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My Story - without an ending

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Hi Folks,

I had my lapband put in 3 years ago. Hard to believe it's been that long and I'm still wearing the same clothes! I want to share my story. I'm not going to lay all the blame for my 'failure' on me, on the lapband or any one place. I believe there is enough blame for everyone! But honestly, I'm sick and tired of feeling guilty so I've moved on from the anger part.

I thought this lapband was the be-all-end-all! I went thru so many hoops to get it. Insurance paid most, but that doesn't mean it was easy! I remember asking the surgeon why he was recommending the band versus bypass. He told me that because I was in overall good health (other than the weight), I really wasn't a candidate for bypass. Right - now anyone who feels a little plump can get it (I know - a bit of an overstatement, but so what). Apparently, my lifelong battle with weight and the 140 extra pounds I was carrying wasn't enough. Fine - the band was still billed as the savior. So what if it took me 2 years versus one year - so I thought then.

Here's what I was told.

  1. I was told that immediately after surgery, I would have restriction. As a matter of fact, I remember DISTINCTLY the dietician telling all of us hopefuls that we'd never be able to eat more than 1/2 cup of food at any one sitting - ever again. I remember her going thru the whole idea of thanksgiving. Sure you could have stuffing and gravy and turkey and whatever - up to a total of 1/2 cup. It may have been no more than 1 cup. It's been a while, but I seem to remember it being less than 1 cup! Anyway - that's what we were told. I am not imagining it - I can see where she was standing when she said it! We were told we would not have to diet. The only thing we'd have to pay attention to is making sure we were getting enough Protein. This all made perfect sense to my naive brain. If I could only eat less than a handful of food, I'd better make sure it counted, nutritionally.
  2. I was told that I would get my first fill within 6 weeks. I had to heal from the surgery. Made sense. I would have subsequent fills every 4 -6 weeks until I hit my 'sweet spot"
  3. I was told that there was no way I couldn't lose weight.

Here's what I found out:

  1. Immediately after surgery, I was STARVING! I was on the Clear liquids, then thicker liquids (milk, etc), then Soups and squishy food, etc. I promise you - I had NO (Zero, nada, nil, nothing) restriction whatsoever. Sure, I was sore and tender, but there was no restriction at all. I remember calling the dietician on about day 4 telling her I was almost nauseous, I was so hungry - all the time. She gave me permission to move on the Soups a few days early. I lost weight pretty quick initially . . . .because I wasn't eating!! DUH! I was a good girl and followed their directions to the T - paid for their Protein shakes, etc. I never had any restriction after surgery and before my first fill. None. Zero. I was easily able to eat more than 1 cup of food (lets err on the larger size of food portion). However, I was so scared to do anything against the wishes of the great and powerful Dr.'s, I did exactly as I was told. I lost probably 10-15 pounds before my first fill.
  2. First fill comes around. I was OVER THE MOON with excitement! Finally, this very expensive tool I'd purchased was going to actually WORK! ahhhhnah....I drove up to Columbia (SC - where I had my surgery) and finally got in to see the Dr. He gave me a shot to numb the site, then gave me a .25 cc fill. .25cc's. He assured me it was going to make a difference. Thankyouverymuch, go see the receptionist. I made another fill appointment for 4-6 weeks down the road and went home to suck down Clear Liquids for 3 days. Still no restriction. I went back to this same clinic 2 more times (4-6 weeks in between). They gave me .25 cc fills each time. The 3rd time, the med tech had the audacity to give me lip about not losing as much weight as he thought I should have lost. Poor Poor guy. I let him have it. I told him that this thing didn't work. I had NO restriction at ALL and if they'd actuially LISTEN to me instead of blaming me, patting me on my wittle head and pushing me out the door, we might get somewhere. I told him I hadn't failed - this TOOL failed. They'd sold me a freakin' expensive bill of goods and I was PISSED! I'm the one who worked 18 months to get it. I drove to and from my city to his to see them. I begged, borrowed and pleaded with my insurance company, I went thru the surgery and recovery, I lived on liquid diets. All HE did was show up to work that day and happened to get my chart! Don't tell me I failed! YOU HAVE FAILED ME!!!! I never EVER went back to that clinic. And by the way - it's one of those "Center of Excellence" places. WHO CARES! I ended up finding a great Dr via "FillCenterUSA" online. I had to drive a long way (Denver, NC)and pay more $$ but he was SO much better! He gave me a fill I could actually FEEL! Awesome - but that's a different story.
  3. I can pretty much eat whatever I want. I have restriction but it doesn't keep me from eating anything. The whole "you'll never have to diet again" is crap. The band does not stop you from eating junk. It may only stop you from eating as much. But you can easily eat around it. It's up to me to make the right food choices, just as before.

