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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - two years on.

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I had posted this in Introductions as I have just recently joined but I see that it betters suits here.

I was banded in March 2009. I came home, somewhat in discomfort and over the following days I progressed into agony. I ended up back in hospital having emergency surgery at 2am five days after the placement. I had been nicked in the first surgery and had an infection. The band was removed and I spent four days in ICU and then another four or five in the ward. It was the most PAINFUL experience in my life and it wasn't too good emotionally either.

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I had posted this in Introductions as I have just recently joined but I see that it betters suits here.

I was banded in March 2009. I came home, somewhat in discomfort and over the following days I progressed into agony. I ended up back in hospital having emergency surgery at 2am five days after the placement. I had been nicked in the first surgery and had an infection. The band was removed and I spent four days in ICU and then another four or five in the ward. It was the most PAINFUL experience in my life and it wasn't too good emotionally either.

After I returned home there was a long recovery period and I initially thought I could not face hospital again with rebanding. My surgeon explained that I may have to be opened up again (I have a huge scar down my middle because of the emergency surgery) if it proved impossible to do it keyhole. I had to gather up all my strength and return to try again in August 2009 because I didn't want all that pain and money wasted... with no outcome except a scar to show for it. Fortunately the second banding went without a hitch and it was a keyhole op.

It hasn't been an easy journey. I can't seem to tolerate a decent fill without severe reflux and choking during the night etc. So, I only have enough fill to make sure I don't suffer those symptoms but then it means I can fit way more in than I would like to. I initially lost a decent amount... but only after low carbing combined with 3 or 4 days at gym every week. I have the metabolism of a slug!! Over the past 12 months I have regained 10 kgs (22 lbs).

I am just beginning again to try to start from scratch in my mindset. Force myself to eat less, chew more, don't drink with meals etc.

People who look at banding as 'cheating' and 'easy' have NO IDEA. Us banders still need colossal willpower and determination. It is a life-long struggle and the trick is to remain proactive in our journey and not give up. I always knew banding was just another tool in my arsenal and not a magic fix... I just have to sharpen this particular tool at this point in time and make it work for me.

Don't get me wrong though I WISH THIS BLOODY BAND WAS A MAGIC FIX and I didn't have to diet or exercise!!!!! :lol:

Now... first of all I am not vying for sympathy here or wish to put off any potential banders. I am just saying it as it is for me. The band has been a wonderful tool for many on this site as the many glowing posts attest to and I wish all you newbies the best of luck. :)

I would like to hear from others who have been on a similar journey. Having a fairly successful honeymoon period... putting in the hard yards with diet and exercise... and then grinding to a halt.

I would like to know how others who suffer from severe reflux and choking from having the band at a level where restriction is effective but need to unfill it enough so that those symptoms don't occur... and therefore can eat more than they should on the band.

I have considered changing to a sleeve but from what I have read they too have a honeymoon period of losing and then the same problems can occur... starting to eat more etc. I don't want to change one set of problems for another... I want the band to work for me... I want me to work for me.

I am at bit of a standstill. I am still having the same problems that I have had all my life. I hate people harping on about willpower. I have lost 1000s of pounds in my life and put them all back on. The periods of self denial and exercise are far more than most people ever endure. I have also enjoyed the times when I have got into the zone and eating well and going to gym etc has been easy and something that has become a pleasant daily ritual... and I believe that 'yes, I can do this for the rest of my life'. But life long habits are insidious... and creep stealthily back... and before I know it... here I am... asking for some advice from you guys because I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

I wish I could get my band filled more without the painful and scary side effects.

I wish I could maintain control as an ongoing thing rather than in spurts.

I wish I wasn't failing... and no matter how you dress it that's what I'm doing.

I know I have to climb back on the will power horse and just do it.

I just feel like I'm on this endless cycle. I hoped before I got banded that I would be able to break the cycle. I was wrong.

Thanks for listening. :)

PS Whilst I know that it is just a tool etc I also believe that when being introduced to the band it promises more than it delivers - 'you'll never have to diet again' etc. That's just BS. Read around the board and noone gets their weight to move without dieting - usually extreme, low carbing, resorting back to liquids etc. A huge amount of people seem to suffer the same or similar problems I do. I just think the information they give you should tell it like it is so we can weigh up our chances of success. Had I known all I know now I may have opted for a different surgery.

Also, the sanctimonious people on here who chide others for not sticking to an extreme diet and exercising... well geez... if it was that easy why the hell did those people need to get the band and why are they even here if they could do that as an ongoing thing anyway?

