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Banded two years now... I need some help please.

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The first part of this post is copied from the About Me part in my profile. I decided to use it here because I would like some feedback please.

I was banded in March 2009. I came home, somewhat in discomfort and over the following days I progressed into agony. I ended up back in hospital having emergency surgery at 2am five days after the placement. I had been nicked in the first surgery and had an infection. The band was removed and I spent four days in ICU and then another four or five in the ward. It was the most PAINFUL experience in my life and it wasn't too good emotionally either.

After I returned home there was a long recovery period and I initially thought I could not face hospital again with rebanding. My surgeon explained that I may have to be opened up again (I have a huge scar down my middle because of the emergency surgery) if it proved impossible to do it keyhole. I had to gather up all my strength and return to try again in August 2009 because I didn't want all that pain and money wasted... with no outcome except a scar to show for it. Fortunately the second banding went without a hitch and it was a keyhole op.

It hasn't been an easy journey. I can't seem to tolerate a decent fill without severe reflux and choking during the night etc. So, I only have enough fill to make sure I don't suffer those symptoms but then it means I can fit way more in than I would like to. I initially lost a decent amount... but only after low carbing combined with 3 or 4 days at gym every week. I have the metabolism of a slug!! Over the past 12 months I have regained 10 kgs (22 lbs).

I am just beginning again to try to start from scratch in my mindset. Force myself to eat less, chew more, don't drink with meals etc.

People who look at banding as 'cheating' and 'easy' have NO IDEA. Us banders still need colossal willpower and determination. It is a life-long struggle and the trick is to remain proactive in our journey and not give up. I always knew banding was just another tool in my arsenal and not a magic fix... I just have to sharpen this particular tool at this point in time and make it work for me.

Don't get me wrong though I WISH THIS BLOODY BAND WAS A MAGIC FIX and I didn't have to diet or exercise!!!!! laugh.gif

Now... first of all I am not vying for sympathy here or wish to put off any potential banders. I am just saying it as it is for me. The band has been a wonderful tool for many on this site as the many glowing posts attest to and I wish all you newbies the best of luck. smile.gif

I would like to hear from others who have been on a similar journey. Having a fairly successful honeymoon period... putting in the hard yards with diet and exercise... and then grinding to a halt.

I would like to know how others who suffer from severe reflux and choking from having the band at a level where restriction is effective but need to unfill it enough so that those symptoms don't occur... and therefore can eat more than they should on the band.

I have considered changing to a sleeve but from what I have read they too have a honeymoon period of losing and then the same problems can occur... starting to eat more etc. I don't want to change one set of problems for another... I want the band to work for me... I want me to work for me.

I am at bit of a standstill. I am still having the same problems that I have had all my life. I hate people harping on about willpower. I have lost 1000s of pounds in my life and put them all back on. The periods of self denial and exercise are far more than most people ever endure. I have also enjoyed the times when I have got into the zone and eating well and going to gym etc has been easy and something that has become a pleasant daily ritual... and I believe that 'yes, I can do this for the rest of my life'. But life long habits are insidious... and creep stealthily back... and before I know it... here I am... asking for some advice from you guys because I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

I wish I could get my band filled more without the painful and scary side effects.

I wish I could maintain control as an ongoing thing rather than in spurts.

I wish I wasn't failing... and no matter how you dress it that's what I'm doing.

I know I have to climb back on the will power horse and just do it.

I just feel like I'm on this endless cycle. I hoped before I got banded that I would be able to break the cycle. I was wrong.

Thanks for listening.

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I'm sorry to hear about the bad things that has happened to you.

I was also banded in 2009 (July 31st) and I lost 47 pounds but I gained most of that back. I lost most of mine because I was severely nauseated at the begining of my journey and as soon as I started feeling better, that's when the pounds started to creep back on. It makes me sad because I failed myself and to see that if I pushed myself harder I could have been at my goal weight right now, it really does depress me. I have a weak stomach....I don't know why I am allowing myself to do stuff, I don't know why I am not determined enough, I don't know why I can't tell my mind NO! That I don't need this or that.