Long story .....long....I'm pretty unsold on my lapband. I have 2 family members who had bypass after I had my lapband surgery. I'm the only fat one left. Do I blame it all on this band? Of course not. I make the choices as to what I put in my body and how much I make it move. But do I think these Dr's and companies sell us a bunch of hype? You better believe it. They see us as desperate. The bigger my pant size is when I first walk in their door, the bigger $$ signs they see. This thing is a tool. It is no different and no better, in my opinion, than the points counter I used on WW. It's just a tool.

So, I've failed at the lapband thing. So what. Does it define who I am? Nope. I still have it. I probably need a fill, but won't get one done until I am ready to tackle this issue completely. I read somewhere someone else had their failure story and one of the reponses was the "rules" about nutrition, etc. I think I'll print it out. After a while, you forget, you know? That seemed helpful. My point for writing this is simply to tell my story. I'm not looking for sympathy or a good butt chewing. Sometimes, it's helpful just to get it all out and 'down on paper'.

So here's to another summer wearing the fat suit on the beach. But Priase God I get to go and play on the beach! With my adoring husband, great kids and their families and the most precious 8 month old granddaughter ever born! Maybe next year, eh??

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Wow, I don't know why I didn't see this post sooner. I'm SO SORRY you had to go through that. It sounds like the first doctor you had was a total and utter quack. He sold you a miracle cure and you fell for it-- of course you did, HE'S the doctor! If I was you I'd be hurt, and furious, and of course I'd hate the band and think it was a total waste of time.

If you'd been properly educated about the band in the first place, you might feel differently about it now- but gosh, I can't imagine how you'll get to that spot when you were sold a package full of lies and the truth just isn't the easy way out you were told about.

I feel for all the other patients at that clinic :(

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All I can say is Amazing! I feel the exact same way you do.

I have had some problems with mine, but for the last 2 1/2 years was told it's not from the band. Well guess what? I'm having it removed on June 13th. A little worried the Doc that put it in is taking out! Like you I went to a Dr. outside of my city. No one close to home will see me.

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Wow, I couldn't have said it better myself! I was told the EXACT same thing you were... my surgeon is in Virginia. My mom even went with me to the information seminar and all of my pre op appointments. I have a witness! They said "you will be able to eat whatever you want, just not a lot of it. And this is how you lose weight, because it teaches you how to eat the right portions!" And I thought "Amazing! I'll finally be able to eat and STOP when I'm full!" I was sooo excited. But had they said "you're going to have this foreign piece of plastic in your body but you'll have to diet and exercise vigorously for the rest of your life, or you won't lose weight" I would've saved the $16,000 (yup, I took out loans to do this) and just went on trying all of the fad diets and yo-yo'ing forever.

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Hi Folks,

I had my lapband put in 3 years ago. Hard to believe it's been that long and I'm still wearing the same clothes! I want to share my story. I'm not going to lay all the blame for my 'failure' on me, on the lapband or any one place. I believe there is enough blame for everyone! But honestly, I'm sick and tired of feeling guilty so I've moved on from the anger part.

I thought this lapband was the be-all-end-all! I went thru so many hoops to get it. Insurance paid most, but that doesn't mean it was easy! I remember asking the surgeon why he was recommending the band versus bypass. He told me that because I was in overall good health (other than the weight), I really wasn't a candidate for bypass. Right - now anyone who feels a little plump can get it (I know - a bit of an overstatement, but so what). Apparently, my lifelong battle with weight and the 140 extra pounds I was carrying wasn't enough. Fine - the band was still billed as the savior. So what if it took me 2 years versus one year - so I thought then.

Here's what I was told.