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SORRY, PLEASE go to the other post with the same title. (Have just reposted). This one didn't include the whole post and I can't delete it or edit it as the code is faulty.

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I had posted this in Introductions as I have just recently joined but I see that it betters suits here.

I was banded in March 2009. I came home, somewhat in discomfort and over the following days I progressed into agony. I ended up back in hospital having emergency surgery at 2am five days after the placement. I had been nicked in the first surgery and had an infection. The band was removed and I spent four days in ICU and then another four or five in the ward. It was the most PAINFUL experience in my life and it wasn't too good emotionally either.

After I returned home there was a long recovery period and I initially thought I could not face hospital again with rebanding. My surgeon explained that I may have to be opened up again (I have a huge scar down my middle because of the emergency surgery) if it proved impossible to do it keyhole. I had to gather up all my strength and return to try again in August 2009 because I didn't want all that pain and money wasted... with no outcome except a scar to show for it. Fortunately the second banding went without a hitch and it was a keyhole op.

It hasn't been an easy journey. I can't seem to tolerate a decent fill without severe reflux and choking during the night etc. So, I only have enough fill to make sure I don't suffer those symptoms but then it means I can fit way more in than I would like to. I initially lost a decent amount... but only after low carbing combined with 3 or 4 days at gym every week. I have the metabolism of a slug!! Over the past 12 months I have regained 10 kgs (22 lbs).

I am just beginning again to try to start from scratch in my mindset. Force myself to eat less, chew more, don't drink with meals etc.

People who look at banding as 'cheating' and 'easy' have NO IDEA. Us banders still need colossal willpower and determination. It is a life-long struggle and the trick is to remain proactive in our journey and not give up. I always knew banding was just another tool in my arsenal and not a magic fix... I just have to sharpen this particular tool at this point in time and make it work for me.

Don't get me wrong though I WISH THIS BLOODY BAND WAS A MAGIC FIX and I didn't have to diet or exercise!!!!! :lol:

Now... first of all I am not vying for sympathy here or wish to put off any potential banders. I am just saying it as it is for me. The band has been a wonderful tool for many on this site as the many glowing posts attest to and I wish all you newbies the best of luck. :)

I would like to hear from others who have been on a similar journey. Having a fairly successful honeymoon period... putting in the hard yards with diet and exercise... and then grinding to a halt.

I would like to know how others who suffer from severe reflux and choking from having the band at a level where restriction is effective but need to unfill it enough so that those symptoms don't occur... and therefore can eat more than they should on the band.

I have considered changing to a sleeve but from what I have read they too have a honeymoon period of losing and then the same problems can occur... starting to eat more etc. I don't want to change one set of problems for another... I want the band to work for me... I want me to work for me.

I am at bit of a standstill. I am still having the same problems that I have had all my life. I hate people harping on about willpower. I have lost 1000s of pounds in my life and put them all back on. The periods of self denial and exercise are far more than most people ever endure. I have also enjoyed the times when I have got into the zone and eating well and going to gym etc has been easy and something that has become a pleasant daily ritual... and I believe that 'yes, I can do this for the rest of my life'. But life long habits are insidious... and creep stealthily back... and before I know it... here I am... asking for some advice from you guys because I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

I wish I could get my band filled more without the painful and scary side effects.

I wish I could maintain control as an ongoing thing rather than in spurts.

I wish I wasn't failing... and no matter how you dress it that's what I'm doing.

I know I have to climb back on the will power horse and just do it.

I just feel like I'm on this endless cycle. I hoped before I got banded that I would be able to break the cycle. I was wrong.

Thanks for listening. :)

PS Whilst I know that it is just a tool etc I also believe that when being introduced to the band it promises more than it delivers - 'you'll never have to diet again' etc. That's just BS. Read around the board and noone gets their weight to move without dieting - usually extreme, low carbing, resorting back to liquids etc. A huge amount of people seem to suffer the same or similar problems I do. I just think the information they give you should tell it like it is so we can weigh up our chances of success. Had I known all I know now I may have opted for a different surgery.

Also, the sanctimonious people on here who chide others for not sticking to an extreme diet and exercising... well geez... if it was that easy why the hell did those people need to get the band and why are they even here if they could do that as an ongoing thing anyway?

I understand your frustration as this is really hard work and when people say things about taking the easy way out. I could blow a gasket. There are no easy ways to lose weight (except maybe divorce it..my attempt at a little humor).

