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Banded two years now... I need some help please.

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And for those who think that a bypass is the answer to all their problems I am adding a post from another support group that I am subscribed to.

I met with my surgeon today and he as agreed to put in a lap band onto my bypass. I am relieved as I thought it was the end of the road... I hope it helps me feel restricted. Send positive vibes my way at the end of July when I go in for the surgery.

This is a previous post from the same person that gives a little bit of background.

i lost 66kg with my band initially and loved it and then last April it just stopped happening and I could eat very little and vomited all the time yet lost nothing. My surgeon did a swallow test and saw that the band was apparently still in place etc. it was at that time i decided to seek another opinion and saw a few surgeons and decided to have my band out and go the bypass route then. The next surgeon (1st one only does banding) removed the band and at that stage said it had in fact slipped. We waited some months and I went and had my bypass in December last year. After that operation he said I had extensive adhesions and that the tube he created may not get good restriction due to the amount of scarring from the slipped band.

It seems this person is struggling with the bypass and has again stopped losing weight.

I think the bottom line is that there is no such thing as a perfect WLS or even a one size fits all solution. Whichever surgery we choose is going to involve effort on our part - often a lot more than we at first hoped.The best thing to do is research , research, research prior to surgery and then go into your chosen surgery with your eyes wide open and lots of commitment.

There will always be an unlucky minority that will not have success with the surgery that they have chosen. Sometimes it is due to non compliance, sometimes it is due to a not so good surgeon or poor aftercare and sometimes it seems that it is just plain bad luck.Sometimes a revision works sometimes it brings with it it's own set of problems.

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Hi Kristy, sorry to hear about your problems. :(

Contrary to what some people like to believe many of the problems lapbanders suffer they don't bring on themselves.

It's great that some people get off scot free and don't have any pain or stress from complications... and I LOVE hearing success stories... but the holier-than-thou people who can't help putting their two cents in and come off sounding like zealots are just silly and annoying!

I truly hope you feel better soon and the best of luck with your future.


I could have written your post myself. I was banded in 2008, and did OK for about a year...then the problems started in earnest. I've been completely unfilled for two weeks now and am STILL vomiting on a near daily basis. Most days I cannot handle actual food, and some days, such as today, I can't even keep down a Protein drink! (I dare not drink shakes anymore...I have to have the things made with Water. GAH! Something with TEXTURE would be nice!!!) I'm glad to read there really are people that are successful with this but I want to point out something on LAP-BAND's own website:

"Patients can experience complications after surgery. Most complications are not serious but some may require hospitalization and/or re-operation. In the United States clinical study, with3-year follow-up reported, 88% of the 299 patients had one or more adverse events, ranging from mild, moderate, to severe. Nausea and vomiting (51%), gastroesophageal reflux (regurgitation) (34%), band slippage/pouch dilatation (24%) and stoma obstruction (stomach-band outlet blockage) (14%) were the most common post-operative complications. In the study, 25% of the patients had their band systems removed, two-thirds of which were following adverse events. Esophageal dilatation or dysmotility (poor esophageal function) occurred in 11% of patients, the long-term effects of which are currently unknown. Constipation, diarrhea and dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) occurred in 9% of the patients. In 9% of the patients, a second surgery was needed to fix a problem with the band or initial surgery. In 9% of the patients, there was an additional procedure to fix a leaking or twisted access port. The access port design has been improved. Four out of 299 patients (1.3%) had their bands erode into their stomachs. These bands needed to be removed in a second operation. Surgical techniques have evolved to reduce slippage. Surgeons with more laparoscopic experience and more experience with these procedures report fewer complications."

(Can be read in its entirety here: http://www.lapband.c...y_information//)

That say a LOT to me. I did do some of my homework before getting this, but if I had TRULY done it as well as I do for my schooling, I would have just gone for the sleeve. Even my own surgeon tried to talk me OUT of the band. Says a lot to me and I wish I had listened to him the first time around. (He'll hopefully be doing my revision here in August!)

Good luck to you!

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Skylily do you have an actual support group that you can go to? Often people who are struggling find that going to an actual support group with other bandits helps. Sharing with others in person can help more than an online group.

I don't know where in Vic you live but if you are close to Melbourne's Western suburbs pm me for the details of a great group that meets once a month.

