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1st Fill - Still Hungry & Frustrated

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I was banded on 3/23/11. I have lost 25 lbs total as of today 5/14/11. That includes the 2 week pre op diet. Here's my problem..................I'm still hungry, and while I did really good post op, as I stayed on liquids, Protein shakes etc....now that I am on solid foods, I can pretty much eat anything with no trouble, and that scares me. I'm still not sure what the band is for. I've had one fill, and I basically have to use willpower, discipline. If I could use willpower alone, I wouldnt have had the surgery. I know that it is just a tool, and I have made significant strides in a new healthy lifestyle and excercise. But so far one fill isnt doing anything for me. I'm starving, bored with the food and frustrated. I feel like I got scammed. The lapband isnt really doing anything for me that I couldnt do for myself.

Anyone else feel like it wasnt worth the money?

I still have 40 lbs or so to lose.

Thanks for your input!

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Seriously?????? You're less than 2 months out! Did you expect to be to your goal by now? You didn't gain that extra 65 lbs overnight. Did you think you were going to lose it overnight? Lap band isn't a miracle cure....it's a tool and you need to use it appropriately. You aren't going to have restriction after one fill. You might not have any until 3 or 4 fills. Just keep watching what you eat and exercising. And keep going to your monthly appointments. You have NOT been scammed. I think the problem is you weren't properly educated. Go through this forum. There's a lot of good information.

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I am right there with you. I have only lose 16 pounds and I am getting frustrated. But I keep coming here and reading about how everyone else is on the same boat. Then I read posts of people that are 4-5 months out that have lose considerably more afte a couple of fills. So I am sticking with it and hoping that it will happen for me as well. I got frustrated with myself yesterday because I ate about 1400 calories instead of 1200, but I know that is going to happen and now I need to get to the gym today and get some walking in.

Let keep going. Its going to work. I have 1.5 weeks until my first fill. I am hoping for a miracle but am ready for a let down if I dont have good restriction.:lol:

good luck :D

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I am so in the same boat with you guys. I can pretty much eat what I want ... a cup of food doesn't do anything for me. I'm frustated but I know this is a process. I get my first fill on May 24th. I hoping for something more obvious but I know this is a process and I like what I see so far so I'm willing to stick with it. For now I'm just paying attention to my calorie intake and I'm exercising. Just keep pressing on ... people still fail with the lap band but I'm determined that's not going to be me!


I was banded on 3/23/11. I have lost 25 lbs total as of today 5/14/11. That includes the 2 week pre op diet. Here's my problem..................I'm still hungry, and while I did really good post op, as I stayed on liquids, Protein shakes etc....now that I am on solid foods, I can pretty much eat anything with no trouble, and that scares me. I'm still not sure what the band is for. I've had one fill, and I basically have to use willpower, discipline. If I could use willpower alone, I wouldnt have had the surgery. I know that it is just a tool, and I have made significant strides in a new healthy lifestyle and excercise. But so far one fill isnt doing anything for me. I'm starving, bored with the food and frustrated. I feel like I got scammed. The lapband isnt really doing anything for me that I couldnt do for myself.

Anyone else feel like it wasnt worth the money?

I still have 40 lbs or so to lose.

Thanks for your input!

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Also with only 65 lbs to lose, you may lose it slower than with someone who has over 100 lb. And at 2 months out, I may have been below 25 lb lost and I had much more than you to lose. (still have more than 65). I am guessing you were self pay? I'm not saying all self pays are, but I think with those who are self pay, go through the process so quick they don't have time to truly educate themselves on how the band really works. As opposed to with insurance a lot have to go through 6 month diet, I know that gave me time to come here and see how it actually works. I am in no way trying to offend the OP

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It shouldn't matter that you CAN eat anything. I think I probably could too, but I choose not to and work WITH the band and have lost 55 lbs as of today. It sounds as though you may not have had the band explained properly to you. It IS/WAS ridiculously easy to lose weight on the liquid diet and so on, but from solids on out it's a LOT of hard work. You can do it and you'll get to your goal, you just need to work with your band.

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Me too girls. So frustrated. Im with you in that I understood before hand that this was not a miracle "cure" but a tool, but I dont feel like its helping me at all (other than adding to a growing sense of guilt and failure, haha).

At this point I dont really get what its supposed to be doing. I was told on the day of the surgery I would not be hungry for a week, should stick to the liquid diet, etc. I was starving that very night. The day I got my first fill I felt absolutely no restriction and have felt none since then. I just dont get it.