I lost 70 pounds during the pre-op process (11 months) as I was motivated because I thought I would not have to do the liver shrinking diet and Optifast again. I had done it with Oprah in the late 80's and did not think I could do that again. It wasn't as bad the second time around as I has higly motivated. I had my surgery October 2009 and have lost 40-45 pounds since. I continue to work really hard at this and haven't lost much in the last 6 months but I haven't gained and I have enjoyed life. I also have much better fitness and can do about anything ie swim, hike, etc. Where I hurt my back once and could not walk across a room without pain so I am thankful I am still not non-obese but overall I am 140 pounds better.

I wish it was magic but it is not. I exercise at least 6 hours a week and I try to be grateful that I can. I have had a lot of non-scale victories..I am also going thru menopause so I am not 27 anymore..I can buy clothes off the rack without traying them on in the regular womens dept, it doesn't say morbid obesity on my chart or my wii anymore, I can fit in an airplane seat without an extender. MY BMI was 55 and now it is 29.

I haven't tighten my lapband in 6 months and I am debating if I will tighten it anytime soon as it is at 6.5 ml. I had an epiphany about that or at least I thought it was one. That the big picture isn't making this so tight that I am miserable but to learn and be mindful when enough is enough food wise. I don't want to max out on my band and I think I realise this is about me and my body. I am that same size I was at the end of college (not thin then either) but I am also 30 years older. I also got rid of my CPAP machine by losing the weight and I am told only 20% get to do that so I am trying to be thankful.

I don't know what was said to you along the way where you went thru the process. I agree some of the seminars are like going to buy a new car, they try to push your buttons to believe you have found the answer and sometimes we all do get unrealistic in our expectations. I was never told I would not have to diet again. I knew I was going to have to exercise and try to find a way to like it.

I had friends that decided to have the bigger surgery (bypass and sleeve but many of them had diabtes I did not) and many of them lost the weight. But after the honeymoon is over, they still plateau and have to work at it.

Hang in there..life is how you handle every day not one day.....I know I haven't said anything that is "WOW" but I wanted to let you know that we all struggle and I did this about the same time as you.

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Its just so true that the control comes in spurts - I've just come off the tail end of months of admirable self control, it was easy, I was in the zone like you say. I had to be completely unfilled for a surgery, I lost weight with the surgery and I've managed to hold my BMI at 19 for seven months, purely with diet and exercise and that all elusive willpower. I just looked at it sanely, logically and sensibly and had myself convinced that if I behaved a certain way, a certain result would follow - which is the truth.

I thought I had this licked and I would never need to fill my band again. But yeah, like you say, gradually over time, being able to eat wonderful things like toast with jam (mmmmmm), being able to enjoy that restaurante meal in its entirety - it creeps back in on you, doesnt it? The one thing that saves me is I worked to get really fit so that to go out and run 10kms and burn 800 calories in an hour is not hard for me and I do that nearly every day. So I havent regained weight - yet. But my eating is definitely on the slide now. I just have to hold out about six weeks for a second minor surgery and then I can refill and I've changed from thinking I wont need to refill to being very impatient to get back to my doc!

I would so love to have this monkey off my back for the rest of my life - to be a naturally thin person without these issues, but such is life. To anyone else, I look like I"m one of the lucky ones - thin, fit, I dont overeat. Nobody could guess how hard I work for that and i guess I dont really say it that often on here because people seem to have thisw impression of me as one of the effortlessly successful bandsters. Yet it is true that I lost all my weight without dieting - simple Portion Control was all I needed - I ate about 1500 calories a day from ALL food groups and still do - no logging, no low carbing for me. It was easy as anything in that sense - but that's because of the exercise I do. I swear running is magic and everyone oughta try it!

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Thank you Tazzy, you're doing fantastic! 140 lbs is a massive amount, well done.

In my good times, I actually do get to the point of really enjoying the exercise... but now isn't one of those times lol.

I know there's nothing else for it then to just accept what is and get on with it... I can feel myself getting closer back to that point.

Having a big whinge here has helped I think. :D

Thanks xox

I understand your frustration as this is really hard work and when people say things about taking the easy way out. I could blow a gasket. There are no easy ways to lose weight (except maybe divorce it..my attempt at a little humor).

I lost 70 pounds during the pre-op process (11 months) as I was motivated because I thought I would not have to do the liver shrinking diet and Optifast again. I had done it with Oprah in the late 80's and did not think I could do that again. It wasn't as bad the second time around as I has higly motivated. I had my surgery October 2009 and have lost 40-45 pounds since. I continue to work really hard at this and haven't lost much in the last 6 months but I haven't gained and I have enjoyed life. I also have much better fitness and can do about anything ie swim, hike, etc. Where I hurt my back once and could not walk across a room without pain so I am thankful I am still not non-obese but overall I am 140 pounds better.