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Elcee...trust me, I started out doing EVERYTHING right by this stupid band. It was when my complication arose that I had to start eating around it, now I cannot eat ANYTHING. Some of us just really and truly are NOT a good match. And when you read the long term for this vs other WLS...

And as a future RN...lol...yes...I have done my homework. I know more about med side effects than I ever cared to know, because I have to know how to treat them. I can also say I have taken care of a couple people who have had complications from their WLS surgeries. I see them at our support group and they still don't regret the decision.

Read my signature...people who have issues with the band are not lazy, uninformed idiots. Nor do we deserve a condescending attitude. *I* did not fail this band, it has failed ME. I have struggled VERY HARD to not gain back what little weight I lost since I've gotten it. (Something that is NOT difficult right now because I cannot eat, and have to exercise to have ANY energy to get me through my 12 hour days 3 times a week at the hospital, much less class and study time.) I know what is best for ME, just as the OP knows what is best for HER, just as anyone else would do what is best for THEM. Attitudes such as "you just didn't do good enough" only hurt...it's not helpful at all. Are you like this in your support group meetings?????

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Hi Kristy, sorry to hear about your problems. :(

Contrary to what some people like to believe many of the problems lapbanders suffer they don't bring on themselves.

It's great that some people get off scot free and don't have any pain or stress from complications... and I LOVE hearing success stories... but the holier-than-thou people who can't help putting their two cents in and come off sounding like zealots are just silly and annoying!

I truly hope you feel better soon and the best of luck with your future.


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The first part of this post is copied from the About Me part in my profile. I decided to use it here because I would like some feedback please.

I was banded in March 2009. I came home, somewhat in discomfort and over the following days I progressed into agony. I ended up back in hospital having emergency surgery at 2am five days after the placement. I had been nicked in the first surgery and had an infection. The band was removed and I spent four days in ICU and then another four or five in the ward. It was the most PAINFUL experience in my life and it wasn't too good emotionally either.

After I returned home there was a long recovery period and I initially thought I could not face hospital again with rebanding. My surgeon explained that I may have to be opened up again (I have a huge scar down my middle because of the emergency surgery) if it proved impossible to do it keyhole. I had to gather up all my strength and return to try again in August 2009 because I didn't want all that pain and money wasted... with no outcome except a scar to show for it. Fortunately the second banding went without a hitch and it was a keyhole op.

It hasn't been an easy journey. I can't seem to tolerate a decent fill without severe reflux and choking during the night etc. So, I only have enough fill to make sure I don't suffer those symptoms but then it means I can fit way more in than I would like to. I initially lost a decent amount... but only after low carbing combined with 3 or 4 days at gym every week. I have the metabolism of a slug!! Over the past 12 months I have regained 10 kgs (22 lbs).

I am just beginning again to try to start from scratch in my mindset. Force myself to eat less, chew more, don't drink with meals etc.

People who look at banding as 'cheating' and 'easy' have NO IDEA. Us banders still need colossal willpower and determination. It is a life-long struggle and the trick is to remain proactive in our journey and not give up. I always knew banding was just another tool in my arsenal and not a magic fix... I just have to sharpen this particular tool at this point in time and make it work for me.

Don't get me wrong though I WISH THIS BLOODY BAND WAS A MAGIC FIX and I didn't have to diet or exercise!!!!! laugh.gif

Now... first of all I am not vying for sympathy here or wish to put off any potential banders. I am just saying it as it is for me. The band has been a wonderful tool for many on this site as the many glowing posts attest to and I wish all you newbies the best of luck. smile.gif

I would like to hear from others who have been on a similar journey. Having a fairly successful honeymoon period... putting in the hard yards with diet and exercise... and then grinding to a halt.

I would like to know how others who suffer from severe reflux and choking from having the band at a level where restriction is effective but need to unfill it enough so that those symptoms don't occur... and therefore can eat more than they should on the band.

I have considered changing to a sleeve but from what I have read they too have a honeymoon period of losing and then the same problems can occur... starting to eat more etc. I don't want to change one set of problems for another... I want the band to work for me... I want me to work for me.

I am at bit of a standstill. I am still having the same problems that I have had all my life. I hate people harping on about willpower. I have lost 1000s of pounds in my life and put them all back on. The periods of self denial and exercise are far more than most people ever endure. I have also enjoyed the times when I have got into the zone and eating well and going to gym etc has been easy and something that has become a pleasant daily ritual... and I believe that 'yes, I can do this for the rest of my life'. But life long habits are insidious... and creep stealthily back... and before I know it... here I am... asking for some advice from you guys because I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

I wish I could get my band filled more without the painful and scary side effects.