It does take a lot to get that will power and motivation.

Those who say weight loss surgery is the easy way out, I agree, they have no idea. Any form of weightloss requires determination and motivation. None of it is easy.

I'm sick of being fat and embarrassed about my body.

I need to do something about it before it gets worse.

I need to see my doctor about it, I haven't seen him since last August.

I need to get where I want to be, I want to feel like a winner and I know everyone else on here does too.

Junk food wins me over the most.

We need to be in this for ourselves and together.

We will get there!

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Hello, I'm sorry also to hear about your journey.

I have an appt with another bariatric surgeon later this month.

I think it's about time I discuss my issues with a fresh ear and see what advice he can give me.

I remember coming home from the second surgery and because I had the major surgery and had been on a drip with no food for almost 2 weeks my stomach must have been swollen and shrunk... now, everything else felt like crap but the feeling of complete and utter no appetite was amazing. I would have 2 or 3 bites of something and be absolutely full. It was the most wonderful feeling in the world. I would so LOVE to feel like that... be otherwise healthy but be well and truly full with no desire for another bite. The band doesn't do that in the same way... I wonder if anything would... I doubt it.

Anyway, I will let you know how the meeting goes if you like. :)

I'm sorry to hear about the bad things that has happened to you.

I was also banded in 2009 (July 31st) and I lost 47 pounds but I gained most of that back. I lost most of mine because I was severely nauseated at the begining of my journey and as soon as I started feeling better, that's when the pounds started to creep back on. It makes me sad because I failed myself and to see that if I pushed myself harder I could have been at my goal weight right now, it really does depress me. I have a weak stomach....I don't know why I am allowing myself to do stuff, I don't know why I am not determined enough, I don't know why I can't tell my mind NO! That I don't need this or that.

It does take a lot to get that will power and motivation.

Those who say weight loss surgery is the easy way out, I agree, they have no idea. Any form of weightloss requires determination and motivation. None of it is easy.

I'm sick of being fat and embarrassed about my body.

I need to do something about it before it gets worse.

I need to see my doctor about it, I haven't seen him since last August.

I need to get where I want to be, I want to feel like a winner and I know everyone else on here does too.

Junk food wins me over the most.

We need to be in this for ourselves and together.

We will get there!

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I had mine done in 2008. I initially lost 50 lbs, but over the years, moving to another area, etc., I have now gained back 20 of it. I never did reach my goal. It is effecting me and my family. I am very frustrated right now. I am trying to get a hold of a new doctor where I am but am having push back about insurance (they say my insurance doesnt cover, my insurance says they do). Had a real bad night last night, and am just plain mad!!

I have GOT to get ahold of this thing. I am like you and just going to try and start over today. Its the day to day, minute to minute, battle that is so hard for me. It truly is an addiction for me (food), and I am losing to it. Its not just me that is struggling, my wife and kids struggle too.

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Hi JTester

Sorry you're struggling too. :(

I'm gonna give this a go (well try to) this week. See if I can use this as a springboard. http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html

I think I'm getting closer to trudging back up that blasted well used steep path of sheer hellish effort LOL.

Good luck with the insurance thing.


I had mine done in 2008. I initially lost 50 lbs, but over the years, moving to another area, etc., I have now gained back 20 of it. I never did reach my goal. It is effecting me and my family. I am very frustrated right now. I am trying to get a hold of a new doctor where I am but am having push back about insurance (they say my insurance doesnt cover, my insurance says they do). Had a real bad night last night, and am just plain mad!!

I have GOT to get ahold of this thing. I am like you and just going to try and start over today. Its the day to day, minute to minute, battle that is so hard for me. It truly is an addiction for me (food), and I am losing to it. Its not just me that is struggling, my wife and kids struggle too.