I wish it was magic but it is not. I exercise at least 6 hours a week and I try to be grateful that I can. I have had a lot of non-scale victories..I am also going thru menopause so I am not 27 anymore..I can buy clothes off the rack without traying them on in the regular womens dept, it doesn't say morbid obesity on my chart or my wii anymore, I can fit in an airplane seat without an extender. MY BMI was 55 and now it is 29.

I haven't tighten my lapband in 6 months and I am debating if I will tighten it anytime soon as it is at 6.5 ml. I had an epiphany about that or at least I thought it was one. That the big picture isn't making this so tight that I am miserable but to learn and be mindful when enough is enough food wise. I don't want to max out on my band and I think I realise this is about me and my body. I am that same size I was at the end of college (not thin then either) but I am also 30 years older. I also got rid of my CPAP machine by losing the weight and I am told only 20% get to do that so I am trying to be thankful.

I don't know what was said to you along the way where you went thru the process. I agree some of the seminars are like going to buy a new car, they try to push your buttons to believe you have found the answer and sometimes we all do get unrealistic in our expectations. I was never told I would not have to diet again. I knew I was going to have to exercise and try to find a way to like it.

I had friends that decided to have the bigger surgery (bypass and sleeve but many of them had diabtes I did not) and many of them lost the weight. But after the honeymoon is over, they still plateau and have to work at it.

Hang in there..life is how you handle every day not one day.....I know I haven't said anything that is "WOW" but I wanted to let you know that we all struggle and I did this about the same time as you.

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Hello fellow Aussie. :)

I know I just have to accept that this journey sucks and is a lifelong thing... being in the zone is like flying and enjoying the view :rolleyes: and being out of it is like crashlanding, skidding and bumping, hitting the rocks all the way down. :o

I know from experience that I do pick myself up eventually, dust myself off, grit my teeth and work my way back up. Guess I just have to accept that for me the rollercoaster exists and as long as the weight put back on in the down times doesn't equal the weight lost in the good times that I will 'get there' eventually. ;)

You're doing wonderfully well, congratulations.

Just wondering though... if you love the exercise and that is keeping your weight under control... why would you want a refill at all? If you're eating more and enjoying a wider range of foods but not regaining why would you want that freedom taken away? Of course if you started slacking off on the running... or your weight started creeping up then having a refill would be wise... I'm just curious as to your reasons?


Its just so true that the control comes in spurts - I've just come off the tail end of months of admirable self control, it was easy, I was in the zone like you say. I had to be completely unfilled for a surgery, I lost weight with the surgery and I've managed to hold my BMI at 19 for seven months, purely with diet and exercise and that all elusive willpower. I just looked at it sanely, logically and sensibly and had myself convinced that if I behaved a certain way, a certain result would follow - which is the truth.

I thought I had this licked and I would never need to fill my band again. But yeah, like you say, gradually over time, being able to eat wonderful things like toast with jam (mmmmmm), being able to enjoy that restaurante meal in its entirety - it creeps back in on you, doesnt it? The one thing that saves me is I worked to get really fit so that to go out and run 10kms and burn 800 calories in an hour is not hard for me and I do that nearly every day. So I havent regained weight - yet. But my eating is definitely on the slide now. I just have to hold out about six weeks for a second minor surgery and then I can refill and I've changed from thinking I wont need to refill to being very impatient to get back to my doc!

I would so love to have this monkey off my back for the rest of my life - to be a naturally thin person without these issues, but such is life. To anyone else, I look like I"m one of the lucky ones - thin, fit, I dont overeat. Nobody could guess how hard I work for that and i guess I dont really say it that often on here because people seem to have thisw impression of me as one of the effortlessly successful bandsters. Yet it is true that I lost all my weight without dieting - simple Portion Control was all I needed - I ate about 1500 calories a day from ALL food groups and still do - no logging, no low carbing for me. It was easy as anything in that sense - but that's because of the exercise I do. I swear running is magic and everyone oughta try it!

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Thank you Tazzy, you're doing fantastic! 140 lbs is a massive amount, well done.

In my good times, I actually do get to the point of really enjoying the exercise... but now isn't one of those times lol.

I know there's nothing else for it then to just accept what is and get on with it... I can feel myself getting closer back to that point.