I lost 20 lbs pre-op in about 2 weeks (atkins), and have lost 10 pounds in 4 months since the surgery.

Gar. I dont even have any helpful advice for you. I'm lost.

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i was banded on feb 28 lost 25 pounds so far I too find myself eating a lot my next fill is may 31 i am praying i will eat less!

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I just got my first fill and had no restriction in my band prior to my fill!

Ask yourself these questions.

Are you just getting satisfied instead of full? You have to train your body and especially your brain to feel comfortable instead of full (that is the toughest part with this band for most to understand). My dietician and psychologist at Temple did a great job of explaining it to me prior to surgery! Aim for a NEW feeling of stopping with satisfied!

Are you following the 1/2 hr. Water before and wait 45 min. after you eat for water!!!!! At first I didn't do this and THIS makes all the difference in the world!!!

EAT Protein first!!!! and stay away from complex carbs!!! If you choose to eat them know eat them in moderation!

I am also working on my stress level (stress produces cortisol which has been linked to weight gain), and it burns out your Thyroid!!!

There are a lot more tips, a fill can take up to 3 weeks to work, and you might need several fills before feeling satisfied! I wouldn't give up on the band just be really aware of what you are eating and use this website, I also use myfitnesspal.com and track all that goes in my mouth!

Good luck,


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Also with only 65 lbs to lose, you may lose it slower than with someone who has over 100 lb. And at 2 months out, I may have been below 25 lb lost and I had much more than you to lose. (still have more than 65). I am guessing you were self pay? I'm not saying all self pays are, but I think with those who are self pay, go through the process so quick they don't have time to truly educate themselves on how the band really works. As opposed to with insurance a lot have to go through 6 month diet, I know that gave me time to come here and see how it actually works. I am in no way trying to offend the OP

I am a self pay (Approx. $ 15,000), and yes, I went through my process a lot quicker - hence the self pay. While I agree that a lot of it can have to do with being educated and having the right information, it often has to do with who is giving you that the right information. My information was clear, expectations were set, and my manual for post op has been my guide on how to move through the days after post operation. While I am only approx. 1 week out personally, I know exactly what to expect (except my pain shoulder that finally subsided), and what the surgeon's dietitian and the surgeon informed me of is exactly what is happening. And, being a self pay often has to do with the insurance just not wanting to pay because you are not over weight enough - going through insurance, in my opinion, messes with your head as often if not because they have they so many rules, and now the doctor is working on their guidelines which can at times be a disservice to the patient. Being a self pay makes it ALL about what is desired and discussed between the surgeon and the PT.

I think what MW1973 is saying should be validated here - what she is saying is (and MW1973, correct me if I am wrong): The lap-band is a tool, and it has been "installed" to create a new smaller pouch above the regular the stomach. That sends a message a lot sooner to the brain that you are full, and you stop eating (you feel pressure, perhaps even throw up if you don't chew your food enough or you eat too much for it to fit the new pouch). But, that restriction only happens if the surgeon tightens the band aggressively enough. In other words, if MW1973's surgeon barely tightens the band, then she is essentially right that she is still feeling hungry and IF she has to fight the hunger and urges as she did before surgery, then it is true - the band would essentially be useless. I did not read anywhere that she is expecting all her weight to be gone already. I think she is saying: "I went through all of this to still feel the way I felt before surgery?" If so, it is entirely possible she chose a surgeon who is not very aggressive with the fills, or is not listening.

Having only had my band since Monday, I can say that my surgeon was right on from the get go - I can feel when I have had enough to eat, and yesterday when I was stressed I ate too much tuna. It had nowhere to go and I ended up vomiting. Perfect indicator that my band was tightening appropriately from the beginning.

MW1973 - you know what I would do? Perhaps find another surgeon for fills and find out how much fill you truly have in your band. I think it is worth it and then evaluate from there.

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I had my first fill exactly 4 weeks after my surgery - 4cc! And yet, nothing. 2nd fill one month after that, 2cc more. Started to have restriction, but only now and then. Had my 3rd fill the first of this month. Another 2 cc's for a total of 8 in 3 months.

Only now can I say that the band is doing it's job. Only now can I start to put in practice everything I have been taught about living with the band. I was banded 1/31/11, and it took this long to get here. And I am happy with the results.

I'd say my Dr. is aggressive. But it takes time to get to that point. Obviously different from person to person.

