team. From exercise (364 days a year my gym is closed on Christmas) and food choices I lost 82 pounds before surgery. Moral of my story is if I can lose weight swimming ANYONE can.

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Congrats on hearing what you needed to in order change your mind set. And more congrats on your weight loss to date.

Now, I've got two more votes for the Just Dance games and Zumba for your Wii. Both are great fun and can help you work up a sweat.

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Tanks mama, FYI it was 103 today where I live, in Texas, and it's not a dry heat either. I exercise after about 8 pm because it works with my schedule. I started out walking about 4 blocks, or 1/4 mile. Now I walk up to 3 miles and can bile 7 miles all in the same day and I weight about 223 right now. As for the gym. I have a membership and what found is the the really fit people love to see me at the gym and are helpful and encouraging. A lot of them have had weight issues too. My gym publishes those stories in our bulletin, you would be suprized. As for the rest, and I am part of a religious order so I don't daytime lightly, f@k 'em! It's your body and your life you are trying to improve both of them. If they can't deal with that it say more about them and their insecurities. Be proud of the weight you've lost already! Celebrate each step on your way. I'll bet most of them haven't lost that much. Who cares what they think. They don't know you.

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I got the EA active 2 today after I read the posts... OMG I AM SOOO SORE!!!!!

I feel like... well, GREAT!!!

I have to say that it is a amazing feeling! Although.. my legs feel like they are going to give out!

I'm going to take a bath and hope I can find the strength to get out of it! LOL

THANKS AGAIN for all of your encouragement!!! You have NO idea how much I truly needed that!!!

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I got the EA active 2 today after I read the posts... OMG I AM SOOO SORE!!!!!

I feel like... well, GREAT!!!

I have to say that it is a amazing feeling! Although.. my legs feel like they are going to give out!

I'm going to take a bath and hope I can find the strength to get out of it! LOL

THANKS AGAIN for all of your encouragement!!! You have NO idea how much I truly needed that!!!

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I know it's hotter than hell here too. Gym works.. or I like work out videos. Leslie Sansone, or if you are brave some Jillian Michael's haha :)

Good luck :) I just kicked my butt back in to gear. It's hard! But we can do this. It's a long process, but just gotta hang in there, besides, what other option do we got!? This is a last resort!

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I got the EA active 2 today after I read the posts... OMG I AM SOOO SORE!!!!!

I feel like... well, GREAT!!!

I have to say that it is a amazing feeling! Although.. my legs feel like they are going to give out!

I'm going to take a bath and hope I can find the strength to get out of it! LOL

THANKS AGAIN for all of your encouragement!!! You have NO idea how much I truly needed that!!!

Don't be afraid to start getting fills again. Go slow if you have to. It will vastly improve your weight loss. Good luck to ya.


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I understand your pain....I could have written a lot of what you did. I think I'm in what they call Bandster Hell.....I am so frustrated partly on my own doing because I "can." I got my first fill on 6/2, 4cc's. NOTHING. No change. I understand the no-willpower situation and it stinks. I know this is a "tool" but I'm hungry darn-it. Counting 1100 calories is nothing when you are starving. I'm frustrated with my "tool" - I try to follow the rules because I do want to be successful. I'm walking, not going to the gym because I'm not comfortable in the Ballys commercial but I figure once I get some weight off and by winter hopfully I'll be more comfortable among the beautiful bodies. I try to watch what I eat, portions etc.....I'm hungry! I drink Water....I wait....I'm hungry! Protein...seriously, eating my chicken first isn't helping me not be hungry. I want this to be successful but I know I'm eating more than 1,100 calories because I'm hungry, my "Tool" isn't helping me build this house.

I know how you feel BUT on the postive side 40 pounds is awesome! That is pretty much average weight loss 1-2 pounds per week (I"m not even there yet). WE ( you and I ) have to get our butts in gear literally and work with our tool.

Someone posted on here that if you can eat a cheeseburger and fries you need a fill. Honey, I can do that with absolutely NO PROBLEM....they put in 4cc and I feel absolutely no different than before my surgery. I starve myself between Breakfast and lunch and am shaking by the time 1:00 rolls around for lunch hour at work. I don't want to end up being sick from the amount of Fluid but I'd like something from my band friend. I know I have to work with it, but it has to work with me too! Fingers crossed for you and I hope the postive responses here have helped you.... they have helped me so I'm glad you vented.