Having a big whinge here has helped I think. :D

Thanks xox

I understand your frustration as this is really hard work and when people say things about taking the easy way out. I could blow a gasket. There are no easy ways to lose weight (except maybe divorce it..my attempt at a little humor).

I lost 70 pounds during the pre-op process (11 months) as I was motivated because I thought I would not have to do the liver shrinking diet and Optifast again. I had done it with Oprah in the late 80's and did not think I could do that again. It wasn't as bad the second time around as I has higly motivated. I had my surgery October 2009 and have lost 40-45 pounds since. I continue to work really hard at this and haven't lost much in the last 6 months but I haven't gained and I have enjoyed life. I also have much better fitness and can do about anything ie swim, hike, etc. Where I hurt my back once and could not walk across a room without pain so I am thankful I am still not non-obese but overall I am 140 pounds better.

I wish it was magic but it is not. I exercise at least 6 hours a week and I try to be grateful that I can. I have had a lot of non-scale victories..I am also going thru menopause so I am not 27 anymore..I can buy clothes off the rack without traying them on in the regular womens dept, it doesn't say morbid obesity on my chart or my wii anymore, I can fit in an airplane seat without an extender. MY BMI was 55 and now it is 29.

I haven't tighten my lapband in 6 months and I am debating if I will tighten it anytime soon as it is at 6.5 ml. I had an epiphany about that or at least I thought it was one. That the big picture isn't making this so tight that I am miserable but to learn and be mindful when enough is enough food wise. I don't want to max out on my band and I think I realise this is about me and my body. I am that same size I was at the end of college (not thin then either) but I am also 30 years older. I also got rid of my CPAP machine by losing the weight and I am told only 20% get to do that so I am trying to be thankful.

I don't know what was said to you along the way where you went thru the process. I agree some of the seminars are like going to buy a new car, they try to push your buttons to believe you have found the answer and sometimes we all do get unrealistic in our expectations. I was never told I would not have to diet again. I knew I was going to have to exercise and try to find a way to like it.

I had friends that decided to have the bigger surgery (bypass and sleeve but many of them had diabtes I did not) and many of them lost the weight. But after the honeymoon is over, they still plateau and have to work at it.

Hang in there..life is how you handle every day not one day.....I know I haven't said anything that is "WOW" but I wanted to let you know that we all struggle and I did this about the same time as you.

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Hey, Sky Lily

thanks for your comments. I was banded 1-1/2 years ago and did well for the first several months. I'm sure that I'm a lot older than you...I have 5 grandchildren and have been overweight most of my life. The band was advertised to be a miracle tool for those who had tried every diet and failed. It has turned out to be another of my failed diets, because you have to stick to high Protein and low carb to succeed and I can succeed at that diet only 6 months before I start gaining the weight back...I usually lose and then regain 60 lbs or more. Have also spent $50,000 on diets over the years...every one imaginable. I wake up every day and tell myself that I will try this thing again because I still need to lose 70 lbs (gained back more than 20 of the 60 that I had lost last year). I need to lose it for my health, my self-esteem AND the fact that I am having my 40th high school reunion in October and I don't want to go looking like Sponge Bob Square Pants. I guess we just need to support each other and encourage each other as best we can, and who knows, we may be very successful like our friend who has lost 140 lbs. What an accomplishment!!! Good luck to you; I wish you well. Grandy

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Hi Grandy... putting aside the fact that I LOVE Sponge Bob :D I get what you're saying.

Some bandsters have genuine problems with the band that cause pain and inadequate restriction... so the tool just doesn't do its job... and then there are others who realise that even though the band does work for them that they are still slave to a lifetime of dieting etc. I hate that I still have to have the diet mentality... I thought I was actually going to be free of that and because I supposedly wouldn't be able to eat much that the food part largely took care of itself... without being ridiculous of course and eating junkfood etc. If I could actually feel the restriction I'm sure my journey would be easier... that's why we got the band in the first place!

I'm sorry you're struggling... none of this is easy and as you say we need to support and encourage each other and maybe one day we'll have our own success stories.

Good luck Grandy. :rolleyes:

SkyLily xox

PS I am trying to kickstart my losing again with doing this five day thingy this week starting today http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/days1_2.html.