  1. I was told that immediately after surgery, I would have restriction. As a matter of fact, I remember DISTINCTLY the dietician telling all of us hopefuls that we'd never be able to eat more than 1/2 cup of food at any one sitting - ever again. I remember her going thru the whole idea of thanksgiving. Sure you could have stuffing and gravy and turkey and whatever - up to a total of 1/2 cup. It may have been no more than 1 cup. It's been a while, but I seem to remember it being less than 1 cup! Anyway - that's what we were told. I am not imagining it - I can see where she was standing when she said it! We were told we would not have to diet. The only thing we'd have to pay attention to is making sure we were getting enough Protein. This all made perfect sense to my naive brain. If I could only eat less than a handful of food, I'd better make sure it counted, nutritionally.
  2. I was told that I would get my first fill within 6 weeks. I had to heal from the surgery. Made sense. I would have subsequent fills every 4 -6 weeks until I hit my 'sweet spot"
  3. I was told that there was no way I couldn't lose weight.

Here's what I found out:

  1. Immediately after surgery, I was STARVING! I was on the clear liquids, then thicker liquids (milk, etc), then Soups and squishy food, etc. I promise you - I had NO (Zero, nada, nil, nothing) restriction whatsoever. Sure, I was sore and tender, but there was no restriction at all. I remember calling the dietician on about day 4 telling her I was almost nauseous, I was so hungry - all the time. She gave me permission to move on the soups a few days early. I lost weight pretty quick initially . . . .because I wasn't eating!! DUH! I was a good girl and followed their directions to the T - paid for their Protein shakes, etc. I never had any restriction after surgery and before my first fill. None. Zero. I was easily able to eat more than 1 cup of food (lets err on the larger size of food portion). However, I was so scared to do anything against the wishes of the great and powerful Dr.'s, I did exactly as I was told. I lost probably 10-15 pounds before my first fill.
  2. First fill comes around. I was OVER THE MOON with excitement! Finally, this very expensive tool I'd purchased was going to actually WORK! ahhhhnah....I drove up to Columbia (SC - where I had my surgery) and finally got in to see the Dr. He gave me a shot to numb the site, then gave me a .25 cc fill. .25cc's. He assured me it was going to make a difference. Thankyouverymuch, go see the receptionist. I made another fill appointment for 4-6 weeks down the road and went home to suck down clear liquids for 3 days. Still no restriction. I went back to this same clinic 2 more times (4-6 weeks in between). They gave me .25 cc fills each time. The 3rd time, the med tech had the audacity to give me lip about not losing as much weight as he thought I should have lost. Poor Poor guy. I let him have it. I told him that this thing didn't work. I had NO restriction at ALL and if they'd actuially LISTEN to me instead of blaming me, patting me on my wittle head and pushing me out the door, we might get somewhere. I told him I hadn't failed - this TOOL failed. They'd sold me a freakin' expensive bill of goods and I was PISSED! I'm the one who worked 18 months to get it. I drove to and from my city to his to see them. I begged, borrowed and pleaded with my insurance company, I went thru the surgery and recovery, I lived on liquid diets. All HE did was show up to work that day and happened to get my chart! Don't tell me I failed! YOU HAVE FAILED ME!!!! I never EVER went back to that clinic. And by the way - it's one of those "Center of Excellence" places. WHO CARES! I ended up finding a great Dr via "FillCenterUSA" online. I had to drive a long way (Denver, NC)and pay more $$ but he was SO much better! He gave me a fill I could actually FEEL! Awesome - but that's a different story.
  3. I can pretty much eat whatever I want. I have restriction but it doesn't keep me from eating anything. The whole "you'll never have to diet again" is crap. The band does not stop you from eating junk. It may only stop you from eating as much. But you can easily eat around it. It's up to me to make the right food choices, just as before.

Long story .....long....I'm pretty unsold on my lapband. I have 2 family members who had bypass after I had my lapband surgery. I'm the only fat one left. Do I blame it all on this band? Of course not. I make the choices as to what I put in my body and how much I make it move. But do I think these Dr's and companies sell us a bunch of hype? You better believe it. They see us as desperate. The bigger my pant size is when I first walk in their door, the bigger $$ signs they see. This thing is a tool. It is no different and no better, in my opinion, than the points counter I used on WW. It's just a tool.

So, I've failed at the lapband thing. So what. Does it define who I am? Nope. I still have it. I probably need a fill, but won't get one done until I am ready to tackle this issue completely. I read somewhere someone else had their failure story and one of the reponses was the "rules" about nutrition, etc. I think I'll print it out. After a while, you forget, you know? That seemed helpful. My point for writing this is simply to tell my story. I'm not looking for sympathy or a good butt chewing. Sometimes, it's helpful just to get it all out and 'down on paper'.