I wish I could maintain control as an ongoing thing rather than in spurts.

I wish I wasn't failing... and no matter how you dress it that's what I'm doing.

I know I have to climb back on the will power horse and just do it.

I just feel like I'm on this endless cycle. I hoped before I got banded that I would be able to break the cycle. I was wrong.

Thanks for listening.

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I completely sympathize with you and others who have gone through a similar journey. During my surgery the surgeon perforated my stomach and had to abort the surgery completely. I have been struggling with what to do....do I try again with the band? I just don't know what to do.

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Trying to work out where I said that people that do not have success have not done enough?

I do remember saying

I think the bottom line is that there is no such thing as a perfect WLS or even a one size fits all solution. Whichever surgery we choose is going to involve effort on our part - often a lot more than we at first hoped.The best thing to do is research , research, research prior to surgery and then go into your chosen surgery with your eyes wide open and lots of commitment.

so my emphasis here is on being informed. I never said that any of you weren't but misinformation or lack of information is a common cause of problems.

I also didn't say here that people that fail have not done enough. In fact I have given 3 different possible reasons for failure. One of which is bad luck.

There will always be an unlucky minority that will not have success with the surgery that they have chosen. Sometimes it is due to non compliance, sometimes it is due to a not so good surgeon or poor aftercare and sometimes it seems that it is just plain bad luck.Sometimes a revision works sometimes it brings with it it's own set of problems.

I also don't remember calling anyone lazy or an idiot.

I do remember pointing out that there is no one size fits all solution. Part of my reason for posting was to caution people that the grass is not always greener on the other side. It may feel like it when you are having problems but each surgery has it's own set of problems. One should be very careful before deciding that a different surgery is the magical solution that someone has been searching for. The last thing anyone wants is for someone to have further surgery if it is not necessary and maybe have further problems. Sometimes there is a simpler solution.Yes it is possible that the band may not have been the best choice for some of you but how do you know that the sleeve or bypass will be any better. Both of these types of surgery have much higher risks (initially at least) and should only be entered into with caution.

Should my band slip or erode in the future I will probably CONSIDER a VSG. But I also recognise that it is not the magical solution that I would like it to be. People with the sleeve still vomit, have reflux etc and it is still possible to eat around it. Yes it is easier because it is not necessary to go for fills so initially the weight loss is faster but it is not perfect.

My philosophy is to try to work with what I have unless there is no alternative.

For those of you who do decide to revise I wish you the best of luck. Just make sure that your new chosen surgery has been well researched and that you are going into it with eyes wide open and realistic expectations.

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Good evening Grandy, it's 9.12 pm in Victoria, Australia and it's a chilly dark hungry night. :D

Thanks for your message, it's very welcome. :)

I hope your eye work goes off smoothly... and yes, it is vital to do things to feel good. I love my nails and hair looking good and I don't own one set of unglamorous bras... and about 30 gorgeous ones LOL. The Imelda Marcos of bras! I'm the only one who gets to see them BUT I know I'm wearing them. :rolleyes:

As to the five day thingy http://www.5daypouch.../plan/day5.html... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I started yesterday morning so am on the end of the second day now. I woke up this morning feeling brutalised lol. Headache, sluggish, bad breath... the old ketone breath... I haven't missed that! I drank so much Water and other liquids yesterday I woke up SIX times last night to go the loo!!

I'm glad day 3 looks brighter... am already dreaming of eggs and tuna... amazing how a bit of deprivation makes simple things seem so desirable. :lol:

It is good you are starting it on the Saturday and not during the week. Will make it a bit easier than going into work feeling the day 2 horror. :o

I am feeling back in determined mode at present so when the five days are gone I'll just settle back into low carb, low cal, exercise blah blah blah hahahaha... so crap... but what can we do? Don't really have a choice do we? I've decided I'll try to do the five day thing every few weeks, maybe make it a monthly thing... well that's the plan at present! :P

I also joined a site called http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ so I can track my food and weight etc. I haven't done that before diligently so hopefully that will aid a bit.

Anyway, thanks again for your message and good luck with EVERYTHING... the eyes, the job, the stress, the plan, the hunger... WE CAN DO IT... even if it's by a 2 steps forward, one step back method... we'll get there eventually.