Hey, Sky Lily

thanks for your comments. I was banded 1-1/2 years ago and did well for the first several months. I'm sure that I'm a lot older than you...I have 5 grandchildren and have been overweight most of my life. The band was advertised to be a miracle tool for those who had tried every diet and failed. It has turned out to be another of my failed diets, because you have to stick to high Protein and low carb to succeed and I can succeed at that diet only 6 months before I start gaining the weight back...I usually lose and then regain 60 lbs or more. Have also spent $50,000 on diets over the years...every one imaginable. I wake up every day and tell myself that I will try this thing again because I still need to lose 70 lbs (gained back more than 20 of the 60 that I had lost last year). I need to lose it for my health, my self-esteem AND the fact that I am having my 40th high school reunion in October and I don't want to go looking like Sponge Bob Square Pants. I guess we just need to support each other and encourage each other as best we can, and who knows, we may be very successful like our friend who has lost 140 lbs. What an accomplishment!!! Good luck to you; I wish you well. Grandy

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Hi Grandy... putting aside the fact that I LOVE Sponge Bob :D I get what you're saying.

Some bandsters have genuine problems with the band that cause pain and inadequate restriction... so the tool just doesn't do its job... and then there are others who realise that even though the band does work for them that they are still slave to a lifetime of dieting etc. I hate that I still have to have the diet mentality... I thought I was actually going to be free of that and because I supposedly wouldn't be able to eat much that the food part largely took care of itself... without being ridiculous of course and eating junkfood etc. If I could actually feel the restriction I'm sure my journey would be easier... that's why we got the band in the first place!

I'm sorry you're struggling... none of this is easy and as you say we need to support and encourage each other and maybe one day we'll have our own success stories.

Good luck Grandy. :rolleyes:

SkyLily xox

PS I am trying to kickstart my losing again with doing this five day thingy this week starting today http://www.5daypouch...an/days1_2.html.

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Hey "SL"

thanks for the reply. I'm going to try that 5 day Jump Start. It looks like a combination of the first week of the Atkins and the Pre-op diet for the band. I have done that combination several times before and it works, so

it's worth another try. Let's do it together. I hope everyone else who is interested (and struggling like I am) looks at that website. Thanks...I hope we talk again soon! Grandy

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Hi Skylily,

What a journey you've had! I've had it fairly easy in comparison, but am still struggling to get to a "healthy" weight. I had a set back last year after an injury and spent the past year not exercising and eating what ever I wanted. Somehow I've managed to keep the weight gain to only 12lbs. I'm back on track now, doing medifast (that I get from my WL surgeon) to try to get under 200lbs. Even with the band we all have to work at this!

Have you have an xray of your band? The reflux and choking sounds like your band might have slipped. My sister in law had that happen afer she had a baby. The band slipped and the reflux was terrible. She had her band totally unfilled and after 4 weeks the band is back where it's supposed to be. She's starting to have it refilled next week. Might be worth a visit to your surgeon to have that checked out.

Good luck to you on your weight loss journey!

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Hi AuntieGG, great to hear you're back on track. smile.gif

Thanks for your concern but I only get the reflux and choking when it is has a certain amount of fill in it... so I had it unfilled to a point where it doesn't do that.

I too am back on track... back on the old low carb, low cal and exercise trail. arghhhhhhhhhhh angry.gif

I think what annoys me the most is that prebanding you are led to believe that you'll never have to diet again. I KNEW that didn't mean I could eat rubbish and lounge around and I'd lose weight... but what I thought it meant was that the band would help diminish my hunger to the level that I wouldn't EVER want to overeat etc... that I would naturally eat smaller portions and the whole lifetime of struggling, dieting, having to think about food etc would be blissfully over. But then you find out that that's not really the way it is at all.

So here I am back on track yes SIGH... there's not really any choice is there lol.

Thanks for your reply and good luck with medifast etc.


PS This post is also in Introductions called Banded two years now... I need some help please. There are quite a few interesting replies on that if you wanted to have a look.

Hi Skylily,

What a journey you've had! I've had it fairly easy in comparison, but am still struggling to get to a "healthy" weight. I had a set back last year after an injury and spent the past year not exercising and eating what ever I wanted. Somehow I've managed to keep the weight gain to only 12lbs. I'm back on track now, doing medifast (that I get from my WL surgeon) to try to get under 200lbs. Even with the band we all have to work at this!

Have you have an xray of your band? The reflux and choking sounds like your band might have slipped. My sister in law had that happen afer she had a baby. The band slipped and the reflux was terrible. She had her band totally unfilled and after 4 weeks the band is back where it's supposed to be. She's starting to have it refilled next week. Might be worth a visit to your surgeon to have that checked out.

Good luck to you on your weight loss journey!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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