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I am sorry about your difficult journey with the band. I have to admit, I found it encouraging that you describe things I've gone through (the night choking etc) but have not read others post.

It is hard. The band is not an easy fix - it's changing our whole relationship with food and with our perception.

Good luck. You can do this.

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I am sorry about your difficult journey with the band. I have to admit, I found it encouraging that you describe things I've gone through (the night choking etc) but have not read others post.

It is hard. The band is not an easy fix - it's changing our whole relationship with food and with our perception.

Good luck. You can do this.

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Thank you... and you can do it too! :D

The more I read on this site the more I realise just how many others have suffered the night choking and severe reflux as well as a range of other problems.

The ones who don't are very lucky indeed that they can get the full benefits of the band.


I am sorry about your difficult journey with the band. I have to admit, I found it encouraging that you describe things I've gone through (the night choking etc) but have not read others post.

It is hard. The band is not an easy fix - it's changing our whole relationship with food and with our perception.

Good luck. You can do this.

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I had surgery in April 2009. I have also struggled with the band and can't get a decent fill without ending up in the ER needing an emergency unfill. Than the whole process starts all over again.

I have been in the ER room in extreme pain three times. Each time I got the fill I was told I could handle it, but 24 hours later my stomach was swollen and I couldn't drink or eat anything. I have never been about 6cc's and am currently at 5cc's. My last fill was a year ago and I ended up again in ER with 5.5cc's in my band. Again I had lost alot of weight and was ready for a fill but for some reason I can't handle the fill process as my stomach swells shut no matter if I am getting filled or unfilled. Just the act of changing the Fluid level ends me up in the ER room again. So needless to say I don't have a good fill and have never been able to have a good fill.

I have only lost 25 pounds with the band. At one time I was down 60 pounds but after my second ER visit they took out all my Fluid and would not put it back in for almost 9 months. I finally insisted we needed to start slowly filling the band again. After the third small fill back in the ER again with all the same symptoms. I ended up in respitory distress the last time and was out of work for a week barely able to breathe. The ER doctors thought maybe the band and stomach were swollen and pushing on my diaphram and so theproblems breathing. They said when the swelling went down things would resolve and after two weeks and antivan to cope with the symptoms I was back to normal. So since than I figure three strikes(three ER visits in a year) your out.............but no after a year and not losing or gaining I think I need to try to get another fill.

For some reason I am the person who has issues with the band. I have many friends that have been fine with fills even getting up to 9cc's and doing fine. Just me that has had the ER visits and problems.

So I am glad to see this thread. No one wants to hear what is going on. They think I am exagerrating the problems. But as you know sometimes people just can't handle the fills for some reason.

Right now I have an infected port. I am going in this week to try and figure out what I need to do. It has been swollen and hurting for three weeks. I think it may have moved if feels like it is moving around..............from what I hear it is an easy fix in the office if it has moved.

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WOW! Your poor thing! Sounds like you've been to hell and back. :(

You're so brave contemplating going back for another fill... though I understand the despair that drives you.

After I posted this here in Introductions I found another area called Struggling Lap-Bandsters, under the Lap Band Complications section. I figured it more properly belonged there so reposted with the heading The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - two years on.

If you read through a few of the posts in that section you realise how many people are in the same boat we are in. AGAIN, I will say, yes, this band does help quite a number of people and I am very pleased for them but there are also lots of others who for various reasons this band hasn't proved to be the effective tool it promised to be.

I am going to knuckle under and try, try, try again and give it another honest and all out effort but if eventually I get to a point where I think 'enough is enough' then I will look at my options.

Incidentally... my port has always been twisted so they can't just stick a needle in and find it. One time when my main doctor was away and his associate filled me it took at least 20 trys sticking the needle in to finally find it.ARGHHHHHHHH. He was gonna give up half way through but I said 'no way, I've travelled 100 kms through peak hour traffic to get here, just find it'. LOL. The last 2 times an ultrasound has been used for unfills when my doctor wasn't around and the unfill was URGENT. If I do stay on the Band Wagon then I will look at getting the port repositioned... I didn't know it was a relatively easy thing to do... I'll have to ask. I haven't been back for a year anyway because I was just sick of being sick with it and sick of the whole damn thing.