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I don't have much to add to what everyone else has said... Journal your food intake, exercise, get your 64 oz of Water, get another fill.. all good ideas.

Regarding McDonald's and how to deal with your cravings for their foods.. I do have a suggestion.

Look up on their website how many calories are in whatever it is you desire. Mine was McD's Sausage biscuits.

Then go and workout enough to burn those calories BEFORE you go to McD's. This must be an EXTRA workout beyond your daily minimum of 30 minutes.

I did this when I was first banded, and MOST of the time, after I had been on the treadmill long enough to burn those calories.. I didn't want that sausage biscuit. It wasn't worth it. But if I still did, I'd go and have it and not feel guilty. This may or may not work for you.. but it did for me. I now no longer crave those suckers. Thank God.

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I don't have much to add to what everyone else has said... Journal your food intake, exercise, get your 64 oz of Water, get another fill.. all good ideas.

Regarding McDonald's and how to deal with your cravings for their foods.. I do have a suggestion.

Look up on their website how many calories are in whatever it is you desire. Mine was McD's Sausage biscuits.

Then go and workout enough to burn those calories BEFORE you go to McD's. This must be an EXTRA workout beyond your daily minimum of 30 minutes.

I did this when I was first banded, and MOST of the time, after I had been on the treadmill long enough to burn those calories.. I didn't want that sausage biscuit. It wasn't worth it. But if I still did, I'd go and have it and not feel guilty. This may or may not work for you.. but it did for me. I now no longer crave those suckers. Thank God.

That is a good idea! It's like... once you get Mcdonalds out of your system for a while it's not so bad, but it feels like every time you go your feeding a crack habit! I know that I personally cannot just go one time and say 'no more'! the more I go, the more I want to go! And it's weird because...the food isn't THAT great, I mean don't get me wrong... it is good, but it's not like getting spaghetti in Italy! Thirty minutes is the minimum? I did not know that! I worked out for 21 minutes with that EA sports Active... I almost cried in the middle of it! It was soo hard, I couldn't imagine doing another 10 minutes, but I will try! I was scared because it has the arms and leg bands, and i thought it wouldn't fit me, I'm a size 16, but thankfully it did with room to spare!

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While I am at restriction I do not count calories. In regards to choosing food sometimes you have to fake it till you make it. Did your doctor require meeting with a psychologist about emotional triggers for overeating? Mine did and those meetings were so helpful. If I'm at a family party I can have dessert but it's not a normal event anymore. I don't keep treats in my house ever. I have a much different relationship with food now than I ever did before. For example. If I was at work and there was free food (brownies, Cookies, etc); I would eat it whether or not I was hungry because I wanted to make sure I got my share. I actually feel free, in control of my self because I can walk on bye. This did not happen over night it's taken over a year of retraining myself.

As to McDonalds; there are better places to spend those calories. While I am not neccesarily against the occational indulgence (I don't like to say cheat because that infers not a lifestyle but a short term effort); my doctor stresses the importance of not creating bad eating habits. For me an occational visit to McD's would become a trip once a week and then whenever I was in a hurry or whatever.

Exercise. Well, after meeting with a knee surgeon about HORRIBLE knee pain he told me I had to loose weight because nothing else was going to help. He suggested I try swimming. So I bought a fat lady swimsuit with a little skirt (weighed 364 pounds), a snorkle and a Water proof MP3 player. Oh and to complete this picture my gym rents out half the pool to the high school swim team. From exercise (364 days a year my gym is closed on Christmas) and food choices I lost 82 pounds before surgery. Moral of my story is if I can lose weight swimming ANYONE can.

That is amazing!! (Your Pre Surgery weight Loss)

I use to love to swim, back when i was 15 I was in the school swimming team I lost quit a bit of weight that year!. I will deffinitly try swimming at the gym my husband goes to there is a lap pool, and nobody is ever in it! i got this really cute bathing suit that I AM SOOO Close to fitting in. It's the same size as my pants (a size 16) but the straps on the shoulders and back are way too tight for it to look halfway decent at this point! I am working out with the EA active as of right now, and hopefully I can shed those pounds to be able to get into the suit. you know i feel horrible saying this, but I do lose weight fast when I exercise. Infact, one summer a couple years ago I decided to walk a hour every night, I never changed my eating habits...but i lost 55lbs just by walking!

Thanks for the input!!!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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