I go back to see him in 2 weeks. Will I get another fill? Depends on what I tell him, and he will know by seeing if I am loosing or not, and how much for the month.

The way I feel right now, I'm fine. MAYBE 1/2 to 1 cc more. We'll see how my weight loss is progressing.

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I was banded May 19, 2011 and I also have about 65 pounds to lose. I have had two fills and I too have no restriction. I dont think the band is a scam. I think it is just that it may take 3-5 fills before proper restriction is reached. It is frustrating. But, try not to beat yourself up and get discouraged. This has happened to a lot of people who have lost all their weight with the band. It just takes time. Try not to let the self righteous get to you either. Some people who have the band act as if they have lost all the weight on their own and the band does not help. If that was the case, they would not have needed the band in the first place. Just try to do what you can on your own and when you reach the "sweet spot" you will be fine. I am hoping for the same thing. I know I am a food addict and compulsive eater and the band has not started working yet. So, I am happy that have not gained. So, I have adjusted my goals accordingly and I am hoping with my 3rd fill I will have some restriction. Best of luck to you!!!


I was banded on 3/23/11. I have lost 25 lbs total as of today 5/14/11. That includes the 2 week pre op diet. Here's my problem..................I'm still hungry, and while I did really good post op, as I stayed on liquids, Protein shakes etc....now that I am on solid foods, I can pretty much eat anything with no trouble, and that scares me. I'm still not sure what the band is for. I've had one fill, and I basically have to use willpower, discipline. If I could use willpower alone, I wouldnt have had the surgery. I know that it is just a tool, and I have made significant strides in a new healthy lifestyle and excercise. But so far one fill isnt doing anything for me. I'm starving, bored with the food and frustrated. I feel like I got scammed. The lapband isnt really doing anything for me that I couldnt do for myself.

Anyone else feel like it wasnt worth the money?

I still have 40 lbs or so to lose.

Thanks for your input!

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I know you posted this months ago. However I am where you were then, today. I would love to hear how you are doing now. It is had to think that I spend the majority of our savings on a surgery that may not be the answer. I know i need to excerise more but hate the idea of it. I have a lapband and it only holds 4cc. The but 1.7 in on my first fill and I still feel hungry and am able to eat more than I want to. I was banded on 5-26 and lost 25 pounds the first month. I have only lost about 5 pounds this month. ON the bright side I am down a clothes size and can see the weight difference even though the scale isn't reflecting it.

Look forward to hearing from you.



I was banded on 3/23/11. I have lost 25 lbs total as of today 5/14/11. That includes the 2 week pre op diet. Here's my problem..................I'm still hungry, and while I did really good post op, as I stayed on liquids, Protein shakes etc....now that I am on solid foods, I can pretty much eat anything with no trouble, and that scares me. I'm still not sure what the band is for. I've had one fill, and I basically have to use willpower, discipline. If I could use willpower alone, I wouldnt have had the surgery. I know that it is just a tool, and I have made significant strides in a new healthy lifestyle and excercise. But so far one fill isnt doing anything for me. I'm starving, bored with the food and frustrated. I feel like I got scammed. The lapband isnt really doing anything for me that I couldnt do for myself.

Anyone else feel like it wasnt worth the money?

I still have 40 lbs or so to lose.

Thanks for your input!

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I know you posted this months ago. However I am where you were then, today. I would love to hear how you are doing now. It is had to think that I spend the majority of our savings on a surgery that may not be the answer. I know i need to excerise more but hate the idea of it. I have a lapband and it only holds 4cc. The but 1.7 in on my first fill and I still feel hungry and am able to eat more than I want to. I was banded on 5-26 and lost 25 pounds the first month. I have only lost about 5 pounds this month. ON the bright side I am down a clothes size and can see the weight difference even though the scale isn't reflecting it.

Look forward to hearing from you.


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I know you posted this months ago. However I am where you were then, today. I would love to hear how you are doing now. It is had to think that I spend the majority of our savings on a surgery that may not be the answer. I know i need to excerise more but hate the idea of it. I have a lapband and it only holds 4cc. The but 1.7 in on my first fill and I still feel hungry and am able to eat more than I want to. I was banded on 5-26 and lost 25 pounds the first month. I have only lost about 5 pounds this month. ON the bright side I am down a clothes size and can see the weight difference even though the scale isn't reflecting it.

Look forward to hearing from you.


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