Good luck with EVERYTHING.


I had surgery in April 2009. I have also struggled with the band and can't get a decent fill without ending up in the ER needing an emergency unfill. Than the whole process starts all over again.

I have been in the ER room in extreme pain three times. Each time I got the fill I was told I could handle it, but 24 hours later my stomach was swollen and I couldn't drink or eat anything. I have never been about 6cc's and am currently at 5cc's. My last fill was a year ago and I ended up again in ER with 5.5cc's in my band. Again I had lost alot of weight and was ready for a fill but for some reason I can't handle the fill process as my stomach swells shut no matter if I am getting filled or unfilled. Just the act of changing the Fluid level ends me up in the ER room again. So needless to say I don't have a good fill and have never been able to have a good fill.

I have only lost 25 pounds with the band. At one time I was down 60 pounds but after my second ER visit they took out all my Fluid and would not put it back in for almost 9 months. I finally insisted we needed to start slowly filling the band again. After the third small fill back in the ER again with all the same symptoms. I ended up in respitory distress the last time and was out of work for a week barely able to breathe. The ER doctors thought maybe the band and stomach were swollen and pushing on my diaphram and so theproblems breathing. They said when the swelling went down things would resolve and after two weeks and antivan to cope with the symptoms I was back to normal. So since than I figure three strikes(three ER visits in a year) your out.............but no after a year and not losing or gaining I think I need to try to get another fill.

For some reason I am the person who has issues with the band. I have many friends that have been fine with fills even getting up to 9cc's and doing fine. Just me that has had the ER visits and problems.

So I am glad to see this thread. No one wants to hear what is going on. They think I am exagerrating the problems. But as you know sometimes people just can't handle the fills for some reason.

Right now I have an infected port. I am going in this week to try and figure out what I need to do. It has been swollen and hurting for three weeks. I think it may have moved if feels like it is moving around..............from what I hear it is an easy fix in the office if it has moved.

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This post makes me want gastric bypass.

i know it comes with its own set of issues but dam!

i really wish you good luck .. and thank you for posting this.

If i was able to control my diet and do what i need to do to get fit i would need the band. period.

wishing you the best !

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This post makes me want gastric bypass.

i know it comes with its own set of issues but dam!

i really wish you good luck .. and thank you for posting this.

If i was able to control my diet and do what i need to do to get fit i would need the band. period.

wishing you the best !

I took a look at your blog and regarding the upkeep of the RNY (bypass) you are aware that you have to have labs (blood) drawn ever so often and supplement with lots of vitamins/minerals? The malabsorption of the bypass can make keeping certain levels very tricky. You need to do more research.

I've been banded 2 years, no complications and have lost 200lbs. The band is to help control the appetite, controlling what you put in your mouth is up to the banded person.

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Yea having my blood drawn and taking Vitamins everyday sounds like a cake walk compared to what thus poor lady has been thru . I'm fully aware what comes with bypass and I'm willing and ready for the challenges . Lap band to me seems like a temporary answer to a long term problem that could make me feel worse in the long run . .

It's not for me .

I know it's works like a charm for alor of people . I've met alot if friends here and they seem to be okay with the sliming , Pbing , etc . But again not my cup of tea .


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Well, the sliming, pbing and etc. are only if you keep the band too tight. I don't have those issues.

Good luck on your bypass.

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You must be so pleased! What a great achievement.

If the band could help to control my appetite I would be rapt. The way it works for you and your result is what I dreamed of pre band.

Well done! :)

I've been banded 2 years, no complications and have lost 200lbs. The band is to help control the appetite, controlling what you put in your mouth is up to the banded person.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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