So here's to another summer wearing the fat suit on the beach. But Priase God I get to go and play on the beach! With my adoring husband, great kids and their families and the most precious 8 month old granddaughter ever born! Maybe next year, eh??

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Hi Mary: So sorry to hear your story. I am not banded yet and have fought the ins co. for a year to get approved. Finally got approved and had alot of time to research this. I am getting nervous after hearing so many complications with the band. I am 63 years old and need to lose about 50 lbs to be average.....not thin by any means. I thought this would be good for me as I am having trouble with my legs, knees, etc. which I believe is due to the excess weight. I know you are unhappy with the band bcause you have not lost any weight.....but did you have any complications like vomiting, pain, erosion, etc. That is what I am really concerned about. Of course, I want to lose the weight but at my age don't need complications to enter into the picture. I can only say that I am impressed by all those who have lost so much with the band. I don't think they would have ever been able to do it without it. I know I cannot lose any weight on my own but don't want surgery if this thing is nothing but a scam. OMG I really don't know what to do? Any suggestions?????????

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This surgery isn't a scam, but it also isn't a quick fix or a miracle cure. And if you have a surgeon who is lying to you and leading you to expect that it is, you'll definitely have problems and be disappointed!

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No, I do not belive the surgery is a scam. And with all due respect to cat lady, it amazes me that it's now the answer for a 50 lb weight loss need. I guess when you've been carrying around an extra 100+ lbs, 50 seems easy! However, it's all perspective - my perspective/view is different from where I stand. Cat Lady, if you've researched it and feel confident its what you need and have a great support system in your Dr's and staff - go for it! This is simply my experience. And like the title suggests, the story hasn't ended yet!

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No, I do not belive the surgery is a scam. And with all due respect to cat lady, it amazes me that it's now the answer for a 50 lb weight loss need. I guess when you've been carrying around an extra 100+ lbs, 50 seems easy! However, it's all perspective - my perspective/view is different from where I stand. Cat Lady, if you've researched it and feel confident its what you need and have a great support system in your Dr's and staff - go for it! This is simply my experience. And like the title suggests, the story hasn't ended yet!

Mary: Don't be amazed.....it is very difficult to lose 50-60 lbs. As you are aware that is not the only requirement for WLS. There are also comorbidities and health issues......both of which I have. Please try to understand that obesity comes in all shapes and sizes.

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Mary: Don't be amazed.....it is very difficult to lose 50-60 lbs. As you are aware that is not the only requirement for WLS. There are also comorbidities and health issues......both of which I have. Please try to understand that obesity comes in all shapes and sizes.

I agree completely and can see how my response can sound too harsh. I wish you well on your journey to amazing health!

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It is far better to get WLS when you have 50lb to lose rather than wait until you have 100lb or more to lose. All of you that have been banded or are thinking of getting banded have been "only" 50lb overweight at some stage. Did you manage to lose it and maintain that weight loss? Obviously not. In fact the band has proven to be more successful with smaller amounts of weight to lose. A person with a lower starting BMI is more likely to achieve 100% of total excess weight lost than those that have a higher BMI.

I had a starting BMI of approx 32. I weighed 74kg (163lb) which for a lot of you might sound like nothing but only being 5' I was huge. I looked pregnant - all the excess was around my middle which is the unhealthiest place to carry excess weight. I have had my band for 2 years next week. I now weigh 50kg (110lb) and feel fantastic. My only regret is that I didn't get banded sooner.

To the OP I am sorry that the way your Dr marketed the band wasn't entirely correct. However it is a fabulous tool and one without which many of us would not be able to win the battle. Yes you still have to make good choices having the band and not being constantly hungry makes a huge difference. Junk will always go down no matter what WLS you choose. Also it is possible to eat your way around any of the surgeries.

You also have to examine why you overeat. It is from boredom, is it a form of comfort, other issues. You may even need counselling to help you address these issues. Myself I am a grazer ( not the best type of candidate for a band as it is better suited to volume eaters), since being banded my grazing has been 90% under control because I am not as hungry. When I do want a snack I try to choose a healthy one. ATM my boredom eating is slightly out of control - the result of being stuck at home recuperating from a hysterectomy. I probably need another fill but am resisting as I am going overseas on holiday at the end of June and don't want to create unnecessary problems for myself.