SkyLily xox

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Good evening Grandy, it's 9.12 pm in Victoria, Australia and it's a chilly dark hungry night. :D

Thanks for your message, it's very welcome. :)

I hope your eye work goes off smoothly... and yes, it is vital to do things to feel good. I love my nails and hair looking good and I don't own one set of unglamorous bras... and about 30 gorgeous ones LOL. The Imelda Marcos of bras! I'm the only one who gets to see them BUT I know I'm wearing them. :rolleyes:

As to the five day thingy http://www.5daypouch.../plan/day5.html... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I started yesterday morning so am on the end of the second day now. I woke up this morning feeling brutalised lol. Headache, sluggish, bad breath... the old ketone breath... I haven't missed that! I drank so much Water and other liquids yesterday I woke up SIX times last night to go the loo!!

I'm glad day 3 looks brighter... am already dreaming of eggs and tuna... amazing how a bit of deprivation makes simple things seem so desirable. :lol:

It is good you are starting it on the Saturday and not during the week. Will make it a bit easier than going into work feeling the day 2 horror. :o

I am feeling back in determined mode at present so when the five days are gone I'll just settle back into low carb, low cal, exercise blah blah blah hahahaha... so crap... but what can we do? Don't really have a choice do we? I've decided I'll try to do the five day thing every few weeks, maybe make it a monthly thing... well that's the plan at present! :P

I also joined a site called http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ so I can track my food and weight etc. I haven't done that before diligently so hopefully that will aid a bit.

Anyway, thanks again for your message and good luck with EVERYTHING... the eyes, the job, the stress, the plan, the hunger... WE CAN DO IT... even if it's by a 2 steps forward, one step back method... we'll get there eventually.

SkyLily xox

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Hey Sky Lily

I hope your 5 day start up went well. I know you lost some weight because that is a tough one. Well, don't believe anyone when they tell you that after having your eyes done, you will experience minimal swelling, bleeding and discomfort. You multiply that times ten and, if you're lucky, and have lots of bags of frozen peas (for ice packs) you will get through it OK. I look like 40 miles of bad road today and am not even answering the door without my sunglasses. I hope that I can return to work in a week and somewhat resemble my old self. My husband said he doesn't know why women put themselves through all the pain...

You're right about me not starting the 5 day today...my focus is a little off (maybe because I only have one opened eye today!!!!)

Take care of yourself, my friend, and we will talk soon. Good luck on Step 2...I know you will do well!


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Hi Grandy... your husband's remark... because the pain is usually worth it... in our eyes. biggrin.gif

Sorry you're in so much discomfort... I knew it would be no walk in the park you poor thing. sad.gif

When (notice I say when and not if rolleyes.gif) I lose a substantial more amount of weight I'm going to get my chin/neck area done.

And yes I did lose 3 kilos these past five days. Two of those in the first two days. I think I have slipped quickly into starvation mode though. I will try to up the calorie and carb intake today as both have been negligible this week. BUT I feel clean and lighter and determined... and trying to ignore the pissed off feeling of "arghhhhhh not again". wink.gif

Hope you feel better soon Ms Grandy.

SkyLily xox

so I

Hey Sky Lily

I hope your 5 day start up went well. I know you lost some weight because that is a tough one. Well, don't believe anyone when they tell you that after having your eyes done, you will experience minimal swelling, bleeding and discomfort. You multiply that times ten and, if you're lucky, and have lots of bags of frozen peas (for ice packs) you will get through it OK. I look like 40 miles of bad road today and am not even answering the door without my sunglasses. I hope that I can return to work in a week and somewhat resemble my old self. My husband said he doesn't know why women put themselves through all the pain...

You're right about me not starting the 5 day today...my focus is a little off (maybe because I only have one opened eye today!!!!)

Take care of yourself, my friend, and we will talk soon. Good luck on Step 2...I know you will do well!


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Thanks klh1197

You poor thing. Mine was perforated too but it wasn't noticed or picked up in the swallow hence being at home for five days before the emergency surgery. So I'm glad you at least didn't have to go through that, but how absolutely AWFUL for you to wake up after the op to find out you weren't even banded after all the struggle it takes to just get on that damn table in the first place!