You haven't failed with your band as there is no deadline for success. You may have failed so far but you have the power to change that at any time. Recommit yourself to getting back on track, accept the band for what it is and how it works, get counselling if necessary and start with your healthy eating and exercise regime.

Hopefully soon we will see you posting excuited about your newfound success.

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It is far better to get WLS when you have 50lb to lose rather than wait until you have 100lb or more to lose. All of you that have been banded or are thinking of getting banded have been "only" 50lb overweight at some stage. Did you manage to lose it and maintain that weight loss? Obviously not. In fact the band has proven to be more successful with smaller amounts of weight to lose. A person with a lower starting BMI is more likely to achieve 100% of total excess weight lost than those that have a higher BMI.

I had a starting BMI of approx 32. I weighed 74kg (163lb) which for a lot of you might sound like nothing but only being 5' I was huge. I looked pregnant - all the excess was around my middle which is the unhealthiest place to carry excess weight. I have had my band for 2 years next week. I now weigh 50kg (110lb) and feel fantastic. My only regret is that I didn't get banded sooner.

To the OP I am sorry that the way your Dr marketed the band wasn't entirely correct. However it is a fabulous tool and one without which many of us would not be able to win the battle. Yes you still have to make good choices having the band and not being constantly hungry makes a huge difference. Junk will always go down no matter what WLS you choose. Also it is possible to eat your way around any of the surgeries.

You also have to examine why you overeat. It is from boredom, is it a form of comfort, other issues. You may even need counselling to help you address these issues. Myself I am a grazer ( not the best type of candidate for a band as it is better suited to volume eaters), since being banded my grazing has been 90% under control because I am not as hungry. When I do want a snack I try to choose a healthy one. ATM my boredom eating is slightly out of control - the result of being stuck at home recuperating from a hysterectomy. I probably need another fill but am resisting as I am going overseas on holiday at the end of June and don't want to create unnecessary problems for myself.

You haven't failed with your band as there is no deadline for success. You may have failed so far but you have the power to change that at any time. Recommit yourself to getting back on track, accept the band for what it is and how it works, get counselling if necessary and start with your healthy eating and exercise regime.

Hopefully soon we will see you posting excuited about your newfound success.

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It is far better to get WLS when you have 50lb to lose rather than wait until you have 100lb or more to lose. All of you that have been banded or are thinking of getting banded have been "only" 50lb overweight at some stage. Did you manage to lose it and maintain that weight loss? Obviously not. In fact the band has proven to be more successful with smaller amounts of weight to lose. A person with a lower starting BMI is more likely to achieve 100% of total excess weight lost than those that have a higher BMI.

I had a starting BMI of approx 32. I weighed 74kg (163lb) which for a lot of you might sound like nothing but only being 5' I was huge. I looked pregnant - all the excess was around my middle which is the unhealthiest place to carry excess weight. I have had my band for 2 years next week. I now weigh 50kg (110lb) and feel fantastic. My only regret is that I didn't get banded sooner.

To the OP I am sorry that the way your Dr marketed the band wasn't entirely correct. However it is a fabulous tool and one without which many of us would not be able to win the battle. Yes you still have to make good choices having the band and not being constantly hungry makes a huge difference. Junk will always go down no matter what WLS you choose. Also it is possible to eat your way around any of the surgeries.

You also have to examine why you overeat. It is from boredom, is it a form of comfort, other issues. You may even need counselling to help you address these issues. Myself I am a grazer ( not the best type of candidate for a band as it is better suited to volume eaters), since being banded my grazing has been 90% under control because I am not as hungry. When I do want a snack I try to choose a healthy one. ATM my boredom eating is slightly out of control - the result of being stuck at home recuperating from a hysterectomy. I probably need another fill but am resisting as I am going overseas on holiday at the end of June and don't want to create unnecessary problems for myself.

You haven't failed with your band as there is no deadline for success. You may have failed so far but you have the power to change that at any time. Recommit yourself to getting back on track, accept the band for what it is and how it works, get counselling if necessary and start with your healthy eating and exercise regime.

Hopefully soon we will see you posting excuited about your newfound success.

Hi Elcee: Thank you for your reply. It really made me feel alot better about my decision. I was beginning to second-guess myself. I have waited a long time to do this and hope all goes well. I only hope to have the success that you have attained. Keep up the good work. T

hanks for supporting the Low BMI crowd.

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Glad to have been of help. If you want to PM me to ask any specific questions or for further encouragement feel free.

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    • Bugg

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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