I know you weren't asking, just expressing your frustration etc... but noone can help you decide what your next step should be. I think what you're doing now is good... reading the forums. I presume you're reading the sleeve and other forums as well. Read, read, read as much as you can! On all the forums you will read glowing reports from some, struggling stories from others, and a few horror stories thrown in as well. Make sure you read the good, bad and ugly viewpoints. We all have a tendency pre op to read the good stuff and try to ignore the bad because we wish and want with all our hearts for something to help us with our problem.

I think all the WLS on offer can help us to varying degrees but at the end of the day it still falls back on us to put in the hard yards... it sucks but that's just the way it is.

None of the WLS are a walk in the park and all require more effort on our part than you hope to have to give really. All come with their own sets of potential complications.

I imagine with your reading etc you've already gathered that knowledge by yourself.

I would have liked to be more aware of all of this before I went ahead with WLS... I still would have done it... but I wouldn't have got so disappointed along the way.

I'm now back in fired up mode to put in a long haul effort of diet and exercise etc... BUT these are things I could have and would have done by myself anyway without WLS. It would just have been nice if the band had've aided me more than it has. This is my truth and viewpoint... as I keep saying there are many others and it helps to see the whole picture.

Good luck on deciding and the best of luck with whatever you do.

SkyLily xox

I completely sympathize with you and others who have gone through a similar journey. During my surgery the surgeon perforated my stomach and had to abort the surgery completely. I have been struggling with what to do....do I try again with the band? I just don't know what to do.

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Hi Grandy... your husband's remark... because the pain is usually worth it... in our eyes. biggrin.gif

Sorry you're in so much discomfort... I knew it would be no walk in the park you poor thing. sad.gif

When (notice I say when and not if rolleyes.gif) I lose a substantial more amount of weight I'm going to get my chin/neck area done.

And yes I did lose 3 kilos these past five days. Two of those in the first two days. I think I have slipped quickly into starvation mode though. I will try to up the calorie and carb intake today as both have been negligible this week. BUT I feel clean and lighter and determined... and trying to ignore the pissed off feeling of "arghhhhhh not again". wink.gif

Hope you feel better soon Ms Grandy.

SkyLily xox

so I

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Hi elcee, I have to agree with the part I have quoted below.

Research and realistic expectations are so very very important.

If I had've researched extensively off my own bat and not relied on the propaganda from the lapband websites and from the doctors surgery then I would not have wound up so disappointed with it all.

I have had to have a period of mental adjustment and go through all that... accept that the band is not perfect for me, that I do have set backs with it, but that I am now ready to just forge on with what I have. It doesn't work as well for me as for some, but it does work a bit... so now I just get on with it and continue my journey. I am not at a point of trying another WLS because at this stage I don't believe any of them are that great.

I may change my mind down the track if they create something safer and more foolproof... but right now, I have decided against any of them as being an option for me.

If however I was suffering ongoing, every day pain and trauma like some of these ladies are than of course I would not hesitate in getting the band removed and researching other WLS. I feel so very sad for them all. It's such a big thing to go through to get the band done and when our hopes and dreams are shattered it's just so depressing. I wish them all the best in whatever they choose.

Thanks for the suggestion about the support group. I am in the country, but I have a appt next week with a lapband doctor and I will ask him to source out a local one for me. Just being on this site and researching has helped me refocus, so I think a support group may be helpful. I have always been a 'I can do this by myself' type of person, but I am coming to believe that sharing stories and offering and accepting support is helpful.

SkyLily x

One should be very careful before deciding that a different surgery is the magical solution that someone has been searching for. The last thing anyone wants is for someone to have further surgery if it is not necessary and maybe have further problems. Sometimes there is a simpler solution.Yes it is possible that the band may not have been the best choice for some of you but how do you know that the sleeve or bypass will be any better. Both of these types of surgery have much higher risks (initially at least) and should only be entered into with caution.

Should my band slip or erode in the future I will probably CONSIDER a VSG. But I also recognise that it is not the magical solution that I would like it to be. People with the sleeve still vomit, have reflux etc and it is still possible to eat around it. Yes it is easier because it is not necessary to go for fills so initially the weight loss is faster but it is not perfect.

My philosophy is to try to work with what I have unless there is no alternative.

For those of you who do decide to revise I wish you the best of luck. Just make sure that your new chosen surgery has been well researched and that you are going into it with eyes wide open and realistic expectations.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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